#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; eval { require Module::Build; } or do { die "error: Missing Module::Build module, cannot proceed.\n"; }; if (-e 'Build.PL.in') { die "error: This is an in-tree build, not a proper perl distribution.\n" . "To create one please configure normally and then run 'make dist'.\n"; } my $class = Module::Build->subclass( class => 'Module::Build::Dpkg', code => q{ BEGIN { $ENV{DPKG_TEST_MODE} = 'cpan'; $ENV{DPKG_DATADIR} = 'data'; $ENV{DPKG_ORIGINS_DIR} = 't/origins'; } }, ); my $build = $class->new( dist_name => '@PACKAGE_CPAN_NAME@', dist_abstract => 'Debian Package Manager Perl modules', dist_version => '@PACKAGE_VERSION@', dist_author => '@PACKAGE_COPYRIGHT_HOLDER@ <@PACKAGE_BUGREPORT@>', license => 'GPL_2', # Set only to avoid warnings. module_name => '@PACKAGE_CPAN_NAME@', meta_merge => { resources => { homepage => '@PACKAGE_URL@', repository => { type => '@PACKAGE_VCS_TYPE@', url => '@PACKAGE_VCS_URL@', web => '@PACKAGE_VCS_WEB@', }, bugtracker => { web => '@PACKAGE_BUG_WEB@', }, }, keywords => [ qw(dpkg debian perl) ], }, sign => 1, dynamic_config => 0, configure_requires => { 'Module::Build' => '0.4004', }, test_requires => { 'TAP::Harness' => 0, 'Test::More' => 0, 'Test::Pod' => 0, 'Test::Strict' => 0, }, recommands => { 'Algorithm::Merge' => 0, 'File::FcntlLock' => 0, 'Locale::gettext' => 0, }, requires => { 'perl' => '@PERL_MIN_VERSION@', }, ); $build->create_build_script(); 1;