path: root/ipl/gprocs/patutils.icn
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1 files changed, 584 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipl/gprocs/patutils.icn b/ipl/gprocs/patutils.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8da4da3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprocs/patutils.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,584 @@
+# File: patutils.icn
+# Subject: Procedures to manipulate patterns
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: July 8, 2002
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This file contains procedures that manipulate graphic pattern
+# representations. These procedures are intended for bi-level patterns
+# representable by 0s and 1s.
+# A row pattern is a list of strings, with each string representing
+# a row in the pattern.
+# DrawTile(win, xoff, yoff, pattern, magnif, mode)
+# DrawRows(win, xoff, yoff, rows, magnif, mode)
+# bits2hex(s)
+# decspec(pattern)
+# eqpats(prws, rows2)
+# getpatt(line)
+# getpattnote(line)
+# hex2bits(s)
+# hexspec(pattern)
+# legalpat(tile)
+# legaltile(tile)
+# pat2xbm(pattern, name)
+# tilebits(rows)
+# pdensity(pattern)
+# pix2pat(window, x, y, cols, rows)
+# readpatt(input)
+# readpattline(input)
+# rowbits(pattern)
+# pat2rows(pattern)
+# rows2pat(rlist)
+# showbits(pattern)
+# tiledim(pattern)
+# xbm2rows(input)
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: convert
+link convert
+record tdim(w, h)
+# Draw a tile at a given location. If mode is nonnull, the
+# area on which the tile is drawn is erased.
+procedure DrawTile(win, xoff, yoff, pattern, magnif, mode)
+ local x, y, row, pixel, dims, arglist
+ if type(win) ~== "window" then {
+ win :=: xoff :=: yoff :=: pattern :=: mode
+ win := &window
+ }
+ /magnif := 1
+ y := yoff
+ if \mode then {
+ dims := tiledim(pattern)
+ EraseArea(xoff, yoff, dims.w * magnif, dims.h * magnif)
+ }
+ every row := rowbits(pattern) do { # draw a row
+ x := xoff
+ arglist := []
+ if magnif = 1 then {
+ every pixel := !row do {
+ if pixel == "1" then put(arglist, x, y)
+ x +:= 1
+ }
+ y +:= 1
+ }
+ else {
+ every pixel := !row do {
+ if pixel == "1" then put(arglist, x, y, magnif, magnif)
+ x +:= magnif
+ }
+ y +:= magnif
+ }
+ if *arglist = 0 then next
+ if magnif = 1 then DrawPoint ! arglist else FillRectangle ! arglist
+ }
+ return
+# Draw rows at a given location. If mode is nonnull, the
+# area on which the tile is drawn is erased.
+procedure DrawRows(win, xoff, yoff, rows, magnif, mode)
+ local x, y, row, pixel, arglist
+ if type(win) ~== "window" then {
+ win :=: xoff :=: yoff :=: rows :=: magnif :=: mode
+ win := &window
+ }
+ /magnif := 1
+ y := yoff
+ if \mode then
+ EraseArea(xoff, yoff, *rows[1] * magnif, *rows * magnif)
+ every row := !rows do { # draw a row
+ x := xoff
+ arglist := []
+ if magnif = 1 then {
+ every pixel := !row do {
+ if pixel == "1" then put(arglist, x, y)
+ x +:= 1
+ }
+ y +:= 1
+ }
+ else {
+ every pixel := !row do {
+ if pixel = "1" then put(arglist, x, y, magnif, magnif)
+ x +:= magnif
+ }
+ y +:= magnif
+ }
+ if *arglist = 0 then next
+ if magnif = 1 then DrawPoint ! arglist else FillRectangle ! arglist
+ }
+ return
+# Convert bit string to hex pattern string
+procedure bits2hex(s)
+ static bittab
+ local hex
+ initial {
+ bittab := table()
+ bittab["0000"] := "0"
+ bittab["1000"] := "1"
+ bittab["0100"] := "2"
+ bittab["1100"] := "3"
+ bittab["0010"] := "4"
+ bittab["1010"] := "5"
+ bittab["0110"] := "6"
+ bittab["1110"] := "7"
+ bittab["0001"] := "8"
+ bittab["1001"] := "9"
+ bittab["0101"] := "a"
+ bittab["1101"] := "b"
+ bittab["0011"] := "c"
+ bittab["1011"] := "d"
+ bittab["0111"] := "e"
+ bittab["1111"] := "f"
+ }
+ hex := ""
+ s ? {
+ while hex := bittab[move(4)] || hex
+ if not pos(0) then hex := bittab[left(tab(0), 4, "0")] || hex
+ }
+ return hex
+# Convert pattern specification to decimal form
+procedure decspec(pattern)
+ local cols, chunk, dec
+ pattern ? {
+ if not upto("#") then return pattern
+ cols := tab(upto(','))
+ move(2)
+ chunk := (cols + 3) / 4
+ dec := cols || ","
+ while dec ||:= integer("16r" || move(chunk)) || ","
+ }
+ return dec[1:-1]
+procedure eqpats(rows1, rows2) #: test row patterns for equality
+ local i
+ if (*rows1 ~= *rows2) | (*rows1[1] ~= *rows2[1]) then fail
+ every i := 1 to *rows1 do
+ if rows1[i] ~== rows2[i] then fail
+ return rows2
+# Get pattern from line. It trims off leading and trailing whitespace
+# and removes any annotation (beginning with a # after the first whitespace
+procedure getpatt(line)
+ line ? {
+ tab(many(' \t'))
+ return tab(upto(' \t') | 0)
+ }
+# Get pattern annotation. It returns an empty string if there is
+# no annotation.
+procedure getpattnote(line)
+ line ? {
+ tab(many(' \t')) # remove leading whitespace
+ tab(upto(' \t')) | return "" # skip pattern
+ tab(upto('#')) | return "" # get to annotation
+ tab(many('# \t')) # get rid of leading junk
+ return tab(0) # annotation
+ }
+# Convert hexadecimal string to bits
+procedure hex2bits(s)
+ static hextab
+ local bits
+ initial {
+ hextab := table()
+ hextab["0"] := "0000"
+ hextab["1"] := "0001"
+ hextab["2"] := "0010"
+ hextab["3"] := "0011"
+ hextab["4"] := "0100"
+ hextab["5"] := "0101"
+ hextab["6"] := "0110"
+ hextab["7"] := "0111"
+ hextab["8"] := "1000"
+ hextab["9"] := "1001"
+ hextab["a"] := "1010"
+ hextab["b"] := "1011"
+ hextab["c"] := "1100"
+ hextab["d"] := "1101"
+ hextab["e"] := "1110"
+ hextab["f"] := "1111"
+ }
+ bits := ""
+ map(s) ? {
+ while bits ||:= hextab[move(1)]
+ }
+ return bits
+# Convert pattern to hexadecimal form
+procedure hexspec(pattern)
+ local cols, chunk, hex
+ pattern ? {
+ if find("#") then return pattern
+ cols := tab(upto(','))
+ move(1)
+ chunk := (cols + 3) / 4
+ hex := cols || ",#"
+ while hex ||:= right(exbase10(tab(upto(',') | 0), 16), chunk, "0") do
+ move(1) | break
+ }
+ return hex
+# Succeed if tile is legal and small enough for (X) pattern. Other
+# windows systems may be more restrictive.
+procedure legalpat(tile)
+ if not legaltile(tile) then fail
+ tile ? {
+ if 0 < integer(tab(upto(','))) <= 32 then return tile
+ else fail
+ }
+# Succeed if tile is legal. Accepts tiles that are too big for
+# patterns.
+procedure legaltile(tile)
+ map(tile) ? { # first check syntax
+ (tab(many(&digits)) & =",") | fail
+ if ="#" then (tab(many('0123456789abcdef')) & pos(0)) | fail
+ else {
+ while tab(many(&digits)) do {
+ if pos(0) then break # okay; end of string
+ else ="," | fail
+ }
+ if not pos(0) then fail # non-digit
+ }
+ }
+ return hexspec(decspec(tile)) == tile
+# Convert pattern specification to an XBM image file.
+procedure pat2xbm(pattern, name)
+ local dims, chunk, row
+ /name := "noname"
+ dims := tiledim(pattern)
+ write("#define ", name, "_width ", dims.w)
+ write("#define ", name, "_height ", dims.h)
+ write("static char ", name, "_bits[] = {")
+ chunk := (dims.w + 3) / 4
+ pattern ? {
+ tab(upto('#') + 1)
+ while row := move(chunk) do {
+ if *row % 2 ~= 0 then row := "0" || row
+ row ? {
+ tab(0)
+ while writes("0x", move(-2), ",")
+ }
+ write()
+ }
+ }
+ write("};")
+# Count the number of bits set in a tile
+procedure tilebits(rows)
+ local bits
+ bits := 0
+ every bits +:= !!rows
+ return bits
+# Compute density (percentage of black bits) of pattern
+procedure pdensity(pattern)
+ local dark, dims
+ dims := tiledim(pattern)
+ hexspec(pattern) ? {
+ dark := 0
+ every rowbits(pattern) ? {
+ every upto('1') do
+ dark +:= 1
+ }
+ return dark / real(dims.w * dims.h)
+ }
+# Procedure to produce pattern specification from a square section of a window.
+procedure pix2pat(window, x, y, cols, rows)
+ local c, j, tile, pattern, pixels, y0
+ pattern := ""
+ every y0 := 0 to rows - 1 do {
+ pixels := ""
+ every j := 0 to cols - 1 do
+ every c := Pixel(window, x + j, y0 + y, 1, 1) do
+ pixels ||:= (if c == "0,0,0" then "1" else "0")
+ pattern ||:= bits2hex(pixels)
+ }
+ if *pattern = 0 then fail # out of bounds specification
+ else return cols || ",#" || pattern
+# Read pattern. It skips lines starting with a #,
+# empty lines, and trims off any trailing characters after the
+# first whitespace of a pattern.
+procedure readpatt(input)
+ local line
+ while line := read(input) do
+ line ? {
+ if pos(0) | ="#" then next
+ return tab(upto(' \t') | 0)
+ }
+ fail
+# Read pattern line. It skips lines starting with a # and empty lines but
+# does not trim off any trailing characters after the first whitespace of
+# a pattern.
+procedure readpattline(input)
+ local line
+ while line := read(input) do
+ line ? {
+ if pos(0) | ="#" then next
+ return tab(0)
+ }
+ fail
+# Generate rows of bits in a pattern. Doesn't work correctly for small
+# patterns. (Why?)
+procedure rowbits(pattern)
+ local row, dims, chunk, hex
+ dims := tiledim(pattern)
+ hexspec(pattern) ? {
+ tab(upto(',') + 2)
+ hex := tab(0)
+ chunk := *hex / dims.h
+ hex ? {
+ while row := right(hex2bits(move(chunk)), dims.w, "0") do
+ suspend reverse(row)
+ }
+ }
+# Produce a list of the rows of a pattern
+procedure pat2rows(pattern)
+ local rlist
+ rlist := []
+ every put(rlist, rowbits(pattern))
+ return rlist
+# Convert row list to pattern specification
+procedure rows2pat(rlist)
+ local pattern
+ pattern := *rlist[1] || ",#"
+ every pattern ||:= bits2hex(!rlist)
+ return pattern
+# Show bits of a pattern
+procedure showbits(pattern)
+ every write(rowbits(pattern))
+ write()
+ return
+# Produce dimensions of the tile for a pattern
+procedure tiledim(pattern)
+ local cols
+ hexspec(pattern) ? {
+ cols := integer(tab(upto(',')))
+ =",#" | fail
+ return tdim(cols, *tab(0) / ((cols + 3) / 4))
+ }
+# Generate rows of bits from an XBM file
+procedure xbm2rows(input)
+ local image, bits, row, hex, width, height, chunks
+ image := ""
+ read(input) ? {
+ tab(find("width") + 6)
+ tab(upto(&digits))
+ width := integer(tab(many(&digits)))
+ }
+ read(input) ? {
+ tab(find("height") + 6)
+ tab(upto(&digits))
+ height := integer(tab(many(&digits)))
+ }
+ chunks := (width / 8) + if (width % 8) > 0 then 1 else 0
+ while image ||:= reads(input, 500000) # Boo! -- can do better
+ image ? {
+ every 1 to height do {
+ row := ""
+ every 1 to chunks do {
+ tab(find("0x") + 2)
+ hex := move(2) # a bit of optimization
+ row ||:= case hex of {
+ "00": "00000000"
+ "ff": "11111111"
+ default: reverse(right(hex2bits(hex), 8, "0"))
+ }
+ }
+ suspend left(row, width)
+ }
+ }