/* * dselect - Debian GNU/Linux package maintenance user interface * baselist.cc - list of somethings * * Copyright (C) 1994,1995 Ian Jackson * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, * or (at your option) any later version. * * This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include extern "C" { #include #include #include } #include "dselect.h" #include "bindings.h" void mywerase(WINDOW *win) { int my,mx,y,x; getmaxyx(win,my,mx); for (y=0; yenddisplay(); endwin(); initscr(); if (ioctl(fileno(stdout), TIOCGWINSZ, &size) != 0) ohshite(_("ioctl(TIOCGWINSZ) failed")); resizeterm(size.ws_row, size.ws_col); wrefresh(curscr); p->startdisplay(); if (doupdate() == ERR) ohshite(_("doupdate in SIGWINCH handler failed")); } static void cu_sigwinch(int, void **argv) { struct sigaction *osigactp= (struct sigaction*)argv[0]; sigset_t *oblockedp= (sigset_t*)argv[1]; if (sigaction(SIGWINCH,osigactp,0)) ohshite(_("failed to restore old SIGWINCH sigact")); delete osigactp; if (sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK,oblockedp,0)) ohshite(_("failed to restore old signal mask")); delete oblockedp; } void baselist::setupsigwinch() { sigemptyset(&sigwinchset); sigaddset(&sigwinchset,SIGWINCH); osigactp= new(struct sigaction); oblockedp= new(sigset_t); if (sigprocmask(0,0,oblockedp)) ohshite(_("failed to get old signal mask")); if (sigaction(SIGWINCH,0,osigactp)) ohshite(_("failed to get old SIGWINCH sigact")); push_cleanup(cu_sigwinch,~0, 0,0, 2,(void*)osigactp,(void*)oblockedp); if (sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK,&sigwinchset,0)) ohshite(_("failed to block SIGWINCH")); memset(&nsigact,0,sizeof(nsigact)); nsigact.sa_handler= sigwinchhandler; sigemptyset(&nsigact.sa_mask); //nsigact.sa_flags= SA_INTERRUPT; if (sigaction(SIGWINCH,&nsigact,0)) ohshite(_("failed to set new SIGWINCH sigact")); } void baselist::setheights() { int y= ymax - (title_height + colheads_height + thisstate_height); assert(y>=1); if (showinfo==2 && y>=7) { list_height= 5; whatinfo_height= 1; info_height= y-6; } else if (showinfo==1 && y>=10) { list_height= y/2; info_height= (y-1)/2; whatinfo_height= 1; } else { list_height= y; info_height= 0; whatinfo_height= 0; } colheads_row= title_height; list_row= colheads_row + colheads_height; thisstate_row= list_row + list_height; info_row= thisstate_row + thisstate_height; whatinfo_row= ymax - 1; } void baselist::startdisplay() { if (debug) fprintf(debug,"baselist[%p]::startdisplay()\n",this); cbreak(); noecho(); nonl(); keypad(stdscr,TRUE); clear(); wnoutrefresh(stdscr); // find attributes if (has_colors() && start_color()==OK && COLOR_PAIRS >= 3) { if (init_pair(1,COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLACK) != OK || init_pair(2,COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_RED) != OK || init_pair(3,COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLUE) != OK) ohshite(_("failed to allocate colour pairs")); list_attr= COLOR_PAIR(1); listsel_attr= list_attr|A_REVERSE; title_attr= COLOR_PAIR(2); thisstate_attr= COLOR_PAIR(3); selstate_attr= list_attr|A_BOLD; selstatesel_attr= listsel_attr|A_BOLD; colheads_attr= COLOR_PAIR(3); } else { title_attr= A_REVERSE; thisstate_attr= A_STANDOUT; list_attr= 0; listsel_attr= A_STANDOUT; selstate_attr= A_BOLD; selstatesel_attr= A_STANDOUT; colheads_attr= A_BOLD; } query_attr= title_attr; info_attr= list_attr; info_headattr= A_BOLD; whatinfo_attr= thisstate_attr; // set up windows and pads, based on screen size getmaxyx(stdscr,ymax,xmax); title_height= ymax>=6; colheads_height= ymax>=5; thisstate_height= ymax>=3; setheights(); setwidths(); titlewin= newwin(1,xmax, 0,0); if (!titlewin) ohshite(_("failed to create title window")); wattrset(titlewin,title_attr); whatinfowin= newwin(1,xmax, whatinfo_row,0); if (!whatinfowin) ohshite(_("failed to create whatinfo window")); wattrset(whatinfowin,whatinfo_attr); listpad= newpad(nitems+1, total_width); if (!listpad) ohshite(_("failed to create baselist pad")); colheadspad= newpad(1, total_width); if (!colheadspad) ohshite(_("failed to create heading pad")); wattrset(colheadspad,colheads_attr); thisstatepad= newpad(1, total_width); if (!thisstatepad) ohshite(_("failed to create thisstate pad")); wattrset(thisstatepad,thisstate_attr); infopad= newpad(MAX_DISPLAY_INFO, total_width); if (!infopad) ohshite(_("failed to create info pad")); wattrset(infopad,info_attr); querywin= newwin(1,xmax,ymax-1,0); if (!querywin) ohshite(_("failed to create query window")); if (cursorline >= topofscreen + list_height) topofscreen= cursorline; if (topofscreen > nitems - list_height) topofscreen= nitems - list_height; if (topofscreen < 0) topofscreen= 0; infotopofscreen= 0; leftofscreen= 0; redrawall(); if (debug) fprintf(debug, _("baselist::startdisplay() done ...\n\n" " xmax=%d, ymax=%d;\n\n" " title_height=%d, colheads_height=%d, list_height=%d;\n" " thisstate_height=%d, info_height=%d, whatinfo_height=%d;\n\n" " colheads_row=%d, thisstate_row=%d, info_row=%d;\n" " whatinfo_row=%d, list_row=%d;\n\n"), xmax, ymax, title_height, colheads_height, list_height, thisstate_height, info_height, whatinfo_height, colheads_row, thisstate_row, info_row, whatinfo_row, list_row); } void baselist::enddisplay() { delwin(titlewin); delwin(whatinfowin); delwin(listpad); delwin(colheadspad); delwin(thisstatepad); delwin(infopad); wmove(stdscr,ymax,0); wclrtoeol(stdscr); listpad= 0; } void baselist::redrawall() { redrawtitle(); redrawcolheads(); wattrset(listpad,list_attr); mywerase(listpad); ldrawnstart= ldrawnend= -1; // start is first drawn; end is first undrawn; -1=none refreshlist(); redrawthisstate(); redrawinfo(); } void baselist::redraw1item(int index) { redraw1itemsel(index, index == cursorline); } baselist::baselist(keybindings *kb) { if (debug) fprintf(debug,"baselist[%p]::baselist()\n",this); bindings= kb; nitems= 0; xmax= -1; list_height=0; info_height=0; topofscreen= 0; leftofscreen= 0; listpad= 0; cursorline= -1; showinfo= 1; searchstring[0]= 0; } void baselist::itd_keys() { whatinfovb(_("keybindings")); const int givek= xmax/3; bindings->describestart(); const char **ta; while ((ta= bindings->describenext()) != 0) { const char **tap= ta+1; for (;;) { waddstr(infopad, gettext(*tap)); tap++; if (!*tap) break; waddstr(infopad, ", "); } int y,x; getyx(infopad,y,x); if (x >= givek) y++; mvwaddstr(infopad, y,givek, ta[0]); waddch(infopad,'\n'); } } void baselist::dosearch() { int offset, index, searchlen; searchlen= strlen(searchstring); if (debug) fprintf(debug,"packagelist[%p]::dosearch(); searchstring=`%s' len=%d\n", this,searchstring,searchlen); for (offset=1, index=greaterint(topofscreen,cursorline+1); offset= nitems) index -= nitems; int lendiff, i; const char *thisname; thisname= itemname(index); if (!thisname) continue; lendiff= strlen(thisname) - searchlen; for (i=0; i<=lendiff; i++) if (!strncasecmp(thisname + i, searchstring, searchlen)) { topofscreen= index-1; if (topofscreen > nitems - list_height) topofscreen= nitems-list_height; if (topofscreen < 0) topofscreen= 0; setcursor(index); return; } } beep(); } void baselist::refreshinfo() { pnoutrefresh(infopad, infotopofscreen,leftofscreen, info_row,0, lesserint(info_row + info_height - 1, info_row + MAX_DISPLAY_INFO - 1), lesserint(total_width - leftofscreen - 1, xmax - 1)); if (whatinfo_height) { mywerase(whatinfowin); mvwaddstr(whatinfowin,0,0, whatinfovb.string()); if (infolines > info_height) { wprintw(whatinfowin,_(" -- %d%%, press "), (int)((infotopofscreen + info_height) * 100.0 / infolines)); if (infotopofscreen + info_height < infolines) { wprintw(whatinfowin,_("%s for more"), bindings->find("iscrollon")); if (infotopofscreen) waddstr(whatinfowin, ", "); } if (infotopofscreen) wprintw(whatinfowin, _("%s to go back"),bindings->find("iscrollback")); waddch(whatinfowin,'.'); } wnoutrefresh(whatinfowin); } } void baselist::wordwrapinfo(int offset, const char *m) { int usemax= xmax-5; if (debug) fprintf(debug,"baselist[%p]::wordwrapinfo(%d, `%s')\n",this,offset,m); int wrapping=0; for (;;) { int offleft=offset; while (*m == ' ' && offleft>0) { m++; offleft--; } const char *p= strchr(m,'\n'); int l= p ? (int)(p-m) : strlen(m); while (l && isspace(m[l-1])) l--; if (!l || *m == '.' && l == 1) { if (wrapping) waddch(infopad,'\n'); waddch(infopad,'\n'); wrapping= 0; } else if (*m == ' ' || usemax < 10) { if (wrapping) waddch(infopad,'\n'); waddnstr(infopad, m, l); waddch(infopad,'\n'); wrapping= 0; } else { int x,y; if (wrapping) { getyx(infopad, y,x); if (x+1 >= usemax) { waddch(infopad,'\n'); } else { waddch(infopad,' '); } } for (;;) { getyx(infopad, y,x); int dosend= usemax-x; if (l <= dosend) { dosend=l; } else { int i=dosend; while (i > 0 && m[i] != ' ') i--; if (i > 0 || x > 0) dosend=i; } if (dosend) waddnstr(infopad, m, dosend); while (dosend < l && m[dosend] == ' ') dosend++; l-= dosend; m+= dosend; if (l <= 0) break; waddch(infopad,'\n'); } wrapping= 1; } if (!p) break; m= ++p; } if (debug) fprintf(debug,"baselist[%p]::wordwrapinfo() done\n",this); } baselist::~baselist() { }