path: root/lib/dns/journal.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/dns/journal.c')
1 files changed, 105 insertions, 61 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dns/journal.c b/lib/dns/journal.c
index 83f1320e..05b73e48 100644
--- a/lib/dns/journal.c
+++ b/lib/dns/journal.c
@@ -15,12 +15,13 @@
-/* $Id: journal.c,v 1.96 2007/06/19 23:47:16 tbox Exp $ */
+/* $Id: journal.c,v 1.99 2007/09/07 05:14:33 marka Exp $ */
#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
+#include <errno.h>
#include <isc/file.h>
#include <isc/mem.h>
@@ -670,7 +671,23 @@ journal_open(isc_mem_t *mctx, const char *filename, isc_boolean_t write,
dns_journal_open(isc_mem_t *mctx, const char *filename, isc_boolean_t write,
dns_journal_t **journalp) {
- return (journal_open(mctx, filename, write, write, journalp));
+ isc_result_t result;
+ int namelen;
+ char backup[1024];
+ result = journal_open(mctx, filename, write, write, journalp);
+ if (result == ISC_R_NOTFOUND) {
+ namelen = strlen(filename);
+ if (namelen > 4 && strcmp(filename + namelen - 4, ".jnl") == 0)
+ namelen -= 4;
+ result = isc_string_printf(backup, sizeof(backup), "%.*s.jbk",
+ namelen, filename);
+ if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
+ return (result);
+ result = journal_open(mctx, backup, write, write, journalp);
+ }
+ return (result);
@@ -1612,6 +1629,8 @@ read_one_rr(dns_journal_t *j) {
* Parse the rdata.
+ if (isc_buffer_remaininglength(&j->it.source) != rdlen)
isc_buffer_setactive(&j->it.source, rdlen);
CHECK(dns_rdata_fromwire(&j->it.rdata, rdclass,
@@ -1927,15 +1946,39 @@ dns_journal_compact(isc_mem_t *mctx, char *filename, isc_uint32_t serial,
journal_pos_t best_guess;
journal_pos_t current_pos;
dns_journal_t *j = NULL;
+ dns_journal_t *new = NULL;
journal_rawheader_t rawheader;
unsigned int copy_length;
- unsigned int len;
+ int namelen;
char *buf = NULL;
unsigned int size = 0;
isc_result_t result;
unsigned int indexend;
+ char newname[1024];
+ char backup[1024];
+ isc_boolean_t is_backup = ISC_FALSE;
+ namelen = strlen(filename);
+ if (namelen > 4 && strcmp(filename + namelen - 4, ".jnl") == 0)
+ namelen -= 4;
+ result = isc_string_printf(newname, sizeof(newname), "%.*s.jnw",
+ namelen, filename);
+ if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
+ return (result);
+ result = isc_string_printf(backup, sizeof(backup), "%.*s.jbk",
+ namelen, filename);
+ if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
+ return (result);
- CHECK(journal_open(mctx, filename, ISC_TRUE, ISC_FALSE, &j));
+ result = journal_open(mctx, filename, ISC_FALSE, ISC_FALSE, &j);
+ if (result == ISC_R_NOTFOUND) {
+ is_backup = ISC_TRUE;
+ result = journal_open(mctx, backup, ISC_FALSE, ISC_FALSE, &j);
+ }
+ if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
+ return (result);
if (JOURNAL_EMPTY(&j->header)) {
@@ -1963,6 +2006,8 @@ dns_journal_compact(isc_mem_t *mctx, char *filename, isc_uint32_t serial,
return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
+ CHECK(journal_open(mctx, newname, ISC_TRUE, ISC_TRUE, &new));
* Remove overhead so space test below can succeed.
@@ -2003,47 +2048,12 @@ dns_journal_compact(isc_mem_t *mctx, char *filename, isc_uint32_t serial,
CHECK(journal_next(j, &best_guess));
- * Enough space to proceed?
+ * We should now be roughly half target_size provided
+ * we did not reach 'serial'. If not we will just copy
+ * all uncommitted deltas regardless of the size.
- if ((isc_uint32_t) (j->header.end.offset - best_guess.offset) >
- (isc_uint32_t) (best_guess.offset - indexend)) {
- dns_journal_destroy(&j);
- return (ISC_R_NOSPACE);
- }
copy_length = j->header.end.offset - best_guess.offset;
- /*
- * Invalidate entire index, will be rebuilt at end.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < j->header.index_size; i++) {
- if (POS_VALID(j->index[i]))
- POS_INVALIDATE(j->index[i]);
- }
- /*
- * Convert the index into on-disk format and write
- * it to disk.
- */
- CHECK(index_to_disk(j));
- CHECK(journal_fsync(j));
- /*
- * Update the journal header.
- */
- if (copy_length == 0) {
- j->header.begin.serial = 0;
- j->header.end.serial = 0;
- j->header.begin.offset = 0;
- j->header.end.offset = 0;
- } else {
- j->header.begin = best_guess;
- }
- journal_header_encode(&j->header, &rawheader);
- CHECK(journal_seek(j, 0));
- CHECK(journal_write(j, &rawheader, sizeof(rawheader)));
- CHECK(journal_fsync(j));
if (copy_length != 0) {
* Copy best_guess to end into space just freed.
@@ -2057,56 +2067,90 @@ dns_journal_compact(isc_mem_t *mctx, char *filename, isc_uint32_t serial,
goto failure;
+ CHECK(journal_seek(j, best_guess.offset));
+ CHECK(journal_seek(new, indexend));
for (i = 0; i < copy_length; i += size) {
- len = (copy_length - i) > size ? size :
+ unsigned int len = (copy_length - i) > size ? size :
(copy_length - i);
- CHECK(journal_seek(j, best_guess.offset + i));
CHECK(journal_read(j, buf, len));
- CHECK(journal_seek(j, indexend + i));
- CHECK(journal_write(j, buf, len));
+ CHECK(journal_write(new, buf, len));
- CHECK(journal_fsync(j));
+ CHECK(journal_fsync(new));
* Compute new header.
- j->header.begin.offset = indexend;
- j->header.end.offset = indexend + copy_length;
+ new->header.begin.serial = best_guess.serial;
+ new->header.begin.offset = indexend;
+ new->header.end.serial = j->header.end.serial;
+ new->header.end.offset = indexend + copy_length;
* Update the journal header.
- journal_header_encode(&j->header, &rawheader);
- CHECK(journal_seek(j, 0));
- CHECK(journal_write(j, &rawheader, sizeof(rawheader)));
- CHECK(journal_fsync(j));
+ journal_header_encode(&new->header, &rawheader);
+ CHECK(journal_seek(new, 0));
+ CHECK(journal_write(new, &rawheader, sizeof(rawheader)));
+ CHECK(journal_fsync(new));
* Build new index.
- current_pos = j->header.begin;
- while (current_pos.serial != j->header.end.serial) {
- index_add(j, &current_pos);
- CHECK(journal_next(j, &current_pos));
+ current_pos = new->header.begin;
+ while (current_pos.serial != new->header.end.serial) {
+ index_add(new, &current_pos);
+ CHECK(journal_next(new, &current_pos));
* Write index.
- CHECK(index_to_disk(j));
- CHECK(journal_fsync(j));
+ CHECK(index_to_disk(new));
+ CHECK(journal_fsync(new));
+ indexend = new->header.end.offset;
+ }
+ dns_journal_destroy(&new);
- indexend = j->header.end.offset;
+ /*
+ * With a UFS file system this should just succeed and be atomic.
+ * Any IXFR outs will just continue and the old journal will be
+ * removed on final close.
+ *
+ * With MSDOS / NTFS we need to do a two stage rename triggered
+ * bu EEXISTS. Hopefully all IXFR's that were active at the last
+ * rename are now complete.
+ */
+ if (rename(newname, filename) == -1) {
+ if (errno == EACCES && !is_backup) {
+ result = isc_file_remove(backup);
+ if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS &&
+ goto failure;
+ if (rename(filename, backup) == -1)
+ goto maperrno;
+ if (rename(newname, filename) == -1)
+ goto maperrno;
+ (void)isc_file_remove(backup);
+ } else {
+ maperrno:
+ result = ISC_R_FAILURE;
+ goto failure;
+ }
- (void)isc_file_truncate(filename, (isc_offset_t)indexend);
result = ISC_R_SUCCESS;
+ (void)isc_file_remove(newname);
if (buf != NULL)
isc_mem_put(mctx, buf, size);
if (j != NULL)
+ if (new != NULL)
+ dns_journal_destroy(&new);
return (result);