Translators, when adding/updating your translation files, please follow the following rules: * Update debian/changelog: - Beware that you should NOT update any of the legacy ChangeLog.old files for translation updates. * Format of entries in debian/changelog: Translation updates should go in a dedicated "[ Updated foo translations ]" section: ========================================================== dpkg (1.13.15) unstable; urgency=low .../... [ Updated programs translations ] * Catalan (Jordi Mallach). * Portuguese (Miguel Figueiredo). * Swedish (Daniel Nylander). ========================================================== New translations should go in a dedicated section named "[ New scripts translations ]": ========================================================== dpkg (1.13.15) unstable; urgency=low .../... [ New dselect translations ] * Vogon (Douglas Adams). ========================================================== This file contents MUST be encoded in UTF-8, and the entries inserted in language alphabetical order. * Format of commit message The formats above only apply to the debian/changelog file. They do not apply to the commit message. Following recommendations of you should start the commit message with a summary line, followed by an empty line and a a detailed/long description. For example: ========================================================== Update german translation of manual pages Update to 1354t. ========================================================== Note that the update should mention the file statistics as XXXtYYYfZZZu. "XXXt" means "XXX translated strings". "YYYf" means "YYY fuzzy strings strings". "ZZZu" means "ZZZ untranslated strings". YYY or ZZZ may be omitted if they are null. * Use of po/LINGUAS, dselect/po/LINGUAS or scripts/po/LINGUAS: When ADDING a new translation, don't forget adding the language to the LINGUAS file, otherwise it will not be used. * Always CHECK your translations: You MUST check your PO files for validity. The correct syntax for doing so is: $ msgmerge -U dpkg.pot $ msgfmt -c -o /dev/null --statistics $ msgcat >/dev/null - msgmerge updates your file with the current POT file. - msgfmt checks it for validity. - msgcat may detect encoding problems. In addition to the above, the easiest way to check that the po4a translations have valid POD markup, is to try to build them (please see the Building sections in the README file for further details regarding the setup of the source tree): $ make -C man