This is the documentation collection of the cdrkit package It has been derived from the cdrtools package maintained by Joerg Schilling. However, other maintainers work on this spinoff of the documentation. Keep in mind that cdrkit is not cdrtools when you read the documentation. Some details may be void in context of cdrkit. Contents: ANNOUNCEMENTs : directory containing AN* files with release notes from old cdrtools releases READMEs : contains HOWTOs and instructions relevant to various tasks, especially such where multiple programs are involved wodim : contains README files relevant for the work with the wodim application (writing data) and details specific to its usage genisoimage : documentation for work with genisoimage program, a ISO9660 filesystem creator. See genisoimage/README for details. icedax : contains documentation for the CD audio extraction utility icedax. See icedax/README for details. platforms : contains notes about portability to different platforms