.TH DH_MAKESHLIBS 1 "" "Debhelper Commands" "Debhelper Commands" .SH NAME dh_makeshlibs \- automatically create shlibs file .SH SYNOPSIS .B dh_makeshlibs .I "[debhelper options] [-mmajor] [-V[dependancies]]" .SH "DESCRIPTION" dh_makeshlibs is a debhelper program that automatically scans for shared libraries, and generates a shlibs file for the libraries it finds. .P For this program to work, you cannot have already installed a DEBIAN/shlibs file. If such a file exits, the program will exit with an error. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B debhelper options See .BR debhelper (1) for a list of options common to all debhelper commands. .TP .B \-mmajor, \--major=major Instead of trying to guess the major number of the library from the filename of the library, use the major number specified after the -m parameter. .TP .B \-V[dependancies], \--version-info, \--version-info=dependancies By default, the shlibs file generated by this program does not make packages depend on any particular version of the package containing the shared library. It may be necessary for you to add some version dependancy information to the shlibs file. If -V is specified with no dependancy information, the current version of the package is plugged into a dependancy that looks like "packagename (>= packageversion)". If -V is specified with parameters, the parameters can be used to specify the exact dependancy information needed (be sure to include the package name). .SH EXAMPLES .TP .B dh_makeshlibs Assuming this is a package named libfoobar1, generates a shlibs file that looks something like: libfoobar 1 libfoobar1 .TP .B dh_makeshlibs \-V Assuming the current version of the package is 1.0-3, generates a shlibs file that looks something like: libfoobar 1 libfoobar1 (>= 1.0-3) .TP .B dh_makeshlibs \-V "'libfoobar1 (>= 1.0)'" Generates a shlibs file that looks something like: libfoobar 1 libfoobar1 (>= 1.0) .SH ENVIRONMENT See .BR debhelper (1) for a list of environment variables that affect all debhelper commands. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR debhelper (1) .SH BUGS There is no guarantee that the program will get the shlibs file right. For example, it may not correctly guess the major number of your package. In cases like these (and perhaps in general, just to be safe), it is better to create a debian/shlibs file by hand, or force it to use the correct major number by specifying the -m parameter. .P This is a "do what I Mean" type program - you have been warned! .SH AUTHOR Joey Hess