path: root/ipl/gprogs/trkvu.icn
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1 files changed, 695 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipl/gprogs/trkvu.icn b/ipl/gprogs/trkvu.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cd3c36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprogs/trkvu.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,695 @@
+# File: trkvu.icn
+# Subject: Program to display GPS track logs
+# Authors: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: October 1, 2005
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Trkvu displays GPS track logs, using color to indicate various
+# characteristics such as velocity, direction, or time of day.
+# usage: trkvu file...
+# Each file argument is a track log uploaded from a GPS receiver.
+# Lines that end in three decimal values specify latitude, longutude,
+# and altitude in that order. Lines with just two values omit the
+# altitude. Lines without data indicate breaks between segments.
+# Some colorings use timestamps from the track logs. A timestamp
+# has the form "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss" or "yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss" and
+# precedes the latitude and longitude.
+# Track log colorings are selected by pressing a key:
+# F color by File
+# A color by Age
+# O color by Orientation (direction of travel)
+# V color by Velocity
+# I color by Interval duration (GPS sample rate)
+# S color Segments in contrasting colors
+# Y color by time of Year
+# D color by Day of week
+# H color by Hour of day
+# M color by Minute (repeating colors every 10 minutes)
+# T color by Time of day
+# Colorings can also be cycled:
+# SP or CR cycle to next coloring
+# BS or DEL cycle to preceding coloring
+# A legend explains each coloring. If it shows individually labeled
+# color blocks, the colors encode discrete values. If a spectrum
+# is shown, the colors vary smoothly over a continuous range.
+# Some colorings require timestamps. For these, tracks lacking
+# timestamps are drawn in gray.
+# Zooming and Panning:
+# To zoom to a particular region, sweep out the region using the
+# left mouse button. To cancel a sweep, reduce its width or height
+# to fewer than ten pixels.
+# The window may be resized as desired.
+# The following keyboard commands also affect the display region:
+# + or = zoom in
+# - or _ zoom out
+# 0 or Home zoom to initial view
+# arrow keys pan the display (hold Shift key for smaller pan)
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: datetime, graphics, mapnav, strings
+$include "keysyms.icn"
+link datetime
+link graphics
+link mapnav
+link strings
+$define BORDER 10 # border widths
+record view( # one view of data
+ cs, # cset of chars to select this view
+ ltitle, # legend title
+ hproc, # hue selection procedure
+ lproc) # legend procedure
+record point( # one point along a track
+ t, # time at point (real days & fraction since epoch)
+ x, y, # coordinates of point (longitude, latitude)
+ fhue) # hue assigned to original source file
+global viewlist # list of views (view records)
+global curview # current selected view
+global huelist # list of ColorValues of 180 hues
+global fnlist # file name list (for F legend)
+global fhlist # file hue list (for F legend)
+global seglist # list of travel segments
+global tmin, tmax # earliest and latest time seen
+global xmin, xmax # westernmost and easternmost longitude seen
+global ymin, ymax # northernmost and southernmost latitude seen
+global lbase # legend baseline y value
+global lclip # clipping arguments for legend region
+global mclip # clipping arguments for map region
+global stdwin # std bg/fg window
+# ========================= Overall Control =========================
+procedure main(args)
+ local e, v, xywh
+ Window("size=800,800", "resize=on", "canvas=hidden",
+ "linewidth=2", "font=sans,bold,12", args)
+ stdwin := Clone("bg=white")
+ viewlist := [
+ # sequence here is followed by <SP> and <BS>
+ view('Ff', "File", byfile, flegend),
+ view('Aa', "Age", byage, agelegend),
+ view('Oo', "Orientation", orientation, olegend),
+ view('Vv', "Velocity", velocity, vlegend),
+ view('Ii', "Interval", byinterval, intlegend),
+ view('Ss', "Segments", segments, seglegend),
+ view('Yy', "time of Year", bymonth, monthlegend),
+ view('Dd', "Day", byday, daylegend),
+ view('Hh', "Hour", byhour, hourlegend),
+ view('Mm', "Minute", byminute, minutelegend),
+ view('Tt', "Time", bytime, timelegend),
+ ]
+ while /viewlist[-1] do pull(viewlist)
+ seglist := [] # init data structures
+ fnlist := []
+ fhlist := []
+ every load(!args) # load data
+ survey() # find extremes
+ fnlist := fnsimp(fnlist) # simplify filename list
+ WAttrib("canvas=normal") # make display visible
+ hueinit() # init color manager
+ layout() # lay out display
+ mapinit(draw, , xmin, xmax, ymax, ymin, cos(dtor((ymin + ymax) / 2)))
+ if *args > 1 then
+ Enqueue("f") # show initially by file
+ else if tmax > 0 then
+ Enqueue("a") # show initially by age
+ else
+ Enqueue("o") # show initially by orientation
+ # ==================== main event loop ====================
+ while e := Event() do {
+ if upto((v := \!viewlist).cs, e) then { # if a view selector
+ curview := v
+ EraseArea()
+ mapgen() # regenerate map
+ }
+ else case e of {
+ !" \n\r": nextview(+1) # cycle view forward
+ !"\b\d": nextview(-1) # cycle view backward
+ &resize: { layout(); mapevent(e) } # resize window
+ default: { mapevent(e) } # possible standard action
+ }
+ }
+procedure nextview(d) # advance to next view in sequence
+ local i
+ every i := 1 to *viewlist do
+ if curview === viewlist[i] then {
+ i := (i + *viewlist - 1 + d) % *viewlist + 1
+ curview := viewlist[i]
+ mapgen()
+ return
+ }
+# ========================= Input =========================
+procedure load(fname) # load data from one file
+ local f, h, p, w, t, x, y, a, line, ptlist
+ static n
+ initial n := 0
+ f := open(fname) | stop("cannot open ", fname)
+ h := huenum(n +:= 1)
+ put(fnlist, fname)
+ put(fhlist, h)
+ while line := read(f) do {
+ every put(w := [], words(line))
+ if -90.0 <= numeric(w[-3]) <= 90.0 then
+ a := pull(w) # altitude
+ if x := numeric(w[-1]) & y := numeric(w[-2]) then {
+ t := tcrack(w[-4], w[-3]) | &null
+ /ptlist := []
+ put(ptlist, p := point(t, x, y, h))
+ }
+ else {
+ put(seglist, \ptlist)
+ ptlist := &null
+ next
+ }
+ }
+ put(seglist, \ptlist)
+ close(f)
+ if /p then
+ write(&errout, " no data: ", fname)
+ return
+procedure tcrack(date, time) # translate date + time into real value
+ local day, sec
+ static smul
+ initial smul := 1.0 / (24 * 60 * 60)
+ if date[3] == "/" then
+ date := map("CcYy/Mm/Dd", "Mm/Dd/CcYy", date)
+ if date == ("1989/12/31" | "1990/01/01") then
+ return &null
+ *time = 8 | fail
+ *date = 10 | fail
+ day := DateToSec(date) | fail
+ sec := ClockToSec(time) | fail
+ return smul * (day + sec)
+procedure survey() # survey data ranges
+ local p
+ xmin := 180
+ xmax := -180
+ ymin := 90
+ ymax := -90
+ tmin := 100 * 365.25
+ tmax := 0
+ every p := !!seglist do {
+ tmin >:= \p.t
+ tmax <:= \p.t
+ xmin >:= p.x
+ xmax <:= p.x
+ ymin >:= p.y
+ ymax <:= p.y
+ }
+ if xmin > xmax then
+ stop(" nothing to display") # diagnostic already issued
+ if tmin > tmax then
+ tmin := tmax := 0
+ return
+procedure fnsimp(fnlist) # simplify filename list
+ local f, i, j, s
+ if *fnlist < 2 then fail
+ (coprefix ! fnlist) ? {
+ i := 1
+ while i := upto('/') + 1 do
+ move(1)
+ }
+ (cosuffix ! fnlist) ? {
+ tab(upto('.') | 0)
+ j := -*tab(0)
+ }
+ f := []
+ every put(f, (!fnlist)[i:j])
+ return f
+# ========================= Color Management =========================
+# Map colors are taken from the fully saturated color spectrum, spaced
+# every 2 degrees in HSV space. This yields 180 different colors, well
+# within Icon's limit of 256. The greens are darkened a bit for better
+# contrast with the white background; but the yellows are not, because
+# a darkened yellow is really ugly. (For better contrast, some colorings
+# use hue 55 instead of 60 for a yellow color.)
+procedure hueinit() # initialize hue table (360 entries)
+ local d, d2, v
+ huelist := list(360)
+ every d := 0 to 359 do {
+ d2 := d - d % 2 # use 2-degree quanta
+ if 60 < d2 < 180 then # darken green region
+ v := integer(100 - 0.8 * (60 - abs(d2 - 120)))
+ else
+ v := 100
+ huelist[d + 1] := HSVValue(d2 || "/100/" || v)
+ }
+ return
+procedure sethue(h) # set & cache color, given hue in degrees >= 0
+ local k
+ static kprev
+ if h := integer(h) % 360 then
+ k := huelist[h + 1]
+ else # use gray for invalid argument
+ k := "gray"
+ Fg(kprev ~===:= k)
+ return
+procedure huenum(n) # return hue from ordered list
+ static predef
+ initial predef := [240, 0, 120, 30, 180, 300, 50, 270, 70, 210, 330]
+ # blu red grn org cyan mgnta tan purp grn blu plum
+ return predef[n] | (137 * n) % 360
+# ========================= Map Drawing =========================
+procedure layout() # configure window layout
+ local w, h, lh
+ Bg("pale weak yellow")
+ Clip()
+ EraseArea()
+ Bg("white")
+ w := WAttrib("width")
+ h := WAttrib("height")
+ # set legend size and baseline
+ lh := 2 * BORDER + WAttrib("ascent")
+ lbase := BORDER + lh - BORDER
+ # set legend clipping, and clear
+ lclip := [BORDER, BORDER, w - 2 * BORDER, lh]
+ Clip ! ([stdwin] ||| lclip)
+ Clip ! lclip
+ EraseArea()
+ # set map clipping, and clear
+ mclip := [BORDER, lh + 2 * BORDER, w - 2 * BORDER, h - lh - 3 * BORDER]
+ Clip ! mclip
+ EraseArea()
+ return
+procedure draw(win, pjn, a) # display map using curview
+ local ptlist, h, n, p, q, x1, y1, x2, y2, l
+ Clip ! lclip
+ EraseArea()
+ GotoXY(2 * BORDER, lbase)
+ ltext(curview.ltitle)
+ ltext(": ")
+ curview.lproc()
+ Clip ! mclip
+ every ptlist := !seglist do {
+ if *Pending() > 0 then break
+ p := &null
+ every q := !ptlist do {
+ l := project(pjn, [q.x, q.y])
+ x2 := integer(get(l))
+ y2 := integer(get(l))
+ x2 <:= -32767
+ y2 <:= -32767
+ x2 >:= 32767
+ y2 >:= 32767
+ if \p then {
+ sethue(curview.hproc(p, q) | &null)
+ DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2)
+ }
+ else if *ptlist = 1 then {
+ sethue(curview.hproc(q, q) | &null)
+ FillRectangle(x2 - 1, y2 - 1, 3, 3)
+ }
+ p := q
+ x1 := x2
+ y1 := y2
+ }
+ }
+ return
+# ========================= Legend Writing =========================
+# Colors are written via &window, text in black via stdwin.
+procedure ltext(s) # write text
+ return WWrites(stdwin, s)
+procedure lhue(h, t) # write hue block with optional caption
+ local x, w
+ sethue(h)
+ x := WAttrib("x")
+ w := WAttrib("ascent")
+ FillRectangle(x, lbase + 1, w - 1, -w)
+ GotoXY(x + w, lbase)
+ ltext(\t)
+ return
+procedure lspectrum(h1, h2, n) # write spectrum of 6 colors from h1 to h2
+ local i, m
+ /n := 6
+ m := (h2 - h1) / (n - 1.0)
+ every i := 1 to n do
+ lhue(h1 + m * (i - 1))
+ return
+# ========================= View Procedures =========================
+# View procedures are paired: a legend procedure draws the legend and a
+# hue selection procedure that chooses the hue for each segment. (Hue
+# procedure return a value in degrees, or they fail, which draws gray.)
+# F: color segments by source file, using colors set at load time
+procedure flegend()
+ local i
+ every i := 1 to *fnlist do
+ lhue(fhlist[i], fnlist[i] || " ")
+ return
+procedure byfile(p, q)
+ return q.fhue
+# A: color segments by age (relative to range of timestamps seen)
+procedure agelegend()
+ ltext("oldest")
+ lspectrum(630, 360, 12)
+ ltext("newest")
+ return
+procedure byage(p, q)
+ # purple oldest, green mid, red newest
+ return 630. - 270. * (\q.t - tmin) / (tmax - tmin)
+# O: color segments by orientation (direction of travel)
+procedure olegend()
+ ltext("N"); lspectrum(270, 180)
+ ltext("E"); lspectrum(180, 90)
+ ltext("S"); lspectrum(90, 0)
+ ltext("W"); lspectrum(360, 270)
+ ltext("N")
+ return
+procedure orientation(p, q)
+ # blue north, teal east, olive south, red west
+ return 180. + rtod(atan(q.y - p.y, cos(dtor(q.y)) * (q.x - p.x)))
+# V: color segments by velocity
+procedure vlegend()
+ lhue(240, "1 ")
+ lhue(210, "2 ")
+ lhue(180, "3 ")
+ lhue(120, "4 ")
+ lhue( 55, "5 ")
+ lhue( 30, "6 ")
+ lhue( 0, "7 ")
+ lhue(300, "8 ")
+ lhue(270, "9 ")
+ ltext(" mph (x1, x10, ...)")
+ return
+procedure velocity(p, q)
+ local dt, dx, dy, d, mph
+ static hues
+ initial hues := [270, 240, 210, 180, 120, 55, 30, 0, 300, 270]
+ # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
+ # 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
+ # 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
+ dt := 0 < (\q.t - \p.t) | fail
+ dx := cos(dtor(p.y)) * (q.x - p.x)
+ dy := q.y - p.y
+ d := sqrt(dx ^ 2 + dy ^ 2)
+ mph := integer(2.877 * d / dt + 0.5)
+ while mph > 9 do
+ mph /:= 10
+ return hues[mph + 1]
+# I: color segments by length of time interval
+procedure intlegend()
+ lhue( 0, "0 ")
+ lhue( 30, "1 ")
+ lhue( 55, "2 ")
+ lhue(120, "4 ")
+ lhue(180, "8 ")
+ lhue(220, "16 ")
+ lhue(240, "32 ")
+ lhue(290, "64 sec")
+ return
+procedure byinterval(p, q)
+ local dt, i
+ static hues
+ initial hues := [0, 30, 55, 120, 180, 220, 240, 290]
+ # 0 1 2 4 8 16 32 64
+ dt := integer(86400. * (\q.t - \p.t) + 0.5) | fail
+ i := (2 + integer(log(0 < dt, 2))) | 1
+ return hues[i | -1]
+# S: emphasize individual segments in contrasting colors.
+procedure seglegend()
+ lspectrum(137, 12*137, 12)
+ ltext("...")
+ return
+procedure segments(p, q)
+ static n
+ initial n := 0
+ return n +:= 137
+# Y: color segments by time of year as a spectrum
+procedure monthlegend()
+ ltext("January")
+ lspectrum(525, 195, 12)
+ ltext("December")
+ return
+procedure bymonth(p, q)
+ # cyan winter, green spring, red summer, blue fall
+ return 540. - (\q.t % 365.25) * (360. / 365.25)
+# D: color segments by day of week
+procedure daylegend()
+ lhue(240, "Sun ")
+ lhue(120, "Mon ")
+ lhue(165, "Tue ")
+ lhue( 55, "Wed ")
+ lhue( 30, "Thu ")
+ lhue(285, "Fri ")
+ lhue( 0, "Sat ")
+ return
+procedure byday(p, q)
+ static hues
+ initial hues := [240, 120, 165, 55, 30, 285, 0]
+ return hues[1 + ((4 + integer(\q.t)) % 7)]
+# H: color segments by hour in the day (0 to 11, repeated)
+procedure hourlegend()
+ lhue(240, "12 ")
+ lhue(290, "1 ")
+ lhue(350, "2 ")
+ lhue( 30, "3 ")
+ lhue( 80, "4 ")
+ lhue(150, "5 ")
+ lhue(210, "6 ")
+ lhue(270, "7 ")
+ lhue(330, "8 ")
+ lhue( 55, "9 ")
+ lhue(120, "10 ")
+ lhue(180, "11 ")
+ return
+procedure byhour(p, q)
+ local h
+ static hues
+ initial hues := [240, 290, 350, 30, 80, 150, 210, 270, 330, 55, 120, 180]
+ h := integer(24 * (\q.t - integer(q.t))) | fail
+ return hues[1 + h % 12]
+# M: color segments by minute of the hour, mod 10
+procedure minutelegend()
+ local i
+ every i := 0 to 9 do
+ lhue(huenum(i + 1), ":x" || i || " ")
+ return
+procedure byminute(p, q)
+ local t
+ t := 24 * 30 * (\p.t + \q.t) | fail # time in minutes since epoch
+ return huenum(1 + integer(t) % 10)
+# T: color segments by a time-of-day spectrum
+procedure timelegend()
+ ltext("midnight")
+ lspectrum(600, 420, 13)
+ ltext("noon")
+ lspectrum(420, 240, 13)
+ ltext("midnight")
+ return
+procedure bytime(p, q)
+ # green morning, yellow noon, red afternoon, blue night
+ return 600. - 360. * (\q.t - integer(q.t))