## Process this file with automake to produce a Makefile.in AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = 1.1 foreign ## Directory definitions docdir = $(datadir)/doc pkgdocdir = $(docdir)/@PACKAGE@ ## Subdirectories with translations SUBDIRS = ja ## Automake variables man_MANS = deb.5 deb-old.5 deb-control.5 pkgdoc_DATA = EXTRA_DIST = database-structure.fig ChangeLog \ $(SGMLFILES) $(man_MANS) HTMLDIRS = internals.html SGMLFILES = internals.sgml HARDCOPY = internals.ps internals.html internals.info CLEANFILES = $(srcdir)/manuals-version.new DISTCLEANFILES = manuals-version INFOFILES = internals.info ## Rules #SUFFIXES = .html .sgml .ps .fig .monops .PHONY: all install-data-local uninstall-local dist-hook clean-local all: @echo Nothing built by default, use \`make internals\' to build docs internals.sgml: $(srcdir)/manuals-version internals: $(HARDCOPY) $(srcdir)/manuals-version: $(top_srcdir)/debian/changelog v=`dpkg-parsechangelog -l$< | sed -n 's/^Version: //p'` && \ echo "" >$@.new echo "" >>$@.new (cmp -s $@.new $@ || mv -f $@.new $@) && rm -f $@.new internals.texinfo: internals.sgml debiandoc2texinfo $< internals.ps: internals.sgml debiandoc2ps -1 $< internals.dvi: internals.sgml debiandoc2dvi $< internals.info: internals.sgml debiandoc2info $< internals.html: $(srcdir)/internals.sgml debiandoc2html $< database-structure.ps: database-structure.fig fig2dev -L ps -c -l _ -P <$< >ps mv -f ps $@ database-structure.monops: database-structure.ps perl -pe 's:^/(col[0-7]) \{[01 ]*1[01 ]* setrgbcolor\}\ bind def$$::/$$1 {} bind def:' $< >ps mv -f ps $@ install-data-local: $(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(pkgdocdir) $(INSTALL_DATA) $(top_srcdir)/debian/changelog $(DESTDIR)$(pkgdocdir)/changelog $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/ChangeLog $(DESTDIR)$(pkgdocdir)/changelog.manuals internals-install: $(HARDCOPY) $(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(pkgdocdir) set -e; for f in internals.ps internals.html; do \ cp -r $$f $(DESTDIR)$(pkgdocdir)/`basename $$f`; \ done $(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(infodir) $(INSTALL_DATA) internals.info $(DESTDIR)$(infodir) doc-clean: -$(RM) *.{aux,cp,dvi,fn,ky,log,pg,toc,tp,vr,bak} -$(RM) internals.{FN,fns,sgmls,texi*,info*} -$(RM) manuals-version* ## End of file.