path: root/ipl/gpacks/weaving/plotgrid.icn
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Diffstat (limited to 'ipl/gpacks/weaving/plotgrid.icn')
1 files changed, 194 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipl/gpacks/weaving/plotgrid.icn b/ipl/gpacks/weaving/plotgrid.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df32112
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gpacks/weaving/plotgrid.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+# File: plotgrid.icn
+# Subject: Program to create grid plots for sequence drafts
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: June 19, 1999
+# This program produces grid plots as specificed in the include
+# file, include.wvp, which is produced by seqdraft.icn.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics and large integers
+# Links: cells, convert, expander, weaving, weavutil, lists, mirror,
+# tieutils, wopen, numbers, weaveseq
+# Note: The include file may contain link declarations.
+link convert
+link expander
+link weaving
+link weavutil
+link lists
+link mirror
+link numbers
+link tieutils
+link wopen
+link weaveseq
+$include "include.wvp"
+$ifdef Link
+global cmod
+global colors
+global height
+global shafts
+global width
+global threading
+global tieup
+global tieups
+global treadling
+global treadles
+global warp_colors
+global weft_colors
+$define CellSize 4
+procedure main()
+ init()
+ plot()
+# Initialize the weaving.
+procedure init()
+ local m, n, v
+ shafts := Shafts
+ treadles := Treadles
+ colors := Colors
+ height := Length
+ width := Breadth
+ threading := []
+ every put(threading, |sconvert(Threading, shafts)) \ width
+ treadling := []
+ every put(treadling, |sconvert(Treadling, treadles)) \ height
+ warp_colors := []
+ every put(warp_colors, |sconvert(WarpColors, *colors)) \ width
+ weft_colors := []
+ every put(weft_colors, |sconvert(WeftColors, *colors)) \ height
+$ifdef Reflect
+ threading |||:= lreverse(threading[1:-1])
+ treadling |||:= lreverse(treadling[1:-1])
+ warp_colors |||:= lreverse(warp_colors[1:-1])
+ weft_colors |||:= lreverse(weft_colors[1:-1])
+ width := 2 * width - 1
+ height := 2 * height - 1
+$ifdef DeBug
+ write(image(threading))
+ write(image(treadling))
+ write(image(warp_colors))
+ write(image(weft_colors))
+ tieup := tie2tier(shafts, treadles, Tieup).matrix
+ return
+# Create the plots.
+procedure plot()
+ local threading_pane, warp_pane, treadling_pane, weft_pane, tieup_pane
+ local tr_width, th_width, tr_height, th_height, comp, i, j
+ threading_pane := makepanel(*threading, shafts, CellSize)
+ every i := 1 to *threading do
+ colorcell(threading_pane, i, threading[i], "black")
+ WAttrib(threading_pane.window, "label=threading sequence")
+ th_width := WAttrib(threading_pane.window, "width")
+ th_height := WAttrib(threading_pane.window, "height")
+ warp_pane := makepanel(*warp_colors, shafts, CellSize)
+ every i := 1 to *warp_colors do
+ colorcell(warp_pane, i, warp_colors[i], "black")
+ treadling_pane := makepanel(treadles, *treadling, CellSize)
+ tr_width := WAttrib(treadling_pane.window, "width")
+ tr_height := WAttrib(treadling_pane.window, "height")
+ every i := 1 to *treadling do
+ colorcell(treadling_pane, treadles - treadling[i] + 1, i, "black")
+ weft_pane := makepanel(treadles, *weft_colors, CellSize)
+ every i := 1 to *weft_colors do
+ colorcell(weft_pane, treadles - weft_colors[i] + 1, i, "black")
+ tieup_pane := makepanel(treadles, shafts, CellSize)
+ every i := 1 to shafts do
+ every j := 1 to treadles do
+ if tieup[j, i] == "1" then
+ colorcell(tieup_pane, j, i, "black")
+ comp := WOpen(
+ "canvas=hidden",
+ "width=" || (2 * tr_width + th_width),
+ "height=" || (2 * th_height + tr_height)
+ ) | stop("cannot open comp window")
+ CopyArea(threading_pane.window, comp, , , , , tr_width, 0)
+ CopyArea(treadling_pane.window, comp, , , , , 0, th_height)
+ CopyArea(warp_pane.window, comp, , , , , tr_width, tr_height + th_height)
+ CopyArea(weft_pane.window, comp, , , , , th_width + tr_width, th_height)
+ CopyArea(tieup_pane.window, comp, , , , , 0, 0)
+ WAttrib(comp, "canvas=normal")
+ WDone(comp)
+ return
+procedure shortcuts(e)
+ if &meta then case map(e) of {
+ "q" : exit()
+ "w" : weave()
+ }
+ return
+procedure sconvert(s, n)
+ return abs(integer(s) % n) + 1