path: root/contrib/idn/mdnkit/doc/en/spec/dnsproxy.html
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-<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN">
-<!-- $Id: dnsproxy.html,v 1.1 2001/03/05 12:58:02 tale Exp $ -->
-<title>dnsproxy specification</title>
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=Shift_JIS">
-<h2><a name="overview">概要</a></h2>
-<h2><a name="overview">Overview</a></h2>
-dnsproxy receives DNS requests including local code-based multilingual domain names from the client and converts them to domain names that can be accepted by the multilingual DNS. In reverse, it returns multilingual domain names included in responses from the DNS to a format that can be recognized by the client side.
-<p>Because of this, the client can use various multilingual domain names without modification.
-From the DNS server's point of view, because of client + dnsproxy, the client operates as if it supports multilingual domain names.
-ただし、dnsproxy が正しく動作するには、クライアントのリゾルバライブラリが
-ようになっている必要があります。残念ながら現在 UNIX のリゾルバライブラリの
-多くは 8ビットスルーではないので、そのままでは dnsproxy を用いても
-However, in order for dnsproxy to operate correctly, it is necessary for the resolver library of the client to transmit domain names in local encoding as is and does not cause an error. Regretably, many current UNIX resolver libraries are not 8-bit through and they cannot support multilingual domain names even when dnsproxy is used. In such cases, it is necessary to use the following methods.
-<li><a href="spec.html#eightbitthru-patch">BIND-8 の8ビットスルーパッチ</a>
-<li>Use resolver library for which <a href="spec.html#eightbitthru-patch">8-bit through patch of BIND-8</a> is applied
-<li>dnsproxy の代わりに <a href="runmdn.html">runmdn</a> や
-<a href="bind9.html">BIND-9 パッチ</a> を使用する
-<li>Instead of dnsproxy, use <a href="runmdn.html">runmdn</a> or <a href="bind9.html">BIND-9 patch</a>.
-<h2><a name="invoke">起動</a></h2>
-<h2><a name="invoke">Usage</a></h2>
-$ dnsproxy [<i>オプション...</i>]
-$ dnsproxy [<i>Option...</i>]
-<h2><a name="options">オプション</a></h2>
-<h2><a name="options">Option</a></h2>
-<dt><a name="opt-daemon">-daemon</a>
-dnsproxy is activated as a daemon.
-<dt><a name="opt-config">-config <i>config-file</i></a>
-詳しくは<a href="#config">コンフィギュレーション</a>の
-Indicates the configuration file. When the command line does is not used to indicate a configuration file, the default configuration file is used. The details of this are explained in the <a href="#config">Configuration</a> section.
-<dt><a name="opt-logfile">-logfile <i>log-file</i></a>
-Specifies the file name for dnsproxy to output the execution log. Unless otherwise specified, the execution log is output to the log file specified by the configuration file or the default log file.
-<h2><a name="config">コンフィギュレーション</a></h2>
-<h2><a name="config">Configuration</a></h2>
-The configuration information is written in the configuration file.
-The configuration file can be specified by the command line upon activation of <b>dnsproxy</b>.
-% <kbd>dnsproxy -config &lt;config-file&gt;</kbd>
- /usr/local/etc
- dnsproxy.conf
- configure --sysconfdir=DIR
-<p>When the configuration file is not specified by the command line, the default configuration file is used.
-The default configuration file is located in
- dnsproxy.conf
- /usr/local/etc
-The directory can be specified by
- configure --sysconfdir=DIR
-when mDNkit is created.
-The configuration file is a text file and specifies the following configuration data.
-<dt><a name="listen">listen</a><dd>
-Specifies the network address and port number used by dnsproxy to accept requests from the client.
- listen &lt;address&gt;
-<p>&lt;address&gt; is specified using one of the following formats.
-<tr><td>&lt;IP address&gt;:&lt;port number&gt;</td></tr>
-<tr><td>:&lt;port number&gt;</td></tr>
-<tr><td>&lt;IP address&gt;</td></tr>
-<br>When omitted
-<tr><td>IP address</td><td> # INADDR_ANY</td></tr>
-<tr><td>port number</td><td>53</td></tr>
-<br>is used.
-<dt><a name="forward">forward</a><dd>
-dnsproxy specifies the original network address and port number of the DNS server that transfers DNS requests and accepts responses.
- forward &lt;address&gt; [ bind4compat ]
-&lt;address&gt;の形式は上の<a href="#listen">listen</a>のものと同じです。
-<br>&lt;address&gt; format is the same as the above <a href="#listen">listen</a>.
-オプションの <b>bind4compat</b>が指示された場合には、
-<p>When an option <b>bind4compat</b> is specified, the address/port specified by listen is used as the source address when a request is transferred via UDP.
-<dt><a name="log-file">log-file</a><dd>
-Specifies the file name for dnsproxy to output the execution log.
- log-file &lt;path&gt;
-<p>The log file name can be specified by the following command line option. When both are specified, priority is given to the command line option specification.
- dnsproxy -logfile &lt;address&gt;
- /tmp/dnsproxy.log
-<p>When the log file name is not specified, the execution log is output to
- /tmp/dnsproxy.log
-<dt><a name="log-level">log-level</a><dd>
-<p>Sets the log level.
- log-level &lt;level&gt;
-<p>The level values that can be specified are as follows.
-<dt>none<dd>Logs are not recorded at all.
-<dt>fatal<dd>Records only fatal errors.
-<dt>warn<dd>Records warning messages as well.
-<dt>trace<dd>Records execution trace messages as well.
-<p>指定しなかった場合のデフォルトは warn です。
-<p>When the value is not specified, the default is warn.
-<p>none を指定した場合、ログファイルは作成されません。
-<p>When none is specified, no log file is created.
-<p>trace レベルを指定すると大量のログが出力されるので、短時間で
-<p>Use care that when the trace level is specified, large log files are output and it is possible that the log file can become very large in a short period of time.
-<dt><a name="client-translation">client-translation</a><dd>
-<p>Indicates the encoding of the domain name at the client side.
- client-translation &lt;ZLD&gt; &lt;Encoding&gt;
-<p>When the client does not support multilingual domain names, usually the local encoding used by the client is used. In such a case, use the following form
- client-translation . Shift_JIS
-<p>and with no &lt;ZLD&gt;.
-区別するために ZLD (Zero Level Domain) を付加するものがあります。
-Depending on the multilingual domain name method used, the client side encodes multilingual domain names so that the usual DNS can accept them and adds ZLD (Zero Level Domain) in order to distinguish them from the usual domain names.
-In such cases, by associating the added ZLD and encoding method of the domain name at that time, it becomes possible to use DNS servers that use another multilingual domain name method.
- client-translation UTF-5
-ZLD が異なっていれば、複数指定することができます。
-<p>More than one encoding method can be specified for domain names at the client side when the ZLD is different.
-ただし、mDNkit のデフォルトの設定では ZLD の指定はできないように
-なっています。ZLD を使用するためには、mDNkit のコンパイルの際、
-<tt>configure</tt> コマンドに
-<a href="../guide/install.html#enable-zld"><tt>--enable-zld</tt></a>
-この指定をせずに mDNkit をコンパイルした場合には、ZLD の指定は
-However, ZLD cannot be specified with the default setting of mDNkit. In order to use ZLD, it is necessary to specify <a href="../guide/install.html#enable-zld"><tt>--enable-zld</tt></a> in the <tt>configure</tt> command when compiling mDNkit.
-If mDNkit is compiled without this specification, ZLDs are all ignored even though they may be specified.
-The domain name of the DNS request sent from the client is converted from the specified encoding to the internally used UTF-8 encoding.
-Then, normalization (explained below) and conversion to the server side encoding are performed and it is output to the DNS server. Also, the response from the DNS server is converted back to the orginal encoding and is returned to the client.
-使用するiconv ライブラリに依存します。
-iconv ライブラリによって、エンコーディング名が異なっている
-Encoding names that can be specified here depend on libmdn attached to mDNkit and iconv library used.
-Encoding names may differ depending on the iconv library. Refer to the manual of the library and check the encoding names that can be used.
-With the attached libmdn, in addition to the coding provided by iconv, the following proposed multilingual DNS coding methods are supported.
- <td><a href="../../reference/draft/draft-jseng-utf5-01.txt">draft-jseng-utf5-01.txt</a></td>
- </tr>
- <td><a href="../../reference/draft/draft-ietf-idn-race-02.txt">draft-ietf-idn-race-02.txt</a></td>
- </tr>
- <td><a href="../../reference/draft/draft-ietf-idn-brace-00.txt">draft-ietf-idn-brace-00.txt</a></td>
- </tr>
- <td><a href="../../reference/draft/draft-ietf-idn-lace-00.txt">draft-ietf-idn-lace-00.txt</a></td>
- </tr>
-<dt><a name="alternate-encoding">alternate-encoding</a>
-<p>DNS サーバから返されたドメイン名がクライアントのローカルエンコーディングに
-<p>When a domain name returned from the DNS server includes characters that cannot be converted to the local encoding used by the client, this specifies the encoding to be used instead of local encoding.
- alternate-encoding &lt;Encoding&gt;
-指定するエンコーディングは必ず「ASCII互換エンコーディング (ACE)」と呼ばれる、
-変換結果が従来のドメイン名として使用可能な文字 (英数字およびハイフン) だけ
-からなるエンコーディングでなければなりません。たとえば ASCII 互換
-エンコーディングの一つである RACE を指定する場合には次のように指定します。
-<p>The specified encoding must be "ASCII-conpatible encoding (ACE)" so that the conversion result consists of only characters (alphanumeric characters and hyphens) that are used in conventional domain names. For example, to specify RACE (one type of ASCII-compatible encoding), specify as follows.
- alternate-encoding RACE
-<dt><a name="normalize">normalize</a><dd>
-Specifies the normalization method used for domain names.
- normalize &lt;scheme&gt; ...
-<p>More than one normalization method can be specified and they are applied in order starting from the left side.
-Domain names in the DNS request sent from the client are converted to internally used UTF-8 encoding and then the normalization specified here is applied.
-The following normalization methods can be specified.
-<a href="../spec/library.html">libmdnのマニュアル</a>の
-<a href="../spec/library.html#normalizer">normalizer モジュール</a>
-<p>For details of each method, refer to <a href="../spec/library.html#normalizer">normalizer module</a> of the <a href="../spec/library.html">libmdn manual</a>
-<dt><a name="server-translation">server-translation</a><dd>
-Indicates the encoding method used for domain names at the DNS server side.
- server-translation &lt;ZLD&gt; &lt;Encoding&gt;
-ZLDが不要なエンコーディングであれば、<tt>&lt;ZLD&gt;</tt> の部分には
-<tt>'.'</tt> を指示します。
-<p>When the encoding method does not need a ZLD, specify <tt>'.'</tt> in <tt>&lt;ZLD&gt;</tt>.
- server-translation . UTF-8
-<p>When the encoding method requires a ZLD, specify both the ZLD and encoding name.
- server-translation UTF-5
-ZLD の指定を有効にするには、mDNkit のコンパイル時の設定が必要です。
-<a href="#client-translation"><tt>client-translation</tt></a>の項を
-<p>To make the ZLD specification active, you must set a setting when compiling mDNkit.
-Refer to the <a href="#client-translation"><tt>client-translation</tt></a> section for details.
-指定可能なエンコーディングは、前出の <a href="#client-translation">
-<tt>client-translation</tt></a> でのものと同じです。
-The encoding methods that can be specified are the same as those previously explained in <a href="#client-translation">
-<dt><a name="user-id">user-id</a>
-<p>dnsproxy が動作するユーザを指定します。
-<p>Specifies users for whom dnsproxy is operational.
- user-id &lt;user&gt;
-<p>通常、dnsproxy は特権ポートを使用するためルート権限で起動させる必要が
-この指定により、dnsproxy は特権ポートを作成したあとサービスを開始する前に
-<p>Usually, since dnsproxy uses a special port, it can only be activated if the user has root authorization; however, operating under root authorization is not recommended for security reasons.
-With this specification, after the special port is created, dnsproxy operates uner the specified user authorization before starting the service.
-<p>&lt;user&gt; にはユーザ名あるいはユーザ ID 番号を指定することができます。
-<br>User name or user ID number can be specified in &lt;user&gt;.
-<dt><a name="group-id">group-id</a>
-<p>dnsproxy が動作するグループを指定します。
-<p>Specifies the group wherein dnsproxy operates.
- group-id &lt;user&gt;
-これは <tt>user-id</tt> エントリと似ていますが、ユーザの代わりにグループを
-<p>This looks like the <tt>user-id</tt> entry but differs in that a group is specified instead of a user.
-<p>&lt;group&gt; にはグループ名あるいはグループ ID 番号を指定することが
-<p>The group name or group ID number can be specied in &lt;group&gt;.
-<dt><a name="root-directory">root-directory</a>
-<p>dnsproxy が動作する際のルートディレクトリを指定します。
-<p>Specifies the root directry when dnsproxy operates.
- root-directory &lt;path&gt;
-<p>これもセキュリティ対策の一つです。dnsproxy が動作する際のルートディレクトリ
-この指定により、dnsproxy はサービスを開始する前に、<em>chroot()</em>
-<p>This is also a security measure. By specifying the root directory when dnsproxy operates, access other than by the specified directory is prevented.
-Because of this specification, dnsproxy sets the specified directry using the <em>chroot()</em> system call as the root directory before dnsproxy starts the service.
-<p>&lt;path&gt; にはルートとして設定したいディレクトリ名を指定します。
-<p>Directry name to be set as the root is specified in &lt;path&gt;.
-<h2><a name="signal">シグナル</a></h2>
-<h2><a name="signal">Signal</a></h2>
-<p>dnsproxy に SIGHUP シグナルを送ると、ログファイルをいったん閉じ、
-<p>When a SIGHUP signal is sent to dnsproxy, the log file is closed and opened again. This is performed so that the log can be archived as described in the following procedure.
-<li><tt>mv</tt> コマンド等を用いてログファイルを別の名前にする。
-<br>Use <tt>mv</tt> command to create a different name for the log file.
-<li>dnsproxy に SIGHUP を送り、新たなログファイルをオープンさせる。
-<br> Send a SIGHUP signal to dnsproxy to open a new log file.