path: root/tools
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1 files changed, 134 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/resolver-visualize/Dot.hs b/tools/resolver-visualize/Dot.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4072e67e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/resolver-visualize/Dot.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+-- | Haskell code to output files for graphviz's "dot".
+-- This is a thin wrapper; it doesn't attempt to typecheck things like
+-- attribute values.
+module Dot(
+ Digraph, Node, Edge,
+ AttributeValue, Attributed,
+ Name(), AttrValue(),
+ name, attrValue,
+ node, edge,
+ genNodes
+ )
+ where
+import qualified Data.List as List
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+newtype Name = Name String deriving(Eq, Ord)
+newtype AttrValue = AttrValue String deriving(Eq, Ord)
+name :: String -> Name
+name = Name
+attrValue :: String -> AttrValue
+attrValue = AttrValue
+instance Show Name where
+ showsPrec _ (Name n) = shows n
+instance Show AttrValue where
+ showsPrec _ (AttrValue v) = shows v
+intersperse = List.intersperse
+foldl' = List.foldl'
+class AttributeValue v where
+ valueString :: v -> AttrValue
+instance AttributeValue Integer where
+ valueString = attrValue . show
+instance AttributeValue Int where
+ valueString = attrValue . show
+instance AttributeValue AttrValue where
+ valueString = id
+instance AttributeValue BS.ByteString where
+ valueString = attrValue . show
+-- Nothing represents an attribute with no value, like "decorate".
+type Attributes = Map.Map Name (Maybe AttrValue)
+class Attributed a where
+ addAttribute :: a -> Name -> (Maybe AttrValue) -> a
+(.=) :: (Attributed a, AttributeValue v) => a -> (String, v) -> a
+a .= (nameString, v) = addAttribute a (name nameString) (Just $ valueString v)
+(.!) :: Attributed a => a -> Name -> a
+a .! name = addAttribute a name Nothing
+data Digraph = Digraph { digraphNodes :: [Node],
+ digraphEdges :: [Edge],
+ digraphAttributes :: Attributes }
+data Node = Node { nodeName :: Name,
+ nodeAttributes :: Attributes }
+data Edge = Edge { edgeFrom :: Node,
+ edgeTo :: Node,
+ edgeAttributes :: Attributes }
+node :: Name -> Node
+node name = Node { nodeName = name,
+ nodeAttributes = Map.empty }
+edge :: Node -> Node -> Edge
+edge from to = Edge { edgeFrom = from,
+ edgeTo = to,
+ edgeAttributes = Map.empty }
+-- | An infinite list of nodes with arbitrary names.
+genNodes = [node (name $ "node" ++ show n) | n <- [1..]]
+instance Attributed Digraph where
+ addAttribute dg name value = dg { digraphAttributes = Map.insert name value (digraphAttributes dg) }
+instance Attributed Node where
+ addAttribute n name value = n { nodeAttributes = Map.insert name value (nodeAttributes n) }
+instance Attributed Edge where
+ addAttribute e name value = e { edgeAttributes = Map.insert name value (edgeAttributes e) }
+showsAttribute :: Name -> Maybe AttrValue -> ShowS
+showsAttriubte (Name name) Nothing = shows name
+showsAttribute (Name name) (Just (AttrValue value)) =
+ shows name . ('=':) . shows value
+showsAttributes :: Attributes -> ShowS
+showsAttributes as = if Map.null as
+ then id
+ else let listEntries =
+ (intersperse (", "++)
+ [showsAttribute name value
+ | (name, value) <- Map.toList as]) in
+ (" ["++) . foldl' (.) id listEntries . (']':)
+instance Show Node where
+ showsPrec _ n = shows (nodeName n) . showsAttributes (nodeAttributes n)
+instance Show Edge where
+ showsPrec _ e = shows (nodeName $ edgeFrom e) . (" -> "++) .
+ shows (nodeName $ edgeTo e) . showsAttributes (edgeAttributes e)
+instance Show Digraph where
+ showsPrec _ dg = let nodes = map (.(";\n"++)) [(" "++) . shows n
+ | n <- digraphNodes dg]
+ edges = map (.(";\n"++)) [(" "++) . shows e
+ | e <- digraphEdges dg]
+ attrs = map (.(";\n"++)) [(" "++) . showsAttribute k v
+ | (k, v) <- Map.toList $ digraphAttributes dg]
+ lines = foldl' (.) id $
+ intersperse ("\n"++) (foldNonEmpty [attrs, nodes, edges])
+ in
+ ("digraph {\n"++) . lines . ("}"++)
+ where foldNonEmpty lst = [foldl' (.) id x | x <- lst, not (null x)]