/* * Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Internet Software Consortium. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND INTERNET SOFTWARE CONSORTIUM DISCLAIMS * ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL INTERNET SOFTWARE * CONSORTIUM BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR * PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS * ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS * SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef struct client client_t; struct client { dns_name_t name; ISC_LINK(client_t) link; dns_adbfind_t *find; }; isc_mem_t *mctx; isc_mempool_t *cmp; isc_log_t *lctx; isc_logconfig_t *lcfg; isc_taskmgr_t *taskmgr; isc_socketmgr_t *socketmgr; isc_timermgr_t *timermgr; dns_dispatchmgr_t *dispatchmgr; isc_task_t *t1, *t2; dns_view_t *view; dns_db_t *rootdb; ISC_LIST(client_t) clients; isc_mutex_t client_lock; isc_stdtime_t now; dns_adb_t *adb; static void check_result(isc_result_t result, char *format, ...) { va_list args; if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) return; va_start(args, format); vfprintf(stderr, format, args); va_end(args); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); exit(1); } static client_t * new_client(void) { client_t *client; client = isc_mempool_get(cmp); INSIST(client != NULL); dns_name_init(&client->name, NULL); ISC_LINK_INIT(client, link); client->find = NULL; return (client); } static void free_client(client_t **c) { client_t *client; INSIST(c != NULL); client = *c; *c = NULL; INSIST(client != NULL); dns_name_free(&client->name, mctx); INSIST(!ISC_LINK_LINKED(client, link)); INSIST(client->find == NULL); isc_mempool_put(cmp, client); } static inline void CLOCK(void) { RUNTIME_CHECK(isc_mutex_lock(&client_lock) == ISC_R_SUCCESS); } static inline void CUNLOCK(void) { RUNTIME_CHECK(isc_mutex_unlock(&client_lock) == ISC_R_SUCCESS); } static void lookup_callback(isc_task_t *task, isc_event_t *ev) { client_t *client; client = ev->ev_arg; INSIST(client->find == ev->ev_sender); printf("Task %p got event %p type %08x from %p, client %p\n", task, ev, ev->ev_type, client->find, client); isc_event_free(&ev); CLOCK(); dns_adb_dumpfind(client->find, stderr); dns_adb_destroyfind(&client->find); ISC_LIST_UNLINK(clients, client, link); free_client(&client); CUNLOCK(); } static void create_managers(void) { isc_result_t result; taskmgr = NULL; result = isc_taskmgr_create(mctx, 2, 0, &taskmgr); check_result(result, "isc_taskmgr_create"); timermgr = NULL; result = isc_timermgr_create(mctx, &timermgr); check_result(result, "isc_timermgr_create"); socketmgr = NULL; result = isc_socketmgr_create(mctx, &socketmgr); check_result(result, "isc_socketmgr_create"); dispatchmgr = NULL; result = dns_dispatchmgr_create(mctx, &dispatchmgr); check_result(result, "dns_dispatchmgr_create"); } static void create_view(void) { dns_cache_t *cache; isc_result_t result; /* * View. */ view = NULL; result = dns_view_create(mctx, dns_rdataclass_in, "_default", &view); check_result(result, "dns_view_create"); /* * Cache. */ cache = NULL; result = dns_cache_create(mctx, taskmgr, timermgr, dns_rdataclass_in, "rbt", 0, NULL, &cache); check_result(result, "dns_cache_create"); dns_view_setcache(view, cache); dns_cache_detach(&cache); /* * Resolver. * * XXXRTH hardwired number of tasks. Also, we'll need to * see if we are dealing with a shared dispatcher in this view. */ result = dns_view_createresolver(view, taskmgr, 16, socketmgr, timermgr, 0, dispatchmgr, NULL, NULL); check_result(result, "dns_view_createresolver()"); rootdb = NULL; result = dns_rootns_create(mctx, dns_rdataclass_in, NULL, &rootdb); check_result(result, "dns_rootns_create()"); dns_view_sethints(view, rootdb); dns_db_detach(&rootdb); dns_view_freeze(view); } static void lookup(char *target) { dns_name_t name; unsigned char namedata[256]; client_t *client; isc_buffer_t t, namebuf; isc_result_t result; unsigned int options; INSIST(target != NULL); client = new_client(); isc_buffer_init(&t, target, strlen(target)); isc_buffer_add(&t, strlen(target)); isc_buffer_init(&namebuf, namedata, sizeof(namedata)); dns_name_init(&name, NULL); result = dns_name_fromtext(&name, &t, dns_rootname, ISC_FALSE, &namebuf); check_result(result, "dns_name_fromtext %s", target); result = dns_name_dup(&name, mctx, &client->name); check_result(result, "dns_name_dup %s", target); options = 0; options |= DNS_ADBFIND_INET; options |= DNS_ADBFIND_INET6; options |= DNS_ADBFIND_WANTEVENT; options |= DNS_ADBFIND_HINTOK; options |= DNS_ADBFIND_GLUEOK; result = dns_adb_createfind(adb, t2, lookup_callback, client, &client->name, dns_rootname, options, now, NULL, &client->find); check_result(result, "dns_adb_lookup()"); dns_adb_dumpfind(client->find, stderr); if ((client->find->options & DNS_ADBFIND_WANTEVENT) != 0) ISC_LIST_APPEND(clients, client, link); else { dns_adb_destroyfind(&client->find); free_client(&client); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { isc_result_t result; isc_logdestination_t destination; UNUSED(argc); UNUSED(argv); dns_result_register(); result = isc_app_start(); check_result(result, "isc_app_start()"); isc_stdtime_get(&now); result = isc_mutex_init(&client_lock); check_result(result, "isc_mutex_init(&client_lock)"); ISC_LIST_INIT(clients); /* * EVERYTHING needs a memory context. */ mctx = NULL; RUNTIME_CHECK(isc_mem_create(0, 0, &mctx) == ISC_R_SUCCESS); cmp = NULL; RUNTIME_CHECK(isc_mempool_create(mctx, sizeof(client_t), &cmp) == ISC_R_SUCCESS); isc_mempool_setname(cmp, "adb test clients"); result = isc_log_create(mctx, &lctx, &lcfg); check_result(result, "isc_log_create()"); isc_log_setcontext(lctx); dns_log_init(lctx); dns_log_setcontext(lctx); /* * Create and install the default channel. */ destination.file.stream = stderr; destination.file.name = NULL; destination.file.versions = ISC_LOG_ROLLNEVER; destination.file.maximum_size = 0; result = isc_log_createchannel(lcfg, "_default", ISC_LOG_TOFILEDESC, ISC_LOG_DYNAMIC, &destination, ISC_LOG_PRINTTIME); check_result(result, "isc_log_createchannel()"); result = isc_log_usechannel(lcfg, "_default", NULL, NULL); check_result(result, "isc_log_usechannel()"); /* * Set the initial debug level. */ isc_log_setdebuglevel(lctx, 99); create_managers(); t1 = NULL; result = isc_task_create(taskmgr, 0, &t1); check_result(result, "isc_task_create t1"); t2 = NULL; result = isc_task_create(taskmgr, 0, &t2); check_result(result, "isc_task_create t2"); printf("task 1 = %p\n", t1); printf("task 2 = %p\n", t2); create_view(); adb = view->adb; /* * Lock the entire client list here. This will cause all events * for found names to block as well. */ CLOCK(); lookup("f.root-servers.net."); /* Should be in hints */ lookup("www.iengines.com"); /* should fetch */ lookup("www.isc.org"); /* should fetch */ lookup("www.flame.org"); /* should fetch */ lookup("kechara.flame.org."); /* should fetch */ lookup("moghedien.flame.org."); /* should fetch */ lookup("mailrelay.flame.org."); /* should fetch */ lookup("ipv4v6.flame.org."); /* should fetch */ lookup("nonexistant.flame.org."); /* should fail to be found */ lookup("foobar.badns.flame.org."); /* should fail utterly (NS) */ lookup("i.root-servers.net."); /* Should be in hints */ CUNLOCK(); sleep(10); dns_adb_dump(adb, stderr); sleep(10); CLOCK(); lookup("f.root-servers.net."); /* Should be in hints */ lookup("www.iengines.com"); /* should fetch */ lookup("www.isc.org"); /* should fetch */ lookup("www.flame.org"); /* should fetch */ lookup("kechara.flame.org."); /* should fetch */ lookup("moghedien.flame.org."); /* should fetch */ lookup("mailrelay.flame.org."); /* should fetch */ lookup("ipv4v6.flame.org."); /* should fetch */ lookup("nonexistant.flame.org."); /* should fail to be found */ lookup("foobar.badns.flame.org."); /* should fail utterly (NS) */ lookup("i.root-servers.net."); /* Should be in hints */ CUNLOCK(); dns_adb_dump(adb, stderr); isc_task_detach(&t1); isc_task_detach(&t2); isc_mem_stats(mctx, stdout); dns_adb_dump(adb, stderr); isc_app_run(); dns_adb_dump(adb, stderr); dns_view_detach(&view); adb = NULL; isc_socketmgr_destroy(&socketmgr); isc_timermgr_destroy(&timermgr); fprintf(stderr, "Destroying task manager\n"); isc_taskmgr_destroy(&taskmgr); isc_log_destroy(&lctx); isc_mempool_destroy(&cmp); isc_mem_stats(mctx, stdout); isc_mem_destroy(&mctx); isc_app_finish(); return (0); }