// solution_item.cc // // Copyright (C) 2005, 2007, 2009 Daniel Burrows // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to // the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, // Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. #include "solution_item.h" #include "aptitude.h" #include "pkg_info_screen.h" #include "solution_fragment.h" #include "ui.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; namespace cw = cwidget; namespace cwidget { using namespace widgets; } action_type analyze_action(const aptitude_universe::version &ver) { pkgCache::PkgIterator pkg=ver.get_pkg(); pkgCache::VerIterator curver=pkg.CurrentVer(); pkgCache::VerIterator newver=ver.get_ver(); if(curver.end() || pkg->CurrentState == pkgCache::State::ConfigFiles) { if(newver.end()) return action_keep; else return action_install; } else if(newver.end()) return action_remove; else if(newver == curver) return action_keep; else { int cmp=_system->VS->CmpVersion(curver.VerStr(), newver.VerStr()); // The versions shouldn't be equal -- otherwise // something is majorly wrong. // eassert(cmp!=0); // // The above is not true: consider, eg, the case of a // locally compiled package and a standard package. /** \todo indicate "sidegrades" separately? */ if(cmp <= 0) return action_upgrade; else return action_downgrade; } } /** \return a description of what will happen if the given version * is installed. */ static cw::fragment *action_description(const aptitude_resolver_version &ver) { pkgCache::PkgIterator pkg = ver.get_pkg(); switch(analyze_action(ver)) { case action_remove: return cw::fragf(_("Remove %F [%s (%s)]"), cw::text_fragment(pkg.Name(), cw::style_attrs_on(A_BOLD)), pkg.CurrentVer().VerStr(), archives_text(pkg.CurrentVer()).c_str()); break; case action_install: return cw::fragf(_("Install %F [%s (%s)]"), cw::text_fragment(pkg.Name(), cw::style_attrs_on(A_BOLD)), ver.get_ver().VerStr(), archives_text(ver.get_ver()).c_str()); break; case action_keep: if(ver.get_ver().end()) return cw::fragf(_("Cancel the installation of %F"), cw::text_fragment(pkg.Name(), cw::style_attrs_on(A_BOLD))); else if(ver.get_package().current_version().get_ver().end()) return cw::fragf(_("Cancel the removal of %F"), cw::text_fragment(pkg.Name(), cw::style_attrs_on(A_BOLD))); else return cw::fragf(_("Keep %F at version %s (%s)"), cw::text_fragment(pkg.Name(), cw::style_attrs_on(A_BOLD)), ver.get_ver().VerStr(), archives_text(ver.get_ver()).c_str()); break; case action_upgrade: return cw::fragf(_("Upgrade %F [%s (%s) -> %s (%s)]"), cw::text_fragment(pkg.Name(), cw::style_attrs_on(A_BOLD)), pkg.CurrentVer().VerStr(), archives_text(pkg.CurrentVer()).c_str(), ver.get_ver().VerStr(), archives_text(ver.get_ver()).c_str()); break; case action_downgrade: return cw::fragf(_("Downgrade %F [%s (%s) -> %s (%s)]"), cw::text_fragment(pkg.Name(), cw::style_attrs_on(A_BOLD)), pkg.CurrentVer().VerStr(), archives_text(pkg.CurrentVer()).c_str(), ver.get_ver().VerStr(), archives_text(ver.get_ver()).c_str()); break; default: // Impossible. abort(); } abort(); } const wchar_t *solution_item::tag() { return L""; } const wchar_t *solution_item::label() { return L""; } cw::style solution_item::get_normal_style() { if(is_rejected()) return cw::get_style("SolutionActionRejected"); else if(is_mandatory()) return cw::get_style("SolutionActionApproved"); else return cw::style(); } bool solution_item::dispatch_key(const cw::config::key &k, cw::tree *owner) { if(cw::config::global_bindings.key_matches(k, "SolutionActionReject")) { toggle_rejected(); owner->line_down(); } else if(cw::config::global_bindings.key_matches(k, "SolutionActionApprove")) { toggle_mandated(); owner->line_down(); } else return cw::treeitem::dispatch_key(k, owner); return true; } //////////////////////////// Menu Redirections ////////////////////////// bool solution_item::resolver_toggle_approved() { toggle_mandated(); return true; } bool solution_item::resolver_toggle_approved_enabled() { return true; } bool solution_item::resolver_toggle_rejected() { toggle_rejected(); return true; } bool solution_item::resolver_toggle_rejected_enabled() { return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool solution_act_item::is_rejected() { eassert(resman->resolver_exists()); return resman->is_rejected(ver); } bool solution_act_item::is_mandatory() { eassert(resman->resolver_exists()); return resman->is_mandatory(ver); } void solution_act_item::reject() { resman->reject_version(ver); } void solution_act_item::unreject() { resman->unreject_version(ver); } void solution_act_item::mandate() { resman->mandate_version(ver); } void solution_act_item::unmandate() { resman->unmandate_version(ver); } void solution_act_item::do_highlighted_changed(bool highlighted) { if(highlighted) { if(apt_cache_file == NULL) { set_short_description(cw::fragf("")); set_active_dep(aptitude_resolver_dep()); return; } pkgCache::VerIterator real_ver = ver.get_ver(); if(real_ver.end()) real_ver = ver.get_package().current_version().get_ver(); if(real_ver.end()) real_ver = ver.get_pkg().VersionList(); if(real_ver.end() || real_ver.FileList().end() || apt_package_records == NULL) set_short_description(cw::fragf("")); else set_short_description(cw::text_fragment(get_short_description(real_ver, apt_package_records))); set_active_dep(d); } else { set_short_description(cw::fragf("")); set_active_dep(aptitude_resolver_dep()); } } void solution_act_item::show_target_info() { pkgCache::VerIterator real_ver = ver.get_ver(); pkgCache::PkgIterator pkg = ver.get_pkg(); if(real_ver.end()) real_ver = ver.get_package().current_version().get_ver(); if(real_ver.end()) real_ver = pkg.VersionList(); // Show information about the corresponding package/version. insert_main_widget(make_info_screen(pkg, real_ver), ssprintf(_("%s info"), pkg.Name()), "", ssprintf(_("Information about %s"), pkg.Name())); } bool solution_act_item::dispatch_key(const cw::config::key &k, cw::tree *owner) { if(cw::config::global_bindings.key_matches(k, "InfoScreen")) { show_target_info(); return true; } else return solution_item::dispatch_key(k, owner); } void solution_act_item::paint(cw::tree *win, int y, bool hierarchical, const cw::style &st) { unsigned int basex = hierarchical ? 2*get_depth() : 0; unsigned int width = win->getmaxx(); unsigned int x = 0; win->move(y, 0); if(x < width) { if(is_rejected()) win->addch('R'); // For "reject" else if(is_mandatory()) win->addch('A'); // For "accept" else win->addch(' '); ++x; } if(x < width) { win->addch(' '); ++x; } while(x < width && x < basex) { win->addch(' '); ++x; } if(x < width) { win->addch('-'); ++x; } if(x < width) { win->addch('>'); ++x; } if(x < width) { win->addch(' '); ++x; } cw::fragment *f = clipbox(action_description(ver)); cw::fragment_contents c = f->layout(width-x, width-x, st); delete f; eassert(c.size() < 2); if(c.size() > 0) { const cw::fragment_line &l = c.front(); cw::fragment_line::const_iterator loc = l.begin(); while(loc != l.end() && x < width) { win->attrset(loc->attrs); win->add_wch(loc->ch); x += wcwidth(loc->ch); ++loc; } } win->apply_style(st); while(x < width) { win->addch(' '); ++x; } } bool solution_act_item::view_target_enabled() { return true; } bool solution_act_item::view_target() { show_target_info(); return true; } void solution_act_item_bare::paint(cw::tree *win, int y, bool hierarchical, const cw::style &st) { unsigned int basex = hierarchical ? 2*get_depth() : 0; unsigned int width = win->getmaxx(); unsigned int x = 0; win->move(y, 0); if(x < width) { if(is_rejected()) win->addch('R'); // For "reject" else if(is_mandatory()) win->addch('A'); // For "accept" else win->addch(' '); ++x; } if(x < width) { win->addch(' '); ++x; } while(x < width && x < basex) { win->addch(' '); ++x; } win->apply_style(st+cw::style_attrs_on(A_BOLD)); aptitude_universe::version ver = get_ver(); const char *name = ver.get_pkg().Name(); while(x < width && *name) { win->addch(*name); ++name; ++x; } // Ensure that at least one space separates the two columns. if(x < width) { win->addch(' '); ++x; } win->apply_style(st); string righttext; pkgCache::VerIterator currver = ver.get_pkg().CurrentVer(); if(currver.end() || ver.get_ver().end() || currver == ver.get_ver()) { pkgCache::VerIterator dispv = currver; if(dispv.end()) dispv = ver.get_ver(); if(dispv.end()) righttext = "[UNINST]"; else righttext = ssprintf("[%s (%s)]", dispv.VerStr(), archives_text(dispv).c_str()); } else { righttext = "["; if(currver.end()) righttext += "UNINST"; else { righttext += currver.VerStr(); righttext += " "; righttext += archives_text(currver); } righttext += " -> "; if(ver.get_ver().end()) righttext += "UNINST"; else { righttext += ver.get_ver().VerStr(); righttext += " "; righttext += archives_text(ver.get_ver()); } righttext += "]"; } unsigned int startx; if(x+righttext.size() >= width) startx = x; else startx = width-righttext.size(); while(x < startx) { win->addch(' '); ++x; } unsigned int rightloc = 0; while(x < width && rightloc < righttext.size()) { win->addch(righttext[rightloc]); ++rightloc; ++x; } } bool solution_unresolved_item::is_rejected() { return resman->is_hardened(d); } bool solution_unresolved_item::is_mandatory() { return resman->is_approved_broken(d); } void solution_unresolved_item::do_highlighted_changed(bool highlighted) { if(highlighted) { if(apt_cache_file == NULL) set_active_dep(aptitude_resolver_dep()); else set_active_dep(d); } else { set_active_dep(aptitude_resolver_dep()); } } void solution_unresolved_item::reject() { resman->harden_dep(d); } void solution_unresolved_item::unreject() { resman->unharden_dep(d); } void solution_unresolved_item::mandate() { resman->approve_broken_dep(d); } void solution_unresolved_item::unmandate() { resman->unapprove_broken_dep(d); } void solution_unresolved_item::paint(cw::tree *win, int y, bool hierarchical, const cw::style &st) { unsigned int basex = hierarchical ? 2*get_depth() : 0; unsigned int width = win->getmaxx(); unsigned int x = 0; win->move(y, 0); if(x < width) { if(is_rejected()) win->addch('R'); // For "reject" else if(is_mandatory()) win->addch('A'); // For "accept" else win->addch(' '); ++x; } if(x < width) { win->addch(' '); ++x; } while(x < width && x < basex) { win->addch(' '); ++x; } wstring text; if(!fully_explained) text = swsprintf(W_("%s recommends %s").c_str(), d.get_dep().ParentPkg().Name(), dep_targets(d.get_dep()).c_str()); else text = swsprintf(W_("-> Leave the dependency \"%s recommends %s\" unresolved.").c_str(), d.get_dep().ParentPkg().Name(), dep_targets(d.get_dep()).c_str()); wstring::const_iterator loc = text.begin(); while(loc != text.end() && x < width) { win->add_wch(*loc); x += wcwidth(*loc); ++loc; } while(x < width) { win->addch(' '); ++x; } }