// solution_item.h -*-c++-*- // // Copyright (C) 2005, 2007 Daniel Burrows // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to // the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, // Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. // // Tree items that represent the contents of a solution. #ifndef SOLUTION_ITEM_H #define SOLUTION_ITEM_H #include "menu_redirect.h" #include #include #include #include class fragment; class solution_item : public vs_treeitem, public menu_redirect { public: const wchar_t *tag(); const wchar_t *label(); /** \return \b true if this item is rejected. */ virtual bool is_rejected() = 0; /** \return \b true if this item is mandatory. */ virtual bool is_mandatory() = 0; /** Reject this item. */ virtual void reject() = 0; /** Cancel the rejection of this item. */ virtual void unreject() = 0; /** Make this item mandatory. */ virtual void mandate() = 0; /** Make this item not mandatory. */ virtual void unmandate() = 0; void toggle_rejected() { if(!is_rejected()) reject(); else unreject(); } void toggle_mandated() { if(!is_mandatory()) mandate(); else unmandate(); } style get_normal_style(); bool dispatch_key(const key &k, vs_tree *owner); // Menu redirections: bool resolver_toggle_approved(); bool resolver_toggle_approved_enabled(); bool resolver_toggle_rejected(); bool resolver_toggle_rejected_enabled(); }; class solution_act_item : public solution_item { aptitude_universe::version ver; aptitude_universe::dep d; /** A callback to be invoked with a fragment-based description of * this item. */ sigc::slot1 set_short_description; /** A callback to be invoked with the dependency corresponding to this item. */ sigc::slot1 set_active_dep; void do_highlighted_changed(bool highlighted); public: /** Create a solution_act_item. * * \param act the action that this item corresponds to * \param _set_short_description a callback to be invoked with a * brief description of this item when it is selected * \param _set_active_dep a callback to be invoked with the dependency * corresponding to this item when the item is selected */ solution_act_item(const generic_solution::action &act, const sigc::slot1 &_set_short_description, const sigc::slot1 &_set_active_dep) :ver(act.ver), d(act.d), set_short_description(_set_short_description), set_active_dep(_set_active_dep) { highlighted_changed.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &solution_act_item::do_highlighted_changed)); } bool is_rejected(); bool is_mandatory(); void reject(); void unreject(); void mandate(); void unmandate(); void show_target_info(); aptitude_universe::version get_ver() const { return ver; } bool dispatch_key(const key &k, vs_tree *owner); void paint(vs_tree *win, int y, bool hierarchical, const style &st); // Menu redirections. bool view_target_enabled(); bool view_target(); }; /** Like a solution_act_item, but the display doesn't include the * descriptive verb ("install" or whatever). */ class solution_act_item_bare : public solution_act_item { public: solution_act_item_bare(const generic_solution::action &act, const sigc::slot1 &set_short_description, const sigc::slot1 &set_active_dep) :solution_act_item(act, set_short_description, set_active_dep) { } void paint(vs_tree *win, int y, bool hierarchical, const style &st); }; /** A solution item corresponding to leaving a dependency unresolved. */ class solution_unresolved_item : public solution_item { aptitude_universe::dep d; /** If \b true, then a brief explanation about what this item is * (suitable for inclusion in a list of alternatives) will be * displayed. */ bool fully_explained; sigc::slot1 set_active_dep; void do_highlighted_changed(bool highlighted); public: solution_unresolved_item(const aptitude_universe::dep &_d, bool _fully_explained, const sigc::slot1 &_set_active_dep) :d(_d), fully_explained(_fully_explained), set_active_dep(_set_active_dep) { highlighted_changed.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &solution_unresolved_item::do_highlighted_changed)); } bool is_rejected(); bool is_mandatory(); void reject(); void unreject(); void mandate(); void unmandate(); void paint(vs_tree *win, int y, bool hierarchical, const style &st); }; enum action_type {action_remove, action_keep, action_install, action_downgrade, action_upgrade}; /** A simpler version of find_pkg_state that doesn't care about * automaticness. Provided here because it's used by the solution * item and screen, but should probably migrate to generic/ * eventually. */ action_type analyze_action(const aptitude_universe::version &ver); #endif