path: root/ipl/packs/euler/euler.grm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ipl/packs/euler/euler.grm')
1 files changed, 99 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipl/packs/euler/euler.grm b/ipl/packs/euler/euler.grm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80f5b25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/packs/euler/euler.grm
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+start : program .
+program = block ENDPROG!.
+vardecl = new id NEWDECL! .
+fordecl = formal id FORMALDECL! .
+labdecl = label id LABELDECL! .
+var = id VARID! { "[" expr "]" SUBSCR! | "." DOT! } .
+logval = true LOGVALTRUE! .
+logval = false LOGVALFALSE! .
+number = realN | integerN.
+reference = "@" var REFERENCE! .
+# listhead -> "(" LISTHD1!
+# listhead -> listhead expr "," LISTHD2!
+# listN -> listhead ")" LISTN1!
+# listN -> listhead expr ")" LISTN2!
+listN = "(" LISTHD1! ( ")" LISTN1! | expr listTl ) .
+listTl = ")" LISTN2! | "," LISTHD2! ( expr listTl | ")" LISTN1! ) .
+prochead = "'" PROCHD! { fordecl ";" PROCFORDECL! } .
+procdef = prochead expr "'" PROCDEF! .
+primary = var ( listN CALL! | VALUE!) | primary1 .
+primary1 = logval LOADLOGVAL! | number LOADNUM! |
+ symbol LOADSYMB!| reference |
+ listN | tail primary UOP! | procdef |
+ undef LOADUNDEF! | "[" expr "]" PARENS! | in INPUT! |
+ isb var UOP! | isn var UOP! | isr var UOP! |
+ isl var UOP! | isli var UOP! | isy var UOP! |
+ isp var UOP! | isu var UOP! | abs primary UOP! |
+ length var UOP! | integer primary UOP! |
+ real primary UOP! | logical primary UOP! | list primary UOP! .
+factor = primary factortail.
+factortail = { "**" primary BOP! } .
+term = factor termtail.
+termtail = { "*" factor BOP! | "/" factor BOP! |
+ div factor BOP! | mod factor BOP! } .
+sum = ("+" term UPLUS! | "-" term NEG! | term) sumtail.
+sumtail = { "+" term BOP! | "-" term BOP! } .
+choice = sum choicetail.
+choicetail = { min sum BOP! | max sum BOP! } .
+relation = choice relationtail.
+relationtail = [ "=" choice BOP! | "~=" choice BOP!
+ | "<" choice BOP! | "<=" choice BOP!
+ | ">" choice BOP! | ">=" choice BOP! ] .
+negation = "~" relation UOP! | relation .
+conj = negation conjtail.
+conjtail = [ and CONJHD! conj CONJ! ].
+disj = conj disjtail.
+disjtail = [ or DISJHD! disj DISJ! ] .
+catenatail = { "&" primary BOP! }.
+truepart = expr else TRUEPT! .
+ifclause = if expr then IFCLSE! .
+expr = var exprtail | expr1.
+exprtail = "<-" expr BOP! |
+ ( listN CALL! | VALUE!)
+ factortail
+ termtail
+ sumtail
+ choicetail
+ relationtail
+ conjtail
+ disjtail
+ catenatail .
+expr1 = block .
+expr1 = ifclause truepart expr IFEXPR! .
+expr1 = goto primary UOP! .
+expr1 = out expr UOP! .
+expr1 = primary1
+ factortail
+ termtail
+ sumtail
+ choicetail
+ relationtail
+ conjtail
+ disjtail
+ catenatail .
+expr1 = ( "+" term UPLUS! | "-" term NEG! )
+ sumtail
+ choicetail
+ relationtail
+ conjtail
+ disjtail
+ catenatail .
+expr1 = "~" relation UOP! conjtail disjtail catenatail .
+stat = expr1
+ | id ( ":" LABDEF! stat LABSTMT!
+ | VARID! { "[" expr "]" SUBSCR! | "." DOT! }
+ exprtail ) .
+block = begin BEGIN!
+ { vardecl ";" BLKHD! | labdecl ";" BLKHD!}
+ stat { ";" BLKBODY! stat } end BLK! .