path: root/ipl/mprogs/anim.icn
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ipl/mprogs/anim.icn')
1 files changed, 254 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipl/mprogs/anim.icn b/ipl/mprogs/anim.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..604acca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/mprogs/anim.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+# File: anim.icn
+# Subject: Program to show animated display of Icon source code
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend, modified by Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: February 28, 1997
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# anim displays a miniaturized program listing, highlighting each
+# line as it is executed.
+# Two accompanying barcharts display execution profiles. The one on
+# the extreme left shows the number of clock ticks attributable to each
+# source line. The second chart shows the number of times each line was
+# executed.
+# A chart to the right of the listing displays a time-based history
+# similar to that of the "roll" program (q.v.).
+# usage: anim [options] [arg...]
+# -d n decay after n new line events
+# -b n length of barcharts (0 to disable)
+# -z n length of history (0 to disable)
+# -t n ticks per history pixel
+# -s n vertical line spacing, in pixels
+# -w n width of one character, in pixels
+# -h n height of one character, in pixels
+# -p n set in pointsize n (OpenWindows only; overrides -w and -h)
+# -P x program text color
+# -C x comment color
+# -A x active text color
+# -O x old-text color (after fading)
+# -R x background color for barcharts and history
+# -S n spacing between sections of the display
+# plus standard options from optwindow.icn
+# (-F sets the color used for the barcharts and history)
+# Setting -s or -p establishes good defaults for the other sizes.
+# It is assumed that the program source file can be found by appending
+# ".icn" to the icode file name.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: em_setup, evinit, evmux, barchart, decay, options, optwindw,
+# strpchrt
+# Includes: evdefs.icn
+$include "evdefs.icn"
+link em_setup
+link evinit
+link evmux
+link barchart
+link decay
+link options
+link optwindw
+link strpchrt
+global progname, opttab, ifile, font
+global gcP, gcC, gcA, gcO, gcR
+global margin, gutter, textx
+global code, pos1, pos2
+global xsiz, ysiz, spacing, dp
+procedure main(args)
+ local win, len, lno, cs, i, maxlines, lifetime
+ local hchart, hlength, hscale
+ local barlength, barwidth, linescale, linecount, linebars
+ local nticks, tickscale, tickcount, tickbars
+ local src, linemask
+ linemask := 2 ^ 16 -1
+ progname := "anim"
+ maxlines := 1000
+ opttab := options (args, winoptions() || "d+b+z+t+s+w+h+p+P:C:A:O:R:S:")
+ lifetime := \opttab["d"] | 3
+ barlength := \opttab["b"] | 40
+ hlength := \opttab["z"] | 90
+ tickscale := 1.00
+ linescale := 0.25
+ hscale := \opttab["t"] | 10
+ gutter := \opttab["S"] | 10
+ # default to tiny-text mode under OpenWindows
+ if (not \opttab[!"swhp"]) & getenv ("NEWSSERVER") then
+ opttab["p"] := 6
+ if i := \opttab["p"] then {
+ i >:= 13 # maximum size
+ font := "lucidasanstypewriter-" || i
+ # -p 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
+ xsiz := [1,1,2,2,3,4,4, 5, 5 ,6, 7, 7, 8] [i]
+ ysiz := [2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,11,12,13,14] [i]
+ spacing := \opttab["s"] | i
+ }
+ else {
+ spacing := \opttab["s"] | \opttab["h"] + 1 | 4
+ xsiz := \opttab["w"] | 0 < integer (0.6 * spacing + 0.5) | 1
+ ysiz := \opttab["h"] | 0 < spacing - 1 | 1
+ }
+ EvInit (args) | stop ("can't load icode file")
+ # read source file into memory
+ src := prog_name()
+ ifile := open(src) | stop (progname, ": can't open ", src)
+ every put(code := [], detab(trim(!ifile \ maxlines)))
+ pos1 := list(*code)
+ pos2 := list(*code)
+ every i := 1 to *code do
+ code[i] ? {
+ tab(many(' '))
+ if pos(0) | ="#" then next
+ pos1[i] := &pos
+ pos2[i] := pos1[i] + *trim(tab(upto('#')|0))
+ }
+ if /opttab["W"] then { # calculate window width if not specified
+ len := 0
+ every len <:= *!code
+ len *:= xsiz
+ if barlength > 0 then
+ len +:= 2 * barlength + 2 * gutter
+ if hlength > 0 then
+ len +:= gutter + hlength
+ opttab["W"] := len
+ }
+ /opttab["H"] := spacing * *code
+ /opttab["L"] := "Anim"
+ /opttab["F"] := "goldenrod"
+ /opttab["R"] := "floralwhite"
+ /opttab["M"] := -1
+ win := optwindow (opttab, "cursor=off", "echo=off")
+ if \font then
+ Font (win, font) | stop ("can't set font ", font)
+ margin := opttab["M"]
+ Bg (gcR := Clone(win), opttab["R"])
+ if barlength = 0 then
+ textx := margin
+ else {
+ barwidth := spacing - 1
+ if barwidth = 0 then
+ barwidth := 1
+ tickcount := list (*code, 0)
+ tickbars := barchart (gcR, margin+barlength-1, margin,
+ 0, spacing, -tickscale, *code, barlength, barwidth)
+ linecount := list (*code, 0)
+ linebars := barchart (gcR, margin+barlength+gutter+barlength-1, margin,
+ 0, spacing, -linescale, *code, barlength, barwidth)
+ textx := margin + 2 * gutter + 2 * barlength
+ }
+ if hlength > 0 then {
+ hchart := stripchart (gcR, margin + opttab["W"] - hlength, margin,
+ hlength, spacing * *code)
+ }
+ if \font then {
+ Fg (gcP := Clone(win), \opttab["P"] | "gray70")
+ Fg (gcC := Clone(win), \opttab["C"] | "gray90")
+ Fg (gcO := Clone(win), \opttab["O"] | "black")
+ Bg (gcA := Clone(gcO), \opttab["A"] | "red")
+ }
+ else {
+ Fg (gcP := Clone(win), \opttab["P"] | "gray70")
+ Fg (gcC := Clone(win), \opttab["C"] | "gray90")
+ Fg (gcA := Clone(win), \opttab["P"] | "indianred")
+ Fg (gcO := Clone(win), \opttab["O"] | "peachpuff")
+ }
+ every i := 1 to *code do {
+ docmt (gcC, i) # show comments
+ docode (gcP, i) # show initial code listing
+ }
+ dp := dpipe (docode, lifetime, gcA, gcO) # initialize decay pipe
+ cs := E_Loc ++ E_Tick
+ nticks := 0
+ while EvGet (cs) do # for each line event
+ if &eventcode === E_Loc then {
+ decay (dp, lno := iand(&eventvalue, linemask)) # mark line
+ setbar (\linebars, lno, linecount[lno] +:= 1)
+ smark (\hchart, margin + spacing * (lno-1), margin + spacing * lno - 1)
+ }
+ else if &eventcode === E_Tick then {
+ setbar (\tickbars, \lno, tickcount[\lno] +:= 1)
+ if (nticks +:= 1) % hscale = 0 then
+ sadvance (\hchart)
+ }
+ every 1 to lifetime do
+ decay (dp) # flush decay pipe
+ quitsensor (win, 1) # wait for quit signal
+ end
+procedure docode (gc, lno)
+ doblock (gc, lno, \pos1[lno], pos2[lno]);
+ return
+ end
+procedure docmt (gc, lno)
+ local p
+ code[lno] ? {
+ tab(upto('#')) | return
+ while not pos(0) do {
+ p := &pos
+ doblock (gc, lno, p, tab(upto(' ')|0) & &pos)
+ tab(many(' '))
+ }
+ }
+ return
+ end
+procedure doblock (gc, lno, pos1, pos2)
+ local x
+ x := textx + xsiz * (pos1 - 1)
+ if \font then {
+ GotoXY(gc, x, margin + spacing * lno - 1)
+ writes(gc, code[lno][pos1:pos2])
+ }
+ else {
+ FillRectangle(gc, x, margin + spacing*(lno-1), xsiz*(pos2-pos1), ysiz)
+ }
+ return
+ end