path: root/lib/dns/sec/dnssafe/ahchencr.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/dns/sec/dnssafe/ahchencr.c')
1 files changed, 266 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dns/sec/dnssafe/ahchencr.c b/lib/dns/sec/dnssafe/ahchencr.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..64cf959c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dns/sec/dnssafe/ahchencr.c
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+/* Copyright (C) RSA Data Security, Inc. created 1993, 1996. This is an
+ unpublished work protected as such under copyright law. This work
+ contains proprietary, confidential, and trade secret information of
+ RSA Data Security, Inc. Use, disclosure or reproduction without the
+ express written authorization of RSA Data Security, Inc. is
+ prohibited.
+ */
+/* Define this so that the type of the 'this' pointer in the
+ virtual functions will be correct for this derived class.
+ */
+struct AHChooseEncryptDecrypt;
+#define THIS_ENCRYPT_DECRYPT struct AHChooseEncryptDecrypt
+#include "global.h"
+#include "algae.h"
+#include "bsafe2.h"
+#include "bkey.h"
+#include "balg.h"
+#include "balgmeth.h"
+#include "ahchencr.h"
+#include "amencdec.h"
+static int InitEncryptDecryptAlga PROTO_LIST
+static AHEncryptDecryptVTable V_TABLE = {
+ AHChooseEncryptDestructor, AHChooseEncryptGetBlockLen,
+ AHChooseEncryptEncryptInit, AHChooseEncryptDecryptInit,
+ AHChooseEncryptEncryptUpdate, AHChooseEncryptDecryptUpdate,
+ AHChooseEncryptEncryptFinal, AHChooseEncryptDecryptFinal
+/* In C++:
+ (B_AlgorithmInfoType *infoType, POINTER info)
+ : algaChoice (InitEncryptDecryptAlga)
+ algaChoice.setAlgorithmInfoType (infoType);
+ algaChoice.setAlgorithmInfo (info);
+ */
+AHChooseEncryptDecrypt *AHChooseEncryptConstructor2 (handler, infoType, info)
+AHChooseEncryptDecrypt *handler;
+struct B_AlgorithmInfoType *infoType;
+POINTER info;
+ if (handler == (AHChooseEncryptDecrypt *)NULL_PTR) {
+ /* This constructor is being used to do a new */
+ if ((handler = (AHChooseEncryptDecrypt *)T_malloc (sizeof (*handler)))
+ == (AHChooseEncryptDecrypt *)NULL_PTR)
+ return (handler);
+ }
+ /* Construct base class */
+ AHEncryptDecryptConstructor (&handler->encryptDecrypt);
+ ALGA_CHOICE_Constructor (&handler->algaChoice, InitEncryptDecryptAlga);
+ handler->algaChoice._algorithmInfoType = infoType;
+ handler->algaChoice._algorithmInfo = info;
+ handler->encryptDecrypt.vTable = &V_TABLE;
+ return (handler);
+void AHChooseEncryptDestructor (handler)
+AHChooseEncryptDecrypt *handler;
+ ALGA_CHOICE_Destructor (&handler->algaChoice);
+ /* There is no desructor to call for the base class. */
+int AHChooseEncryptGetBlockLen (handler, blockLen)
+AHChooseEncryptDecrypt *handler;
+unsigned int *blockLen;
+ int status;
+ if ((status = (*((A_ENCRYPT_DECRYPT_ALGA *)handler->algaChoice._alga)->
+ GetBlockLen)
+ (handler->algaChoice.context.z.context, blockLen)) != 0)
+ return (ConvertAlgaeError (status));
+ return (0);
+/* In C++:
+int AHChooseEncryptDecrypt::encryptInit
+ (B_Key *key, B_ALGORITHM_CHOOSER chooser, A_SURRENDER_CTX *surrenderContext)
+ return (algaChoice.choose (1, key, chooser, surrenderContext));
+ */
+int AHChooseEncryptEncryptInit (handler, key, chooser, surrenderContext)
+AHChooseEncryptDecrypt *handler;
+B_Key *key;
+A_SURRENDER_CTX *surrenderContext;
+ return (AlgaChoiceChoose
+ (&handler->algaChoice, 1, key, chooser, surrenderContext));
+int AHChooseEncryptDecryptInit (handler, key, chooser, surrenderContext)
+AHChooseEncryptDecrypt *handler;
+B_Key *key;
+A_SURRENDER_CTX *surrenderContext;
+ return (AlgaChoiceChoose
+ (&handler->algaChoice, 0, key, chooser, surrenderContext));
+/* In C++:
+int AHChooseEncryptDecrypt::encryptUpdate
+ (unsigned char *partOut, unsigned int *partOutLen,
+ unsigned int maxPartOutLen, unsigned char *partIn, unsigned int partInLen,
+ B_Algorithm *randomAlgorithm, A_SURRENDER_CTX *surrenderContext)
+ int status;
+ if ((status = (*((A_ENCRYPT_DECRYPT_ALGA *)algaChoice.alga ()) ->Update)
+ (algaChoice.context (), partOut, partOutLen, maxPartOutLen,
+ partIn, partInLen, surrenderContext)) != 0)
+ return (ConvertAlgaeError (status));
+ return (0);
+ */
+int AHChooseEncryptEncryptUpdate
+ (handler, partOut, partOutLen, maxPartOutLen, partIn, partInLen,
+ randomAlgorithm, surrenderContext)
+AHChooseEncryptDecrypt *handler;
+unsigned char *partOut;
+unsigned int *partOutLen;
+unsigned int maxPartOutLen;
+unsigned char *partIn;
+unsigned int partInLen;
+B_Algorithm *randomAlgorithm;
+A_SURRENDER_CTX *surrenderContext;
+ int status;
+UNUSED_ARG (randomAlgorithm)
+ if ((status = (*((A_ENCRYPT_DECRYPT_ALGA *)handler->algaChoice._alga)->
+ Update)
+ (handler->algaChoice.context.z.context, partOut, partOutLen,
+ maxPartOutLen, partIn, partInLen, surrenderContext)) != 0)
+ return (ConvertAlgaeError (status));
+ return (0);
+int AHChooseEncryptDecryptUpdate
+ (handler, partOut, partOutLen, maxPartOutLen, partIn, partInLen,
+ randomAlgorithm, surrenderContext)
+AHChooseEncryptDecrypt *handler;
+unsigned char *partOut;
+unsigned int *partOutLen;
+unsigned int maxPartOutLen;
+unsigned char *partIn;
+unsigned int partInLen;
+B_Algorithm *randomAlgorithm;
+A_SURRENDER_CTX *surrenderContext;
+ int status;
+UNUSED_ARG (randomAlgorithm)
+ if ((status = (*((A_ENCRYPT_DECRYPT_ALGA *)handler->algaChoice._alga)->
+ Update)
+ (handler->algaChoice.context.z.context, partOut, partOutLen,
+ maxPartOutLen, partIn, partInLen, surrenderContext)) != 0)
+ return (ConvertAlgaeError (status));
+ return (0);
+int AHChooseEncryptEncryptFinal
+ (handler, partOut, partOutLen, maxPartOutLen, randomAlgorithm,
+ surrenderContext)
+AHChooseEncryptDecrypt *handler;
+unsigned char *partOut;
+unsigned int *partOutLen;
+unsigned int maxPartOutLen;
+B_Algorithm *randomAlgorithm;
+A_SURRENDER_CTX *surrenderContext;
+ int status;
+UNUSED_ARG (randomAlgorithm)
+ if ((status = (*((A_ENCRYPT_DECRYPT_ALGA *)handler->algaChoice._alga)->Final)
+ (handler->algaChoice.context.z.context, partOut, partOutLen,
+ maxPartOutLen, surrenderContext)) != 0)
+ return (ConvertAlgaeError (status));
+ return (0);
+int AHChooseEncryptDecryptFinal
+ (handler, partOut, partOutLen, maxPartOutLen, randomAlgorithm,
+ surrenderContext)
+AHChooseEncryptDecrypt *handler;
+unsigned char *partOut;
+unsigned int *partOutLen;
+unsigned int maxPartOutLen;
+B_Algorithm *randomAlgorithm;
+A_SURRENDER_CTX *surrenderContext;
+ int status;
+UNUSED_ARG (randomAlgorithm)
+ if ((status = (*((A_ENCRYPT_DECRYPT_ALGA *)handler->algaChoice._alga)->Final)
+ (handler->algaChoice.context.z.context, partOut, partOutLen,
+ maxPartOutLen, surrenderContext)) != 0)
+ return (ConvertAlgaeError (status));
+ return (0);
+/* In C++:
+static int InitEncryptDecryptAlga
+ (AlgaChoice *algaChoice, POINTER keyInfo, POINTER alga,
+ A_SURRENDER_CTX *surrenderContext)
+ int status;
+ unsigned int contextSize;
+ if ((status = (*((A_ENCRYPT_DECRYPT_ALGA *)alga)->Query)
+ (&contextSize, keyInfo, algaChoice->algorithmInfo ())) != 0)
+ return (ConvertAlgaeError (status));
+ if ((status = algaChoice->makeNewContext (contextSize)) != 0)
+ return (status);
+ if ((status = (*((A_ENCRYPT_DECRYPT_ALGA *)alga)->Init)
+ (algaChoice->context (), keyInfo, algaChoice->algorithmInfo (),
+ surrenderContext)) != 0)
+ return (ConvertAlgaeError (status));
+ return (0);
+ */
+static int InitEncryptDecryptAlga
+ (algaChoice, keyInfo, algorithmMethod, surrenderContext)
+AlgaChoice *algaChoice;
+POINTER keyInfo;
+B_ALGORITHM_METHOD *algorithmMethod;
+A_SURRENDER_CTX *surrenderContext;
+ int status;
+ unsigned int contextSize;
+ if ((status = (*((A_ENCRYPT_DECRYPT_ALGA *)algorithmMethod->alga)->Query)
+ (&contextSize, keyInfo, algaChoice->_algorithmInfo)) != 0)
+ return (ConvertAlgaeError (status));
+ if ((status = ResizeContextMakeNewContext
+ (&algaChoice->context, contextSize)) != 0)
+ return (status);
+ if ((status = (*((A_ENCRYPT_DECRYPT_ALGA *)algorithmMethod->alga)->Init)
+ (algaChoice->context.z.context, keyInfo, algaChoice->_algorithmInfo,
+ surrenderContext)) != 0)
+ return (ConvertAlgaeError (status));
+ return (0);