// test_resolver_hints.cc -*-c++-*- // // Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Daniel Burrows // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to // the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, // Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. // // A test of the resolver-hint structure. #include <generic/apt/aptitude_resolver.h> #include <generic/problemresolver/cost.h> #include <generic/problemresolver/cost_limits.h> #include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h> #include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp> using namespace aptitude::matching; namespace { typedef aptitude_resolver::hint hint; struct test { // A string version of the hint. std::string text; // The resolver hint. aptitude_resolver::hint h; test(const std::string &_text, const hint &_h) : text(_text), h(_h) { } }; const test resolver_tests[] = { test("40 g++", hint::make_tweak_score(pattern::make_exact_name("g++"), hint::version_selection::make_inst(), 40)), test("-143 aptitude <4.3.0", hint::make_tweak_score(pattern::make_exact_name("aptitude"), hint::version_selection::make_version(hint::version_selection::less_than, "4.3.0"), -143)), test("+621 ?section(games) /unstable", hint::make_tweak_score(pattern::make_section("games"), hint::version_selection::make_archive("unstable"), 621)), test("reject libc6 <=0.5.0", hint::make_reject(pattern::make_exact_name("libc6"), hint::version_selection::make_version(hint::version_selection::less_than_or_equal_to, "0.5.0"))), test("approve entropy =0", hint::make_mandate(pattern::make_exact_name("entropy"), hint::version_selection::make_version(hint::version_selection::equal_to, "0"))), test("approve entropy 1", hint::make_mandate(pattern::make_exact_name("entropy"), hint::version_selection::make_version(hint::version_selection::equal_to, "1"))), test("reject aptitude :UNINST", hint::make_reject(pattern::make_exact_name("aptitude"), hint::version_selection::make_uninst())), test("+29387 xmonad >=", hint::make_tweak_score(pattern::make_exact_name("xmonad"), hint::version_selection::make_version(hint::version_selection::greater_than_or_equal_to, ""), 29387)), test("approve dc >1", hint::make_mandate(pattern::make_exact_name("dc"), hint::version_selection::make_version(hint::version_selection::greater_than, "1"))), test("reject ?task(desktop) <>4.0", hint::make_reject(pattern::make_task("desktop"), hint::version_selection::make_version(hint::version_selection::not_equal_to, "4.0"))), test("increase-tier-to 100 wesnoth <5.0.0", hint::make_raise_cost_component(pattern::make_exact_name("wesnoth"), hint::version_selection::make_version(hint::version_selection::less_than, "5.0.0"), "safety", 100)), test("increase-tier-to maximum xroach", hint::make_raise_cost_component(pattern::make_exact_name("xroach"), hint::version_selection::make_inst(), "safety", INT_MAX)), test("increase-tier-to conflict xroach", hint::make_discard(pattern::make_exact_name("xroach"), hint::version_selection::make_inst())), test("increase-tier-to discard bob", hint::make_discard(pattern::make_exact_name("bob"), hint::version_selection::make_inst())), test("increase-tier-to 800 xroach", hint::make_raise_cost_component(pattern::make_exact_name("xroach"), hint::version_selection::make_inst(), "safety", 800)), test("add-to-cost-component nadaComponent 45 nada", hint::make_add_to_cost_component(pattern::make_exact_name("nada"), hint::version_selection::make_inst(), "nadaComponent", 45)), test("raise-cost-component albertComponent 299 albert", hint::make_raise_cost_component(pattern::make_exact_name("albert"), hint::version_selection::make_inst(), "albertComponent", 299)), test("discard albert", hint::make_discard(pattern::make_exact_name("albert"), hint::version_selection::make_inst())), test("discard xyzzy /unstable", hint::make_discard(pattern::make_exact_name("xyzzy"), hint::version_selection::make_archive("unstable"))), }; const int num_resolver_tests = sizeof(resolver_tests) / sizeof(resolver_tests[0]); } class ResolverHintsTest : public CppUnit::TestFixture { CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE(ResolverHintsTest); CPPUNIT_TEST(testHintParse); CPPUNIT_TEST(testHintCopy); CPPUNIT_TEST(testHintOrdering); CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END(); public: void testHintParse() { for(int i = 0; i < num_resolver_tests; ++i) { // \todo When we have an operator<< to write out hints, we // should use ASSERT_EQUAL to get better messages. const test &t(resolver_tests[i]); hint h; CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Parsing " + t.text, hint::parse(t.text, h)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Checking " + t.text + ": " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(h) + " == " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(t.h), h == t.h); } // Try some failure cases too. hint dummy; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!hint::parse("", dummy)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!hint::parse("823", dummy)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!hint::parse("badact target", dummy)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!hint::parse("approve ?version(423 1234)", dummy)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!hint::parse("approve ?version(3425", dummy)); } void testHintCopy() { for(int i = 0; i < num_resolver_tests; ++i) { hint h(resolver_tests[i].h); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Testing copy constructor: ", h == resolver_tests[i].h); hint h2; h2 = resolver_tests[i].h; CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Testing operator=: ", h2 == resolver_tests[i].h); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Testing operator= and copy constructor: ", h == h2); } } void testHintOrdering() { // Brute-force verification of the axioms of a total ordering. // Uses the fact that all the hints in the test array are // different. for(int i = 0; i < num_resolver_tests; ++i) for(int j = 0; j < num_resolver_tests; ++j) { const hint &hi(resolver_tests[i].h); const hint &hj(resolver_tests[j].h); // Test consistency with .compare(). int cmp = hi.compare(hj); if(cmp < 0) { CPPUNIT_ASSERT(hi < hj); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(hi <= hj); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!(hi == hj)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(hi != hj); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!(hi >= hj)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!(hi > hj)); } else if(cmp == 0) { CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!(hi < hj)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(hi <= hj); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(hi == hj); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!(hi != hj)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(hi >= hj); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!(hi > hj)); } else // if(cmp > 0) { CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!(hi < hj)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!(hi <= hj)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!(hi == hj)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(hi != hj); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(hi >= hj); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(hi > hj); } // Check that identity comparisons work (x == x' <=> x is x'). // // Check that for all x, x <= x and x >= x, and also !(x<x) // and !(x>x). if(i == j) { CPPUNIT_ASSERT(hi == hj); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(hi >= hj); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(hi <= hj); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!(hi != hj)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!(hi < hj)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!(hi > hj)); } else { CPPUNIT_ASSERT(hi != hj); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!(hi == hj)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(hi > hj || hi < hj); if(hi > hj) { CPPUNIT_ASSERT(hi >= hj); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!(hi < hj)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!(hi <= hj)); } if(hi < hj) { CPPUNIT_ASSERT(hi <= hj); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!(hi > hj)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!(hi >= hj)); } } for(int k = 0; k < num_resolver_tests; ++k) { const hint &hk(resolver_tests[k].h); // Test transitivity -- testing both or-equal and not-equal // variants might be excessive? if(hi <= hj && hj <= hk) CPPUNIT_ASSERT(hi <= hk); if(hi < hj && hj < hk) CPPUNIT_ASSERT(hi < hk); if(hi >= hj && hj >= hk) CPPUNIT_ASSERT(hi >= hk); if(hi > hj && hj > hk) CPPUNIT_ASSERT(hi > hk); } } } }; CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION(ResolverHintsTest);