/* Copyright (C) RSA Data Security, Inc. created 1990, 1996. This is an unpublished work protected as such under copyright law. This work contains proprietary, confidential, and trade secret information of RSA Data Security, Inc. Use, disclosure or reproduction without the express written authorization of RSA Data Security, Inc. is prohibited. */ #include "global.h" #include "bsafe2.h" #include "bkey.h" #include "balg.h" #include "ahdigest.h" static void TypedAHDigestDestructor PROTO_LIST ((B_TypeCheck *)); void AHDigestConstructor (handler) AHDigest *handler; { /* Construct base class, setting type tag. */ B_TYPE_CHECK_Constructor (&handler->typeCheck, TypedAHDigestDestructor); /* Don't set vTable since this is a pure virtual base class. */ } int B_AlgorithmDigestInit (algorithm, key, algorithmChooser, surrenderContext) B_Algorithm *algorithm; B_Key *key; B_ALGORITHM_CHOOSER algorithmChooser; A_SURRENDER_CTX *surrenderContext; { int status; if ((status = B_AlgorithmCheckType (algorithm, TypedAHDigestDestructor)) != 0) return (status); if ((status = (*((AHDigest *)algorithm->z.handler)->vTable->DigestInit) ((AHDigest *)algorithm->z.handler, key, algorithmChooser, surrenderContext)) != 0) return (status); algorithm->z.initFlag = 1; return (0); } int B_AlgorithmDigestUpdate (algorithm, partIn, partInLen, surrenderContext) B_Algorithm *algorithm; unsigned char *partIn; unsigned int partInLen; A_SURRENDER_CTX *surrenderContext; { int status; if ((status = B_AlgorithmCheckTypeAndInitFlag (algorithm, TypedAHDigestDestructor)) != 0) return (status); return ((*((AHDigest *)algorithm->z.handler)->vTable->DigestUpdate) ((AHDigest *)algorithm->z.handler, partIn, partInLen, surrenderContext)); } int B_AlgorithmDigestFinal (algorithm, partOut, partOutLen, maxPartOutLen, surrenderContext) B_Algorithm *algorithm; unsigned char *partOut; unsigned int *partOutLen; unsigned int maxPartOutLen; A_SURRENDER_CTX *surrenderContext; { int status; if ((status = B_AlgorithmCheckTypeAndInitFlag (algorithm, TypedAHDigestDestructor)) != 0) return (status); return ((*((AHDigest *)algorithm->z.handler)->vTable->DigestFinal) ((AHDigest *)algorithm->z.handler, partOut, partOutLen, maxPartOutLen, surrenderContext)); } static void TypedAHDigestDestructor (typeCheck) B_TypeCheck *typeCheck; { (*((AHDigest *)typeCheck)->vTable->Destructor) ((AHDigest *)typeCheck); }