path: root/ipl/gpacks/weaving/awl.icn
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ipl/gpacks/weaving/awl.icn')
1 files changed, 556 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipl/gpacks/weaving/awl.icn b/ipl/gpacks/weaving/awl.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9244dee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gpacks/weaving/awl.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,556 @@
+# File: awl.icn
+# Subject: Program to create weaving patterns
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: May 4, 1999
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# AD HOC: UNDER DEVELOPEMENT. For now, awl stands for A Weaving Language.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: cells, random, strings, tables, vsetup, weaving, weavrecs,
+# xcode
+link cells
+link random
+link strings
+link tables
+link vsetup
+link weaving
+link weavrecs
+link xcode
+invocable all
+global symbols
+global current_object
+global db_file
+global object_tbl
+global names_list
+global null
+global objects
+global objects_list
+global touched
+global vidgets
+procedure main()
+ local root
+ vidgets := ui()
+ root := vidgets["root"]
+ objects := vidgets["obj_list"]
+ null := sequence("null", "")
+ object_tbl := table()
+ object_tbl["null"] := null
+ current_object := "null"
+ VSetItems(objects, keylist(object_tbl))
+ update()
+ symbols := "12345678"
+ GetEvents(root, , shortcuts)
+procedure alphabet()
+ repeat {
+ if TextDialog("Alphabet:", , symbols) == "Cancel" then fail
+ if *cset(dialog_value[1]) ~= *dialog_value[1] then {
+ Notice("Duplicate symbols not allowd.")
+ next
+ }
+ if *dialog_value = 0 then {
+ Notice("Empty alphabet not allowed.")
+ next
+ }
+ symbols := dialog_value[1]
+ return
+ }
+procedure showcell(cell)
+ write(&errout, "n=", cell.n, " m=", cell.m, " color=", cell.color)
+ return
+procedure Eval(name)
+ local i, fnc, args, object
+ static ftable
+ initial {
+ ftable := table() # mapping from record type to function
+ ftable["block"] := Block
+ ftable["concatenation"] := Concatenate
+ ftable["extension"] := Extend
+ ftable["interleaving"] := Interleave
+ ftable["palindroid"] := Palindroid
+ ftable["palindrome"] := Palindrome
+ ftable["pbox"] := Pbox
+ ftable["permutation"] := Permutation
+ ftable["repetition"] := Repeat
+ ftable["reversal"] := Reverse
+ ftable["rotation"] := Rotate
+ ftable["sequence"] := string
+ ftable["template"] := Template
+ }
+ if &level > 100 then {
+ Notice("Recursion limit exceeded.") # ad-hoc escape
+ fail
+ }
+ object := \object_tbl[name] | return name
+ fnc := \ftable[type(object)] | {
+ Notice("Unsupported type: " || fnc || ".")
+ fail
+ }
+ args := []
+ every i := 2 to *object do # skip name field
+ put(args, Eval(object[i])) | {
+ Notice("Eval() failed for " || type(object) || "[" || i || "].")
+ fail
+ }
+ return (fnc ! args)
+procedure create_cb(vidget, value)
+ local args, object
+ args := case value of {
+ "block" : object_pp("Create block:")
+ "concatenation" : object_pp("Create concatenation:")
+ "extension" : object_pn("Create extension:")
+ "interleaving" : object_pp("Create interleaving:")
+ "palindroid" : object_pp("Create palindroid:")
+ "pbox" : object_pp("Create pbox:")
+ "permutation" : object_pp("Create permutation:")
+ "repetition" : object_pn("Create sequence:")
+ "reversal" : object_p("Create reversal")
+ "rotation" : object_pn("Create rotation:")
+ "sequence" : create_sequence()
+ "template" : object_pp("Create permutation:")
+ } | fail
+ object := (value ! args)
+ current_object :=
+ object_tbl[current_object] := object
+ VSetItems(objects, keylist(object_tbl))
+ update()
+ display_object(current_object)
+ return
+procedure object_pp(caption)
+ local name, object1, object2
+ static number
+ repeat {
+ if TextDialog(caption, ["name", "object 1", "object 2"],
+ [name, object1, object2], [10, 60, 60]) == "Cancel" then fail
+ name := dialog_value[1]
+ if *name = 0 then {
+ Notice("Invalid name.")
+ next
+ }
+ if \object_tbl[dialog_value[2]] then object1 := dialog_value[2] else {
+ Notice("Invalid object name.")
+ next
+ }
+ if \object_tbl[dialog_value[3]] then object2 := dialog_value[3] else {
+ Notice("Invalid object name.")
+ next
+ }
+ return dialog_value
+ }
+procedure object_p(caption)
+ local name, object
+ repeat {
+ if TextDialog(caption, ["name", "object"],
+ [name, object], [10, 60, 60]) == "Cancel" then fail
+ name := dialog_value[1]
+ if *name = 0 then {
+ Notice("Invalid name.")
+ next
+ }
+ if \object_tbl[dialog_value[2]] then object := dialog_value[2] else {
+ Notice("Invalid object name.")
+ next
+ }
+ return dialog_value
+ }
+procedure object_pn(caption)
+ local name, object, number
+ repeat {
+ if TextDialog(caption, ["name", "object", "number"],
+ [name, object, number], [10, 60, 10]) == "Cancel" then fail
+ name := dialog_value[1]
+ if *name = 0 then {
+ Notice("Empty name not allowed.")
+ next
+ }
+ if \object_tbl[dialog_value[2]] then object := dialog_value[2] else {
+ Notice("Invalid name.")
+ next
+ }
+ number := (0 < integer(dialog_value[3])) | {
+ Notice("Invalid number.")
+ next
+ }
+ return dialog_value
+ }
+procedure create_sequence()
+ local name, value
+ repeat {
+ if TextDialog("Create sequence:", ["name", "value"], [name, value] , [10, 60]) ==
+ "Cancel" then fail
+ if *dialog_value[1] = 0 then {
+ Notice("object name cannot be empty.")
+ next
+ }
+ else name := dialog_value[1]
+ if *(cset(dialog_value[2]) -- symbols) > 0 then {
+ Notice("Symbol not in alphabet.")
+ next
+ }
+ return dialog_value
+ }
+procedure file_cb(vidget, value)
+ case value[1][1] of {
+ "save @Q" : save_db()
+ "open @O" : open_db()
+ "quit @Q" : exit()
+ }
+ return
+procedure parameters_cb(vidget, value)
+ case value[1] of {
+ "alphabet @A" : alphabet()
+ }
+ return
+# Open database
+procedure open_db()
+ local input
+ repeat{
+ if OpenDialog("Open database:", db_file) == "Cancel" then fail
+ db_file := dialog_value
+ input := open(db_file) | {
+ Notice("Cannot open database file.")
+ next
+ }
+ object_tbl := xdecode(input) | {
+ Notice("Cannot decode database.")
+ close(input)
+ next
+ }
+ close(input)
+ object_tbl["null"] := sequence("null", "")
+ current_object := "null"
+ VSetItems(objects, keylist(object_tbl))
+ return
+ }
+# Save the current database.
+procedure save_db()
+ local output
+ if /db_file then {
+ repeat{
+ if OpenDialog("Save database:") == "Cancel" then fail
+ db_file := dialog_value
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ output := open(db_file, "w") | {
+ Notice("Cannot write database file.")
+ fail
+ }
+ xencode(object_tbl, output)
+ close(output)
+ touched := &null
+ return
+procedure libraries_cb(vidget, value)
+ return
+procedure obj_list_cb(vidget, value)
+ if /value then return # deselection event
+ if \object_tbl[value] then current_object := value else {
+ Notice("Internal error in object selection.")
+ fail
+ }
+ update()
+ display_object(current_object)
+ return
+procedure show_object(name)
+ local object, attlist
+ object := object_tbl[\name] | {
+ Notice("No current object.")
+ fail
+ }
+ attlist := [type(object)]
+ every put(attlist,"", image(!object))
+ Notice ! attlist
+ return
+procedure update()
+ static x, y, w, h
+ initial {
+ x := vidgets["display"].ux
+ y := vidgets["display"].uy
+ w := vidgets["display"].uw
+ h := vidgets["display"].uh
+ }
+ if /current_object then fail
+ EraseArea(x, y, w, h)
+ DrawString(
+ x,
+ y + h - 5,
+ current_object || ": " || type(object_tbl[current_object])
+ )
+ return
+procedure objects_cb(vidgets, value)
+ case value[1] of {
+ "create @C" : create_cb()
+ "edit @E" : edit_object(current_object)
+ "information @I" : show_object(current_object)
+ "display @D" : display_object(current_object)
+ }
+ return
+procedure shortcuts(e)
+ if &meta then case map(e) of {
+ "a" : alphabet()
+ "c" : create_cb()
+ "d" : display_object(current_object)
+ "e" : edit_object(current_object)
+ "i" : show_object(current_object)
+ "o" : open_db()
+ "q" : exit()
+ "s" : save_db()
+ }
+ return
+procedure edit_object(name)
+ return
+procedure display_object(name)
+ local s, panel, i, place, object
+ s := Eval(name) | fail
+ panel := makepanel(*s, 8, 6, , , "black")
+ WAttrib(panel.window, "canvas=normal", "label=" || name)
+ every i := 1 to *s do
+ colorcell(panel, i, s[i], "black") | {
+ WClose(panel.window)
+ Notice("Cannot color grid cell.")
+ fail
+ }
+ repeat {
+ case TextDialog(, , , , ["Okay", "Create", "Edit"]) of {
+ "Okay" : {
+ WClose(panel.window)
+ return
+ }
+ "Edit" : {
+ repeat {
+ case Event(panel.window) of {
+ "q" : break next
+ &lpress : {
+ place := cell(panel, &x, &y) | {
+ Notice("Cell reporting failure.")
+ fail
+ }
+ # showcell(place)
+ if place.color == "0,0,0" then
+ colorcell(panel, place.n, place.m, "white")
+ else
+ colorcell(panel, place.n, place.m, "black")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "Create" : {
+ Notice("Creation from grid not yet supported.")
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#===<<vib:begin>>=== modify using vib; do not remove this marker line
+procedure ui_atts()
+ return ["size=600,401", "bg=pale gray"]
+procedure ui(win, cbk)
+return vsetup(win, cbk,
+ [":Sizer:::0,0,600,401:",],
+ ["create:Choice::13:13,82,120,273:",create_cb,
+ ["block","concatenation","extension","interleaving","palindroid",
+ "palindrome","pbox","permutation","repetition","reversal",
+ "rotation","sequence","template"]],
+ ["file:Menu:pull::1,0,36,21:File",file_cb,
+ ["save @S","open @O","quit @Q"]],
+ ["label1:Label:::28,60,91,13:create object",],
+ ["label_objects:Label:::406,34,49,13:Objects",],
+ ["libraries:Menu:pull::169,0,71,21:Libraries",libraries_cb,
+ ["one","two","three"]],
+ ["menu_bar:Line:::0,21,600,21:",],
+ ["obj_list:List:w::367,59,134,313:",obj_list_cb],
+ ["objects:Menu:pull::37,0,57,21:Objects",objects_cb,
+ ["create @C","edit @E","information @E","display @D"]],
+ ["parameters:Menu:pull::92,0,78,21:Parameters",parameters_cb,
+ ["alphabet @A"]],
+ ["display:Rect:invisible::15,32,346,16:",],
+ )
+#===<<vib:end>>=== end of section maintained by vib
+procedure test()
+ local p, s, panel, i, place
+ randomize()
+ p := palindroid(scramble("12345678"))
+ every 1 to 2 do {
+ p := rotation(palindroid(p))
+ }
+ s := Eval(p)
+ panel := makepanel(*s, 8, 10, , , "black")
+ WAttrib(panel.window, "canvas=normal")
+ every i := 1 to *s do
+ colorcell(panel, i, s[i], "black")
+ repeat {
+ case Event(panel.window) of {
+ "q" : exit()
+ &lpress : {
+ place := cell(panel, &x, &y)
+ if place.color == "0,0,0" then
+ colorcell(panel, place.n, place.m, "white")
+ else
+ colorcell(panel, place.n, place.m, "black")
+ }
+ }
+ }