path: root/ipl/packs/ibpag2/iiparse.lib
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1 files changed, 419 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipl/packs/ibpag2/iiparse.lib b/ipl/packs/ibpag2/iiparse.lib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7367735
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/packs/ibpag2/iiparse.lib
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+# Name: iiparse.lib
+# Title: LR parser code
+# Author: Richard L. Goerwitz
+# Version: 1.31
+# LR parser code for use by Ibpag2-generated files. Entry point is
+# iiparse(infile, fail_on_error). Infile is the stream from which
+# input is to be taken. Infile is passed as argument 1 to the
+# user-supplied lexical analyzer, iilex_module() (where _module is
+# the string supplied with the -m option to Ibpag2). If
+# fail_on_error is nonnull, the parser, iiparse, will fail on errors,
+# rather than abort. Iiparse() returns the top element on its value
+# stack on a successful parse (which can be handy).
+# Iilex_module() must suspend integers for tokens and may also set
+# iilval_module to the actual string values. Tokens -2, -1, and 0
+# are reserved. -2 is epsilon, and -1 is error. 0 is EOF, and is
+# automatically appended to the token stream when iilex_module, the
+# tokenizer, fails. These values should not normally be returned by
+# the analyzer. In general, it is a good idea to $include
+# iilex_module from your Ibpag2 source files, so that it can use the
+# symbolic %token names declared in the original Ibpag2 source file.
+# As implied above ("suspend"), iilex_module must be a generator,
+# failing on EOF.
+# If desired, the user may include his or her own error-handling
+# routine. It must be called iiparse_module (where _module is once
+# again the module name supplied to ibpag2 via the -m option). The
+# global variable line_number_module is automatically defined below,
+# so a typical arrangement would be for the lexical analyzer to
+# initialize line_number_module to 0, and increment by 1 for each
+# line read. The error handler, iierror_module() can then display
+# this variable. Note that the error handler should accept a single
+# string argument (set by iiparse to describe the error just
+# encountered).
+# See also: ibpag2.icn
+$$line 50 "iiparse.lib"
+# These defines are output by Ibpag2 ahead of time (with the module
+# name appended, if need be):
+# $define iierrok recover_shifts := &null;
+# $define IIERROR iidirective ||:= "error";
+# $define IIACCEPT iidirective ||:= "accept";
+# $define iiclearin iidirective ||:= "clearin";
+# Warning! If you change the name of the value stack, change it also
+# in ibreader.icn, procedure write_action_as_procedure().
+global $iilval, $errors, $line_number, $state_stack, $value_stack,
+ $iidirective, $recover_shifts, $discards
+# iiparse: file x anything -> ?
+# (stream, fail_on_error) -> ?
+# Where stream is an open file, where fail_on_error is a switch
+# that (if nonnull) tells the iiparse to fail, rather than abort,
+# on error, and where ? represents the user-defined result of a
+# completed parse of file, from the current location up to the
+# point where the parser executes an "accept" action.
+procedure $iiparse(stream, fail_on_error)
+ local token, next_token, act, ruleno, newsym, rhsize, arglist,
+ result, tmp, func
+ static atbl, gtbl, ttbl
+ initial {
+ $iidirective := ""
+ atbl := $atbl_insertion_point
+ gtbl := $gtbl_insertion_point
+ ttbl := $ttbl_insertion_point
+ $$line 86 "iiparse.lib"
+ \$iilex | stop("no iilex tokenizer defined")
+ }
+$$ifndef IIDEBUG
+ $iidebug := 1
+$$endif # not IIDEBUG
+ $state_stack := [1]
+ $value_stack := []
+ $errors := 0 # errors is global
+ next_token := create $iilex(stream, fail_on_error) | 0
+ token := @next_token
+ repeat {
+ #
+ # Begin cycle by checking whether there is a valid action
+ # for state $state_stack[1] and lookahead token. Atbl and
+ # gtbl here have a "backwards" structure: t[token][state]
+ # (usually they go t[state][token]).
+ #
+ if act := \ (\atbl[token])[$state_stack[1]] then {
+ act := $uncompress_action(act)
+ act ? {
+ # There's a valid action: Perform it.
+ case move(1) of {
+ "s": {
+ #
+ # Shift action format, e.g. s2.1 = shift and
+ # go to state 2 by rule 1.
+ #
+ push($state_stack, integer(tab(find("."))))
+ push($value_stack, $iilval)
+ ="."; ruleno := integer(tab(many(&digits)))
+ pos(0) | stop("malformed action: ", act)
+ #
+ # If, while recovering, we can manage to
+ # shift 3 tokens, then we consider ourselves
+ # resynchronized. Don't count error (-1).
+ #
+ if token ~= -1 then {
+ if \$recover_shifts +:= 1 then {
+ # 3 shifts = successful recovery
+ if $recover_shifts > 4 then {
+ $recover_shifts := &null
+ $discards := 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $iidebug("s", ttbl, token, ruleno)
+ token := @next_token | break
+ }
+ "r": {
+ #
+ # Reduce action format, e.g. r1<S>2 = reduce
+ # by rule 1 (LHS = S, RHS length = 2).
+ #
+ ruleno := integer(1(tab(find("<")), move(1)))
+ newsym := 1(tab(find(">")), move(1))
+ rhsize := integer(tab(many(&digits)))
+ arglist := []
+ every 1 to rhsize do {
+ pop($state_stack)
+ push(arglist, pop($value_stack))
+ }
+ # on the structure of gtbl, see above on atbl
+ push($state_stack, gtbl[newsym][$state_stack[1]])
+ #
+ # The actions are in procedures having the same
+ # name as the number of their rule, bracketed
+ # by underscores followed by the current module.
+ #
+ if func := proc("_" || ruleno || "_" || $module)
+ then {
+ result := func!arglist | arglist[-1] | &null
+ tmp := $iidirective
+ $iidirective := ""
+ #
+ # IIERROR, IIACCEPT, iierrok, and iiclearin
+ # are implemented using a search through a global
+ # iidirective variable; see the $defines
+ # above
+ #
+ if *tmp > 0 then {
+ if find("clearin", tmp) then
+ token := @next_token
+ if find("error", tmp) then {
+ # restore stacks & fake an error
+ pop($state_stack)
+ every 1 to rhsize do
+ push($value_stack, !arglist)
+ $errors +:= 1
+ next_token := create (token |
+ (|@next_token))
+ token := -1
+ next
+ }
+ if find("accept", tmp) then {
+ $iidebug("a", ttbl, token, ruleno)
+ return result
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # If there is no action code for this rule...
+ else {
+ # ...push the value of the last RHS arg.
+ # For 0-length e-productions, push &null.
+ result := arglist[-1] | &null
+ }
+ push($value_stack, result)
+ $iidebug("r", ttbl, token, ruleno)
+ }
+ # We're done. Return the last-generated value.
+ "a": {
+ $iidebug("a", ttbl, token, ruleno)
+ return $value_stack[1]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # ...but if there is *no* action for atbl[token][$state_stack[1]],
+ # then we have an error.
+ #
+ else {
+ if \$recover_shifts := 0 then {
+ #
+ # If we're already in an error state, discard the
+ # current token, and increment the number of discards
+ # we have made. 500 is too many; abort.
+ #
+ if ($discards +:= 1) > 500 then {
+ if \$iierror
+ then $iierror("fatal error: can't resynchronize")
+ else write(&errout, "fatal error: can't resynchronize")
+ if \fail_on_error then fail
+ else stop()
+ }
+ $iidebug("e", ttbl, token)
+ #
+ # We were in the process of recovering, and the late
+ # token didn't help; discard it and try again.
+ #
+ token := @next_token | break
+ } else {
+ $errors +:= 1 # global error count
+ $discards := $recover_shifts := 0
+ if \$iierror
+ then $iierror(image(\ttbl[token]) | image(token))
+ else write(&errout, "parse error")
+ #
+ # If error appears in a RHS, pop states until we get to
+ # a spot where error (-1) is a valid lookahead token:
+ #
+ if \ttbl[-1] then {
+ until *$state_stack = 0 do {
+ if \atbl[-1][$state_stack[1]] then {
+ $iidebug("e", ttbl, token)
+ next_token := create (token | (|@next_token))
+ token := -1
+ break next
+ } else pop($state_stack) & pop($value_stack)
+ }
+ # If we get past here, the stack is now empty. Abort.
+ }
+ if \fail_on_error then fail
+ else stop()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # If we get to here without hitting a final state, then we aren't
+ # going to get a valid parse. Abort.
+ #
+ if \$iierror
+ then $iierror("unexpected EOF")
+ else write(&errout, "unexpected EOF")
+ if \fail_on_error then fail
+ else stop()
+$$ifdef IIDEBUG
+record production(LHS, RHS, POS, LOOK, no, prec, assoc)
+# iidebug
+procedure $iidebug(action, ttbl, token, ruleno)
+ local p, t, state
+ static rule_list
+ initial {
+ rule_list := $rule_list_insertion_point
+ $$line 279 "iiparse.lib"
+ }
+ case action of {
+ "a" : writes(&errout, "accepting ") & state := $state_stack[1]
+ "e" : writes(&errout, "***ERROR***\n") &
+ writes(&errout, "recovery shifts = ", $recover_shifts,"\n") &
+ writes(&errout, "discarded tokens = ", $discards, "\n") &
+ writes(&errout, "total error count = ", $errors, "\n") &
+ writes(&errout, "error action ") & state := $state_stack[1]
+ "r" : writes(&errout, "reducing ") & state := $state_stack[2]
+ "s" : writes(&errout, "shifting ") & state := $state_stack[2]
+ default : stop("malformed action argument to iidebug")
+ }
+ t := image(token) || (" (" || (\ttbl[token] | "unknown") || ")")
+ writes(&errout, "on lookahead ", t, ", in state ", state)
+ if \ruleno then {
+ (p := !rule_list).no = ruleno |
+ stop("no rule number ", tbl[symbol][state])
+ write(&errout, "; rule ", $production_2_string(p, ttbl))
+ }
+ # for errors, ruleno is null
+ else write(&errout)
+ write(&errout, " state stack now: ")
+ every write(&errout, "\t", image(!$state_stack))
+ write(&errout, " value stack now: ")
+ if *$value_stack > 0
+ then every write(&errout, "\t", image(!$value_stack))
+ else write(&errout, "\t(empty)")
+ return
+# production_2_string: production record -> string
+# p -> s
+# Stringizes an image of the LHS and RHS of production p in
+# human-readable form.
+procedure $production_2_string(p, ibtoktbl)
+ local s, m, t
+ s := image(p.LHS) || " -> "
+ every m := !p.RHS do {
+ if t := \ (\ibtoktbl)[m]
+ then s ||:= t || " "
+ else s ||:= image(m) || " "
+ }
+ # if the POS field is nonnull, print it
+ s ||:= "(POS = " || image(\p.POS) || ") "
+ # if the LOOK field is nonnull, print it, too
+ s ||:= "lookahead = " || image(\p.LOOK)
+ return trim(s)
+$$endif # IIDEBUG
+# uncompress_action
+procedure $uncompress_action(action)
+ local next_chunk, full_action
+ next_chunk := create ord(!action)
+ case $in_ib_bits(next_chunk, 2) of {
+ 0: {
+ full_action := "s"
+ full_action ||:= $in_ib_bits(next_chunk, 11)
+ full_action ||:= "."
+ full_action ||:= $in_ib_bits(next_chunk, 11)
+ }
+ 1: {
+ full_action := "r"
+ full_action ||:= $in_ib_bits(next_chunk, 11)
+ full_action ||:= "<"
+ full_action ||:= $in_ib_bits(next_chunk, 11)
+ full_action ||:= ">"
+ full_action ||:= $in_ib_bits(next_chunk, 8)
+ }
+ 2: {
+ full_action := "a"
+ }
+ }
+ return full_action
+# in_ib_bits: like inbits (IPL), but with coexpression for file
+procedure $in_ib_bits(next_chunk, len)
+ local i, byte, old_byte_mask
+ static old_byte, old_len, byte_length
+ initial {
+ old_byte := old_len := 0
+ byte_length := 8
+ }
+ old_byte_mask := (0 < 2^old_len - 1) | 0
+ old_byte := iand(old_byte, old_byte_mask)
+ i := ishift(old_byte, len-old_len)
+ len -:= (len > old_len) | {
+ old_len -:= len
+ return i
+ }
+ while byte := @next_chunk do {
+ i := ior(i, ishift(byte, len-byte_length))
+ len -:= (len > byte_length) | {
+ old_len := byte_length-len
+ old_byte := byte
+ return i
+ }
+ }