path: root/ipl/gpacks/vib/vibedit.icn
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Diffstat (limited to 'ipl/gpacks/vib/vibedit.icn')
1 files changed, 922 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipl/gpacks/vib/vibedit.icn b/ipl/gpacks/vib/vibedit.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8f07e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gpacks/vib/vibedit.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,922 @@
+# vibedit.icn -- shared graphical editing routines
+## #########################################################################
+# This file is in the public domain.
+$include "vibdefn.icn"
+$include "vdefns.icn"
+record palette_obj(name, x, y, bwimage, colrimage)
+# next_id() generates an ID number for a new object
+procedure next_id(s)
+ local obj, n
+ n := 0
+ every obj := !O_LIST do
+ ?
+ if =s then
+ n <:= integer(tab(0)) # find highest used so far
+ return n + 1
+# strip() deletes trailing blanks from the incoming string.
+procedure strip(s)
+ local index
+ index := 0
+ every index := *s to 1 by -1 do
+ if s[index] ~== " " then break
+ return s[1:index+1]
+# set_align() sets the align flag and changes the cursor to indicate that
+# the system is in align mode.
+procedure set_align(kind)
+ ALIGN := kind
+ if kind == "alignv" then
+ WAttrib("pointer=" || ("top side" | "sb v double arrow" | "crosshair"))
+ else
+ WAttrib("pointer=" || ("left side" | "sb h double arrow" | "crosshair"))
+# unset_align() unsets the align flag and restores the cursor to its
+# original state.
+procedure unset_align()
+ ALIGN := &null
+ WAttrib("pointer=" || ("left ptr" | "arrow"))
+# minimum() returns the smaller of two numeric values.
+procedure minimum(x, y)
+ return x > y | x
+# maximum() returns the larger of two numeric values.
+procedure maximum(x, y)
+ return x < y | x
+# draw_outline() draws an outline for the given object. Used for resizing.
+procedure draw_outline(object)
+ case type(object) of {
+ "line_obj" : outline_line(object)
+ default : DrawRectangle(XORWIN,
+ object.x-1, object.y-1, object.w+1, object.h+1)
+ }
+# update_bb() calls update routines for the various object types so
+# that attributes correctly get updated when an object is
+# resized or a label changes, etc.
+procedure update_bb(object)
+ case type(object) of {
+ "button_obj" : update_button_bb(object)
+ "radio_button_obj": update_radio_bb(object)
+ "line_obj" : update_line_bb(object)
+ "slider_obj" : update_slider_bb(object)
+ "text_input_obj" : update_text_input_bb(object)
+ "label_obj" : update_label_bb(object)
+ "menu_obj" : update_menu_bb(object)
+ "list_obj" : update_list_bb(object)
+ # nothing to do for rectangles
+ }
+# move_object() is called to reposition, resize, and redraw an object.
+procedure move_object(object, x, y, w, h)
+ erase_object(object)
+ draw_overlap(object)
+ if type(object) == "line_obj" then {
+ object.x2 := object.x2 - object.x + x
+ object.y2 := object.y2 - object.y + y
+ object.x1 := object.x1 - object.x + x
+ object.y1 := object.y1 - object.y + y
+ update_bb(object)
+ }
+ else {
+ x <:= 0
+ y <:= CANVASY # ensure object does not overlap palette
+ object.x := x
+ object.y := y
+ object.w := \w
+ object.h := \h
+ update_bb(object)
+ VResize(object.v, object.x, object.y, object.w, object.h)
+ }
+ draw_object(object)
+ DIRTY := 1
+# resize_object() is called to resize the outline of an object. First,
+# draw_outline() is called to erase the outline, then the
+# attributes are updated, then draw_outline is called to
+# draw the new outline.
+procedure resize_object(object, x, y, direction)
+ local neww, newh, newy, xcorner, ycorner
+ # move particular enpoint of line and adjust bounding box of line
+ if type(object) == "line_obj" then {
+ draw_outline(object)
+ if direction == "lpt" then {
+ object.x1 := x
+ object.y1 := maximum(CANVASY, y)
+ }
+ else if direction == "rpt" then {
+ object.x2 := x
+ object.y2 := maximum(CANVASY, y)
+ }
+ update_bb(object)
+ draw_outline(object)
+ return
+ }
+ # all other objects can be resized freely,
+ # subject to minimum width/height imposed in update_bb()
+ draw_outline(object)
+ y <:= CANVASY
+ ycorner := direction[1] # "u" or "l"
+ xcorner := direction[2] # "l" or "r"
+ if xcorner == "r" then {
+ neww := x - object.x
+ neww <:= MIN_W
+ }
+ else {
+ neww := object.w + object.x - x
+ neww <:= MIN_W
+ object.x +:= object.w - neww
+ }
+ if ycorner == "l" then {
+ newh := y - object.y
+ newh <:= MIN_H
+ }
+ else {
+ newh := object.h + object.y - y
+ newh <:= MIN_H
+ object.y +:= object.h - newh
+ }
+ object.h := newh
+ object.w := neww
+ update_bb(object)
+ if object.w ~= neww & xcorner == "l" then
+ object.x +:= neww - object.w
+ if object.h ~= newh & ycorner == "u" then
+ object.y +:= newh - object.h
+ VResize(object.v, object.x, object.y, object.w, object.h)
+ draw_outline(object)
+# display_talk() is called to display the attribute sheets of the various
+# object types.
+procedure display_talk(object)
+ case type(object) of {
+ "button_obj" : display_button_atts(object)
+ "slider_obj" : display_slider_atts(object)
+ "text_input_obj" : display_text_input_atts(object)
+ "rect_obj" : display_rect_atts(object)
+ "menu_obj" : display_menu_atts(object)
+ "line_obj" : display_line_atts(object)
+ "label_obj" : display_label_atts(object)
+ "radio_button_obj": display_radio_button_atts(object)
+ "list_obj" : display_list_atts(object)
+ }
+# draw_object() is called to draw the various object types.
+procedure draw_object(object)
+ update_bb(object)
+ case type(object) of {
+ "sizer_obj" : draw_sizer(object)
+ "button_obj" : draw_button(object)
+ "text_input_obj" : draw_text_input(object)
+ "radio_button_obj" : draw_radio_button(object)
+ "rect_obj" : draw_rect(object)
+ "slider_obj" : draw_slider(object)
+ "line_obj" : draw_line(object)
+ "label_obj" : draw_label(object)
+ "menu_obj" : draw_menu(object)
+ "list_obj" : draw_list(object)
+ }
+# erase_object() removes an object from the screen.
+procedure erase_object(object)
+ if type(object) == "line_obj" then
+ DrawGroove(APPWIN, object.x1, object.y1, object.x2, object.y2, 0)
+ else if type(object) == "button_obj" & \object.dflt then
+ EraseArea(APPWIN, object.x - 4, object.y - 4, object.w + 8, object.h + 8)
+ else
+ EraseArea(APPWIN, object.x, object.y, object.w, object.h)
+# draw_focus() is called to draw focus lines around an object.
+procedure draw_focus(o)
+ if type(o) == "line_obj" then {
+ FillRectangle(XORWIN, o.x1 - 3, o.y1 - 3, 6, 6)
+ FillRectangle(XORWIN, o.x2 - 3, o.y2 - 3, 6, 6)
+ } else {
+ DrawLine(XORWIN, o.x-2, o.y+2, o.x-2, o.y-2, o.x+2, o.y-2)
+ DrawLine(XORWIN, o.x-2, o.y+o.h-3, o.x-2, o.y+o.h+1, o.x+2, o.y+o.h+1)
+ DrawLine(XORWIN, o.x+o.w-3, o.y-2, o.x+o.w+1, o.y-2, o.x+o.w+1, o.y+2)
+ DrawLine(XORWIN,
+ o.x+o.w-3, o.y+o.h+1, o.x+o.w+1, o.y+o.h+1, o.x+o.w+1, o.y+o.h-3)
+ }
+# focus_object() sets the given object to be the object with the focus.
+# Focus lines are drawn around the object and the FOCUS
+# global is set to be the object.
+procedure focus_object(object)
+ unfocus_object(\FOCUS)
+ draw_focus(object)
+ object.focus := 1
+ FOCUS := object
+ return object
+# unfocus_object() unsets the focus. The focus lines are erased about
+# the object and the FOCUS global is set to null.
+procedure unfocus_object(object)
+ draw_focus(object)
+ object.focus := 0
+ FOCUS := &null
+ return object
+# on_focus() returns either
+# "lpt" : if object is a line and the mouse is on the left endpoint
+# "rpt" : if object is a line and the mouse is on the right endpoint
+# "ur" : if mouse is on upper-right focus point of object
+# "ul" : if mouse is on upper-left focus point of object
+# "lr" : if mouse is on lower-right focus point of object
+# "ll" : if mouse is on lower-left focus point of object
+# otherwise it fails
+procedure on_focus(object, x, y)
+ local range
+ range := 5
+ if type(object) == "line_obj" then {
+ if (object.x1 - range < x < object.x1 + range) &
+ (object.y1 - range < y < object.y1 + range) then
+ return "lpt"
+ else if (object.x2 - range < x < object.x2 + range) &
+ (object.y2 - range < y < object.y2 + range) then
+ return "rpt"
+ else fail
+ }
+ if (object.x+object.w-range) < x < (object.x+object.w+range) &
+ (object.y - range) < y < (object.y + range) then
+ return "ur"
+ if (object.x - range) < x < (object.x + range) &
+ (object.y - range) < y < (object.y + range) then
+ return "ul"
+ if (object.x - range) < x < (object.x + range) &
+ (object.y+object.h-range) < y < (object.y+object.h+range) then
+ return "ll"
+ if (object.x+object.w-range) < x < (object.x+object.w+range) &
+ (object.y+object.h-range) < y < (object.y+object.h+range) then
+ return "lr"
+ fail
+# on_target() returns the object if the mouse is over the object.
+# Else fails.
+procedure on_target(o, x, y)
+ local m, a, b, c, d
+ if y < CANVASY then fail
+ if not ((o.x <= x <= o.x + o.w) &
+ (o.y <= y <= o.y + o.h)) then
+ fail
+ if type(o) == "line_obj" & o.w > 6 & o.h > 6 then { # if skewed line
+ # make sure (x,y) is reasonably close to the line
+ m := (o.y2 - o.y1) / real(o.x2 - o.x1) # slope
+ a := o.y1 - m * o.x1 # y-intercept
+ b := o.x1 - o.y1 / m # x-intercept
+ c := -a * o.x1 - b * o.y1 # ax + by + c = 0
+ d := (a * x + b * y + c) / sqrt(a ^ 2 + b ^ 2) # distance
+ if abs(d) > 5 then
+ fail
+ }
+ return o
+# object_of_event() checks the canvas object list against the mouse event
+# coordinates to determine if the event correlates to
+# a canvas object. If multiple objects match, the
+# smallest is returned. (The area of a "line" is fudged.)
+# Null is returned if the event does not correlate.
+procedure object_of_event(x, y)
+ local o, a, obj, area
+ every o := !O_LIST do
+ if on_target(o, x, y) then {
+ if type(o) == "line_obj" then
+ a := 5 * maximum(o.w, o.h)
+ else
+ a := o.w * o.h
+ if /obj | a < area then {
+ obj := o
+ area := a
+ }
+ }
+ return obj
+# clear_screen() empties the entire screen, redrawing just the palette
+# and sizer object. The canvas list is emptied.
+procedure clear_screen()
+ O_LIST := list()
+ FOCUS := &null
+ DIRTY := &null
+ redraw_screen()
+# redraw_screen() clears the screen and redraws both the palette and canvas.
+procedure redraw_screen()
+ EraseArea()
+ draw_header()
+ draw_canvas()
+# shift_focus() moves the object with the FOCUS by in the amount given.
+procedure shift_focus(dx, dy)
+ local object
+ if object := \FOCUS then {
+ unfocus_object(object)
+ move_object(object, object.x + dx, object.y + dy)
+ focus_object(object)
+ }
+# copy_focus() makes a copy of the object with the focus.
+procedure copy_focus()
+ local r, drawin, temp, obj
+ if obj := \FOCUS then {
+ unfocus_object(obj)
+ case type(obj) of {
+ "rect_obj": {
+ r := create_rect(obj.x + 10, obj.y + 10, obj.w, obj.h,
+ }
+ "menu_obj": {
+ temp := copy(obj)
+ r := create_menu(obj.x + 10, obj.y + 10, obj.label,
+ copy_menu(r, temp)
+ }
+ "button_obj": {
+ r := create_button(obj.x + 10, obj.y + 10, obj.w, obj.h,
+ obj.label,, obj.toggle)
+ }
+ "text_input_obj": {
+ r := create_text_input(obj.x + 10, obj.y + 10,
+ obj.label, obj.value, obj.length)
+ }
+ "label_obj": {
+ r := create_label(obj.x + 10, obj.y + 10, obj.label)
+ }
+ "radio_button_obj": {
+ r := create_radio_button(obj.x + 10, obj.y + 10, copy(obj.alts))
+ }
+ "slider_obj": {
+ r := create_slider(obj.x + 10, obj.y + 10, obj.w, obj.h,
+ obj.typ, obj.min, obj.max, obj.value, obj.filter)
+ }
+ "line_obj": {
+ r := create_line(obj.x1 + 10, obj.y1 + 10, obj.x2 + 10, obj.y2 + 10)
+ }
+ "list_obj": {
+ r := create_list(obj.x + 10, obj.y + 10, obj.w, obj.h,
+, obj.scroll)
+ }
+ default: return
+ }
+ push(O_LIST, r)
+ draw_object(r)
+ focus_object(r)
+ DIRTY := 1
+ }
+# delete_focus() removes the object with the FOCUS from the canvas list.
+procedure delete_focus()
+ local i
+ if \FOCUS then {
+ draw_focus(FOCUS)
+ erase_object(FOCUS)
+ every i := 1 to *O_LIST do
+ if (O_LIST[i] === FOCUS) then
+ O_LIST := O_LIST[1:i] ||| O_LIST[i+1:*O_LIST+1]
+ FOCUS := &null
+ DELETED.focus := 0
+ DIRTY := 1
+ draw_overlap(DELETED)
+ }
+# undelete() restores the most recently deleted object.
+procedure undelete()
+ if \DELETED then {
+ unfocus_object(\FOCUS)
+ draw_object(DELETED)
+ focus_object(DELETED)
+ DELETED := &null
+ DIRTY := 1
+ }
+# add_palette_entry() adds one entry to the palette
+procedure add_palette_entry(name, bwimage, colrimage)
+ static x
+ initial x := 0
+ push(P_LIST, palette_obj(name, x, MENUBAR.ah + 3, bwimage, colrimage))
+ x +:= PAL_W
+# draw_decor() redraws the decorative lines that extend across the window.
+procedure draw_decor()
+ DrawLine(0, MENUBAR.ah, 2000, MENUBAR.ah)
+ DrawLine(0, CANVASY-1, 2000, CANVASY-1)
+# draw_header() redraws the window header.
+procedure draw_header()
+ local e, xpad, ypad, w, d, h, im
+ DrawString( + 4, SELECT.ay + 15, "Select")
+ BevelRectangle(, SELECT.ay,, SELECT.ah)
+ draw_decor()
+ every e := !P_LIST do {
+ if WAttrib("depth") > 1 then (im := e.colrimage) ? {
+ w := tab(upto(',')) # width of image
+ move(1)
+ tab(upto(',') + 1) # skip over palette spec
+ h := *tab(0) / w # height of image
+ }
+ else (im := e.bwimage) ? {
+ w := tab(upto(',')) # width of image
+ d := ((w + 3) / 4) # digits per row
+ move(2)
+ h := *tab(0) / d # height of image
+ }
+ xpad := (PAL_W - w) / 2
+ ypad := (PAL_H - h) / 2
+ DrawImage(e.x + xpad, e.y + ypad, im)
+ }
+# draw_canvas() draws all the objects that exist within the canvas.
+procedure draw_canvas()
+ every draw_object(O_LIST[*O_LIST to 1 by -1])
+ draw_sizer(SIZER)
+ draw_focus(\FOCUS)
+# draw_overlap() draws any objects that overlap the argument object.
+procedure draw_overlap(object)
+ local f, o, d
+ if type(object) == "button_obj" & \object.dflt then
+ d := 8 # fudge factor for default box on both objects
+ else
+ d := 4 # only the other object can have default box
+ unfocus_object(f := \FOCUS)
+ every o := O_LIST[*O_LIST to 1 by -1] do {
+ if o.x >= object.x + object.w + d then next
+ if object.x >= o.x + o.w + d then next
+ if o.y >= object.y + object.h + d then next
+ if object.y >= o.y + o.h + d then next
+ if o === object then next
+ draw_object(o)
+ }
+ if object.x + object.w + d >= SIZER.x |
+ object.y + object.h + d >= SIZER.y then
+ draw_sizer(SIZER)
+ focus_object(\f)
+# palette_object_of_event() cycles through the list of palette objects
+# to determine if any of them were the target
+# of a mouse event.
+procedure palette_object_of_event(x, y)
+ local o
+ every o := !P_LIST do
+ if o.x <= x <= o.x + PAL_W & o.y <= y <= o.y + PAL_H then
+ return o
+ return &null
+# create_object_instance() creates an instance of the given object.
+procedure create_object_instance(obj)
+ local r, temp, x, y, w, h
+ x := &x
+ y := CANVASY
+ w := 32
+ h := 20
+ case of {
+ "line":
+ r := create_line(x, y + 3, x + PAL_W, y + 3)
+ "rect":
+ r := create_rect(x, y, w, h, "grooved")
+ "menu": {
+ r := create_menu(x, y, "Menu", "pull")
+ add_item(r, "three", 0)
+ add_item(r, "two", 0)
+ add_item(r, "one", 0)
+ }
+ "button":
+ r := create_button(x, y, w, h, "push")
+ "radio_button":
+ r := create_radio_button(x, y, ["one","two","three"])
+ "text":
+ r := create_text_input(x, y, "Text:", "", 3)
+ "label":
+ r := create_label(x, y, "Label")
+ "slider":
+ r := create_slider(x, y, VSlider_DefWidth, VSlider_DefLength,
+ "Slider", 0.0, 1.0, 0.5, 1)
+ "scroll":
+ r := create_slider(x, y, VSlider_DefWidth, VSlider_DefLength,
+ "Scrollbar", 0.0, 1.0, 0.5, 1)
+ "list":
+ r := create_list(x, y)
+ default: return &null
+ }
+ push(O_LIST, r)
+ DIRTY := 1
+ return r
+# create_palette() creates the palette objects.
+procedure create_palette()
+ add_palette_entry("button",
+ "25,#1ffffff10000011000001115555110aaaa11155551100000110000011ffffff",
+ "25,c1,_
+ 6666666666666666666666666_
+ 6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1_
+ 6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1_
+ 6~~~~222222222222222~~~~1_
+ 6~~~~222222222222222~~~~1_
+ 6~~~~222222222222222~~~~1_
+ 6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1_
+ 6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1_
+ 6111111111111111111111111_
+ ")
+ add_palette_entry("radio_button",
+ "32,#FFFFFFFF8000000180000021800000518555508982AAA1058555508980000051_
+ 80000021800000018000000180000021800000518555508982AAA10585555089_
+ 800000518000002180000001800000018000002180000071855550F982AAA1FD_
+ 855550F9800000718000002180000001FFFFFFFF",
+ "33,c1,_
+ 666666666666666666666666666666661_
+ 6~~~~~6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1_
+ 6~~~~666~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1_
+ 6~~~66~66~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1_
+ 6~~66~~~66~~~222222222222222~~~~1_
+ 6~66~~~~~66~~222222222222222~~~~1_
+ 6~~11~~~11~~~222222222222222~~~~1_
+ 6~~~11~11~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1_
+ 6~~~~111~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1_
+ 6~~~~~1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1_
+ 6~~~~~6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1_
+ 6~~~~666~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1_
+ 6~~~66~66~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1_
+ 6~~66~~~66~~~222222222222222~~~~1_
+ 6~66~~~~~66~~222222222222222~~~~1_
+ 6~~11~~~11~~~222222222222222~~~~1_
+ 6~~~11~11~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1_
+ 6~~~~111~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1_
+ 6~~~~~1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1_
+ 6~~~~~6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1_
+ 6~~~~666~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1_
+ 6~~~66066~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1_
+ 6~~6600066~~~222222222222222~~~~1_
+ 6~660000066~~222222222222222~~~~1_
+ 6~~1100011~~~222222222222222~~~~1_
+ 6~~~11011~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1_
+ 6~~~~111~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1_
+ 6~~~~~1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1_
+ 611111111111111111111111111111111_
+ ")
+ add_palette_entry("menu",
+ "20,#1ffff1ffff1d5571eaaf1d5571fffffffff800018000180001955518aaa98000_
+ 18000180001955518aaa9800018000180001955518aaa9800018000180001955_
+ 518aaa98000180001fffff",
+ "20,c1,_
+ 1111111111111116~~~~_
+ 1000000000000006~~~~_
+ 1005555555550006~~~~_
+ 1005555555550006~~~~_
+ 1000000000000006~~~~_
+ 1000000000000006~~~~_
+ 66666666666666666666_
+ 6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1_
+ 6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1_
+ 6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1_
+ 6~~22222222222222~~1_
+ 6~~22222222222222~~1_
+ 6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1_
+ 6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1_
+ 6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1_
+ 6~~22222222222222~~1_
+ 6~~22222222222222~~1_
+ 6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1_
+ 6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1_
+ 6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1_
+ 6~~22222222222222~~1_
+ 6~~22222222222222~~1_
+ 6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1_
+ 6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1_
+ 6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1_
+ 6~~22222222222222~~1_
+ 6~~22222222222222~~1_
+ 6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1_
+ 6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1_
+ 6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1_
+ 61111111111111111111_
+ ")
+ add_palette_entry("list",
+ "32,#FFFFFFFF92000001AA000001AA555551C62AAAA9FE0000018200000182555551_
+ FE2AAAA9C6000001C7FFFFFFC7AAAAAFC7D55557C7FFFFFFC6000001C6555551_
+ C62AAAA9FE0000018200000182555551822AAAA9820000018200000182555551_
+ 822AAAA982000001FE000001C6555551AA2AAAA9AA00000192000001FFFFFFFF",
+ "32,c1,_
+ 111111111111111111111111~1111111_
+ 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6~1~~6~~6_
+ 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6~1~6~1~6_
+ 1~~222222222222222222~~6~1~6~1~6_
+ 1~~222222222222222222~~6~16~~~16_
+ 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6~1611116_
+ 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6~1~~~~~6_
+ 1~~222222222222222222~~6~1666666_
+ 1~~222222222222222222~~6~16~~~16_
+ 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6~16~~~16_
+ 100000000000000000000006~16~~~16_
+ 100222222222222222222006~16~~~16_
+ 100222222222222222222006~16~~~16_
+ 100000000000000000000006~16~~~16_
+ 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6~16~~~16_
+ 1~~222222222222222222~~6~16~~~16_
+ 1~~222222222222222222~~6~1611116_
+ 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6~1~~~~~6_
+ 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6~1~~~~~6_
+ 1~~222222222222222222~~6~1~~~~~6_
+ 1~~222222222222222222~~6~1~~~~~6_
+ 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6~1~~~~~6_
+ 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6~1~~~~~6_
+ 1~~222222222222222222~~6~1~~~~~6_
+ 1~~222222222222222222~~6~1~~~~~6_
+ 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6~1666666_
+ 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6~16~~~16_
+ 1~~222222222222222222~~6~16~~~16_
+ 1~~222222222222222222~~6~1~6~1~6_
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