path: root/ipl/gpacks/weaving/mtrxedit.icn
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Diffstat (limited to 'ipl/gpacks/weaving/mtrxedit.icn')
1 files changed, 822 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipl/gpacks/weaving/mtrxedit.icn b/ipl/gpacks/weaving/mtrxedit.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b712b5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gpacks/weaving/mtrxedit.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,822 @@
+# File: mtrxedit.icn
+# Subject: Program to create and edit binary arrays
+# Authors: Ralph E. Griswold and Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: August 3, 2000
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This application provides a variety of facilities for creating and
+# editing binary arrays. It is intended for use with weaving tie-ups
+# and liftplans.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: sort, patxform, vdialog, vsetup, dialog, wopen, xcompat
+link sort
+link patxform
+link vdialog
+link vsetup
+link dialog
+link wopen
+link xcompat
+$define MaxCell 24 # maximum size of grid cell
+$define GridSize (32 * 8) # size of area for edit grid
+$define GridXoff (32 * 5) # x offset of grid area
+$define GridYoff (32 * 2 + 6) # y offset of grid area
+$define PattXoff (32 * 14) # x offset of pattern area
+$define PattYoff (32 * 2) # y offset of pattern area
+$define PattWidth (32 * 8) # width of pattern area
+$define PattHeight (32 * 8) # heigth of pattern area
+$define IconSize 16 # size of button icons
+$define XformXoff (16 * 2) # x offset of xform area
+$define XformYoff (16 * 4) # y offset of xform area
+$define MaxPatt 128
+$define InfoLength 40 # length of lines in info box
+global allxform # transform-all switch
+global hbits # number of bits horizontally
+global vbits # number of bits veritcally
+global rows # row repesentation of tile
+global old_pat # old pattern for undo
+global cellsize # size of cell in edit grid
+global pattgc # graphic context for pattern
+global bordergc # border for tile/pattern
+global viewgc # clipping area for viewing
+global mode # pattern/tile display mode
+global tile_touched # tile modification switch
+global blank_pat # 8x8 blank tile
+global response # switch for save dialog
+global sym_state # drawing state
+global sym_image_current # current drawing images
+global sym_image_next # next drawing images
+global symmetries # general symmetry state
+global flip_right # icon for right flip
+global flip_left # icon for left flip
+global flip_vert # icon for vertical flip
+global flip_horiz # icon for horizontal flip
+global rotate_90 # icon for 90-degree rotation
+global rotate_m90 # icon for -90-degree rotation
+global rotate_180 # icon for 180-degree rotation
+global ident # icon for identity
+global hi_ident # highlighted icon for identity
+global hi_left # highlighted icon for l-flip
+global hi_right # highlighted icon for r-flip
+global hi_vert # highlighted icon for v-flip
+global hi_horiz # highlighted icon for h-flip
+global hi_rot_90 # highlighted icon for 90-rot
+global hi_rot_m90 # highlighted icon for -90 rot
+global hi_rot_180 # highlighted icon for 180 rot
+global SymmetXoff
+global SymmetYoff
+record pattrec(tile)
+procedure main(args)
+ local vidgets, e, i, j, x, y, v, h, input, mdigits
+# Initial state
+ mdigits := '-' ++ &digits
+ symmetries := 0 # initially no symmetries
+ allxform := &null # initially not all xforms
+ sym_state := [ # initially no symmetries
+ [1, -1, -1, -1],
+ [-1, -1, -1, -1]
+ ]
+ blank_pat := "8,#0000000000000000" # 8x8 blank tile
+ tile_touched := &null
+# Set up vidgets
+ vidgets := ui()
+# Set up graphic contexts
+ pattgc := XBind(&window, "fillstyle=textured") # for patterns
+ bordergc := XBind(&window, "fg=red") # for border
+ viewgc := XBind(&window) # for tile view
+ Clip(viewgc, PattXoff, PattYoff, PattWidth, PattHeight)
+ Clip(bordergc, PattXoff - 1, PattYoff - 1, PattWidth + 2, PattHeight + 2)
+ SymmetXoff := vidgets["symregion"].ux
+ SymmetYoff := vidgets["symregion"].uy
+# Assign and draw the icons
+ icons()
+# Initial and toggled editing images
+ sym_image_next := [
+ [ident, hi_rot_90, hi_rot_m90, hi_rot_180],
+ [hi_right, hi_left, hi_vert, hi_horiz]
+ ]
+ sym_image_current := [
+ [hi_ident, rotate_90, rotate_m90, rotate_180],
+ [flip_right, flip_left, flip_vert, flip_horiz]
+ ]
+ rows := pat2rows(blank_pat)
+# Initial setup of grid and view areas
+ setup() | stop("*** cannot set up pattern")
+# Enter event loop
+ GetEvents(vidgets["root"], , shortcuts)
+# Callback procedures
+# file menu
+procedure file_cb(vidget, menu)
+ return case menu[1] of {
+ "read @R" : read_tile()
+ "write @W" : write_tile()
+ "copy @C" : copy_tile()
+ "paste @P" : paste_tile()
+ "quit @Q" : exit()
+ }
+procedure copy_tile()
+ local output
+ output := open("/tmp/tieup", "w") | {
+ Notice("Cannot copy tile.")
+ fail
+ }
+ write_pattern(output, pattrec(rows2pat(rows)))
+ close(output)
+ return
+procedure paste_tile()
+ local input, tile
+ input := open("/tmp/tieup") | {
+ Notice("Cannot paste tie-up file.")
+ fail
+ }
+ tile := read_pattern(input) | {
+ Notice("Cannot process matrix.")
+ close(input)
+ fail
+ }
+ close(input)
+ rows := pat2rows(tile.tile)
+ return setup()
+# editing grid
+procedure grid_cb(vidget, e)
+ local x, y, i, j
+ if e === (&lpress | &rpress | &ldrag | &rdrag) then {
+ j := (&x - GridXoff) / cellsize
+ i := (&y - GridYoff) / cellsize
+ if j < 0 | j >= hbits | i < 0 | i >= vbits then return
+ if e === (&lpress | &ldrag) then setbit(i, j, "1")
+ else setbit(i, j, "0")
+ tile_touched := 1
+ }
+ return
+# symmetry buttons
+procedure symmet_cb(vidget, e)
+ local col, row, symcount
+ if e === (&lpress | &rpress | &mpress) then {
+ col := (&x - SymmetXoff) / IconSize + 1
+ row := (&y - SymmetYoff) / IconSize + 1
+ sym_state[row, col] *:= -1
+ sym_image_current[row, col] :=: sym_image_next[row, col]
+ place(SymmetXoff, SymmetYoff, col - 1, row - 1,
+ sym_image_current[row, col])
+ symcount := 0
+ every symcount +:= !!sym_state
+ if symcount = -8 then
+ Notice("No drawing mode enabled; pattern cannot be edited")
+ else if (sym_state[1, 1] = 1) & (symcount = -6) then symmetries := 0
+ else symmetries := 1
+ return
+ }
+ fail
+# tile menu
+procedure tile_cb(vidget, value)
+ local result
+ case value[1] of {
+ "new @N" : new_tile()
+ "info @I" : tile_info()
+ }
+ return
+procedure new_tile()
+ case Dialog("New:", ["width", "height"], [*rows[1], *rows], 3,
+ ["Okay", "Cancel"]) of {
+ "Cancel" : fail
+ "Okay" : {
+ icheck(dialog_value) | fail
+ rows := list(dialog_value[2], repl("0", dialog_value[1]))
+ tile_touched := 1
+ return setup()
+ }
+ }
+ return
+# transformation buttons
+procedure xform_cb(vidget, e)
+ local col, row
+ if e === (&lpress | &rpress | &mpress) then {
+ old_pat := rows2pat(rows)
+ col := (&x - XformXoff) / IconSize
+ row := (&y - XformYoff) / IconSize
+ rows := xform(col, row) | fail
+ return setup()
+ }
+# Support procedures
+# clear bits on current tile
+procedure clear_tile()
+ rows := list(vbits, repl("0", hbits))
+ grid()
+ return
+# draw editing grid
+procedure grid()
+ local x, y
+ EraseArea(GridXoff, GridYoff, GridSize - 15, GridSize - 15)
+ every x := 0 to hbits * cellsize by cellsize do
+ DrawLine(GridXoff + x, GridYoff, GridXoff + x,
+ GridYoff + vbits * cellsize)
+ every y := 0 to vbits * cellsize by cellsize do
+ DrawLine(GridXoff, GridYoff + y, GridXoff + hbits * cellsize,
+ y + GridYoff)
+ return
+# check for valid integers
+procedure icheck(values)
+ local i
+ every i := !values do
+ if not(integer(i)) | (i < 0) then {
+ Notice("Invalid value")
+ fail
+ }
+ return
+# assign and draw icons
+procedure icons()
+ local shift_up, shift_left, shift_right, shift_down, pixmap
+ local clear, invert, scramble, trim, enlarge, resize, crop
+ shift_up := "16,#3ffe6003408141c143e140814081408140814081408140_
+ 81408160033ffe0000"
+ shift_left := "16,#3ffe6003400140014001401140195ffd40194011400140_
+ 01400160033ffe0000"
+ shift_right := "16,#3ffe600340014001400144014c015ffd4c014401400140_
+ 01400160033ffe0000"
+ shift_down := "16,#3ffe60034081408140814081408140814081408143e141_
+ c1408160033ffe0000"
+ flip_left := "16,#3ffe600340014079403940394049408149014e014e014f_
+ 01400160033ffe0000"
+ flip_right := "16,#3ffe600340014f014e014e014901408140494039403940_
+ 79400160033ffe0000"
+ flip_vert := "16,#3ffe6003408141c143e14081408140814081408143e141_
+ c1408160033ffe0000"
+ flip_horiz := "16,#3ffe600340014001400144114c195ffd4c194411400140_
+ 01400160033ffe0000"
+ rotate_90 := "16,#3ffe6003400140f141014201420142014f814701420140_
+ 01400160033ffe0000"
+ rotate_m90 := "16,#3ffe600340014781404140214021402140f94071402140_
+ 01400160033ffe0000"
+ rotate_180 := "16,#3ffe6003400141c140214011401140114111432147c143_
+ 01410160033ffe0000"
+ clear := "16,#3ffe600340014001400140014001400140014001400140_
+ 01400160033ffe0000"
+ invert := "16,#3ffe60ff40ff40ff40ff40ff40ff7fff7f817f817f817f_
+ 817f817f833ffe0000"
+ scramble := "16,#3ffe60034c014c0d418d41814001403159b1598140194c_
+ 194c0160033ffe0000"
+ trim := "16,#3ffe60134011407d40394011400140fd48854c857e854c_
+ 8548fd60033ffe0000"
+ enlarge := "16,#3ffe6083418143fd418148815c017efd48854885488548_
+ 8548fd60033ffe0000"
+ resize := "16,#3ffe6093419943fd419948915c017efd488548857e855c_
+ 8548fd60033ffe0000"
+ crop := "16,#3ffe60034011401147fd441144114411441144115ff144_
+ 01440160033ffe0000"
+ ident := "16,#3ffe6003400140014001400141c141c141c14001400140_
+ 01400160033ffe0000"
+ hi_ident := "16,#00001ffc3ffe3ffe3ffe3ffe3e3e3e3e3e3e3ffe3ffe3f_
+ fe3ffe1ffc00000000"
+ hi_rot_90 := "16,#00001ffc3ffe3f0e3efe3dfe3dfe3dfe307e38fe3dfe3f_
+ fe3ffe1ffc00000000"
+ hi_rot_m90 := "16,#00001ffc3ffe387e3fbe3fde3fde3fde3f063f8e3fde3f_
+ fe3ffe1ffc00000000"
+ hi_rot_180 := "16,#00001ffc3ffe3e3e3fde3fee3fee3fee3eee3cde383e3c_
+ fe3efe1ffc00000000"
+ hi_right := "16,#00001ffc3ffe30fe31fe31fe36fe3f7e3fb63fc63fc63f_
+ 863ffe1ffc00000000"
+ hi_left := "16,#00001ffc3ffe3f863fc63fc63fb63f7e36fe31fe31fe30_
+ fe3ffe1ffc00000000"
+ hi_vert := "16,#00001ffc3f7e3e3e3c1e3f7e3f7e3f7e3f7e3f7e3c1e3e_
+ 3e3f7e1ffc00000000"
+ hi_horiz := "16,#00001ffc3ffe3ffe3ffe3bee33e6200233e63bee3ffe3f_
+ fe3ffe1ffc00000000"
+# now place the images
+ place(XformXoff, XformYoff, 1, 0, shift_up)
+ place(XformXoff, XformYoff, 0, 1, shift_left)
+ place(XformXoff, XformYoff, 2, 1, shift_right)
+ place(XformXoff, XformYoff, 1, 2, shift_down)
+ place(XformXoff, XformYoff, 0, 4, flip_right)
+ place(XformXoff, XformYoff, 0, 5, flip_left)
+ place(XformXoff, XformYoff, 1, 4, flip_vert)
+ place(XformXoff, XformYoff, 1, 5, flip_horiz)
+ place(XformXoff, XformYoff, 0, 7, rotate_90)
+ place(XformXoff, XformYoff, 0, 8, rotate_m90)
+ place(XformXoff, XformYoff, 1, 7, rotate_180)
+ place(XformXoff, XformYoff, 0, 10, clear)
+ place(XformXoff, XformYoff, 1, 10, invert)
+ place(XformXoff, XformYoff, 2, 10, scramble)
+ place(XformXoff, XformYoff, 0, 12, trim)
+ place(XformXoff, XformYoff, 1, 12, enlarge)
+ place(XformXoff, XformYoff, 2, 12, resize)
+ place(XformXoff, XformYoff, 0, 14, crop)
+ place(SymmetXoff, SymmetYoff, 0, 0, hi_ident)
+ place(SymmetXoff, SymmetYoff, 1, 0, rotate_90)
+ place(SymmetXoff, SymmetYoff, 2, 0, rotate_m90)
+ place(SymmetXoff, SymmetYoff, 3, 0, rotate_180)
+ place(SymmetXoff, SymmetYoff, 0, 1, flip_right)
+ place(SymmetXoff, SymmetYoff, 1, 1, flip_left)
+ place(SymmetXoff, SymmetYoff, 2, 1, flip_vert)
+ place(SymmetXoff, SymmetYoff, 3, 1, flip_horiz)
+ return
+# invert bits on current pattern
+procedure invert()
+ rows := pinvert(rows)
+ return
+# place icon
+procedure place(xoff, yoff, col, row, pattern)
+# Pattern(pattgc, pattern)
+# FillRectangle(pattgc, xoff + col * IconSize,
+ DrawImage(pattgc, xoff + col * IconSize,
+ yoff + row * IconSize, pattern)
+ return
+# terminate session
+# read pattern specification
+procedure read_pattern(file)
+ local line
+ line := readpattline(file) | fail
+ return pattrec(legaltile(getpatt(line)), getpattnote(line))
+# read and add tile to tile list
+procedure read_tile()
+ local input, tile
+ static file, line
+ initial line := "1"
+ repeat {
+ if TextDialog("Read tile:", ["file", "line"], [file, line], [60, 4]) == "Cancel" then fail
+ input := open(dialog_value[1]) | {
+ Notice("Cannot open file.")
+ next
+ }
+ file := dialog_value[1]
+ line := (0 < integer(dialog_value[2]))
+ every 1 to line - 1 do
+ read(input) | {
+ Notice("Not that many lines in file.")
+ close(input)
+ next
+ }
+ tile := read_pattern(input) | {
+ Notice("Cannot process matrix.")
+ close(input)
+ next
+ }
+ close(input)
+ rows := pat2rows(tile.tile)
+ return setup()
+ }
+# scramble bits of current tile
+procedure bscramble()
+ rows := pscramble(rows, "b")
+ return
+# set bits of tile
+procedure setbit(i, j, c)
+ local x, y, xu, yu, xv, yv, xt, yt, action
+ if (symmetries = 0) & (rows[i + 1, j + 1] == c) then return # optimization
+ x := GridXoff + j * cellsize + 1 # the selected cell itself
+ y := GridYoff + i * cellsize + 1
+ xt := GridXoff + i * cellsize + 1
+ yt := GridYoff + j * cellsize + 1
+ i +:= 1 # for computational convenience
+ j +:= 1
+ xu := GridXoff + (hbits - j) * cellsize + 1 # opposite cells
+ yu := GridYoff + (vbits - i) * cellsize + 1
+ xv := GridXoff + (hbits - i) * cellsize + 1
+ yv := GridYoff + (vbits - j) * cellsize + 1
+ action := if c = 1 then FillRectangle else EraseArea
+ if sym_state[1, 1] = 1 then { # cell itself
+ rows[i, j] := c
+ action(x, y, cellsize - 1, cellsize - 1)
+ }
+ if sym_state[1, 2] = 1 then { # 90 degrees
+ if rows[j, -i] := c then # may be out of bounds
+ action(xv, yt, cellsize - 1, cellsize - 1)
+ }
+ if sym_state[1, 3] = 1 then { # -90 degrees
+ if rows[-j, i] := c then # may be out of bounds
+ action(xt, yv, cellsize - 1, cellsize - 1)
+ }
+ if sym_state[1, 4] = 1 then { # 180 degrees
+ rows[-i, -j] := c
+ action(xu, yu, cellsize - 1, cellsize - 1)
+ }
+ if sym_state[2, 1] = 1 then { # left diagonal
+ if rows[j, i] := c then # may be out of bounds
+ action(xt, yt, cellsize - 1, cellsize - 1)
+ }
+ if sym_state[2, 2] = 1 then { # right diagonal
+ if rows[-j, -i] := c then # may be out of bounds
+ action(xv, yv, cellsize - 1, cellsize - 1)
+ }
+ if sym_state[2, 3] = 1 then { # vertical
+ rows[-i, j] := c
+ action(x, yu, cellsize - 1, cellsize - 1)
+ }
+ if sym_state[2, 4] = 1 then { # horizontal
+ rows[i, -j] := c
+ action(xu, y, cellsize - 1, cellsize - 1)
+ }
+ return
+# set up editing grid and view area
+procedure setup()
+ local i, j
+ hbits := *rows[1]
+ vbits := *rows
+ if (hbits | vbits) > 80 then { # based on cell size >= 3
+ Notice("Dimensions too large")
+ fail
+ }
+ if hbits > MaxPatt then mode := &null # too large for pattern
+ cellsize := MaxCell # cell size on window
+ cellsize >:= GridSize / (vbits + 4)
+ cellsize >:= GridSize / (hbits + 4)
+ grid()
+ every i := 1 to hbits do
+ every j := 1 to vbits do
+ if rows[j, i] == "1" then
+ FillRectangle(GridXoff + (i - 1) * cellsize,
+ GridYoff + (j - 1) * cellsize, cellsize, cellsize)
+ return
+# keyboard shortcuts
+procedure shortcuts(e)
+ if &meta then case map(e) of {
+ "c" : copy_tile()
+ "i" : tile_info()
+ "n" : new_tile()
+ "p" : paste_tile()
+ "q" : exit()
+ "r" : read_tile()
+ "z" : undo_xform()
+ "w" : write_tile()
+ }
+ return
+# return number of bits set in tile for sorting
+procedure tile_bits(x)
+ return tilebits(pat2rows(x.tile))
+# show information about tile
+procedure tile_info()
+ local line1, line2, pattern, bits, density
+ pattern := rows2pat(rows)
+ bits := tilebits(rows)
+ density := left(bits / real(*rows[1] * *rows), 6)
+ line1 := left(*rows[1] || "x" || *rows || " b=" || bits || " d=" ||
+ density, InfoLength)
+ line2 := if *pattern > InfoLength then pattern[1+:(InfoLength - 3)] ||
+ "..." else left(pattern, InfoLength)
+ Notice(line1, line2)
+ return
+# return tile size for sorting
+procedure tile_size(x)
+ local dims
+ dims := tiledim(x.tile)
+ return dims.w * dims.h
+# undo transformation
+procedure undo_xform()
+ rows := pat2rows(old_pat)
+ return setup()
+# write pattern
+procedure write_pattern(file, pattern)
+ write(file, pattern.tile)
+ return
+# write tile
+procedure write_tile()
+ local output
+ repeat {
+ if SaveDialog("Write tie-up") == "Cancel" then fail
+ output := open(dialog_value, "w") | {
+ Notice("Cannot open file for writing.")
+ next
+ }
+ write_pattern(output, pattrec(rows2pat(rows)))
+ close(output)
+ return
+ }
+# handle transformation
+procedure xform(col, row)
+ local result
+ static params
+ tile_touched := 1
+ return case col of {
+ 0: case row of {
+ 1: pshift(rows, -1, "h")
+ 4: pflip(rows, "r")
+ 5: pflip(rows, "l")
+ 7: protate(rows, 90)
+ 8: protate(rows, -90)
+ 10: list(vbits, repl("0", hbits))
+ 12: ptrim(rows)
+ 14: {
+ if /allxform then {
+ case Dialog("Crop:", ["left", "right", "top", "bottom"],
+ 0, 3, ["Okay", "Cancel"]) of {
+ "Cancel": fail
+ "Okay": {
+ icheck(dialog_value) | fail
+ result := copy(params := dialog_value)
+ push(result, rows)
+ pcrop ! result
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ default: fail
+ }
+ 1: case row of {
+ 0: pshift(rows, -1, "v")
+ 2: pshift(rows, 1, "v")
+ 4: pflip(rows, "v")
+ 5: pflip(rows, "h")
+ 7: protate(rows, 180)
+ 10: pinvert(rows)
+ 12: {
+ if /allxform then {
+ case Dialog("Enlarge:", ["left", "right", "top", "bottom"],
+ 0, 3, ["Okay", "Cancel"]) of {
+ "Cancel": fail
+ "Okay": {
+ icheck(dialog_value) | fail
+ result := copy(params := dialog_value)
+ push(result, rows)
+ pborder ! result
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ default: fail
+ }
+ 2: case row of {
+ 1: pshift(rows, 1, "h")
+ 10: pscramble(rows, "b")
+ 12: {
+ if /allxform then {
+ case Dialog("Center:", ["width", "height"], [*rows[1], *rows],
+ 3, ["Okay", "Cancel"]) of {
+ "Cancel": fail
+ "Okay": {
+ icheck(dialog_value) | fail
+ result := copy(params := dialog_value)
+ push(result, rows)
+ pcenter ! result
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ default: fail
+ }
+ default: fail
+ }
+#===<<vib:begin>>=== modify using vib; do not remove this marker line
+procedure ui_atts()
+ return ["size=427,419", "bg=pale gray", "label=Penelope"]
+procedure ui(win, cbk)
+return vsetup(win, cbk,
+ [":Sizer:::0,0,427,419:Penelope",],
+ ["file:Menu:pull::0,0,36,21:file",file_cb,
+ ["read @R","write @W","copy @C","paste @P","quit @Q "]],
+ ["line1:Line:::27,22,427,22:",],
+ ["symmetries:Label:::25,340,70,13:symmetries",],
+ ["tile:Menu:pull::38,0,36,21:tile",tile_cb,
+ ["new @N","info @I"]],
+ ["transformations:Label:::5,33,105,13:transformations",],
+ ["symregion:Rect:grooved::25,367,70,38:",symmet_cb],
+ ["info:Rect:invisible::147,368,251,31:",],
+ ["xform:Rect:grooved::26,58,58,256:",xform_cb],
+ ["grid:Rect:grooved::145,58,251,256:",grid_cb],
+ )
+#===<<vib:end>>=== end of section maintained by vib