path: root/ipl/gpacks/htetris/matrix.icn
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1 files changed, 331 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipl/gpacks/htetris/matrix.icn b/ipl/gpacks/htetris/matrix.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00b1076
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gpacks/htetris/matrix.icn
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+# File : matrix.icn
+# Author: Henrik Sandin
+# Date : May 3, 1999
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This file contains procedures for creating and manipulate a two-
+# dimensional matrix structure.
+# A matrix is represented with a list of lists and an element is accessed
+# in the same way as with lists, row first and column second.
+# For example my_matrix[3][4] is the fourth element in the third row
+# of my_matrix.
+$define POS_INF 11
+$define NEG_INF 0
+$define NO_VALUE -1
+# Record: non_zero
+# Fields: min_row - The first row with non-zero elements in it.
+# max_row - The last row with non-zero elements in it.
+# min_col - The first column with non-zero elements in it.
+# max_col - The last column with non-zero elements in it.
+# This record represents the smallest rectangular area within a matrix that
+# covers all non-zero elements. It contains the top and bottom row numbers
+# and left and right column numbers for such an area.
+record non_zero( min_row, max_row, min_col, max_col)
+# Procedure: new_matrix
+# Arguments: nr_rows - The number of rows in the new matrix.
+# nr_columns - The number of columns in the new matrix.
+# Returns : matrix - A new matrix structure.
+# This procedure constructs and returns a new matrix structure with
+# 'nr_rows' rows and 'nr_columns' columns.
+# The new matrix is filled with zeroes.
+procedure new_matrix( nr_rows, nr_columns)
+ matrix := list( nr_rows, &null)
+ every r := 1 to nr_rows do
+ matrix[r] := list( nr_columns, 0)
+ return matrix
+# Procedure: rotate_matrix
+# Arguments: matrix - The matrix to be rotated.
+# Returns : rotated - A new rotated matrix structure.
+# This procedure constructs and returns a new matrix structure that is
+# the argument matrix rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise.
+# The number of rows in the new matrix is the number of columns in the
+# original and vice versa.
+procedure rotate_matrix( matrix)
+ old_width := *matrix[1]
+ old_height := *matrix
+ rotated := list( old_width, &null)
+ every r := 1 to *rotated do
+ rotated[r] := list( old_height, &null)
+ every r := 1 to old_height do
+ every c := old_width to 1 by -1 do
+ rotated[old_width-c+1][r] := matrix[r][c]
+ return rotated
+# Procedure: non_zero_limits
+# Arguments: matrix - The matrix to be analyzed.
+# Returns : A used_area structure.
+# This procedure analyzes the elements of the given matrix and determines
+# the limits of the smallest rectangular area covering all the non-zero
+# elements in it in terms of a used_area structure.
+procedure non_zero_limits( matrix)
+ rows := []
+ min_col := POS_INF
+ max_col := NEG_INF
+ every r := 1 to *matrix do {
+ new_min_col := NO_VALUE
+ new_max_col := NO_VALUE
+ every c := 1 to *matrix[1] do
+ if matrix[r][c] ~= 0 then {
+ new_min_col := c
+ break
+ }
+ every c := *matrix[1] to 1 by -1 do
+ if matrix[r][c] ~= 0 then {
+ new_max_col := c
+ break
+ }
+ if new_min_col ~= NO_VALUE & new_max_col ~= NO_VALUE then {
+ if new_min_col < min_col then
+ min_col := new_min_col
+ if new_max_col > max_col then
+ max_col := new_max_col
+ put( rows, r)
+ }
+ }
+ if *rows = 1 then {
+ min_row := get( rows)
+ max_row := min_row
+ }
+ else {
+ min_row := get( rows)
+ max_row := pull( rows)
+ }
+ return non_zero( min_row, max_row, min_col, max_col)
+# Procedure: trim_matrix
+# Arguments: matrix - The matrix to be trimmed.
+# Returns : trimmed - A new trimmed matrix.
+# This procedure peels off possibly unused outer rows and columns.
+# A row or column is concidered unused if it contains only zeros.
+# A new matrix with a possibly smaller size and the contents of the
+# non-zero rows and columns in the original is constructed and returned.
+procedure trim_matrix( matrix)
+ non_zero_area := non_zero_limits( matrix)
+ trimmed := new_matrix( non_zero_area.max_row-non_zero_area.min_row+1,
+ non_zero_area.max_col-non_zero_area.min_col+1)
+ trimmed_row := 1
+ every matrix_row := non_zero_area.min_row to non_zero_area.max_row do {
+ trimmed_col := 1
+ every matrix_col := non_zero_area.min_col to non_zero_area.max_col do {
+ trimmed[trimmed_row][trimmed_col] := matrix[matrix_row][matrix_col]
+ trimmed_col := trimmed_col+1
+ }
+ trimmed_row := trimmed_row+1
+ }
+ return trimmed
+# Procedure: mtos
+# Arguments: matrix - A matrix containing only ones and zeros.
+# Returns : matrix_string - Its string representation.
+# This procedure returns the string representation of the given matrix.
+# It has the following format:
+# <nr rows>,<nr columns>;<row 1>;...;<row n>
+# Where nr rows and nr columns are integers and row i is a string of ones
+# and/or zeros.
+procedure mtos( matrix)
+ matrix_string := *matrix || "," || *matrix[1] || ";"
+ every r := 1 to *matrix do {
+ every c := 1 to *matrix[1] do
+ matrix_string := matrix_string || matrix[r][c]
+ if r < *matrix then
+ matrix_string := matrix_string || ";"
+ }
+ return matrix_string
+# Procedure: stom
+# Arguments: matrix_string - String representation of a matrix.
+# Returns : matrix - The corresponding matrix.
+# This procedure returns a matrix corresponding to the given string
+# representation which represents a matrix containing only ones and zeros.
+procedure stom( matrix_string)
+ matrix_string ? {
+ rows := integer( tab( upto( ',')))
+ move( 1)
+ columns := integer( tab( upto( ';')))
+ matrix := new_matrix( rows, columns, 0)
+ move( 1)
+ every r := 1 to rows do {
+ row_string := tab( many( '01'))
+ row_string ? {
+ every c := 1 to columns do
+ matrix[r][c] := move( 1)
+ }
+ move( 1)
+ }
+ }
+ return matrix
+# Procedure: copy_matrix
+# Arguments: matrx - A matrix.
+# Returns : new_mtx - A copy of the original list of matrices.
+# This procedure constructs and returns a copy of a given matrix.
+# Only the top-level of the elements (if they are structures) are copied.
+procedure copy_matrix( matrix)
+ new_mtx := list( *matrix, &null)
+ every r := 1 to *matrix do {
+ new_r := list( *matrix[r], &null)
+ every c := 1 to *matrix[r] do {
+ new_r[c] := copy( matrix[r][c])
+ }
+ new_mtx[r] := new_r
+ }
+ return new_mtx
+# Procedure: copy_matrices
+# Arguments: matrices - A list of matrices.
+# Returns : new_lst - A copy of the original list of matrices.
+# This procedure constructs and returns a copu of a given list of matrices.
+procedure copy_matrices( matrices)
+ new_lst := list( *matrices, &null)
+ every matrix := 1 to *matrices do
+ new_lst[matrix] := copy_matrix( matrices[matrix])
+ return new_lst
+# Procedure: init_positions
+# Arguments: matrix - Matrix representing a brick which is to be initialized.
+# Returns : Nothing.
+# This procedure initializes a brick matrix with the starting positions in
+# the game pane matrix. Each element is set to a record containing the
+# row/column position of the game pane matrix and whether that square
+# (of the brick) is transparent or not.
+procedure init_positions( matrix)
+ start_column := MIDDLE+1 - (*matrix[1])/2
+ init_row := 1
+ every r := 1 to *matrix do {
+ init_column := start_column
+ every c := 1 to *matrix[r] do {
+ if matrix[r][c] = 0 then
+ matrix[r][c] := position( init_row, init_column, TRUE)
+ else
+ matrix[r][c] := position( init_row, init_column, FALSE)
+ init_column := init_column+1
+ }
+ init_row := init_row+1
+ }
+ return matrix
+# Procedure: print_matrix
+# Arguments: matrix - A matrix.
+# Returns : Nothing.
+# This procedure writes the given matrix to standard output, one row
+# per line. Used for debugging.
+procedure print_matrix( matrix)
+ every r := 1 to *matrix do {
+ every c := 1 to *matrix[r] do
+ writes( image( matrix[r][c]) || " ")
+ write()
+ }
+ write()
+ return