#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Passed a list of undocumented man pages, generates symlinks to # undocumented.7.gz for those man pages. # # Also, it looks for debian/undocumented files for more lists of # undocumented man pages. BEGIN { push @INC, "debian", "/usr/lib/debhelper" } use Dh_Lib; init(); foreach $PACKAGE (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) { $TMP=tmpdir($PACKAGE); $undocumented=pkgfile($PACKAGE,"undocumented"); @undoc=(); if ($undocumented) { @undoc=filearray($undocumented); } if (($PACKAGE eq $dh{FIRSTPACKAGE} || $dh{PARAMS_ALL}) && @ARGV) { push @undoc, @ARGV; } foreach $file (@undoc) { $file=~s/.gz$//; # .gz extention is optional in input. # Determine what directory the file belongs in, # /usr/man, or /usr/X11R6/man, and how the link to # the undocuemtned.7 man page will look. ($section)=$file=~m/^.*\.(\d)/; if (!$section) { error("\"$file\" does not have an extention."); } if ($file=~/.*\.\dx/) { $dir="usr/X11R6/man/man$section"; $reldir="../../../man/man7/"; } elsif ($section != 7) { $dir="usr/man/man$section"; $reldir="../man7/"; } else { $dir="usr/man/man$section"; $reldir=""; } if (! -d "$TMP/$dir") { doit("install","-d","$TMP/$dir"); } doit("ln","-sf","${reldir}undocumented.7.gz","$TMP/$dir/$file.gz"); } }