path: root/ipl/packs/idol/idolboot.icn
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ipl/packs/idol/idolboot.icn')
1 files changed, 1265 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipl/packs/idol/idolboot.icn b/ipl/packs/idol/idolboot.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..918a4db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/packs/idol/idolboot.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,1265 @@
+global fin,fout,fName,fLine,alpha,alphadot,white,nonwhite,nonalpha
+global classes,comp,exec,strict,links,imports,loud,compiles,compatible,ct
+procedure gencode()
+#line 11 "idol.iol"
+ if \loud then write("Class import/export:")
+ every cl := (__self1 := classes).__methods.foreach_t(__self1.__state) do (__self2 := cl).__methods.writespec(__self2.__state)
+ repeat {
+ added := 0
+ every super:= ((__self2 := ((__self1 := classes).__methods.foreach_t(__self1.__state))).__methods.foreachsuper(__self2.__state) | !imports) do{
+ if /(__self1 := classes).__methods.lookup(__self1.__state,super) then {
+ added := 1
+ fname := filename(super)
+ readinput(envpath(fname),2)
+ if /(__self1 := classes).__methods.lookup(__self1.__state,super) then halt("can't import class '",super,"'")
+ writesublink(fname)
+ }
+ }
+ if added = 0 then break
+ }
+ every (__self2 := ((__self1 := classes).__methods.foreach_t(__self1.__state))).__methods.transitive_closure(__self2.__state)
+ if \loud then write("Generating code:")
+ writesublink("i_object")
+ every s := !links do writelink(s)
+ write(fout)
+ every out := (__self1 := classes).__methods.foreach(__self1.__state) do {
+ name := filename((__self1 := out)
+ (__self1 := out).__methods.write(__self1.__state)
+ put(compiles,name)
+ writesublink(name)
+ }
+ if *compiles>0 then return cdicont(compiles)
+ else return
+procedure readinput(name,phase,ct2)
+#line 686 "idol.iol"
+ if \loud then write("\t",name)
+ fName := name
+ fLine := 0
+ fin := sysopen(name,"r")
+ ct := \ct2 | constant()
+ while line := readln("wrap") do {
+ line ? {
+ tab(many(white))
+ if ="class" then {
+ decl := class()
+ (__self1 := decl),line,phase)
+ if phase=1 then {
+ (__self1 := decl).__methods.writemethods(__self1.__state)
+ (__self1 := classes).__methods.insert(__self1.__state,decl,(__self2 := decl)
+ } else (__self1 := classes).__methods.insert_t(__self1.__state,decl,(__self2 := decl)
+ }
+ else if ="procedure" then {
+ if comp = 0 then comp := 1
+ decl := method("")
+ (__self1 := decl),line,phase)
+ (__self1 := decl).__methods.write(__self1.__state,fout,"")
+ }
+ else if ="record" then {
+ if comp = 0 then comp := 1
+ decl := declaration(line)
+ (__self1 := decl).__methods.write(__self1.__state,fout,"")
+ }
+ else if ="global" then {
+ if comp = 0 then comp := 1
+ decl := vardecl(line)
+ (__self1 := decl).__methods.write(__self1.__state,fout,"")
+ }
+ else if ="const" then {
+ (__self1 := ct).__methods.append(__self1.__state,constdcl(line) )
+ }
+ else if ="method" then {
+ halt("readinput: method outside class")
+ }
+ else if ="#include" then {
+ savedFName := fName
+ savedFLine := fLine
+ savedFIn := fin
+ tab(many(white))
+ readinput(tab(if ="\"" then find("\"") else many(nonwhite)),
+ phase,ct)
+ fName := savedFName
+ fLine := savedFLine
+ fin := savedFIn
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close(fin)
+procedure readln(wrap)
+#line 745 "idol.iol"
+ count := 0
+ prefix := ""
+ while /finished do {
+ if not (line := read(fin)) then fail
+ fLine +:= 1
+ if match("#include",line) then return line
+ line[ 1(x<-find("#",line),notquote(line[1:x])) : 0] := ""
+ line := trim(line,white)
+ x := 1
+ while ((x := find("$",line,x)) & notquote(line[1:x])) do {
+ z := line[x+1:0] ||" "
+ case line[x+1] of {
+ "(": line[x+:2] := "{"
+ ")": line[x+:2] := "}"
+ "<": line[x+:2] := "["
+ ">": line[x+:2] := "]"
+ "!"|"*"|"@"|"?": {
+ z ? {
+ move(1)
+ tab(many(white))
+ if not (id := tab(many(alphadot))) then {
+ if not match("(") then halt("readln can't parse ",line)
+ if not (id := tab(&pos<bal())) then
+ halt("readln: cant bal ",&subject)
+ }
+ Op := case line[x+1] of {
+ "@": "activate"
+ "*": "size"
+ "!": "foreach"
+ "?": "random"
+ }
+ count +:= 1
+ line[x:0] :=
+ "(__self"||count||" := "||id||").__methods."||
+ Op||"(__self"||count||".__state)"||tab(0)
+ }
+ }
+ "[": {
+ z ? {
+ if not (middle := tab((&pos<bal(&cset,'[',']'))-1)[2:0]) then
+ halt("readln: can't bal([) ",&subject)
+ tail := tab(0)|""
+ line := line[1:x]||"$index("||middle||")"||(tab(0)|"")
+ }
+ }
+ default: {
+ reverse(line[1:x])||" " ? {
+ tab(many(white))
+ if not (id := reverse(tab(many(alphadot)))) then {
+ if not match(")") then halt("readln: can't parse")
+ if not (id := reverse(tab(&pos<bal(&cset,')','('))))
+ then halt("readln: can't bal ",&subject)
+ }
+ objlen := &pos-1
+ }
+ count +:= 1
+ front := "(__self"||count||" := "||id||").__methods."
+ back := "__self"||count||".__state"
+ z ? {
+ ="$"
+ tab(many(white))
+ if not (methodname := tab(many(alphadot))) then
+ halt("readln: expected a method name after $")
+ tab(many(white))
+ methodname ||:= "("
+ if ="(" then {
+ tab(many(white))
+ afterlp := &subject[&pos]
+ }
+ else {
+ afterlp := ")"
+ back ||:= ")"
+ }
+ methlen := &pos-1
+ }
+ if line[x+1] == "$" then {
+ c := if afterlp[1] ~== ")" then "" else "[]"
+ methodname[-1] := "!("
+ back := "["||back||"]|||"
+ } else {
+ c := if (\afterlp)[1] == ")" then "" else ","
+ }
+ line[x-objlen : (((*line>=(x+methlen+1))|0)\1)] :=
+ front || methodname || back || c
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if /wrap | (prefix==line=="") then finished := line
+ else {
+ prefix ||:= line || " "
+ prefix ? {
+ if ((*prefix = bal()) & (not find(",",prefix[-2]))) then
+ finished := prefix[1:-1]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return (__self1 := ct).__methods.expand(__self1.__state,finished)
+record idol_object(__state,__methods)
+procedure declaration_read(self,decl)
+#line 63 "idol.iol"
+ decl ? (
+ (tab(many(white)) | "") ,
+ (self.tag := =("procedure"|"class"|"method"|"record")) ,
+ (tab(many(white)) | "") ,
+ ( := tab(many(alpha))) ,
+ (tab(find("(")+1)),
+ (tab(many(white)) | "") ,
+ ((__self1 := (self.fields := classFields())).__methods.parse(__self1.__state,tab(find(")"))))
+ ) | halt("declaration/read can't parse decl ",decl)
+ end
+procedure declaration_write(self,f)
+#line 81 "idol.iol"
+ write(f,(__self1 := self).__methods.String(__self1.__state))
+ end
+procedure declaration_String(self)
+#line 87 "idol.iol"
+ return self.tag || " " || || "(" || (__self1 := self.fields).__methods.String(__self1.__state) || ")"
+ end
+record declaration__state(__state,__methods,name,fields,tag)
+record declaration__methods(read,write,String,name)
+global declaration__oprec
+procedure declaration(name,fields,tag)
+local self,clone
+initial {
+ if /declaration__oprec then declarationinitialize()
+ }
+ self := declaration__state(&null,declaration__oprec,name,fields,tag)
+ self.__state := self
+ declarationinitially(self)
+ return idol_object(self,declaration__oprec)
+procedure declarationinitialize()
+ initial declaration__oprec := declaration__methods(declaration_read,declaration_write,declaration_String,declaration_name)
+procedure declarationinitially(self)
+#line 90 "idol.iol"
+ if \ then (__self1 := self),
+procedure declaration_name(self)
+ return .(
+procedure vardecl_write(self,f)
+#line 98 "idol.iol"
+ write(f,self.s)
+ end
+record vardecl__state(__state,__methods,s)
+record vardecl__methods(write)
+global vardecl__oprec
+procedure vardecl(s)
+local self,clone
+initial {
+ if /vardecl__oprec then vardeclinitialize()
+ }
+ self := vardecl__state(&null,vardecl__oprec,s)
+ self.__state := self
+ return idol_object(self,vardecl__oprec)
+procedure vardeclinitialize()
+ initial vardecl__oprec := vardecl__methods(vardecl_write)
+procedure constant_expand(self,s)
+#line 107 "idol.iol"
+ i := 1
+ while ((i <- find(k <- (__self1 := self).__methods.foreach(__self1.__state),s,i)) & ((i=1) | any(nonalpha,s[i-1])) &
+ ((*s = i+*k-1) | any(nonalpha,s[i+*k])) &
+ notquote(s[1:i])) do {
+ val := \ (self.t[k]) | stop("internal error in expand")
+ s[i +: *k] := val
+ }
+ return s
+ end
+procedure constant_foreach(self)
+#line 122 "idol.iol"
+ suspend key(self.t)
+ end
+procedure constant_eval(self,s)
+#line 125 "idol.iol"
+ if s2 := \ self.t[s] then return s2
+ end
+procedure constant_parse(self,s)
+#line 128 "idol.iol"
+ s ? {
+ k := trim(tab(find(":="))) | fail
+ move(2)
+ tab(many(white))
+ val := tab(0) | fail
+ (*val > 0) | fail
+ self.t [ k ] := val
+ }
+ return
+ end
+procedure constant_append(self,cd)
+#line 139 "idol.iol"
+ every s := (__self1 := cd).__methods.parse(__self1.__state)do (__self2 := self).__methods.parse(__self2.__state,s)
+ end
+record constant__state(__state,__methods,t)
+record constant__methods(expand,foreach,eval,parse,append)
+global constant__oprec
+procedure constant(t)
+local self,clone
+initial {
+ if /constant__oprec then constantinitialize()
+ }
+ self := constant__state(&null,constant__oprec,t)
+ self.__state := self
+ constantinitially(self)
+ return idol_object(self,constant__oprec)
+procedure constantinitialize()
+ initial constant__oprec := constant__methods(constant_expand,constant_foreach,constant_eval,constant_parse,constant_append)
+procedure constantinitially(self)
+#line 142 "idol.iol"
+ self.t := table()
+procedure constdcl_parse(self)
+#line 151 "idol.iol"
+ self.s ? {
+ tab(find("const")+6)
+ tab(many(white))
+ while s2 := trim(tab(find(","))) do {
+ suspend s2
+ move(1)
+ tab(many(white))
+ }
+ suspend trim(tab(0))
+ }
+ end
+record constdcl__state(__state,__methods,s)
+record constdcl__methods(parse,write,vardecl)
+global constdcl__oprec, vardecl__oprec
+procedure constdcl(s)
+local self,clone
+initial {
+ if /constdcl__oprec then constdclinitialize()
+ if /vardecl__oprec then vardeclinitialize()
+ constdcl__oprec.vardecl := vardecl__oprec
+ }
+ self := constdcl__state(&null,constdcl__oprec,s)
+ self.__state := self
+ return idol_object(self,constdcl__oprec)
+procedure constdclinitialize()
+ initial constdcl__oprec := constdcl__methods(constdcl_parse,vardecl_write)
+procedure body_read(self)
+#line 170 "idol.iol"
+ self.fn := fName
+ self.ln := fLine
+ self.text := []
+ while line := readln() do {
+ put(self.text, line)
+ line ? {
+ tab(many(white))
+ if ="end" & &pos > *line then return
+ else if =("local"|"static"|"initial") & any(nonalpha) then {
+ self.ln +:= 1
+ pull(self.text)
+ / (self.vars) := []
+ put(self.vars, line)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ halt("body/read: eof inside a procedure/method definition")
+ end
+procedure body_write(self,f)
+#line 189 "idol.iol"
+ if \self.vars then every write(f,!self.vars)
+ if \compatible then write(f," \\self := self.__state")
+ if \self.ln then
+ write(f,"#line ",self.ln + ((*\self.vars)|0)," \"",self.fn,"\"")
+ every write(f,(__self1 := self).__methods.foreach(__self1.__state))
+ end
+procedure body_delete(self)
+#line 196 "idol.iol"
+ return pull(self.text)
+ end
+procedure body_size(self)
+#line 199 "idol.iol"
+ return (*\ (self.text)) | 0
+ end
+procedure body_foreach(self)
+#line 202 "idol.iol"
+ if t := \self.text then suspend !self.text
+ end
+record body__state(__state,__methods,fn,ln,vars,text)
+record body__methods(read,write,delete,size,foreach)
+global body__oprec
+procedure body(fn,ln,vars,text)
+local self,clone
+initial {
+ if /body__oprec then bodyinitialize()
+ }
+ self := body__state(&null,body__oprec,fn,ln,vars,text)
+ self.__state := self
+ return idol_object(self,body__oprec)
+procedure bodyinitialize()
+ initial body__oprec := body__methods(body_read,body_write,body_delete,body_size,body_foreach)
+procedure class_read(self,line,phase)
+#line 214 "idol.iol"
+ (__self1 := self),line)
+ self.supers := idTaque(":")
+ (__self1 := self.supers).__methods.parse(__self1.__state,line[find(":",line)+1:find("(",line)] | "")
+ self.methods:= taque()
+ self.text := body()
+ while line := readln("wrap") do {
+ line ? {
+ tab(many(white))
+ if ="initially" then {
+ (__self1 := self.text)
+ if phase=2 then return
+ (__self1 := self.text).__methods.delete(__self1.__state)
+ return
+ } else if ="method" then {
+ decl := method(
+ (__self1 := decl),line,phase)
+ (__self1 := self.methods).__methods.insert(__self1.__state,decl,(__self2 := decl)
+ } else if ="end" then {
+ return
+ } else if ="procedure" then {
+ decl := method("")
+ (__self1 := decl),line,phase)
+ /self.glob := []
+ put(self.glob,decl)
+ } else if ="global" then {
+ /self.glob := []
+ put(self.glob,vardecl(line))
+ } else if ="record" then {
+ /self.glob := []
+ put(self.glob,declaration(line))
+ } else if upto(nonwhite) then {
+ halt("class/read expected declaration on: ",line)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ halt("class/read syntax error: eof inside a class definition")
+ end
+procedure class_has_initially(self)
+#line 258 "idol.iol"
+ return (__self1 := self.text).__methods.size(__self1.__state) > 0
+ end
+procedure class_ispublic(self,fieldname)
+#line 261 "idol.iol"
+ if (__self1 := self.fields).__methods.ispublic(__self1.__state,fieldname) then return fieldname
+ end
+procedure class_foreachmethod(self)
+#line 264 "idol.iol"
+ suspend (__self1 := self.methods).__methods.foreach(__self1.__state)
+ end
+procedure class_foreachsuper(self)
+#line 267 "idol.iol"
+ suspend (__self1 := self.supers).__methods.foreach(__self1.__state)
+ end
+procedure class_foreachfield(self)
+#line 270 "idol.iol"
+ suspend (__self1 := self.fields).__methods.foreach(__self1.__state)
+ end
+procedure class_isvarg(self,s)
+#line 273 "idol.iol"
+ if (__self1 := self.fields).__methods.isvarg(__self1.__state,s) then return s
+ end
+procedure class_transitive_closure(self)
+#line 276 "idol.iol"
+ count := (__self1 := self.supers).__methods.size(__self1.__state)
+ while count > 0 do {
+ added := taque()
+ every sc := (__self1 := self.supers).__methods.foreach(__self1.__state) do {
+ if /(super := (__self1 := classes).__methods.lookup(__self1.__state,sc)) then
+ halt("class/transitive_closure: couldn't find superclass ",sc)
+ every supersuper := (__self1 := super).__methods.foreachsuper(__self1.__state) do {
+ if / (__self1 := self.supers).__methods.lookup(__self1.__state,supersuper) &
+ /(__self1 := added).__methods.lookup(__self1.__state,supersuper) then {
+ (__self1 := added).__methods.insert(__self1.__state,supersuper)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ count := (__self1 := added).__methods.size(__self1.__state)
+ every (__self1 := self.supers).__methods.insert(__self1.__state,(__self2 := added).__methods.foreach(__self2.__state))
+ }
+ end
+procedure class_writedecl(self,f,s)
+#line 298 "idol.iol"
+ writes(f, s," ",
+ if s=="class" & ( *(supers := (__self1 := self.supers).__methods.String(__self1.__state)) > 0 ) then
+ writes(f," : ",supers)
+ writes(f,"(")
+ rv := (__self1 := self.fields).__methods.String(__self1.__state,s)
+ if *rv > 0 then rv ||:= ","
+ if s~=="class" & *(\self.ifields)>0 then {
+ every l := !self.ifields do rv ||:= l.ident || ","
+ if /(superclass := (__self1 := classes).__methods.lookup(__self1.__state,l.class)) then
+ halt("class/resolve: couldn't find superclass ",sc)
+ if (__self1 := superclass).__methods.isvarg(__self1.__state,l.ident) then rv := rv[1:-1]||"[],"
+ }
+ writes(f,rv[1:-1])
+ write(f,,")")
+ end
+procedure class_writespec(self,f)
+#line 314 "idol.iol"
+ f := envopen(filename(,"w")
+ (__self1 := self).__methods.writedecl(__self1.__state,f,"class")
+ every (__self2 := ((__self1 := self.methods).__methods.foreach(__self1.__state))).__methods.writedecl(__self2.__state,f,"method")
+ if (__self1 := self).__methods.has_initially(__self1.__state) then write(f,"initially")
+ write(f,"end")
+ close(f)
+ end
+procedure class_writemethods(self)
+#line 327 "idol.iol"
+ f:= envopen(filename(,".icn"),"w")
+ every (__self2 := ((__self1 := self.methods).__methods.foreach(__self1.__state))).__methods.write(__self2.__state,f,
+ if \self.glob & *self.glob>0 then {
+ write(f,"#\n# globals declared within the class\n#")
+ every i := 1 to *self.glob do (__self1 := (self.glob[i])).__methods.write(__self1.__state,f,"")
+ }
+ close(f)
+ end
+procedure class_write(self)
+#line 341 "idol.iol"
+ f:= envopen(filename(,".icn"),"a")
+ if /self.ifields then (__self1 := self).__methods.resolve(__self1.__state)
+ writes(f,"record ",,"__state(__state,__methods")
+ rv := ","
+ rv ||:= (__self1 := self.fields).__methods.idTaque.String(__self1.__state)
+ if rv[-1] ~== "," then rv ||:= ","
+ every s := (!self.ifields).ident do rv ||:= s || ","
+ write(f,rv[1:-1],")")
+ writes(f,"record ",,"__methods(")
+ rv := ""
+ every s := (((__self2 := ((__self1 := self.methods).__methods.foreach(__self1.__state))) |
+ (__self1 := self.fields).__methods.foreachpublic(__self1.__state) |
+ (!self.imethods).ident |
+ (__self1 := self.supers).__methods.foreach(__self1.__state))
+ do rv ||:= s || ","
+ if *rv>0 then rv[-1] := ""
+ write(f,rv,")")
+ writes(f,"global ",,"__oprec")
+ every writes(f,", ", (__self1 := self.supers).__methods.foreach(__self1.__state),"__oprec")
+ write(f)
+ (__self1 := self).__methods.writedecl(__self1.__state,f,"procedure")
+ write(f,"local self,clone")
+ write(f,"initial {\n",
+ " if /",,"__oprec then ",,"initialize()")
+ if (__self1 := self.supers).__methods.size(__self1.__state) > 0 then
+ every (super <- (__self1 := self.supers).__methods.foreach(__self1.__state)) ~== do
+ write(f," if /",super,"__oprec then ",super,"initialize()\n",
+ " ",,"__oprec.",super," := ", super,"__oprec")
+ write(f," }")
+ writes(f," self := ",,"__state(&null,",,"__oprec")
+ every writes(f,",",(__self1 := self.fields).__methods.foreach(__self1.__state))
+ if \self.ifields then every writes(f,",",(!self.ifields).ident)
+ write(f,")\n self.__state := self")
+ if (__self1 := self.text).__methods.size(__self1.__state) > 0 then write(f," ",,"initially(self)")
+ if (__self1 := self.supers).__methods.size(__self1.__state) > 0 then {
+ every (super <- (__self1 := self.supers).__methods.foreach(__self1.__state)) ~== do {
+ if (__self2 := ((__self1 := classes).__methods.lookup(__self1.__state,super))).__methods.has_initially(__self2.__state) then {
+ if /madeclone := 1 then {
+ write(f," clone := ",,"__state()\n",
+ " clone.__state := clone\n",
+ " clone.__methods := ",,"__oprec")
+ }
+ write(f," # inherited initialization from class ",super)
+ write(f," every i := 2 to *self do clone[i] := self[i]\n",
+ " ",super,"initially(clone)")
+ every l := !self.ifields do {
+ if l.class == super then
+ write(f," self.",l.ident," := clone.",l.ident)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ write(f," return idol_object(self,",,"__oprec)\n",
+ "end\n")
+ write(f,"procedure ",,"initialize()")
+ writes(f," initial ",,"__oprec := ",,"__methods")
+ rv := "("
+ every s := (__self2 := ((__self1 := self.methods).__methods.foreach(__self1.__state))) do {
+ if *rv>1 then rv ||:= ","
+ rv ||:=||"_"||s
+ }
+ every me := (__self1 := self.fields).__methods.foreachpublic(__self1.__state) do {
+ if *rv>1 then rv ||:= ","
+ rv ||:=||"_"||me
+ }
+ every l := !self.imethods do {
+ if *rv>1 then rv ||:= ","
+ rv ||:= l.class||"_"||l.ident
+ }
+ write(f,rv,")\n","end")
+ if (__self1 := self).__methods.has_initially(__self1.__state) then {
+ write(f,"procedure ",,"initially(self)")
+ (__self1 := self.text).__methods.write(__self1.__state,f)
+ write(f,"end")
+ }
+ every me := (__self1 := self.fields).__methods.foreachpublic(__self1.__state) do {
+ write(f,"procedure ",,"_",me,"(self)")
+ if \strict then {
+ write(f," if type(self.",me,") == ",
+ "(\"list\"|\"table\"|\"set\"|\"record\") then\n",
+ " runerr(501,\"idol: scalar type expected\")")
+ }
+ write(f," return .(self.",me,")")
+ write(f,"end")
+ write(f)
+ }
+ close(f)
+ end
+procedure class_resolve(self)
+#line 492 "idol.iol"
+ self.imethods := []
+ self.ifields := []
+ ipublics := []
+ addedfields := table()
+ addedmethods := table()
+ every sc := (__self1 := self.supers).__methods.foreach(__self1.__state) do {
+ if /(superclass := (__self1 := classes).__methods.lookup(__self1.__state,sc)) then
+ halt("class/resolve: couldn't find superclass ",sc)
+ every superclassfield := (__self1 := superclass).__methods.foreachfield(__self1.__state) do {
+ if /(__self1 := self.fields).__methods.lookup(__self1.__state,superclassfield) &
+ /addedfields[superclassfield] then {
+ addedfields[superclassfield] := superclassfield
+ put ( self.ifields , classident(sc,superclassfield) )
+ if (__self1 := superclass).__methods.ispublic(__self1.__state,superclassfield) then
+ put( ipublics, classident(sc,superclassfield) )
+ } else if \strict then {
+ warn("class/resolve: '",sc,"' field '",superclassfield,
+ "' is redeclared in subclass ",
+ }
+ }
+ every superclassmethod := (__self2 := ((__self1 := superclass).__methods.foreachmethod(__self1.__state))) do {
+ if /(__self1 := self.methods).__methods.lookup(__self1.__state,superclassmethod) &
+ /addedmethods[superclassmethod] then {
+ addedmethods[superclassmethod] := superclassmethod
+ put ( self.imethods, classident(sc,superclassmethod) )
+ }
+ }
+ every public := (!ipublics) do {
+ if public.class == sc then
+ put (self.imethods, classident(sc,public.ident))
+ }
+ }
+ end
+# globals declared within the class
+record classident(class,ident)
+record class__state(__state,__methods,supers,methods,text,imethods,ifields,glob,name,fields,tag)
+record class__methods(read,has_initially,ispublic,foreachmethod,foreachsuper,foreachfield,isvarg,transitive_closure,writedecl,writespec,writemethods,write,resolve,String,name,declaration)
+global class__oprec, declaration__oprec
+procedure class(supers,methods,text,imethods,ifields,glob,name,fields,tag)
+local self,clone
+initial {
+ if /class__oprec then classinitialize()
+ if /declaration__oprec then declarationinitialize()
+ class__oprec.declaration := declaration__oprec
+ }
+ self := class__state(&null,class__oprec,supers,methods,text,imethods,ifields,glob,name,fields,tag)
+ self.__state := self
+ clone := class__state()
+ clone.__state := clone
+ clone.__methods := class__oprec
+ # inherited initialization from class declaration
+ every i := 2 to *self do clone[i] := self[i]
+ declarationinitially(clone)
+ :=
+ self.fields := clone.fields
+ self.tag := clone.tag
+ return idol_object(self,class__oprec)
+procedure classinitialize()
+ initial class__oprec := class__methods(class_read,class_has_initially,class_ispublic,class_foreachmethod,class_foreachsuper,class_foreachfield,class_isvarg,class_transitive_closure,class_writedecl,class_writespec,class_writemethods,class_write,class_resolve,declaration_String,declaration_name)
+procedure method_read(self,line,phase)
+#line 535 "idol.iol"
+ (__self1 := self),line)
+ self.text := body()
+ if phase = 1 then
+ (__self1 := self.text)
+ end
+procedure method_writedecl(self,f,s)
+#line 541 "idol.iol"
+ decl := (__self1 := self).__methods.String(__self1.__state)
+ if s == "method" then decl[1:upto(white,decl)] := "method"
+ else {
+ decl[1:upto(white,decl)] := "procedure"
+ if *(self.class)>0 then {
+ decl[upto(white,decl)] ||:= self.class||"_"
+ i := find("(",decl)
+ decl[i] ||:= "self" || (((decl[i+1] ~== ")"), ",") | "")
+ }
+ }
+ write(f,decl)
+ end
+procedure method_write(self,f)
+#line 554 "idol.iol"
+ if ~== "initially" then
+ (__self1 := self).__methods.writedecl(__self1.__state,f,"procedure")
+ (__self1 := self.text).__methods.write(__self1.__state,f)
+ self.text := &null
+ end
+record method__state(__state,__methods,class,text,name,fields,tag)
+record method__methods(read,writedecl,write,String,name,declaration)
+global method__oprec, declaration__oprec
+procedure method(class,text,name,fields,tag)
+local self,clone
+initial {
+ if /method__oprec then methodinitialize()
+ if /declaration__oprec then declarationinitialize()
+ method__oprec.declaration := declaration__oprec
+ }
+ self := method__state(&null,method__oprec,class,text,name,fields,tag)
+ self.__state := self
+ clone := method__state()
+ clone.__state := clone
+ clone.__methods := method__oprec
+ # inherited initialization from class declaration
+ every i := 2 to *self do clone[i] := self[i]
+ declarationinitially(clone)
+ :=
+ self.fields := clone.fields
+ self.tag := clone.tag
+ return idol_object(self,method__oprec)
+procedure methodinitialize()
+ initial method__oprec := method__methods(method_read,method_writedecl,method_write,declaration_String,declaration_name)
+procedure Table_size(self)
+#line 566 "idol.iol"
+ return (* \ self.t) | 0
+ end
+procedure Table_insert(self,x,key)
+#line 569 "idol.iol"
+ /self.t := table()
+ /key := x
+ if / (self.t[key]) := x then return
+ end
+procedure Table_lookup(self,key)
+#line 574 "idol.iol"
+ if t := \self.t then return t[key]
+ return
+ end
+procedure Table_foreach(self)
+#line 578 "idol.iol"
+ if t := \self.t then every suspend !self.t
+ end
+record Table__state(__state,__methods,t)
+record Table__methods(size,insert,lookup,foreach)
+global Table__oprec
+procedure Table(t)
+local self,clone
+initial {
+ if /Table__oprec then Tableinitialize()
+ }
+ self := Table__state(&null,Table__oprec,t)
+ self.__state := self
+ return idol_object(self,Table__oprec)
+procedure Tableinitialize()
+ initial Table__oprec := Table__methods(Table_size,Table_insert,Table_lookup,Table_foreach)
+procedure taque_insert(self,x,key)
+#line 589 "idol.iol"
+ /self.l := []
+ if (__self1 := self).__methods.Table.insert(__self1.__state,x,key) then put(self.l,x)
+ end
+procedure taque_foreach(self)
+#line 593 "idol.iol"
+ if l := \self.l then every suspend !self.l
+ end
+procedure taque_insert_t(self,x,key)
+#line 596 "idol.iol"
+ (__self1 := self).__methods.Table.insert(__self1.__state,x,key)
+ end
+procedure taque_foreach_t(self)
+#line 599 "idol.iol"
+ suspend (__self1 := self).__methods.Table.foreach(__self1.__state)
+ end
+record taque__state(__state,__methods,l,t)
+record taque__methods(insert,foreach,insert_t,foreach_t,size,lookup,Table)
+global taque__oprec, Table__oprec
+procedure taque(l,t)
+local self,clone
+initial {
+ if /taque__oprec then taqueinitialize()
+ if /Table__oprec then Tableinitialize()
+ taque__oprec.Table := Table__oprec
+ }
+ self := taque__state(&null,taque__oprec,l,t)
+ self.__state := self
+ return idol_object(self,taque__oprec)
+procedure taqueinitialize()
+ initial taque__oprec := taque__methods(taque_insert,taque_foreach,taque_insert_t,taque_foreach_t,Table_size,Table_lookup)
+procedure idTaque_parse(self,s)
+#line 609 "idol.iol"
+ s ? {
+ tab(many(white))
+ while name := tab(find(self.punc)) do {
+ (__self1 := self).__methods.insert(__self1.__state,trim(name))
+ move(1)
+ tab(many(white))
+ }
+ if any(nonwhite) then (__self1 := self).__methods.insert(__self1.__state,trim(tab(0)))
+ }
+ return
+ end
+procedure idTaque_String(self)
+#line 621 "idol.iol"
+ if /self.l then return ""
+ out := ""
+ every id := !self.l do out ||:= id||self.punc
+ return out[1:-1]
+ end
+record idTaque__state(__state,__methods,punc,l,t)
+record idTaque__methods(parse,String,insert,foreach,insert_t,foreach_t,size,lookup,taque,Table)
+global idTaque__oprec, taque__oprec, Table__oprec
+procedure idTaque(punc,l,t)
+local self,clone
+initial {
+ if /idTaque__oprec then idTaqueinitialize()
+ if /taque__oprec then taqueinitialize()
+ idTaque__oprec.taque := taque__oprec
+ if /Table__oprec then Tableinitialize()
+ idTaque__oprec.Table := Table__oprec
+ }
+ self := idTaque__state(&null,idTaque__oprec,punc,l,t)
+ self.__state := self
+ return idol_object(self,idTaque__oprec)
+procedure idTaqueinitialize()
+ initial idTaque__oprec := idTaque__methods(idTaque_parse,idTaque_String,taque_insert,taque_foreach,taque_insert_t,taque_foreach_t,Table_size,Table_lookup)
+procedure argList_insert(self,s)
+#line 633 "idol.iol"
+ if \self.varg then halt("variable arg must be final")
+ if i := find("[",s) then {
+ if not (j := find("]",s)) then halt("variable arg expected ]")
+ s[i : j+1] := ""
+ self.varg := s := trim(s)
+ }
+ (__self1 := self).__methods.idTaque.insert(__self1.__state,s)
+ end
+procedure argList_isvarg(self,s)
+#line 642 "idol.iol"
+ if s == \self.varg then return s
+ end
+procedure argList_String(self)
+#line 645 "idol.iol"
+ return (__self1 := self).__methods.idTaque.String(__self1.__state) || ((\self.varg & "[]") | "")
+ end
+record argList__state(__state,__methods,varg,punc,l,t)
+record argList__methods(insert,isvarg,String,varg,parse,foreach,insert_t,foreach_t,size,lookup,idTaque,taque,Table)
+global argList__oprec, idTaque__oprec, taque__oprec, Table__oprec
+procedure argList(varg,punc,l,t)
+local self,clone
+initial {
+ if /argList__oprec then argListinitialize()
+ if /idTaque__oprec then idTaqueinitialize()
+ argList__oprec.idTaque := idTaque__oprec
+ if /taque__oprec then taqueinitialize()
+ argList__oprec.taque := taque__oprec
+ if /Table__oprec then Tableinitialize()
+ argList__oprec.Table := Table__oprec
+ }
+ self := argList__state(&null,argList__oprec,varg,punc,l,t)
+ self.__state := self
+ argListinitially(self)
+ return idol_object(self,argList__oprec)
+procedure argListinitialize()
+ initial argList__oprec := argList__methods(argList_insert,argList_isvarg,argList_String,argList_varg,idTaque_parse,taque_foreach,taque_insert_t,taque_foreach_t,Table_size,Table_lookup)
+procedure argListinitially(self)
+#line 648 "idol.iol"
+ self.punc := ","
+procedure argList_varg(self)
+ return .(self.varg)
+procedure classFields_String(self,s)
+#line 656 "idol.iol"
+ if *(rv := (__self1 := self).__methods.argList.String(__self1.__state)) = 0 then return ""
+ if /s | (s ~== "class") then return rv
+ if (__self1 := self).__methods.ispublic(__self1.__state,self.l[1]) then rv := "public "||rv
+ every field:=(__self1 := self).__methods.foreachpublic(__self1.__state) do rv[find(","||field,rv)] ||:= "public "
+ return rv
+ end
+procedure classFields_foreachpublic(self)
+#line 663 "idol.iol"
+ if \self.publics then every suspend !self.publics
+ end
+procedure classFields_ispublic(self,s)
+#line 666 "idol.iol"
+ if \self.publics then every suspend !self.publics == s
+ end
+procedure classFields_insert(self,s)
+#line 669 "idol.iol"
+ s ? {
+ if ="public" & tab(many(white)) then {
+ s := tab(0)
+ /self.publics := []
+ put(self.publics,s)
+ }
+ }
+ (__self1 := self).__methods.argList.insert(__self1.__state,s)
+ end
+record classFields__state(__state,__methods,publics,varg,punc,l,t)
+record classFields__methods(String,foreachpublic,ispublic,insert,isvarg,varg,parse,foreach,insert_t,foreach_t,size,lookup,argList,idTaque,taque,Table)
+global classFields__oprec, argList__oprec, idTaque__oprec, taque__oprec, Table__oprec
+procedure classFields(publics,varg,punc,l,t)
+local self,clone
+initial {
+ if /classFields__oprec then classFieldsinitialize()
+ if /argList__oprec then argListinitialize()
+ classFields__oprec.argList := argList__oprec
+ if /idTaque__oprec then idTaqueinitialize()
+ classFields__oprec.idTaque := idTaque__oprec
+ if /taque__oprec then taqueinitialize()
+ classFields__oprec.taque := taque__oprec
+ if /Table__oprec then Tableinitialize()
+ classFields__oprec.Table := Table__oprec
+ }
+ self := classFields__state(&null,classFields__oprec,publics,varg,punc,l,t)
+ self.__state := self
+ classFieldsinitially(self)
+ clone := classFields__state()
+ clone.__state := clone
+ clone.__methods := classFields__oprec
+ # inherited initialization from class argList
+ every i := 2 to *self do clone[i] := self[i]
+ argListinitially(clone)
+ self.varg := clone.varg
+ return idol_object(self,classFields__oprec)
+procedure classFieldsinitialize()
+ initial classFields__oprec := classFields__methods(classFields_String,classFields_foreachpublic,classFields_ispublic,classFields_insert,argList_isvarg,argList_varg,idTaque_parse,taque_foreach,taque_insert_t,taque_foreach_t,Table_size,Table_lookup)
+procedure classFieldsinitially(self)
+#line 679 "idol.iol"
+ self.punc := ","
+# Idol: Icon-derived object language, version 8.0
+# idol -install
+# idol prog[.iol] ... [-x args ]
+# prog
+# ./prog.iol : source file
+# ./prog.icn : Icon code for non-classes in prog.iol
+# ./idolcode.env/i_object.* : Icon code for the universal object type
+# ./idolcode.env/classname.icn : Icon files are generated for each class
+# ./idolcode.env/classname.u[12] : translated class files
+# ./idolcode.env/classname : class specification/interface
+# "Programming in Idol: An Object Primer"
+# (U of Arizona Dept of CS Technical Report #90-10)
+# serves as user's guide and reference manual for Idol
+### Global variables
+# FILES : fin = input (.iol) file, fout = output (.icn) file
+# CSETS : alpha = identifier characters, nonalpha = everything else
+# alphadot = identifiers + '.'
+# white = whitespace, nonwhite = everything else
+# TAQUES : classes in this module
+# FLAGS : comp if we should try to make an executable from args[1]
+# strict if we should generate paranoic encapsulation protection
+# loud if Idol should generate extra console messages
+# exec if we should run the result after translation
+# LISTS : links = names of external icon code to link to
+# imports = names of external classes to import
+# compiles = names of classes which need to be compiled
+global fin,fout,fName,fLine,alpha,alphadot,white,nonwhite,nonalpha
+global classes,comp,exec,strict,links,imports,loud,compiles,compatible,ct
+global icontopt,tempenv
+# initialize global variables
+procedure initialize()
+ loud := 1
+ comp := 0
+ alpha := &ucase ++ &lcase ++ '_' ++ &digits
+ nonalpha := &cset -- alpha
+ alphadot := alpha ++ '.'
+ white := ' \t\f'
+ nonwhite := &cset -- white
+ classes := taque()
+ links := []
+ imports := []
+ compiles := []
+ sysinitialize()
+procedure main(args)
+ initialize()
+ if *args = 0 then write("usage: idol files...")
+ else {
+ if (!args ~== "-version") &
+ not tryenvopen(filename("i_object",".u1")) then {
+ tempenv := 0
+ install(args)
+ }
+ every i := 1 to *args do {
+ if \exec then next # after -x, args are for execution
+ if args[i][1] == "-" then {
+ case map(args[i]) of {
+ "-c" : {
+ sysok := &null
+ if comp = 0 then comp := -1 # don't make exe
+ }
+ "-ic" : compatible := 1
+ "-quiet" : loud := &null
+ "-strict" : strict := 1
+ "-s" : sysok := &null
+ "-t" : comp := -2 # don't translate
+ "-version": return write("Idol version 8.0 of 10/6/90") & 0
+ "-x" : exec := i
+ default : icontopt ||:= args[i] || " "
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ \tempenv +:= 1
+ if args[i] := fileroot(args[i],".cl") then {
+ push(imports,args[i])
+ }
+ else if args[i] := fileroot(args[i],".icn") then {
+ push(links,args[i])
+ icont(" -c "||args[i])
+ }
+ else if args[i] := fileroot(args[i],".u1") then {
+ push(links,args[i])
+ }
+ else if (args[i] := fileroot(args[i],".iol")) |
+ tryopen(filename(args[i],".iol"),"r") then {
+ /exe := i
+ args[i] := fileroot(args[i],".iol")
+ /fout := sysopen(filename(args[i],".icn"),"w")
+ readinput(filename(args[i],".iol"),1)
+ } else {
+ #
+ # look for an appropriate .icn, .u1 or class file
+ #
+ if tryopen(filename(args[i],".icn"),"r") then {
+ push(links,args[i])
+ icont(" -c "||args[i])
+ }
+ else if tryopen(filename(args[i],".u1")) then {
+ push(links,args[i])
+ }
+ else if tryenvopen(args[i]) then {
+ push(imports,args[i])
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if gencode() then {
+ close(\fout)
+ if comp = 1 & (not makeexe(args,exe)) then
+ stop("Idol exits after errors creating executable")
+ } else {
+ close(\fout)
+ stop("Idol exits after errors translating")
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # if we built an executable without separate compilation AND
+ # there's no IDOLENV class environment AND
+ # we had to install an environment then remove the environment
+ #
+ if (comp = 1) & (\tempenv < 2) & not getenv("IDOLENV") then uninstall()
+# tell whether the character following s is within a quote or not
+procedure notquote(s)
+ outs := ""
+ #
+ # eliminate escaped quotes.
+ # this is a bug for people who write code like \"hello"...
+ s ? {
+ while outs ||:= tab(find("\\")+1) do move(1)
+ outs ||:= tab(0)
+ }
+ # see if every quote has a matching endquote
+ outs ? {
+ while s := tab(find("\""|"'")+1) do {
+ if not tab(find(s[-1])+1) then fail
+ }
+ }
+ return
+# A contemplated addition: shorthand $.foo for ?
+#procedure selfdot(line)
+# i := 1
+# while ((i := find("$.",line,i)) & notquote(line[1:i])) do line[i]:="self"
+# error/warning/message handling
+procedure halt(args[])
+ errsrc()
+ every writes(&errout,!args)
+ stop()
+procedure warn(args[])
+ errsrc()
+ every writes(&errout,!args)
+ write(&errout)
+procedure errsrc()
+ writes(&errout,"\"",\fName,"\", line ",\fLine,": Idol/")
+# System-independent, but system related routines
+procedure tryopen(file,mode)
+ if f := open(file,mode) then return close(f)
+procedure tryenvopen(file,mode)
+ return tryopen(envpath(file),mode)
+procedure sysopen(file,mode)
+ if not (f := open(file,mode)) then
+ halt("Couldn't open file ",file," for mode ",mode)
+ return f
+procedure envopen(file,mode)
+ return sysopen(envpath(file),mode)
+procedure writelink(s)
+ write(fout,"link \"",s,"\"")
+procedure icont(argstr,prefix)
+static s
+initial { s := (getenv("ICONT")|"icont") }
+ return mysystem((\prefix|"") ||s||icontopt||argstr)