/* * dpkg-deb - construction and deconstruction of *.deb archives * info.c - providing information * * Copyright © 1994,1995 Ian Jackson * Copyright © 2001 Wichert Akkerman * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dpkg-deb.h" static void cu_info_prepare(int argc, void **argv) { pid_t pid; char *dir; struct stat stab; dir = argv[0]; if (lstat(dir, &stab) && errno == ENOENT) return; pid = subproc_fork(); if (pid == 0) { if (chdir("/")) ohshite(_("failed to chdir to `/' for cleanup")); execlp(RM, "rm", "-rf", dir, NULL); ohshite(_("unable to execute %s (%s)"), _("rm command for cleanup"), RM); } subproc_reap(pid, _("rm command for cleanup"), 0); } static void info_prepare(const char *const **argvp, const char **debarp, const char **dirp, int admininfo) { char *dbuf; *debarp= *(*argvp)++; if (!*debarp) badusage(_("--%s needs a .deb filename argument"),cipaction->olong); dbuf = mkdtemp(path_make_temp_template("dpkg-deb")); if (!dbuf) ohshite(_("unable to create temporary directory")); *dirp = dbuf; push_cleanup(cu_info_prepare, -1, NULL, 0, 1, (void *)dbuf); extracthalf(*debarp, dbuf, DPKG_TAR_EXTRACT | DPKG_TAR_NOMTIME, admininfo); } static int ilist_select(const struct dirent *de) { return strcmp(de->d_name,".") && strcmp(de->d_name,".."); } static void info_spew(const char *debar, const char *dir, const char *const *argv) { struct dpkg_error err; const char *component; struct varbuf controlfile = VARBUF_INIT; int fd; int re= 0; while ((component = *argv++) != NULL) { varbuf_reset(&controlfile); varbuf_printf(&controlfile, "%s/%s", dir, component); fd = open(controlfile.buf, O_RDONLY); if (fd >= 0) { if (fd_fd_copy(fd, 1, -1, &err) < 0) ohshit(_("cannot extract control file '%s' from '%s': %s"), controlfile.buf, debar, err.str); close(fd); } else if (errno == ENOENT) { notice(_("'%.255s' contains no control component '%.255s'"), debar, component); re++; } else { ohshite(_("open component `%.255s' (in %.255s) failed in an unexpected way"), component, dir); } } varbuf_destroy(&controlfile); if (re > 0) ohshit(P_("%d requested control component is missing", "%d requested control components are missing", re), re); } static void info_list(const char *debar, const char *dir) { char interpreter[INTERPRETER_MAX+1], *p; int il, lines; struct varbuf controlfile = VARBUF_INIT; struct dirent **cdlist, *cdep; int cdn, n; FILE *cc; struct stat stab; int c; cdn = scandir(dir, &cdlist, &ilist_select, alphasort); if (cdn == -1) ohshite(_("cannot scan directory `%.255s'"), dir); for (n = 0; n < cdn; n++) { cdep = cdlist[n]; varbuf_reset(&controlfile); varbuf_printf(&controlfile, "%s/%s", dir, cdep->d_name); if (stat(controlfile.buf, &stab)) ohshite(_("cannot stat `%.255s' (in `%.255s')"), cdep->d_name, dir); if (S_ISREG(stab.st_mode)) { cc = fopen(controlfile.buf, "r"); if (!cc) ohshite(_("cannot open `%.255s' (in `%.255s')"), cdep->d_name, dir); lines = 0; interpreter[0] = '\0'; if (getc(cc) == '#') { if (getc(cc) == '!') { while ((c= getc(cc))== ' '); p=interpreter; *p++='#'; *p++='!'; il=2; while (ild_name, dir); fclose(cc); printf(_(" %7jd bytes, %5d lines %c %-20.127s %.127s\n"), (intmax_t)stab.st_size, lines, S_IXUSR & stab.st_mode ? '*' : ' ', cdep->d_name, interpreter); } else { printf(_(" not a plain file %.255s\n"), cdep->d_name); } free(cdep); } free(cdlist); varbuf_reset(&controlfile); varbuf_printf(&controlfile, "%s/%s", dir, CONTROLFILE); cc = fopen(controlfile.buf, "r"); if (!cc) { if (errno != ENOENT) ohshite(_("failed to read `%.255s' (in `%.255s')"), CONTROLFILE, dir); fputs(_("(no `control' file in control archive!)\n"), stdout); } else { lines= 1; while ((c= getc(cc))!= EOF) { if (lines) putc(' ', stdout); putc(c, stdout); lines= c=='\n'; } if (!lines) putc('\n', stdout); if (ferror(cc)) ohshite(_("failed to read `%.255s' (in `%.255s')"), CONTROLFILE, dir); fclose(cc); } m_output(stdout, _("")); varbuf_destroy(&controlfile); } static void info_field(const char *debar, const char *dir, const char *const *fields, enum fwriteflags fieldflags) { char *controlfile; struct varbuf str = VARBUF_INIT; struct pkginfo *pkg; int i; m_asprintf(&controlfile, "%s/%s", dir, CONTROLFILE); parsedb(controlfile, pdb_parse_binary | pdb_ignorefiles, &pkg); free(controlfile); for (i = 0; fields[i]; i++) { const struct fieldinfo *field; const struct arbitraryfield *arbfield; varbuf_reset(&str); field = find_field_info(fieldinfos, fields[i]); if (field) { field->wcall(&str, pkg, &pkg->available, fieldflags, field); } else { arbfield = find_arbfield_info(pkg->available.arbs, fields[i]); if (arbfield) varbuf_add_arbfield(&str, arbfield, fieldflags); } varbuf_end_str(&str); if (fieldflags & fw_printheader) printf("%s", str.buf); else printf("%s\n", str.buf); } m_output(stdout, _("")); varbuf_destroy(&str); } int do_showinfo(const char *const *argv) { const char *debar, *dir; char *controlfile; struct dpkg_error err; struct pkginfo *pkg; struct pkg_format_node *fmt; fmt = pkg_format_parse(showformat, &err); if (!fmt) ohshit(_("error in show format: %s"), err.str); info_prepare(&argv, &debar, &dir, 1); m_asprintf(&controlfile, "%s/%s", dir, CONTROLFILE); parsedb(controlfile, pdb_parse_binary | pdb_ignorefiles, &pkg); pkg_format_show(fmt, pkg, &pkg->available); pkg_format_free(fmt); free(controlfile); return 0; } int do_info(const char *const *argv) { const char *debar, *dir; if (*argv && argv[1]) { info_prepare(&argv, &debar, &dir, 1); info_spew(debar, dir, argv); } else { info_prepare(&argv, &debar, &dir, 2); info_list(debar, dir); } return 0; } int do_field(const char *const *argv) { const char *debar, *dir; info_prepare(&argv, &debar, &dir, 1); if (*argv) { info_field(debar, dir, argv, argv[1] != NULL ? fw_printheader : 0); } else { static const char *const controlonly[] = { CONTROLFILE, NULL }; info_spew(debar, dir, controlonly); } return 0; } int do_contents(const char *const *argv) { const char *debar = *argv++; if (debar == NULL || *argv) badusage(_("--%s takes exactly one argument"), cipaction->olong); extracthalf(debar, NULL, DPKG_TAR_LIST, 0); return 0; }