path: root/ipl/packs/ibpag2/ibreader.icn
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1 files changed, 515 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipl/packs/ibpag2/ibreader.icn b/ipl/packs/ibpag2/ibreader.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8401159
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/packs/ibpag2/ibreader.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
+# Name: ibreader.icn
+# Title: reader for Ibpag2 source files
+# Author: Richard L. Goerwitz
+# Version: 1.29
+# This file contains a collection of procedures that 1) read in an
+# Ibpag2 source file, 2) output token defines, 3) emit action code,
+# and finally 4) pass a start symbol, list of productions, and token
+# table back to the calling procedure. Described formally:
+# ibreader: file x file x string -> ib_grammar record
+# (in, out, module) -> grammar
+# In is the input stream; out is the output stream; module is an
+# optional string that distinguishes this grammar from others that
+# might also be running simultaneously. Grammar is an ib_grammar
+# record containing the start symbol in its first field and the
+# production list in its second. Its third field contains a table
+# used to map integers to actual token names or character literals,
+# i.e. its keys are things like -1, 0, etc. and its values are things
+# like "error," "EOF," etc.
+# Note that if a module argument is supplied to ibreader(), one must
+# also be supplied to ibwriter(). See ibwriter.icn.
+# The format of the input file is highly reminiscent of YACC. It
+# consists of three basic sections, the first two of which are
+# followed by %%. See the main documentation to Ibpag2 for
+# specifics. Major differences between Ibpag2 and YACC input format
+# include:
+# 1) "$$ = x" constructs are replaced by "return x" (e.g. "$$ =
+# $1 + $3" -> "return $1 + $3")
+# 2) all variables within a given action are, by default, local
+# to that action; i.e. they cannot be accessed by other
+# actions unless you declare them global elsewhere (e.g. in
+# the pass-through part of the declarations section %{ ... %})
+# 3) the %union declaration is not needed by Ibpag
+# 4) tokens and symbols are separated from each other by a comma
+# (e.g. %token '+', '-' and S : NP, VP)
+# 5) epsilon is indicated by the keyword "epsilon" (e.g. REL :
+# epsilon)
+# 6) both epsilon and error *may* be declared as %tokens for
+# reasons of precedence, although they retain hard-coded
+# internal values (-2 and -1, respectively)
+# 7) all actions must follow the last RHS symbol of the rule they
+# apply to (preceded by an optional %prec directive); to
+# achieve S : NP { action1 }, VP { action2 }, insert a dummy
+# rule: S : NP, dummy, VP { action2 }; dummy : epsilon {
+# action1 } ;
+# 8) YYERROR, YYACCEPT, yyclearin, and yyerrok are the same,
+# except they are written IIERROR, IIACCEPT, iiclearin, and
+# iierrok (i.e. "ii" replaces "yy")
+# 9) Ibpag2's input files are tokenized like modified Icon files,
+# and, as a consequence, Icon's reserved words must not be
+# used as symbols (e.g. "if : if, then" is no go)
+# Links: itokens, escape
+# See also: ibwriter
+#link itokens, escape
+link escape
+record ib_grammar(start, rules, tbl)
+record tokstats(str, no, prec, assoc)
+# Declared in itokens.icn:
+# global line_number
+# ibreader: file x file x string x string -> ib_grammar record
+# (in, out, module, source_fname) -> grammar
+# Where in is an input stream, out is an output stream, module is
+# some string uniquely identifying this module (optional), and
+# where grammar is an ib_grammar record containing the start
+# symbol in its first field and a list of production records in
+# its second. Source_fname is the string name of Ibpag2's input
+# grammar file. Defaults to "source file."
+procedure ibreader(in, out, module, source_fname)
+ local tmp, grammar, toktbl, next_token, next_token_no_nl,
+ token, LHS, t
+ /source_fname := "source file"
+ grammar := ib_grammar(&null, list(), table())
+ toktbl := table()
+ next_token := create itokens(in, 1)
+ next_token_no_nl := create 1(tmp := |@next_token, \tmp.sym)
+ token := @next_token_no_nl | iohno(4)
+ # Do the %{ $} and %token stuff, i.e. everything up to %%
+ # (NEWSECT).
+ #
+ until token.sym == "NEWSECT" do {
+ case token.sym of {
+ default : {
+ iohno(48, "token "||image(token.str) ||"; line "|| line_number)
+ }
+ "SEMICOL" : {
+ # Skip semicolon. Get another token while we're at it.
+ token := @next_token_no_nl | iohno(47, "line "||line_number)
+ }
+ "BEGGLOB" : {
+ write(out, "\n$line ", line_number, " ", image(source_fname))
+ # Copy token values to out until we reach "%}" (ENDGLOB).
+ (token := copy_icon_stuff(next_token, out)).sym == "ENDGLOB"
+ token := @next_token_no_nl
+ }
+ "MOD" : {
+ (token := @next_token_no_nl).sym == "IDENT" |
+ iohno(30, "line " || line_number)
+ #
+ # Read in token declarations, set associativity and
+ # precedences, and enter the tokens into toktbl.
+ #
+ token := {
+ case token.str of {
+ default : iohno(30, "line " || line_number)
+ "token" : read_decl(next_token_no_nl, toktbl, &null)
+ "right" : read_decl(next_token_no_nl, toktbl, "r")
+ "left" : read_decl(next_token_no_nl, toktbl, "l")
+ "nonassoc": read_decl(next_token_no_nl, toktbl, "n")
+ "union" : iohno(45, "line "|| line_number)
+ "start" : {
+ (token := @next_token_no_nl).sym == "IDENT" |
+ iohno(31, "line " || line_number)
+ /grammar.start := token.str |
+ iohno(32, "line " || line_number)
+ @next_token_no_nl | iohno(4)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Skip past %% (NEWSECT) and semicolon (if present).
+ token := @next_token_no_nl | iohno(47, "line "|| line_number)
+ (token := token | @next_token_no_nl | iohno(4)).sym ~== "SEMICOL"
+ token.sym == "NEWSECT" & iohno(47, "line "|| line_number)
+ #
+ # Fetch start symbol if it wasn't defined above via %start; by
+ # default the start symbol is the LHS of rule 1.
+ #
+ /grammar.start := token.str
+ # Having reached the end of the declarations section, we can now
+ # copy out a define for each token number, not counting character
+ # literals (which are stored as integers). While we're at it,
+ # create a table that maps token numbers back to character
+ # literals and strings (for use in later verbose and debugging
+ # displays).
+ #
+ write(out, "\n")
+ every t := !toktbl do {
+ if type(t.str) == "integer" then
+ insert(grammar.tbl,, image(char(t.str)))
+ else {
+ insert(grammar.tbl,, t.str)
+ write(out, "$define ", t.str, "\t",
+ }
+ }
+ # Now, finally, read in rules up until we reach EOF or %% (i.e.
+ # NEWSECT). EOF is signaled below by failure of read_RHS().
+ #
+ until token.sym == "NEWSECT" do {
+ token.sym == "IDENT" | iohno(33, token.str ||" line "|| line_number)
+ LHS := token.str
+ token := @next_token_no_nl | iohno(4)
+ token.sym == "COLON" | iohno(34, token.str ||" line "|| line_number)
+ #
+ # Read in RHS, then the action (if any) then the prec (if
+ # any). If we see a BAR, then repeat, re-using the same
+ # left-hand side symbol.
+ #
+ while token :=
+ read_RHS(next_token, next_token_no_nl, out, toktbl, LHS,
+ grammar, module, source_fname) |
+ # if read_RHS fails, we're at EOF
+ break break
+ do token.sym == "BAR" | break
+ }
+ # Copy the remainder of the file to out as Icon code.
+ write(out, "\n$line ", line_number, " ", image(source_fname))
+ every copy_icon_stuff(next_token, out, "EOFX")
+ # Do final setup on the reverse token table. This table will be
+ # used later to map integers to their original names in verbose or
+ # debugging displays.
+ #
+ insert(grammar.tbl, 0, "$")
+ return grammar
+# copy_icon_stuff: coexpression x file x string -> ib_TOK records
+# (next_token, out, except) -> token records
+# Copy Icon code to output stream, also suspending as we go.
+# Insert separators between tokens where needed. Do not output
+# any token whose sym field matches except. The point in
+# suspending tokens as we go is to enable the calling procedure to
+# look for signal tokens that indicate insertion or termination
+# points.
+procedure copy_icon_stuff(next_token, out, except)
+ local separator, T
+ separator := ""
+ while T := @next_token do {
+ if \T.sym then suspend T
+ if \T.sym == \except then next
+ if any(&digits ++ &letters ++ '_.', \T.str, 1, 2) & \T.sym ~== "DOT"
+ then writes(out, separator)
+ writes(out, T.str)
+ if any(&digits ++ &letters ++ '_.', \T.str, -1, 0) & \T.sym ~== "DOT"
+ then separator := " " else separator := ""
+ }
+ # unexpected EOF error
+ (except === "EOFX") | iohno(4)
+# read_decl: coexpression x table x string -> ib_TOK
+# (next_token_no_nl, toktbl, assoc) -> token
+# Read in token declarations, assigning them the correct
+# precedence and associativity. Number the tokens for later
+# $define preprocessor directives. When done, return the last
+# token processed. Toktbl is the table that holds the stats for
+# each declared token.
+procedure read_decl(next_token_no_nl, toktbl, assoc)
+ local token, c
+ static token_no, prec
+ initial {
+ token_no := 256
+ prec := 0
+ }
+ # All tokens in this list have the same prec and assoc.
+ # Precedence is determined by order. Associativity is determined
+ # by keyword in the calling procedure, and is passed as arg 3.
+ #
+ prec +:= 1
+ assoc === ("n"|"r"|"l"|&null) | iohno(5, image(assoc))
+ # As long as we find commas and token names, keep on adding tokens
+ # to the token table. Return the unused token when done. If we
+ # reach EOF, there's been an error.
+ #
+ repeat {
+ token := @next_token_no_nl | iohno(4)
+ case token.sym of {
+ default : iohno(31, token.str ||" line "|| line_number)
+ # Enter character literals as integers.
+ *escape(token.str[2:-1]) = 1 | iohno(49, token.str)
+ c := ord(escape(token.str[2:-1]))
+ toktbl[c] := tokstats(c, c, prec, assoc)
+ }
+ "IDENT" : {
+ case token.str of {
+ "error" :
+ toktbl[token.str] := tokstats("error", -1, prec, assoc)
+ "epsilon":
+ toktbl[token.str] := tokstats("epsilon",-2,prec, assoc)
+ default : {
+ # Enter TOKENs as string-keyed records in toktbl.
+ token_no +:= 1
+ toktbl[token.str] :=
+ tokstats(token.str, token_no, prec, assoc)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # As long as we're seeing commas, go back for more tokens.
+ token := @next_token_no_nl | iohno(4)
+ token.sym == "COMMA" | break
+ }
+ # Skip past semicolon, if present (as set up now, it shouldn't be).
+ (token := token | @next_token_no_nl | iohno(4)).sym ~== "SEMICOL"
+ return token
+# read_RHS: coexpression x coexpression x file x table x
+# string x ib_grammar record x string x string -> token
+# Read_RHS goes through the RHS of rule definitions, inserting the
+# resulting productions into a master rule list. At the same
+# time, it outputs the actions corresponding to those productions
+# as procedures that are given names corresponding to the numbers
+# of the productions. I.e. production 1, if endowed with an {
+# action }, will correspond to procedure _1_. Prec and assoc are
+# automatically set to that of the last RHS nonterminal, but this
+# may be changed explicitly by the %prec keyword, as in YACC.
+# Source_fname is the name of the source grammar file we're pro-
+# cessing (caller will give us some reasonable default if we're
+# reading &input).
+# Fails on EOF.
+procedure read_RHS(next_token, next_token_no_nl, out, toktbl, LHS,
+ grammar, module, source_fname)
+ local token, rule, c
+ static rule_no
+ initial rule_no := 0
+ rule_no +:= 1
+ # LHS RHS POS LOOK no prec assoc
+ rule := production(LHS, list(), &null, &null, rule_no, &null, &null)
+ put(grammar.rules, rule)
+ # Read in RHS symbols.
+ #
+ repeat {
+ token := @next_token_no_nl | iohno(4)
+ case token.sym of {
+ default :
+ iohno(35, "token "|| image(token.str)||"; line "|| line_number)
+ *escape(token.str[2:-1]) = 1 | iohno(49, token.str)
+ c := ord(escape(token.str[2:-1]))
+ if \toktbl[c] then {
+ rule.prec := toktbl[c].prec
+ rule.assoc := toktbl[c].assoc
+ }
+ # literals not declared earlier will get caught here
+ else insert(grammar.tbl, c, image(char(c)))
+ put(rule.RHS, c)
+ }
+ "IDENT" : {
+ # If it's a terminal (i.e. a declared token), assign
+ # this rule its precedence and associativity. If it's
+ # not in toktbl, then it's not a declared token....
+ if \toktbl[token.str] then {
+ rule.prec := toktbl[token.str].prec
+ rule.assoc := toktbl[token.str].assoc
+ put(rule.RHS, toktbl[token.str].no)
+ if toktbl[token.str].no = -2 then {
+ *rule.RHS > 1 & iohno(44, "line ", line_number)
+ rule.POS := 2
+ }
+ }
+ # ...undeclared stuff. Could be a nonterminal. If
+ # error and/or epsilon weren't declared as tokens,
+ # they will get caught here, too.
+ else {
+ case token.str of {
+ &null : stop("What is going on here?")
+ default : put(rule.RHS, token.str)
+ "error" : {
+ put(rule.RHS, -1)
+ insert(grammar.tbl, -1, "error")
+ }
+ "epsilon" : {
+ if *put(rule.RHS, -2) > 1
+ then iohno(44, "line ", line_number)
+ else rule.POS := 2
+ insert(grammar.tbl, -2, "epsilon")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Comma means: Go back for another RHS symbol.
+ token := @next_token_no_nl | fail
+ token.sym == "COMMA" | break
+ }
+ # Skip semicolon token, if present.
+ (token := token | @next_token_no_nl | fail).sym ~== "SEMICOL"
+ # Read and set (optional) precedence.
+ #
+ if token.sym == "MOD" then {
+ token := @next_token_no_nl | iohno(4)
+ (token.sym == "IDENT" & token.str == "prec") |
+ iohno(43, token.str || " line " || line_number)
+ token := @next_token_no_nl | iohno(4)
+ case token.sym of {
+ "CSETLIT" | "STRING" : {
+ *escape(token.str[2:-1]) = 1 | iohno(49, token.str)
+ c := ord(escape(token.str[2:-1])) &
+ rule.prec := toktbl[c].prec &
+ rule.assoc := toktbl[c].assoc
+ }
+ "IDENT" : {
+ \toktbl[token.str] |
+ iohno(43, token.str || " line " || line_number)
+ rule.prec := toktbl[token.str].prec &
+ rule.assoc := toktbl[token.str].assoc
+ }
+ default : 1 = 4 # deliberate failure
+ } | iohno(43, "line ", line_number)
+ token := @next_token_no_nl | fail
+ }
+ # Skip semicolon token, if present.
+ (token := token | @next_token_no_nl | fail).sym ~== "SEMICOL"
+ # Read in (optional) action.
+ #
+ if token.sym == "LBRACE" then {
+ write_action_as_procedure(next_token, out, rule,
+ module, source_fname)
+ token := @next_token_no_nl | fail
+ }
+ # Skip semicolon token, if present.
+ (token := token | @next_token_no_nl | fail).sym ~== "SEMICOL"
+ return token
+# write_action_as_procedure
+procedure write_action_as_procedure(next_token, out, rule,
+ module, source_fname)
+ local argstr, bracelevel, token, i, neg
+ /module := ""
+ argstr := ""
+ #
+ # Decide the number of arguments based on the length of the RHS of
+ # rule. Exception: Epsilon productions are empty, and pop nothing
+ # off the stack, so take zero args.
+ #
+ if rule.RHS[1] ~=== -2 then {
+ every argstr ||:= "arg" || (1 to *rule.RHS) || ","
+ argstr := trim(argstr, ',')
+ }
+ write(out, "procedure _",, "_", module, "(", argstr, ")")
+ write(out, "\n$line ", line_number, " ", image(source_fname))
+ bracelevel := 1
+ until bracelevel = 0 do {
+ every token := copy_icon_stuff(next_token, out, "RHSARG") do {
+ case token.sym of {
+ default : next
+ "LBRACE" : bracelevel +:= 1
+ "RBRACE" : bracelevel -:= 1
+ "RHSARG" : {
+ until \ (token := @next_token).sym do
+ writes(out, token.str)
+ if neg := (token.sym == "MINUS") then
+ until \ (token := @next_token).sym do
+ writes(out, token.str)
+ else neg := &null
+ token.sym == "INTLIT" | iohno(37, "$"||token.str)
+ if /neg & token.str ~== "0" then {
+ token.str <= *rule.RHS | iohno(38, "$"||token.str)
+ writes(out, " arg", token.str, " ")
+ } else {
+ # Code for $0, $-1, etc.
+ #
+ # Warning! If the name of the stack is changed
+ # in iiparse.lib, it has to be changed here, too.
+ #
+ i := abs(token.str)+1
+ writes(out, " value_stack", module, "[", i, "] ")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if bracelevel = 0 then {
+ write(out, "\nend\n")
+ return token
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ iohno(39, "line "|| line_number)