path: root/ipl/mprogs/program.icn
diff options
authorIgor Pashev <>2013-01-27 23:51:56 +0000
committerIgor Pashev <>2013-01-27 23:51:56 +0000
commit6ab0c0f5bf14ed9c15370407b9ee7e0b4b089ae1 (patch)
tree926065cf45450116098db664e3c61dced9e1f21a /ipl/mprogs/program.icn
Initial upstream version 9.4.3upstream/9.4.3
Diffstat (limited to 'ipl/mprogs/program.icn')
1 files changed, 138 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipl/mprogs/program.icn b/ipl/mprogs/program.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad32344
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/mprogs/program.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+# File: program.icn
+# Subject: Program to display portion of a program in a window
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: February 28, 1997
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program views the text of a program through a window. The image
+# of the program is maintained in a pixmap. Positioning the desired
+# portion of the program amounts to copying the appropriate portion
+# of the pixmap to the window.
+# The pixmap has half a window's white space at the top and at the
+# bottom to that the beginning and ends of a program can be shown
+# using the same logic as for interior portions of the program.
+# The program is written as a visual monitor to run under the control
+# of another program, such as Eve.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: basename, em_setup, filedim
+# Includes: evdefs.icn
+$include "evdefs.icn"
+link basename
+link em_setup
+link filedim
+global Visualization, textmap, twidth, wheight, oheight, hsize, ncols
+global highlight
+procedure main(args)
+ local vrows, SourceFile, size, mrows, mcols
+ local input, line_no, cwidth, x, colmask, column
+ local xwidth, wwidth, maxcols, linemask, line, i
+ colmask := 2 ^ 16
+ linemask := colmask - 1
+ em_setup(args)
+ vrows := 10 # ad hoc for now
+ ncols := 6 # ditto
+ maxcols := 85 # ditto
+ hsize := 4
+ SourceFile := prog_name()
+ size := filedim(SourceFile)
+ mrows := vrows + size.rows # white space at top and bottom
+ mcols := size.cols
+ mcols >:= maxcols
+ mcols +:= ncols + 1 # space for line numbers and bar
+# Now create hidden canvases for the program and identifying line numbers.
+ textmap := WOpen("canvas=hidden", "lines=" || mrows,
+ "columns=" || mcols) | stop("*** cannot hidden canvas for program")
+ twidth := WAttrib(textmap, "width")
+ oheight := (WAttrib(textmap, "height") / mrows) / 2 + (hsize / 2)
+# Set positions in the pixmaps to leave space at the top and the bottom.
+ GotoRC(textmap, vrows / 2, 1)
+# Put the text of the program into the canvas, while adding line
+# numbers to the other canvas.
+ input := open(SourceFile) | stop("*** cannot open ", SourceFile)
+ line_no := 0
+ while write(textmap, right(line_no +:= 1, ncols - 1), " ", read(input))
+# Draw a line in linemap to separate the line numbers from the
+# program text when they get copied into the window.
+ cwidth := TextWidth(textmap, repl("x", ncols + 1))
+ x := cwidth - (cwidth / (2 * (ncols))) - 5
+ DrawLine(textmap, x, 0, x, WAttrib(textmap, "height"))
+ vis_setup("label=" || basename(SourceFile), "lines=" || vrows,
+ "columns=80")
+ highlight := Clone(Visualization, "fg=red")
+ wwidth := WAttrib(Visualization, "width")
+ wheight := WAttrib(Visualization, "height")
+ focus(1, 0) # start-up view
+ while EvGet('', 1) do
+ if &eventcode === E_ALoc then {
+ line := iand(&eventvalue, linemask) - 1 # for positioning
+ column := &eventvalue / colmask
+ focus(line, column)
+ }
+procedure focus(line, column)
+ local x, y
+ y := (line - 1) * WAttrib("leading") # for positioning
+ CopyArea(textmap, Visualization, 0, y, twidth, wheight)
+ FillRectangle(highlight, 2, y := wheight / 2 - oheight, hsize, hsize)
+ if column > 0 then {
+ x := (column + ncols + 1) * WAttrib("fwidth")
+ FillRectangle(highlight, x, y + 10, 6, 1)
+ }
+ return