path: root/ipl/mprogs/mmm.icn
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ipl/mprogs/mmm.icn')
1 files changed, 139 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipl/mprogs/mmm.icn b/ipl/mprogs/mmm.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9688cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/mprogs/mmm.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+# File: mmm.icn
+# Subject: Program to show allocation as a miniature "MemMon"
+# Author: Clinton Jeffery
+# Date: August 12, 1994
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Displays a tiny rendition of internal heap allocation.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: evinit, options, optwindw, typebind, colormap, wipe, xcompat
+# Includes: evdefs.icn
+$include "evdefs.icn"
+link evinit
+link options
+link optwindw
+link typebind
+link colormap
+link wipe
+link xcompat
+global Visualization, contexts
+global t, sum, threesixty, wid, hei
+procedure main(av)
+ local c_string, lines, mymask, allocstr, blockall, sum1, sum2, row1, row2,
+ Regions, c, start, sum2div4, verbose
+ if *av>0 then
+ EvInit(av) | stop("EvInit() can't load ",av[1])
+ else
+ EvInit() | stop("can't EvInit()")
+ threesixty := 360 * 64
+ t := options(av)
+ /t["W"] := 650
+ /t["H"] := 50
+ &window := optwindow(t) | stop("no window")
+ Visualization := &window
+ contexts := itypebind(&window)
+ c_string := contexts[E_String] | stop("eh?")
+ / contexts[E_Tvsubs] := c_string
+ wid := WAttrib("width")
+ hei := WAttrib("height")
+ lines := WAttrib("lines")
+ mymask := AllocMask ++ cset("\360"||E_Collect||E_BlkDeAlc||E_StrDeAlc)
+ allocstr := string(AllocMask)
+ blockall := 0
+ sum1 := 0
+ sum2 := 0
+ row1 := 0
+ row2 := hei/2+1
+ Regions := []
+ every put(Regions,keyword("regions",EventSource))
+ pop(Regions)
+ while EvGet(mymask) do {
+ if &eventcode === E_Lelem then &eventcode := E_List
+ if &eventcode === (E_Telem|E_Tvtbl|E_Slots) then &eventcode := E_Table
+ if &eventcode === E_Selem then &eventcode := E_Set
+ if &eventcode === E_Refresh then &eventcode := E_Coexpr
+ case &eventcode of {
+ E_Collect: {
+ wipe(&window)
+ sum1 := sum2 := 0
+ row1 := 0
+ row2 := hei/2+1
+ }
+ E_EndCollect: {
+ }
+ E_String: {
+ DrawLine(c_string,sum1/4,row1,(sum1+&eventvalue)/4,row1)
+ sum1 +:= &eventvalue
+ while sum1/4 >= wid do {
+ sum1 -:= wid * 4
+ row1 +:= 1
+ if row1 > hei/2 then {
+ EraseArea(0,0,wid,hei/2)
+ row1 := 0
+ }
+ DrawLine(c_string,0,row1,sum1/4,row1)
+ }
+ }
+ !.allocstr: {
+ c := \contexts[&eventcode] | stop("what is ",&eventcode)
+ start := sum2/4
+ sum2 +:= &eventvalue
+ sum2div4 := sum2/4
+ DrawLine(c,start,row2,sum2div4,row2)
+ while sum2div4 >= wid do {
+ sum2 -:= wid * 4
+ sum2div4 := sum2/4
+ row2 +:= 1
+ DrawLine(c,0,row2,sum2div4,row2)
+ }
+ }
+ default: {
+ if \verbose then write("unknown event code ",&eventcode)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+procedure itypebind(z)
+ static t
+ initial {
+ t := table()
+ }
+ /(t[z]):=typebind(z,E_Integer||E_Real||E_Record||E_Set||E_String||E_Cset||
+ E_File||E_List||E_Null||E_Proc||E_Table,table())
+# if type(t[z][E_Proc])=="file" then close(t[z][E_Proc])
+ t[z][E_Proc] := XBind(z,"fg=#999")
+ return t[z]