path: root/ipl/gprocs/vbuttons.icn
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1 files changed, 418 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipl/gprocs/vbuttons.icn b/ipl/gprocs/vbuttons.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6c2dd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprocs/vbuttons.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+# File: vbuttons.icn
+# Subject: Procedures for buttons
+# Authors: Jon Lipp and Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: May 2, 2001
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Vidgets defined in this file:
+# Vbutton
+# Vtoggle
+# Vcheckbox (obsolete)
+# Vmessage
+# Vline
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: vstyle
+link vstyle
+# Vbutton
+record Vbutton_rec (win, s, callback, id, style, aw, ah, data,
+ ax, ay, uid, P, D, V)
+procedure Vbutton(params[])
+ local self, frame, x, y, ins
+ static procs, type
+ initial {
+ procs := Vstd(event_Vbutton, draw_Vbutton, outline_Vidget,
+ resize_Vbutton, inrange_Vpane, init_Vbutton, couplerset_Vbutton)
+ type := proc("type", 0) # protect attractive names
+ }
+ if ins := Vinsert_check(params) then {
+ frame := pop(params); x := pop(params); y:= pop(params)
+ }
+ self := Vbutton_rec ! params[1:8|0]
+ Vwin_check(, "Vbutton()")
+ if type(\self.s) ~== "string" & not numeric(self.s) then
+ _Vbomb("invalid label passed to Vbutton()")
+ if (\, not numeric( ) then
+ _Vbomb("invalid aw parameter to Vbutton()")
+ if (\self.ah, not numeric(self.ah) ) then
+ _Vbomb("invalid ah parameter to Vbutton()")
+ self.uid := Vget_uid()
+ Vset_style(self,
+ self.V := procs
+ self.P := Vstd_pos()
+ self.V.init(self)
+ if \ins then VInsert(frame, self, x, y)
+ return self
+procedure draw_Vbutton(self)
+ self.D.draw_off(self)
+procedure couplerset_Vbutton(self)
+ self.V.draw(self)
+# Dragging mouse over edge toggles mouse "on" or "off".
+procedure event_Vbutton(self, e)
+ local out
+ if \self.callback.locked then fail
+ if e === (&lpress|&mpress|&rpress) then {
+ self.D.draw_on(self)
+ repeat {
+ e := Event(
+ if self.V.inrange(self, &x, &y) then {
+ if e === (&lrelease|&mrelease|&rrelease) then {
+ self.D.draw_off(self)
+ self.callback.V.set(self.callback, self)
+ return
+ }
+ else if \out then {
+ self.D.draw_on(self)
+ out := &null
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if e === (&ldrag|&mdrag|&rdrag) & /out then {
+ self.D.draw_off(self)
+ out := 1
+ }
+ else if e === (&lrelease|&mrelease|&rrelease) then {
+ self.D.draw_off(self)
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ return
+ }
+procedure init_Vbutton (self)
+ local p
+ p := \self.callback
+ self.callback := Vbool_coupler()
+ add_clients_Vinit(self.callback, p, self)
+ self.D.init(self)
+procedure resize_Vbutton(s, x, y, w, h)
+ resize_Vidget(s, x, y, w, h)
+ Vset_style(s,
+ s.D.init(s)
+# Vtoggle
+procedure Vtoggle(params[])
+ local frame, x, y, ins, self
+ static procs, type
+ initial {
+ procs := Vstd(event_Vtoggle, draw_Vtoggle, outline_Vidget,
+ resize_Vidget, inrange_Vpane, init_Vbutton,
+ couplerset_Vbutton,,,,, set_value_Vtoggle)
+ type := proc("type", 0)
+ }
+ if ins := Vinsert_check(params) then {
+ frame := pop(params); x := pop(params); y:= pop(params)
+ }
+ self := Vbutton_rec ! params[1:8|0]
+ Vwin_check(, "Vtoggle()")
+ if type(\self.s) ~== "string" & not numeric(self.s) then
+ _Vbomb("invalid label passed to Vtoggle()")
+ if (\, not numeric( ) then
+ _Vbomb("invalid aw parameter to Vtoggle()")
+ if (\self.ah, not numeric(self.ah) ) then
+ _Vbomb("invalid ah parameter to Vtoggle()")
+ self.uid := Vget_uid()
+ Vset_style(self,
+ self.V := procs
+ self.P := Vstd_pos()
+ self.V.init(self)
+ if \ins then VInsert(frame, self, x, y)
+ return self
+procedure draw_Vtoggle(self)
+ if \self.callback.value then
+ self.D.draw_on(self)
+ else
+ self.D.draw_off(self)
+# Basically same functionality as for Vbutton with the exception
+# of maintaining the state of the toggle between events.
+procedure event_Vtoggle(self, e)
+ local out, new, original
+ if \self.callback.locked then fail
+ if e === (&lpress|&mpress|&rpress) then {
+ if /self.callback.value then {
+ new := self.D.draw_on
+ original := self.D.draw_off
+ }
+ else {
+ new := self.D.draw_off
+ original := self.D.draw_on
+ }
+ new(self)
+ repeat {
+ e := Event(
+ if self.V.inrange(self, &x, &y) then {
+ if e === (&lrelease|&mrelease|&rrelease) then {
+ self.callback.V.toggle(self.callback, self)
+ := self.callback.value
+ return
+ }
+ else if \out then {
+ new(self)
+ out := &null
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if e === (&ldrag|&mdrag|&rdrag) & /out then {
+ original(self)
+ out := 1
+ }
+ else if e === (&lrelease|&mrelease|&rrelease) then {
+ original(self)
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ return
+ }
+procedure set_value_Vtoggle(self, value)
+ if \value then
+ self.callback.V.set(self.callback)
+ else
+ self.callback.V.unset(self.callback)
+ := self.callback.value
+ draw_Vtoggle(self)
+ return
+# Vcheckbox
+record Vcheckbox_rec (win, callback, id, size, aw, ah, data,
+ ax, ay, cw, uid, P, V, D)
+procedure Vcheckbox(params[])
+ local frame, x, y, ins, self, p
+ static procs
+ initial {
+ procs := Vstd(event_Vtoggle, draw_Vtoggle, outline_Vidget,
+ resize_Vidget, inrange_Vpane, ,
+ couplerset_Vbutton,,,,, set_value_Vtoggle)
+ }
+ if ins := Vinsert_check(params) then {
+ frame := pop(params); x := pop(params); y:= pop(params)
+ }
+ self := Vcheckbox_rec ! params[1:5|0]
+ if ( \self.size, not numeric(self.size) ) then
+ _Vbomb("invalid size parameter to Vcheck_box()")
+ Vwin_check(, "Vcheck_box()")
+ self.uid := Vget_uid()
+ self.V := procs
+ self.P := Vstd_pos()
+ self.D := Vstd_draw(draw_off_Vcheckbox, draw_on_Vcheckbox)
+## Init
+# PMIcon fix.
+# := Clone(, "linewidth=2")
+ := WAttrib(, "linewidth")
+ /self.size := 15
+ := self.ah := self.size
+ p := \self.callback
+ self.callback := Vbool_coupler()
+ add_clients_Vinit(self.callback, p, self)
+ if \ins then VInsert(frame, self, x, y)
+ return self
+procedure draw_on_Vcheckbox(self)
+ local x, y, sz
+ x :=
+ y := self.ay
+ sz := self.size
+# PMIcon fix.
+ WAttrib(, "linewidth=2")
+ DrawSegment(, x+1, y+1, x+sz-1, y+sz-1, x+1, y+sz-1, x+sz-1, y+1)
+# PMIcon fix.
+ WAttrib(, "linewidth="||
+ self.V.outline(self)
+procedure draw_off_Vcheckbox(self)
+ local x, y, sz
+ x :=
+ y := self.ay
+ sz := self.size
+# PMIcon fix.
+ WAttrib(, "reverse=on", "linewidth=2")
+ DrawSegment(, x+1, y+1, x+sz-1, y+sz-1, x+1, y+sz-1, x+sz-1, y+1)
+# PMIcon fix.
+ WAttrib(, "reverse=off", "linewidth="||
+ self.V.outline(self)
+# Vmessage
+procedure Vmessage(params[])
+ static procs, type
+ local frame, x, y, ins, self
+ initial {
+ procs := Vstd(null_proc, draw_Vmessage, outline_Vidget,
+ resize_Vidget, null_proc, init_Vmessage, null_proc)
+ type := proc("type", 0) # protect attractive names
+ }
+ if ins := Vinsert_check(params) then {
+ frame := pop(params); x := pop(params); y:= pop(params)
+ }
+ self := Vbutton_rec ! params[1:3|0]
+ Vwin_check(, "Vmessage()")
+ if type(\self.s) ~== "string" & not numeric(self.s) then
+ _Vbomb("invalid label passed to Vmessage()")
+ self.uid := Vget_uid()
+ self.V := procs
+ self.D := Vstd_draw()
+ self.P := Vstd_pos()
+ self.V.init(self)
+ if \ins then VInsert(frame, self, x, y)
+ return self
+procedure draw_Vmessage(self)
+ GotoXY(,, self.ay+self.D.basey)
+ writes(, self.s)
+# self.V.outline(self)
+procedure init_Vmessage(self)
+ local TW, FH, ascent, descent
+ /self.s := ""
+ / := (TW := TextWidth(, self.s))
+ ascent := WAttrib(, "ascent")
+ descent := WAttrib(, "descent")
+ /self.ah := FH := ascent + descent
+ self.D.basex := ( - TW) / 2
+ self.D.basey := (self.ah - FH) / 2 + ascent
+# Vline
+# I know, I know, this vidgie is not well designed or efficient.
+record Vline_rec (win, ax1, ay1, ax2, ay2, aw, ah, id, uid, P, V)
+procedure Vline(params[])
+ local self
+ static procs
+ initial procs := Vstd(null_proc, draw_Vline, null_proc,
+ resize_Vline, null_proc, null_proc,
+ null_proc)
+ self := Vline_rec ! params[1:6|0]
+ Vwin_check(, "Vline()")
+ if not numeric(self.ax1) then
+ _Vbomb("invalid coordinate parameter to Vline()")
+ if not numeric(self.ax2) then
+ _Vbomb("invalid coordinate parameter to Vline()")
+ if not numeric(self.ay1) then
+ _Vbomb("invalid coordinate parameter to Vline()")
+ if not numeric(self.ay2) then
+ _Vbomb("invalid coordinate parameter to Vline()")
+ self.uid := Vget_uid()
+ self.V := procs
+ self.P := Vstd_pos()
+ return self
+procedure resize_Vline(frame, self)
+ local x, y, w, h, x1, y1, x2, y2
+ x :=
+ y := frame.ay
+ w :=
+ h := frame.ah
+ x1 := self.ax1
+ y1 := self.ay1
+ x2 := self.ax2
+ y2 := self.ay2
+ self.ax1 := x + ( (/x1, 0) | (x1 <= -1 , w+x1) |
+ (-1 < x1 < 0, w + x1*w) | (0 < x1 < 1, w*x1) | x1 )
+ self.ay1 := y + ( (/y1, 0) | (y1 <= -1 , h+y1) |
+ (-1 < y1 < 0, h + y1*h) | (0 < y1 < 1, h*y1) | y1 )
+ self.ax2 := x + ( (/x2, w) | (x2 <= -1 , w+x2) |
+ (-1 < x2 < 0, w + x2*w) | (0 < x2 < 1, w*x2) | x2 )
+ self.ay2 := y + ( (/y2, h) | (y2 <= -1 , h+y2) |
+ (-1 < y2 < 0, h + y2*h) | (0 < y2 < 1, h*y2) | y2 )
+procedure draw_Vline(self)
+ DrawGroove(, self.ax1, self.ay1, self.ax2, self.ay2)
+procedure erase_Vline(self)
+ DrawGroove(, self.ax1, self.ay1, self.ax2, self.ay2, 0)