path: root/src
diff options
authorDaniel Burrows <>2008-12-06 08:33:53 -0800
committerDaniel Burrows <>2008-12-06 08:33:53 -0800
commitcbb4703a44b204b30388cde615f3f34dc0bfbb07 (patch)
tree957abbd34a9145e564c040a56595dc657476cdcb /src
parenta96fd54a2b7965147605fe0c06f0b89566f4b172 (diff)
Create a class that collects the buttons displayed in the package description area.
This makes memory management of the buttons cleaner; it will also make it possible to add new buttons (we were at the limit of how many arguments could be bound via libsigc++).
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 66 insertions, 80 deletions
diff --git a/src/gtk/ b/src/gtk/
index dd9b0b67..a20dee3c 100644
--- a/src/gtk/
+++ b/src/gtk/
@@ -297,9 +297,17 @@ namespace gui
set_label(_("Packages: ") + pLimitEntry->get_text());
- namespace
+ class InfoTabButtons : public Gtk::VButtonBox
- void do_dispatch_action(Entity &e, PackagesAction action)
+ Entity &e;
+ Gtk::Button installButton;
+ Gtk::Button removeButton;
+ Gtk::Button purgeButton;
+ Gtk::Button keepButton;
+ Gtk::Button holdButton;
+ void do_dispatch_action(PackagesAction action)
std::auto_ptr<undo_group> undo(new undo_group);
@@ -311,33 +319,23 @@ namespace gui
- Gtk::Button *insert_button(Gtk::Container *parent,
- const Glib::ustring &buttonText,
- Gtk::StockID stockId,
- const cwidget::util::ref_ptr<Entity> &entity,
- PackagesAction action)
+ void insert_button(Gtk::Button *button,
+ const Glib::ustring &buttonText,
+ Gtk::StockID stockId,
+ PackagesAction action)
- Gtk::Button *button = manage(new Gtk::Button(buttonText));
button->set_image(*manage(new Gtk::Image(stockId, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_BUTTON)));
- button->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::bind(sigc::ptr_fun(&do_dispatch_action),
- entity.weak_ref(),
+ button->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &InfoTabButtons::do_dispatch_action),
+ button->set_label(buttonText);
- parent->add(*button);
- return button;
+ add(*button);
- void update_package_button_states(Entity &entBare,
- // Covers installation, upgrades, and
- // downgrades.
- Gtk::Button &installButton,
- Gtk::Button &removeButton,
- Gtk::Button &purgeButton,
- Gtk::Button &keepButton,
- Gtk::Button &holdButton)
+ void update_package_button_states(const std::set<pkgCache::PkgIterator> *changed_packages)
using cwidget::util::ssprintf;
- cwidget::util::ref_ptr<Entity> ent(&entBare);
+ cwidget::util::ref_ptr<Entity> ent(&e);
cwidget::util::ref_ptr<PkgEntity> pkg_ent = ent.dyn_downcast<PkgEntity>();
pkgCache::PkgIterator pkg;
pkgCache::VerIterator ver;
@@ -351,6 +349,9 @@ namespace gui
if(!pkg_ent.valid() || pkg.end())
+ if(changed_packages->find(pkg) == changed_packages->end())
+ return;
std::set<PackagesAction> actions;
@@ -439,35 +440,48 @@ namespace gui
holdButton.property_sensitive() = (actions.find(Hold) != actions.end());
- // TODO: it would be nice to fold the arguments into a single
- // parameter. The reason this isn't done is that I want the
- // connection to "go away" when the buttons are destroyed; in
- // order for that to work I have to bind directly to the pointers
- // (sigc++ will detect that they implement sigc::trackable).
- void maybe_update_package_button_states(const std::set<pkgCache::PkgIterator> *changed_packages,
- Entity &entBare,
- // Covers installation, upgrades, and
- // downgrades.
- Gtk::Button &installButton,
- Gtk::Button &removeButton,
- Gtk::Button &purgeButton,
- Gtk::Button &keepButton,
- Gtk::Button &holdButton)
+ public:
+ InfoTabButtons(const cwidget::util::ref_ptr<PkgEntity> &_e)
+ : e(*_e.unsafe_get_ref())
- cwidget::util::ref_ptr<Entity> ent(&entBare);
- cwidget::util::ref_ptr<PkgEntity> pkg_ent = ent.dyn_downcast<PkgEntity>();
- if(pkg_ent.valid() &&
- changed_packages != NULL &&
- changed_packages->find(pkg_ent->get_pkg()) != changed_packages->end())
- update_package_button_states(entBare,
- installButton,
- removeButton,
- purgeButton,
- keepButton,
- holdButton);
+ (*apt_cache_file)->package_states_changed.connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &InfoTabButtons::update_package_button_states));
+ std::string name(!_e->get_pkg().end()
+ ? _e->get_pkg().Name()
+ : "??");
+ insert_button(&installButton,
+ "The user should never see this text.", Gtk::Stock::DIALOG_ERROR,
+ Install);
+ insert_button(&removeButton,
+ ssprintf(_("Remove %s"), name.c_str()),
+ Gtk::Stock::REMOVE,
+ Remove);
+ insert_button(&purgeButton,
+ ssprintf(_("Purge %s"), name.c_str()),
+ Gtk::Stock::CLEAR,
+ Purge);
+ insert_button(&keepButton,
+ "The user should not see this text.",
+ Gtk::Stock::MEDIA_REWIND,
+ Keep);
+ insert_button(&holdButton,
+ ssprintf(_("Hold %s at its current version."),
+ name.c_str()),
+ Gtk::Stock::MEDIA_PAUSE,
+ Hold);
+ std::set<pkgCache::PkgIterator> dummy;
+ dummy.insert(_e->get_pkg());
+ update_package_button_states(&dummy);
- }
+ };
struct compare_provider_lists_by_name
@@ -605,48 +619,20 @@ namespace gui
// This all has to be done after we set the buffer anyway.
// TODO: better layout is probably good. Is it?
- if(!pkg.end())
+ if(pkg_ent.valid())
textBuffer->insert(textBuffer->end(), "\n\n");
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TextBuffer::ChildAnchor> button_box_anchor =
- Gtk::ButtonBox *button_box = manage(new Gtk::VButtonBox);
- Gtk::Button *installButton = insert_button(button_box,
- "The user should never see this text.", Gtk::Stock::DIALOG_ERROR,
- ent, Install);
- Gtk::Button *removeButton = insert_button(button_box,
- ssprintf(_("Remove %s"), pkg.Name()),
- Gtk::Stock::REMOVE,
- ent, Remove);
- Gtk::Button *purgeButton = insert_button(button_box,
- ssprintf(_("Purge %s"), pkg.Name()),
- Gtk::Stock::CLEAR,
- ent, Purge);
- Gtk::Button *keepButton = insert_button(button_box,
- "The user should not see this text.",
- Gtk::Stock::MEDIA_REWIND,
- ent, Keep);
- Gtk::Button *holdButton = insert_button(button_box,
- ssprintf(_("Hold %s at its current version."),
- pkg.Name()),
- Gtk::Stock::MEDIA_PAUSE,
- ent, Hold);
- button_box->show_all();
- update_package_button_states(*ent.unsafe_get_ref(),
- *installButton,
- *removeButton,
- *purgeButton,
- *keepButton,
- *holdButton);
+ Gtk::ButtonBox *button_box = manage(new InfoTabButtons(pkg_ent));
+ button_box->show();
pPackagesTextView->add_child_at_anchor(*button_box, button_box_anchor);
// Note the use of sigc::ref / ent.weak_ref() to ensure this
// connection is removed when the buttons are destroyed.
- (*apt_cache_file)->package_states_changed.connect(sigc::bind(sigc::ptr_fun(&maybe_update_package_button_states), ent.weak_ref(), sigc::ref(*installButton), sigc::ref(*removeButton), sigc::ref(*purgeButton), sigc::ref(*keepButton), sigc::ref(*holdButton)));