path: root/ipl/gprocs/vtext.icn
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1 files changed, 479 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipl/gprocs/vtext.icn b/ipl/gprocs/vtext.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abcd173
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprocs/vtext.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
+# File: vtext.icn
+# Subject: Procedures for textual vidgets
+# Authors: Jon Lipp and Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: November 4, 2002
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Vidgets defined in this file:
+# Vtext
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Includes: keysyms
+# Links: vidgets
+link vidgets
+$include "keysyms.icn"
+ $define Key_KP_Up Key_Up
+ $define Key_KP_Down Key_Down
+ $define Key_KP_Left Key_Left
+ $define Key_KP_Right Key_Right
+# Vtext
+record Vstd_text(draw_cursor, erase_cursor, draw_data, unblock, block,
+ DataPixelSize, MaxPixelSize, NumericData, CursorPos, DataLength,
+ OldCursorPos, CursorOn, ta, tb, dx, dy)
+record Vtext_rec (win, s, callback, id, MaxChars, mask, data, uid,
+ ax, ay, aw, ah, T, P, V)
+procedure Vtext(params[])
+ local frame, x, y, ins, self
+ static procs, type
+ initial {
+ procs := Vstd(event_Vtext, draw_Vtext,
+ outline_Vtext, resize_Vtext, inrange_Vpane, init_Vtext,
+ couplerset_Vtext,,,,, set_value_Vtext)
+ type := proc("type", 0) # protect attractive name
+ }
+ if ins := Vinsert_check(params) then {
+ frame := pop(params); x := pop(params); y:= pop(params)
+ }
+ self := Vtext_rec ! params[1:7|0]
+ Vwin_check(, "Vtext()")
+ if (\self.MaxChars, not numeric(self.MaxChars) ) then
+ _Vbomb("invalid size parameter to Vtext()")
+ if type(\self.mask) ~== "cset" then
+ _Vbomb("invalid mask parameter to Vtext()")
+ if type(\self.s) ~== "string" & not numeric(self.s) then
+ _Vbomb("invalid prompt passed to Vtext()")
+ self.uid := Vget_uid()
+ self.V := procs
+ self.P := Vstd_pos()
+ self.T := Vstd_text(draw_cursor_Vtext, erase_cursor_Vtext,
+ draw_data_Vtext, unblock_Vtext, block_Vtext)
+ init_Vtext(self)
+ if \ins then VInsert(frame, self, x, y)
+ return self
+# Initialization
+procedure init_Vtext(self)
+ local p
+ /self.s := ""
+ /self.MaxChars := 18
+ self.s ? if self.s := tab(find("\\=")) then ="\\=" & := tab(0)
+ / := ""
+ if * > self.MaxChars then :=[1:self.MaxChars]
+ self.T.DataLength := *
+ self.T.MaxPixelSize := WAttrib(, "fwidth")*self.MaxChars
+# /self.T.MaxPixelSize := 250
+## check max length by pixel size.
+# if TextWidth(, > self.T.MaxPixelSize then {
+# t := get_pos_Vtext(self, self.T.MaxPixelSize)
+# :=[1:t]
+# }
+# self.T.DataLength := *
+ self.T.DataPixelSize := TextWidth(,
+## size by characters - taken out.
+ /self.mask := &cset
+## initialize with cursor at end
+ self.T.ta := self.T.tb := self.T.CursorPos := self.T.DataLength + 1
+## initialize with all data blocked out (selected)
+# self.T.ta := 1
+# self.T.tb := self.T.CursorPos := self.T.DataLength + 1
+ self.T.dx := TextWidth (, self.s) + 6
+ := self.T.dx + self.T.MaxPixelSize + 4
+ self.ah := WAttrib(, "fheight") + 6 # 4 for bevel, 2 for I-bar
+ self.T.dy := self.ah - 3 - WAttrib(, "descent")
+ p := \self.callback
+ self.callback := Vcoupler()
+ add_clients_Vinit(self.callback, p, self)
+# Reconfigure the text vidget.
+procedure resize_Vtext(s, x, y, w, h)
+ s.T.dx := TextWidth (, s.s) + 6
+ s.T.DataLength := *
+ s.T.MaxPixelSize := WAttrib(, "fwidth") * s.MaxChars
+ w := := s.T.dx + s.T.MaxPixelSize + 4
+ h := s.ah := WAttrib(, "fheight") + 6
+ resize_Vidget(s, x, y, w, h)
+# Draw the prompt, the data, outline the data area, then draw
+# the cursor if it was already on previous to calling this
+# procedure (happens with dialog boxes and resize events).
+procedure draw_Vtext(self)
+ local t
+ t := self.T.CursorOn
+ self.T.CursorOn := &null
+ draw_prompt_Vtext(self)
+ draw_data_Vtext(self)
+ outline_Vtext(self)
+ if \t then draw_cursor_Vtext(self)
+# Outline the data field.
+procedure outline_Vtext(self)
+ BevelRectangle(,, self.ay,
+, self.ah, -2)
+# Draw the prompt.
+procedure draw_prompt_Vtext(self)
+ GotoXY(,, self.ay+self.T.dy)
+ writes(, self.s)
+ return
+# Since the cursor is drawn in "reverse" mode, erase it only if it
+# is "on" upon entering this procedure.
+procedure erase_cursor_Vtext(self)
+ local ocx, cy
+ if /self.T.CursorOn then fail
+ ocx := self.T.OldCursorPos
+## bracket cursor
+ WAttrib(, "drawop=reverse", "linewidth=1")
+ DrawSegment(, \ocx-2, self.ay+2, ocx+2, self.ay+2,
+ ocx, self.ay+3, ocx, self.ay+self.ah-4,
+ ocx-2, self.ay+self.ah-3, ocx+2, self.ay+self.ah-3)
+ WAttrib(, "drawop=copy")
+ self.T.CursorOn := &null
+# Draw the cursor only if it was previously "off" at this location.
+procedure draw_cursor_Vtext(self)
+ local ocx, cx, cy
+ if \self.T.CursorOn then fail
+ cx := + get_pixel_pos_Vtext(self, self.T.CursorPos) - 1
+## bracket cursor
+ WAttrib(, "drawop=reverse", "linewidth=1")
+ DrawSegment(, cx-2, self.ay+2, cx+2, self.ay+2,
+ cx, self.ay+3, cx, self.ay+self.ah-4,
+ cx-2, self.ay+self.ah-3, cx+2, self.ay+self.ah-3)
+ WAttrib(, "drawop=copy")
+ self.T.OldCursorPos := cx
+ self.T.CursorOn := 1
+# De-block the data (reset ta and tb to CursorPos).
+procedure unblock_Vtext(self)
+ self.T.ta := self.T.CursorPos := self.T.tb
+ draw_data_Vtext(self)
+# Block (select) all the data
+procedure block_Vtext(self)
+ self.T.ta := 1
+ self.T.tb := self.T.CursorPos := self.T.DataLength + 1
+ draw_data_Vtext(self)
+ if self.T.DataLength = 0 then
+ draw_cursor_Vtext(self)
+# Draw the data, reversing that text that lies between ta and tb
+# fields.
+procedure draw_data_Vtext(self)
+# if self.T.ta = self.T.tb then return
+ erase_cursor_Vtext(self)
+ GotoXY(,, self.ay+self.T.dy)
+ if self.T.ta <= self.T.tb then {
+ writes(,[1:self.T.ta])
+ WAttrib(, "reverse=on")
+ writes(,[self.T.ta:self.T.tb])
+ WAttrib(, "reverse=off")
+ writes(,[self.T.tb:0])
+ }
+ else {
+ writes(,[1:self.T.tb])
+ WAttrib(, "reverse=on")
+ writes(,[self.T.tb:self.T.ta])
+ WAttrib(, "reverse=off")
+ writes(,[self.T.ta:0])
+ }
+ EraseArea(,, self.ay+2,
+ +self.T.DataPixelSize+1), self.ah-4)
+ return
+# Wow. Mouse events, block out text, key presses, enter, delete
+# etcetera stuff. Call callback if linefeed key or return key
+# is pressed.
+procedure event_Vtext(self, e, x, y)
+ static ota
+ local otb, rv
+ if \self.callback.locked then fail
+ /x := &x; /y := &y
+ self.T.DataLength := *
+ if e === (&lpress|&mpress|&rpress) then {
+ WAttrib(, "pointer=xterm")
+ otb := self.T.ta := self.T.tb := self.T.CursorPos :=
+ get_pos_Vtext(self, &x-(
+ if otb = self.T.DataLength+1 & otb = \ota then
+ self.T.ta := 1
+ draw_data_Vtext(self)
+ draw_cursor_Vtext(self)
+ until e === (&lrelease|&mrelease|&rrelease) do {
+ self.T.tb := get_pos_Vtext(self, &x-(
+ if otb ~= self.T.tb then {
+ draw_data_Vtext(self)
+ self.T.CursorPos := self.T.tb
+ draw_cursor_Vtext(self)
+ otb := self.T.tb
+ }
+ e := Event(
+ }
+ rv := &null
+ WAttrib(, "pointer=top left arrow")
+ } ## end mouse event loop
+ else if (not &meta) & (not (integer(e) < 0)) then {
+ ## it's a keypress
+ if rv := case e of {
+ "\^b" | Key_Left | Key_KP_Left: move_cursor_Vtext(self, -1)
+ "\^f" | Key_Right | Key_KP_Right: move_cursor_Vtext(self, 1)
+ "\b" | "\d": delete_left_Vtext(self)
+ "\^k" | "\^u" | "\^x": delete_line_Vtext(self)
+ (&shift & "\t") | Key_Up | Key_KP_Up: return V_PREVIOUS
+ "\t" | Key_Down | Key_KP_Down: return V_NEXT
+ "\r" | "\l": {
+ self.callback.V.set(self.callback, self,
+ }
+ default: insert_char_Vtext(self, e)
+ }
+ then {
+ draw_data_Vtext(self)
+ draw_cursor_Vtext(self)
+ self.T.ta := self.T.tb := self.T.CursorPos
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ fail # not our event
+ ota := self.T.ta
+ return rv
+# Move the cursor one way or another, determine if at bounds.
+procedure move_cursor_Vtext(self, increment)
+ local t
+ t := self.T.CursorPos + increment
+ if t < 1 | t > self.T.DataLength+1 then fail
+ self.T.ta := self.T.tb := self.T.CursorPos := t
+ return
+# Blank out the whole data field.
+procedure delete_line_Vtext(self)
+ := ""
+ self.T.DataLength := *
+ self.T.DataPixelSize := 0
+ self.T.ta := self.T.tb := self.T.CursorPos := 1
+ return
+# Get the character position based on mouse x coordinate.
+procedure get_pos_Vtext(self, x)
+ local tp, c, i, j
+ c := 1
+ i := j := 0
+ while i < x do {
+ j := i
+ i +:= TextWidth(,[c])
+ if (c +:= 1) > self.T.DataLength then break
+ }
+ if x <= ((i + j) / 2) then
+ c -:= 1 # less than halfway into the char
+ if i < x then tp := self.T.DataLength+1
+ else tp := (1 <= c) | 1
+ return tp
+# Get pixel position in data field based on character position.
+procedure get_pixel_pos_Vtext(self, CursorPos)
+ local sum, i
+ sum := 1
+ every i := 1 to CursorPos-1 do sum +:= TextWidth(,[i])
+ return sum
+# Insert a character; could replace blocked out text. Check if
+# insertion will go over bounds.
+procedure insert_char_Vtext(self, c)
+ if *c > 1 then
+ fail # this isn't a character
+ if TextWidth(, c) == 0 then
+ fail # not displayable
+ if (self.T.DataLength - abs(self.T.ta-self.T.tb) + 1) > self.MaxChars |
+ not (c ? any(self.mask)) then fail
+ if self.T.ta ~= self.T.tb then
+ change_data_Vtext(self, c)
+ else
+ :=[1:self.T.CursorPos] || c ||
+ self.T.DataLength := *
+ self.T.DataPixelSize := TextWidth(,
+ self.T.CursorPos +:= 1
+ return
+# Replace a character at current position.
+procedure change_data_Vtext(self, c)
+ if self.T.tb < self.T.ta then {
+ :=[1:self.T.tb] || (\c | "") ||
+ self.T.ta := self.T.CursorPos := self.T.tb
+ }
+ else {
+ :=[1:self.T.ta] || (\c | "") ||
+ self.T.tb := self.T.CursorPos := self.T.ta
+ }
+# Delete the character to the left of the cursor.
+procedure delete_left_Vtext(self)
+ if self.T.ta ~= self.T.tb then {
+ change_data_Vtext(self)
+ self.T.DataPixelSize := TextWidth(,
+ return
+ }
+ else
+ if self.T.CursorPos > 1 then {
+ :=[1:self.T.CursorPos-1] ||
+ self.T.DataPixelSize := TextWidth(,
+ self.T.CursorPos -:= 1
+ return
+ }
+# Set the data field to value passed in.
+# NOTE: doesn't pass it through mask right now.
+# Call callback if value if different from internal coupler's
+# value.
+procedure couplerset_Vtext(self, caller, value)
+ local data
+ data := string(\value) | ""
+ := data
+ if * > self.MaxChars then :=[1:self.MaxChars]
+ self.T.DataLength := *
+ self.T.DataPixelSize := TextWidth(,
+## initialize with cursor at end
+ self.T.ta := self.T.tb := self.T.CursorPos := self.T.DataLength + 1
+## initialize with all data blocked out (selected)
+# self.T.ta := 1
+# self.T.tb := self.T.CursorPos := self.T.DataLength + 1
+ draw_data_Vtext(self)
+ if numeric(value) then {
+ if value = \self.T.NumericData then fail
+ self.T.NumericData := value
+ }
+ else if data === then fail
+ self.callback.V.set(self.callback, caller, value)
+# draw_cursor_Vtext(self)
+# Call couplerset to set value.
+procedure set_value_Vtext(self, value)
+ couplerset_Vtext(self, , value)
+ return