path: root/ipl/mprogs/algae.icn
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Diffstat (limited to 'ipl/mprogs/algae.icn')
1 files changed, 356 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipl/mprogs/algae.icn b/ipl/mprogs/algae.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a92952
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/mprogs/algae.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+# File: algae.icn
+# Subject: Program to show expression evaluation as ``algae''
+# Author: Clinton Jeffery
+# Date: November 22, 1997
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Press ESC or q to quit
+# Left mouse assigns specific (row,column) break "points"
+# Middle mouse assigns absolute depth and width break lines
+# Right button erases assigned break "points"
+# When paused due to a break, you can:
+# c to continue
+# s to single step
+# C to clear one point and continue
+# " " to clear everything and continue
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Includes: evdefs.icn
+$include "evdefs.icn"
+link evinit
+link evutils
+link options
+link optwindw
+link hexlib
+link evaltree
+global scale, # cell (hexagon or square) size
+ step, # single step mode
+ numrows, # number of cell rows
+ numcols, # number of cell columns
+ spot, # cell-fill procedure (hex or square)
+ mouse, # cell-mouse-locator procedure
+ Visualization, # the window
+ wHexOutline, # binding for drawing cell outlines
+ depthbound, # call-depth on which to break
+ breadthbound, # suspension-width on which to break
+ hotspots # table of individual cells on which to break
+record algae_activation(node, row, column, parent, children, color)
+# main() - program entry point. The main loop is in evaltree().
+procedure main(av)
+ local codes, algaeoptions
+ #
+ # pull off algae options (don't consume child's options in this call
+ # to options()).
+ #
+ algaeoptions := []
+ while av[1][1] == "-" do {
+ put(algaeoptions, pop(av))
+ if algaeoptions[-1] == "-f" then put(algaeoptions, pop(av))
+ }
+ EvInit(av) | stop("Can't EvInit ",av[1])
+ codes := algae_init(algaeoptions)
+ evaltree(codes, algae_callback, algae_activation)
+ WAttrib("windowlabel=Algae: finished")
+ EvTerm(&window)
+# algae_init() - initialization and command-line processing.
+# This procedure supplies default behavior and handles options.
+procedure algae_init(algaeoptions)
+ local t, position, geo, codes, i, cb, coord, e, s, x, y, m, row, column
+ t := options(algaeoptions,
+ winoptions() || "P:S:-geo:-square!-func!-scan!-op!-noproc!")
+ /t["L"] := "Algae"
+ /t["B"] := "cyan"
+ scale := \t["S"] | 12
+ if \t["square"] then {
+ spot := square_spot
+ mouse := square_mouse
+ }
+ else {
+ scale /:= 4
+ spot := hex_spot
+ mouse := hex_mouse
+ }
+ codes := cset(E_MXevent)
+ if /t["noproc"] then codes ++:= ProcMask
+ if \t["scan"] then codes ++:= ScanMask
+ if \t["func"] then codes ++:= FncMask
+ if \t["op"] then codes ++:= OperMask
+ hotspots := table()
+ &window := Visualization := optwindow(t) | stop("no window")
+ numrows := (XHeight() / (scale * 4))
+ numcols := (XWidth() / (scale * 4))
+ wHexOutline := Color("white") # used by the hexagon library
+ if /t["square"] then starthex(Color("black"))
+ return codes
+# algae_callback() - evaltree callback procedure for algae.
+# Called for each event, it updates the screen to correspond
+# to the change in the activation tree.
+procedure algae_callback(new, old)
+ local coord, e
+ initial {
+ old.row := old.parent.row := 0; old.column := old.parent.column := 1
+ }
+ case &eventcode of {
+ !CallCodes: {
+ new.column := (old.children[-2].column + 1 | computeCol(old)) | stop("eh?")
+ new.row := old.row + 1
+ new.color := Color(&eventcode)
+ spot(\old.color, old.row, old.column)
+ }
+ !ReturnCodes |
+ !FailCodes: spot(Color("light blue"), old.row, old.column)
+ !SuspendCodes |
+ !ResumeCodes: spot(old.color, old.row, old.column)
+ !RemoveCodes: {
+ spot(Color("black"), old.row, old.column)
+ WFlush(Color("black"))
+ delay(100)
+ spot(Color("light blue"), old.row, old.column)
+ }
+ E_MXevent: do1event(&eventvalue, new)
+ }
+ spot(Color("yellow"), new.row, new.column)
+ coord := location(new.column, new.row)
+ if \step | (\breadthbound <= new.column) | (\depthbound <= new.row) |
+ \ hotspots[coord] then {
+ step := &null
+ WAttrib("windowlabel=Algae stopped: (s)tep (c)ont ( )clear ")
+ while e := Event() do
+ if do1event(e, new) then break
+ WAttrib("windowlabel=Algae")
+ if \ hotspots[coord] then spot(Color("light blue"), new.row, new.column)
+ }
+# procedures for the "-square" option, display Algae using squares
+# instead of hexagons.
+# Draw a square at (row, column)
+procedure square_spot(w, row, column)
+ FillRectangle(w, (column - 1) * scale, (row - 1) * scale, scale, scale)
+# encode a location value (base 1) for a given x and y pixel
+procedure square_mouse(y, x)
+ return location(x / scale + 1, y / scale + 1)
+# clearspot() removes a "breakpoint" at (x,y)
+procedure clearspot(spot)
+ local x, y, s2, x2, y2
+ hotspots[spot] := &null
+ y := vertical(spot)
+ x := horizontal(spot)
+ every s2 := \!hotspots do {
+ x2 := horizontal(s2)
+ y2 := vertical(s2)
+ }
+ spot(Visualization, y, x)
+# setspot() sets a breakpoint at (x,y) and marks it orange
+procedure setspot(loc)
+ local x, y
+ hotspots[loc] := loc
+ y := vertical(loc)
+ x := horizontal(loc)
+ spot(Color("orange"), y, x)
+# do1event() processes a single user input event.
+procedure do1event(e, new)
+ local m, xbound, ybound, row, column, x, y, s, p
+ case e of {
+ "q" |
+ "\e": exit()
+ "s": { # execute a single step
+ step := 1
+ return
+ }
+ "C": { # clear a single break point
+ clearspot(location(new.column, new.row))
+ return
+ }
+ " ": { # space character: clear all break points
+ if \depthbound then {
+ every y := 1 to numcols do {
+ if not who_is_at(depthbound, y, new) then
+ spot(Visualization, depthbound, y)
+ }
+ }
+ if \breadthbound then {
+ every x := 1 to numrows do {
+ if not who_is_at(x, breadthbound, new) then
+ spot(Visualization, x, breadthbound)
+ }
+ }
+ every s := \!hotspots do {
+ x := horizontal(s)
+ y := vertical(s)
+ spot(Visualization, y, x)
+ }
+ hotspots := table()
+ depthbound := breadthbound := &null
+ return
+ }
+ &mpress | &mdrag: { # middle button: set bound box break lines
+ if m := mouse(&y, &x) then {
+ row := vertical(m)
+ column := horizontal(m)
+ if \depthbound then { # erase previous bounding box, if any
+ every spot(Visualization, depthbound, 1 to breadthbound)
+ every spot(Visualization, 1 to depthbound, breadthbound)
+ }
+ depthbound := row
+ breadthbound := column
+ #
+ # draw new bounding box
+ #
+ every x := 1 to breadthbound do {
+ if not who_is_at(depthbound, x, new) then
+ spot(Color("orange"), depthbound, x)
+ }
+ every y := 1 to depthbound - 1 do {
+ if not who_is_at(y, breadthbound, new) then
+ spot(Color("orange"), y, breadthbound)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ &lpress | &ldrag: { # left button: toggle single cell breakpoint
+ if m := mouse(&y, &x) then {
+ xbound := horizontal(m)
+ ybound := vertical(m)
+ if hotspots[m] === m then
+ clearspot(m)
+ else
+ setspot(m)
+ }
+ }
+ &rpress | &rdrag: { # right button: report node at mouse location
+ if m := mouse(&y, &x) then {
+ column := horizontal(m)
+ row := vertical(m)
+ if p := who_is_at(row, column, new) then
+ WAttrib("windowlabel=Algae " || image(p.node))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# who_is_at() - find the activation tree node at a given (row, column) location
+procedure who_is_at(row, col, node)
+ while node.row > 1 & \node.parent do
+ node := node.parent
+ return sub_who(row, col, node) # search children
+# sub_who() - recursive search for the tree node at (row, column)
+procedure sub_who(row, column, p)
+ local k
+ if p.column === column & p.row === row then return p
+ else {
+ every k := !p.children do
+ if q := sub_who(row, column, k) then return q
+ }
+# computeCol() - determine the correct column for a new child of a node.
+procedure computeCol(parent)
+ local col, x, node
+ node := parent
+ while \node.row > 1 do # find root
+ node := \node.parent
+ if node === parent then return parent.column
+ if col := subcompute(node, parent.row + 1) then {
+ return max(col, parent.column)
+ }
+ else return parent.column
+# subcompute() - recursive search for the leftmost tree node at depth row
+procedure subcompute(node, row)
+ # check this level for correct depth
+ if \node.row = row then return node.column + 1
+ # search children from right to left
+ return subcompute(node.children[*node.children to 1 by -1], row)
+# Color(s) - return a binding of &window with foreground color s;
+# allocate at most one binding per color.
+procedure Color(s)
+ static t, magenta
+ initial {
+ magenta := Clone(&window, "fg=magenta") | stop("no magenta")
+ t := table()
+ /t[E_Fcall] := Clone(&window, "fg=red") | stop("no red")
+ /t[E_Ocall] := Clone(&window, "fg=chocolate") | stop("no chocolate")
+ /t[E_Snew] := Clone(&window, "fg=purple") | stop("no purple")
+ }
+ if *s > 1 then
+ / t[s] := Clone(&window, "fg=" || s) | stop("no ",image(s))
+ else
+ / t[s] := magenta
+ return t[s]
+procedure max(x,y)
+ if x < y then return y else return x