/* * Functions for extracting tar archives. * Bruce Perens, April-May 1995 * Copyright (C) 1995 Bruce Perens * This is free software under the GNU General Public License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct TarHeader { char Name[100]; char Mode[8]; char UserID[8]; char GroupID[8]; char Size[12]; char ModificationTime[12]; char Checksum[8]; char LinkFlag; char LinkName[100]; char MagicNumber[8]; char UserName[32]; char GroupName[32]; char MajorDevice[8]; char MinorDevice[8]; }; typedef struct TarHeader TarHeader; static const unsigned int TarChecksumOffset = (unsigned int)&(((TarHeader *)NULL)->Checksum); /* Octal-ASCII-to-long */ static long OtoL(const char * s, int size) { int n = 0; while ( *s == ' ' ) { s++; size--; } while ( --size >= 0 && *s >= '0' && *s <= '7' ) n = (n * 010) + (*s++ - '0'); return n; } /* String block to C null-terminated string */ char * StoC(const char *s, int size) { int len; char * str; len = strnlen(s, size); str = malloc(len + 1); memcpy(str, s, len); str[len] = 0; return str; } static int DecodeTarHeader(char * block, TarInfo * d) { TarHeader * h = (TarHeader *)block; unsigned char * s = (unsigned char *)block; struct passwd * passwd = NULL; struct group * group = NULL; unsigned int i; long sum; long checksum; if ( *h->UserName ) passwd = getpwnam(h->UserName); if ( *h->GroupName ) group = getgrnam(h->GroupName); d->Name = StoC(h->Name, sizeof(h->Name)); d->LinkName = StoC(h->LinkName, sizeof(h->LinkName)); d->Mode = (mode_t)OtoL(h->Mode, sizeof(h->Mode)); d->Size = (size_t)OtoL(h->Size, sizeof(h->Size)); d->ModTime = (time_t)OtoL(h->ModificationTime ,sizeof(h->ModificationTime)); d->Device = ((OtoL(h->MajorDevice, sizeof(h->MajorDevice)) & 0xff) << 8) | (OtoL(h->MinorDevice, sizeof(h->MinorDevice)) & 0xff); checksum = OtoL(h->Checksum, sizeof(h->Checksum)); d->UserID = (uid_t)OtoL(h->UserID, sizeof(h->UserID)); d->GroupID = (gid_t)OtoL(h->GroupID, sizeof(h->GroupID)); d->Type = (TarFileType)h->LinkFlag; if ( passwd ) d->UserID = passwd->pw_uid; if ( group ) d->GroupID = group->gr_gid; sum = ' ' * sizeof(h->Checksum);/* Treat checksum field as all blank */ for ( i = TarChecksumOffset; i > 0; i-- ) sum += *s++; s += sizeof(h->Checksum); /* Skip the real checksum field */ for ( i = (512 - TarChecksumOffset - sizeof(h->Checksum)); i > 0; i-- ) sum += *s++; return ( sum == checksum ); } typedef struct symlinkList { TarInfo h; struct symlinkList *next; } symlinkList; extern int TarExtractor( void * userData ,const TarFunctions * functions) { int status; char buffer[512]; TarInfo h; char *next_long_name, *next_long_link; char *bp; char **longp; int long_read; symlinkList *symListTop, *symListBottom, *symListPointer; next_long_name = NULL; next_long_link = NULL; long_read = 0; symListBottom = symListPointer = symListTop = malloc(sizeof(symlinkList)); symListTop->next = NULL; h.UserData = userData; while ( (status = functions->Read(userData, buffer, 512)) == 512 ) { int nameLength; if ( !DecodeTarHeader(buffer, &h) ) { if ( h.Name[0] == '\0' ) { status = 0; /* End of tape */ } else { errno = 0; /* Indicates broken tarfile */ status = -1; /* Header checksum error */ } break; } if ( h.Type != GNU_LONGLINK && h.Type != GNU_LONGNAME ) { if (next_long_name) { h.Name = next_long_name; } if (next_long_link) { h.LinkName = next_long_link; } next_long_link = NULL; next_long_name = NULL; } if ( h.Name[0] == '\0' ) { errno = 0; /* Indicates broken tarfile */ status = -1; /* Bad header data */ break; } nameLength = strlen(h.Name); switch ( h.Type ) { case NormalFile0: case NormalFile1: /* Compatibility with pre-ANSI ustar */ if ( h.Name[nameLength - 1] != '/' ) { status = (*functions->ExtractFile)(&h); break; } /* Else, Fall Through */ case Directory: if ( h.Name[nameLength - 1] == '/' ) { h.Name[nameLength - 1] = '\0'; } status = (*functions->MakeDirectory)(&h); break; case HardLink: status = (*functions->MakeHardLink)(&h); break; case SymbolicLink: memcpy(&symListBottom->h, &h, sizeof(TarInfo)); if ((symListBottom->h.Name = strdup(h.Name)) == NULL) { status = -1; errno = 0; break; } if ((symListBottom->h.LinkName = strdup(h.LinkName)) == NULL) { free(symListBottom->h.Name); status = -1; errno = 0; break; } if ((symListBottom->next = malloc(sizeof(symlinkList))) == NULL) { free(symListBottom->h.LinkName); free(symListBottom->h.Name); status = -1; errno = 0; break; } symListBottom = symListBottom->next; symListBottom->next = NULL; status = 0; break; case CharacterDevice: case BlockDevice: case FIFO: status = (*functions->MakeSpecialFile)(&h); break; case GNU_LONGLINK: case GNU_LONGNAME: // set longp to the location of the long filename or link // we're trying to deal with longp = ((h.Type == GNU_LONGNAME) ? &next_long_name : &next_long_link); if (*longp) free(*longp); if (NULL == (*longp = (char *)malloc(h.Size))) { /* malloc failed, so bail */ errno = 0; status = -1; break; } bp = *longp; // the way the GNU long{link,name} stuff works is like this: // The first header is a "dummy" header that contains the size // of the filename. The next N headers contain the filename. // After the headers with the filename comes the "real" header // with a bogus name or link. for (long_read = h.Size; long_read > 0; long_read -= 512) { int copysize; status = functions->Read(userData, buffer, 512); // if we didn't get 512 bytes read, punt if (512 != status) { if ( status > 0 ) { /* Read partial header record */ errno = 0; status = -1; } break; } copysize = long_read > 512 ? 512 : long_read; memcpy (bp, buffer, copysize); bp += copysize; }; // This decode function expects status to be 0 after // the case statement if we successfully decoded. I // guess what we just did was successful. status = 0; break; default: errno = 0; /* Indicates broken tarfile */ status = -1; /* Bad header field */ } if ( status != 0 ) break; /* Pass on status from coroutine */ } while(symListPointer->next) { if ( status == 0 ) status = (*functions->MakeSymbolicLink)(&symListPointer->h); symListBottom = symListPointer->next; free(symListPointer->h.Name); free(symListPointer->h.LinkName); free(symListPointer); symListPointer = symListBottom; } free(symListPointer); free(h.Name); free(h.LinkName); if ( status > 0 ) { /* Read partial header record */ errno = 0; /* Indicates broken tarfile */ return -1; } else { return status; /* Whatever I/O function returned */ } }