#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Compresses files and makes sure that symlinks pointing to the # compressed files get fixed. use Cwd; BEGIN { push @INC, "debian", "/usr/lib/debhelper" } use Dh_Lib; init(); foreach $PACKAGE (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) { $TMP=tmpdir($PACKAGE); $compress=pkgfile($PACKAGE,"compress"); # Run the file name gathering commands from within the directory # structure that will be effected. $olddir=getcwd(); verbose_print("cd $TMP"); chdir($TMP) || error("Can't cd to $TMP: $!"); # Figure out what files to compress. @files=(); # First of all, deal with any files specified right on the command line. if (($PACKAGE eq $dh{FIRSTPACKAGE} || $dh{PARAMS_ALL}) && @ARGV) { push @files,#ARGV; } if ($compress) { # The config file is a sh script that outputs the files to be compressed # (typically using find). push @files, split(/\n/,`sh $olddir/$compress 2>/dev/null`); } else { # By default, fall back to what the policy manual says to compress. # Note that all the excludes of odd things like _z are because # gzip refuses to compress such files, assumming they are zip files. # I looked at the gzip source to get the complete list of such # extentions. ".gz", ".z", ".taz", ".tgz", "-gz", "-z", "_z" push @files, split(/\n/,` find usr/info usr/share/info usr/man usr/share/man usr/X11*/man -type f ! -name "*.gz" 2>/dev/null || true; find usr/doc usr/share/doc -type f \\( -size +4k -or -name "changelog*" \\) \\ \\( -name changelog.html -or ! -name "*.htm*" \\) \\ ! -name "*.gif" ! -iname "*.gz" \\ ! -iname "*.taz" ! -iname "*.tgz" ! -iname "*.z" \\ ! -iname "*-gz" ! -iname "*-z" ! -iname "*_z" \\ ! -name "copyright" 2>/dev/null || true `); } # Exclude files from compression. if (@files && defined($dh{EXCLUDE}) && $dh{EXCLUDE}) { @new=(); foreach (@files) { $ok=1; foreach $x (@{$dh{EXCLUDE}}) { if (/\Q$x\E/) { $ok=''; last; } } push @new,$_ if $ok; } @files=@new; } # Look for files with hard links. If we are going to compress both, # we can preserve the hard link across the compression and save # space in the end. my @f=(); my %hardlinks; foreach (@files) { ($dev, $inode, undef, $nlink)=stat($_); if ($nlink > 1) { if (! $seen{"$inode.$dev"}) { $seen{"$inode.$dev"}=$_; push @f, $_; } else { # This is a hardlink. $hardlinks{$_}=$seen{"$inode.$dev"}; } } else { push @f, $_; } } if (@f) { xargs(\@f,"gzip","-9f"); } # Now change over any files we can that used to be hard links so # they are again. foreach (keys %hardlinks) { # Remove old file. doit("rm","-f","$_"); # Make new hardlink. doit("ln","$hardlinks{$_}.gz","$_.gz"); } verbose_print("cd $olddir"); chdir($olddir); # Fix up symlinks that were pointing to the uncompressed files. open (FIND,"find $TMP -type l |"); while () { chomp; ($directory)=m:(.*)/:; $linkval=readlink($_); if (! -e "$directory/$linkval" && -e "$directory/$linkval.gz") { doit("rm","-f",$_); doit("ln","-sf","$linkval.gz","$_.gz"); } } }