.TH dselect.cfg 5 "2006-02-28" "Debian Project" "dpkg suite" .SH NAME dselect.cfg \- dselect configuration file . .SH DESCRIPTION This file contains default options for dselect. Each line contains a single option which is exactly the same as a normal commandline option for dselect except for the leading dashes which are not used here. Comments are allowed by starting a line with a hash sign ("\fB#\fR"). . .SH FILES .I /etc/dpkg/dselect.cfg .br .I ~/.dselect.cfg . .SH AUTHOR See \fI/usr/share/doc/dpkg/THANKS\fP for the list of people who have contributed to \fBdselect\fP. . .SH SEE ALSO .BR dselect (1).