path: root/ipl/procs/datetime.icn
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1 files changed, 607 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipl/procs/datetime.icn b/ipl/procs/datetime.icn
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/procs/datetime.icn
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+# File: datetime.icn
+# Subject: Procedures for date and time operations
+# Author: Robert J. Alexander and Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: August 9, 2000
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Notes:
+# - the default value for function parameters named
+# "hoursFromGmt" is the value of global variable
+# "HoursFromGmt" if nonnull, or environment variable
+# "HoursFromGmt" if set, or 0.
+# - The base year from which the "seconds" representation
+# of a date is calculated is by default 1970 (the ad hoc
+# standard used by both Unix and MS-Windows), but can be
+# changed by either setting the global variable
+# "DateBaseYear" or environment variable "DateBaseYear".
+# - There are some procedures not mentioned in this summary
+# that are useful: DateRecToSec(), SecToDateRec(). See the
+# source code for details.
+# ClockToSec(seconds)
+# converts a time in the format of &clock to seconds past
+# midnight.
+# DateLineToSec(dateline,hoursFromGmt)
+# converts a date in &dateline format to seconds since start of
+# dateBaseYear.
+# DateToSec(date,hoursFromGmt)
+# converts a date string in Icon &date format (yyyy/mm/dd)
+# to seconds past DateBaseYear.
+# SecToClock(seconds)
+# converts seconds past midnight to a string in the format of
+# &clock.
+# SecToDate(seconds,hoursFromGmt)
+# converts seconds past DateBaseYear to a string in Icon
+# &date format (yyyy/mm/dd).
+# SecToDateLine(seconds,hoursFromGmt)
+# produces a date in the same format as Icon's &dateline.
+# SecToUnixDate(seconds,hoursFromGmt)
+# returns a date and time in typical UNIX format:
+# Jan 14 10:24 1991.
+# IsLeapYear(year)
+# succeeds if year is a leap year, otherwise fails.
+# calendat(j)
+# returns a record with the month, day, and year corresponding
+# to the Julian Date Number j.
+# date() natural date in English.
+# dayoweek(day, month, year)
+# produces the day of the week for the given date.
+# Note carefully the parameter order.
+# full13th(year1, year2)
+# generates records giving the days on which a full moon occurs
+# on Friday the 13th in the range from year1 though year2.
+# julian(m, d, y)
+# returns the Julian Day Number for the specified
+# month, day, and year.
+# pom(n, phase)
+# returns record with the Julian Day number of fractional
+# part of the day for which the nth such phase since
+# January, 1900. Phases are encoded as:
+# 0 - new moon
+# 1 - first quarter
+# 2 - full moon
+# 3 - last quarter#
+# GMT is assumed.
+# saytime()
+# computes the time in natural English. If an argument is
+# supplied it is used as a test value to check the operation
+# the program.
+# walltime()
+# produces the number of seconds since midnight. Beware
+# wrap-around when used in programs that span midnight.
+# See also: datefns.icn
+# Acknowledgement: Some of these procedures are based on an algorithm
+# given in "Numerical Recipes; The Art of Scientific Computing";
+# William H. Press, Brian P. Flannery, Saul A. Teukolsky, and William
+# T. Vetterling;# Cambridge University Press, 1986.
+record date1(month, day, year)
+record date2(month, year, fraction)
+record jdate(number, fraction)
+record DateRec(year,month,day,hour,min,sec,weekday)
+global Months,Days,DateBaseYear,HoursFromGmt
+procedure ClockToSec(seconds) #: convert &date to seconds
+# Converts a time in the format of &clock to seconds past midnight.
+ seconds ? return (
+ (1(tab(many(&digits)),move(1)) * 60 +
+ 1(tab(many(&digits)),move(1) | &null)) * 60 +
+ (tab(many(&digits)) | 0)
+ )
+procedure DateInit()
+# Initialize the date globals -- done automatically by calls to date
+# procedures.
+ initial {
+ Months := ["January","February","March","April","May","June",
+ "July","August","September","October","November","December"]
+ Days := ["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday",
+ "Friday","Saturday"]
+ /DateBaseYear := integer(getenv("DateBaseYear")) | 1970
+ /HoursFromGmt := integer(getenv("HoursFromGmt")) | 0
+ }
+ return
+procedure DateLineToSec(dateline,hoursFromGmt) #: convert &dateline to seconds
+# Converts a date in long form to seconds since start of DateBaseYear.
+ local day,halfday,hour,min,month,sec,year
+ static months
+ initial {
+ DateInit()
+ months := table()
+ months["jan"] := 1
+ months["feb"] := 2
+ months["mar"] := 3
+ months["apr"] := 4
+ months["may"] := 5
+ months["jun"] := 6
+ months["jul"] := 7
+ months["aug"] := 8
+ months["sep"] := 9
+ months["oct"] := 10
+ months["nov"] := 11
+ months["dec"] := 12
+ }
+ map(dateline) ? {
+ tab(many(' \t'))
+ =("sun" | "mon" | "tue" | "wed" | "thu" | "fri" | "sat") &
+ tab(many(&letters)) | &null & tab(many(' \t,')) | &null
+ month := 1(tab(many(&letters)),tab(many(' \t')) | &null)
+ day <- integer(1(tab(many(&digits)),tab(many(' \t,')) | &null)) | &null &
+ year <- integer(1(tab(many(&digits)),tab(many(' \t')) | &null)) | &null &
+ (hour <- integer(tab(many(&digits))) &
+ ((=":" & min <- integer(tab(many(&digits)))) &
+ ((=":" & sec <- integer(tab(many(&digits)))) | &null) | &null) &
+ tab(many(' \t')) | &null & halfday := =("am" | "pm") | &null &
+ tab(many(' \t')) | &null) | &null & pos(0)
+ }
+ \month := \months[month[1+:3]] | fail
+ if not /(halfday | hour) then {
+ if hour = 12 then hour := 0
+ if halfday == "pm" then
+ hour +:= 12
+ }
+ return DateRecToSec(DateRec(year,month,day,hour,min,sec),hoursFromGmt)
+procedure DateRecToSec(dateRec,hoursFromGmt)
+# Converts a DateRec to seconds since start of DateBaseYear.
+ local day,hour,min,month,sec,secs,year,yr
+ static days
+ initial {
+ DateInit()
+ days := [
+ 0,
+ 2678400,
+ 5097600,
+ 7776000,
+ 10368000,
+ 13046400,
+ 15638400,
+ 18316800,
+ 20995200,
+ 23587200,
+ 26265600,
+ 28857600
+ ]
+ }
+ /hoursFromGmt := HoursFromGmt
+ hoursFromGmt := integer(hoursFromGmt) | runerr(101,hoursFromGmt)
+ year := \dateRec.year | +&date[1+:4]
+ month := \dateRec.month | +&date[6+:2]
+ day := \ | +&date[9+:2]
+ hour := \dateRec.hour | 0
+ min := \dateRec.min | 0
+ sec := \dateRec.sec | 0
+ secs := 0
+ every yr := DateBaseYear to year - 1 do {
+ secs +:= if IsLeapYear(yr) then 31622400 else 31536000
+ }
+ if month > 2 & IsLeapYear(year) then secs +:= 86400
+ return secs + days[month] + (day - 1) * 86400 +
+ (hour - hoursFromGmt) * 3600 + min * 60 + sec
+procedure DateToSec(date,hoursFromGmt) #: convert &date to seconds
+# Converts a date in Icon &date format (yyyy/mm/dd) do seconds
+# past DateBaseYear.
+ date ? return DateRecToSec(DateRec(+1(tab(find("/")),move(1)),
+ +1(tab(find("/")),move(1)),+tab(0)),hoursFromGmt)
+procedure SecToClock(seconds) #: convert seconds to &clock
+# Converts seconds past midnight to a string in the format of &clock.
+ local sec
+ sec := seconds % 60
+ seconds /:= 60
+ return right(seconds / 60,2,"0") || ":" || right(seconds % 60,2,"0") ||
+ ":" || right(sec,2,"0")
+procedure SecToDate(seconds,hoursFromGmt) #: convert seconds to &date
+# Converts seconds past DateBaseYear to a &date in Icon date format
+# (yyyy,mm,dd).
+ local r
+ r := SecToDateRec(seconds,hoursFromGmt)
+ return right(r.year,4,"0") || "/" || right(r.month,2,"0") || "/" ||
+ right(,2,"0")
+procedure SecToDateLine(seconds,hoursFromGmt) #: convert seconds to &dateline
+# Produces a date in the same format as Icon's &dateline.
+ local d,hour,halfday
+ d := SecToDateRec(seconds,hoursFromGmt)
+ if (hour := d.hour) < 12 then {
+ halfday := "am"
+ }
+ else {
+ halfday := "pm"
+ hour -:= 12
+ }
+ if hour = 0 then hour := 12
+ return Days[d.weekday] || ", " || Months[d.month] || " " || ||
+ ", " || d.year || " " || hour || ":" || right(d.min,2,"0") || " " ||
+ halfday
+procedure SecToDateRec(seconds,hoursFromGmt)
+# Produces a date record computed from the seconds since the start of
+# DateBaseYear.
+ local day,hour,min,month,secs,weekday,year
+ initial DateInit()
+ seconds := integer(seconds) | runerr(101,seconds)
+ /hoursFromGmt := HoursFromGmt
+ hoursFromGmt := integer(hoursFromGmt) | runerr(101,hoursFromGmt)
+ seconds +:= hoursFromGmt * 3600
+ weekday := (seconds / 86400 % 7 + 4) % 7 + 1
+ year := DateBaseYear
+ repeat {
+ secs := if IsLeapYear(year) then 31622400 else 31536000
+ if seconds < secs then break
+ year +:= 1
+ seconds -:= secs
+ }
+ month := 1
+ every secs :=
+ 2678400 |
+ (if IsLeapYear(year) then 2505600 else 2419200) |
+ 2678400 |
+ 2592000 |
+ 2678400 |
+ 2592000 |
+ 2678400 |
+ 2678400 |
+ 2592000 |
+ 2678400 |
+ 2592000 |
+ 2678400 do {
+ if seconds < secs then break
+ month +:= 1
+ seconds -:= secs
+ }
+ day := seconds / 86400 + 1
+ seconds %:= 86400
+ hour := seconds / 3600
+ seconds %:= 3600
+ min := seconds / 60
+ seconds %:= 60
+ return DateRec(year,month,day,hour,min,seconds,weekday)
+procedure SecToUnixDate(seconds,hoursFromGmt) #: convert seconds to UNIX time
+# Returns a date and time in UNIX format: Jan 14 10:24 1991
+ local d
+ d := SecToDateRec(seconds,hoursFromGmt)
+ return Months[d.month][1+:3] || " " || || " " ||
+ d.hour || ":" || right(d.min,2,"0") || " " || d.year
+procedure IsLeapYear(year) #: determine if year is leap
+ #
+ # Fails unless year is a leap year.
+ #
+ return year % 4 = 0 & (year % 100 ~= 0 | year % 400 = 0) & &null
+procedure calendat(julian) #: Julian date
+ local ja, jalpha, jb, jc, jd, je, gregorian
+ local month, day, year
+ gregorian := 2299161
+ if julian >= gregorian then {
+ jalpha := integer(((julian - 1867216) - 0.25) / 36524.25)
+ ja := julian + 1 + jalpha - integer(0.25 * jalpha)
+ }
+ else ja := julian
+ jb := ja + 1524
+ jc := integer(6680.0 + ((jb - 2439870) - 122.1) / 365.25)
+ jd := 365 * jc + integer(0.25 * jc)
+ je := integer((jb - jd) / 30.6001)
+ day := jb - jd - integer(30.6001 * je)
+ month := je - 1
+ if month > 12 then month -:= 12
+ year := jc - 4715
+ if month > 2 then year -:= 1
+ if year <= 0 then year -:= 1
+ return date1(month, day, year)
+procedure date() #: date in natural English
+ &dateline ? {
+ tab(find(", ") + 2)
+ return tab(find(" "))
+ }
+procedure dayoweek(day, month, year) #: day of the week
+# The method used was adapted from a Web page by Mark Dettinger.
+# URL as of 7 August 2000 was:
+ static d_code, c_code, m_code, ml_code, y, C, M, Y
+ initial {
+ d_code := ["Saturday", "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday",
+ "Thursday", "Friday"]
+ c_code := table()
+ c_code[16] := c_code[20] := 0
+ c_code[17] := c_code[21] := 6
+ c_code[18] := c_code[22] := 4
+ c_code[19] := c_code[23] := 2
+ m_code := table()
+ m_code[1] := m_code["January"] := 1
+ m_code[2] := m_code["February"] := 4
+ m_code[3] := m_code["March"] := 4
+ m_code[4] := m_code["April"] := 0
+ m_code[5] := m_code["May"] := 2
+ m_code[6] := m_code["June"] := 5
+ m_code[7] := m_code["July"] := 0
+ m_code[8] := m_code["August"] := 3
+ m_code[9] := m_code["September"] := 6
+ m_code[10] := m_code["October"] := 1
+ m_code[11] := m_code["November"] := 4
+ m_code[12] := m_code["December"] := 6
+ ml_code := copy(m_code)
+ ml_code[1] := ml_code["January"] := 0
+ ml_code[2] := ml_code["February"] := 3
+ }
+ # This can be fixed to go back to October 15, 1582.
+ if year < 1600 then stop("*** can't compute day of week that far back")
+ # This can be fixed to go indefinitely far into the future; the day of
+ # of the week repeats every 400 years.
+ if year > 2299 then stop("*** can't compute day of week that far ahead")
+ C := c_code[(year / 100) + 1]
+ y := year % 100
+ Y := (y / 12) + (y % 12) + ((y % 12) / 4)
+ month := integer(month)
+ M := if (year % 4) = 0 then ml_code[month] else m_code[month]
+ return d_code[(C + Y + M + day) % 7 + 1]
+procedure full13th(year1, year2) #: full moons on Friday 13ths
+ local time_zone, jd, jday, fraction, jul
+ local year, month, julday, n, icon, day_of_week, c
+ time_zone := -5.0 / 24.0
+ every year := year1 to year2 do {
+ every month := 1 to 12 do {
+ jday := julian(month, 13, year)
+ day_of_week := (jday + 1) % 7
+ if day_of_week = 5 then {
+ n := integer(12.37 * (year - 1900 + integer((month - 0.5) / 12.0)))
+ icon := 0
+ repeat {
+ jul := pom(n,2)
+ jd := jul.number
+ fraction := 24.0 * (jul.fraction + time_zone)
+ if (fraction < 0.0) then {
+ jd -:= 1
+ fraction +:= 24.0
+ }
+ if fraction > 12.0 then {
+ jd +:= 1
+ fraction -:= 12.0
+ }
+ else fraction +:= 12.0
+ if jd = jday then {
+ suspend date2(month, year, fraction)
+ break
+ }
+ else {
+ c := if jday >= jd then 1 else -1
+ if c = -icon then break
+ icon := c
+ n +:= c
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+procedure julian(month, day, year) #: Julian date
+ local jul, gregorian, ja, julian_year, julian_month
+ gregorian := (15 + 31 * (10 + 12 * 1582))
+ if year = 0 then fail
+ if year < 0 then year +:= 1
+ if month > 2 then {
+ julian_year := year
+ julian_month := month + 1
+ } else {
+ julian_year := year - 1
+ julian_month := month + 13
+ }
+ jul := (integer(365.25 * julian_year) + integer(30.6001 * julian_month) +
+ day + 1720995)
+ if day + 31 * (month + 12 * year) >= gregorian then {
+ ja := integer(0.01 * julian_year)
+ jul +:= 2 - ja + integer(0.25 * ja)
+ }
+ return jul
+procedure pom(n, nph) #: phase of moon
+ local i, jd, fraction, radians
+ local am, as, c, t, t2, extra
+ radians := &pi / 180
+ c := n + nph / 4.0
+ t := c / 1236.85
+ t2 := t * t
+ as := 359.2242 + 29.105356 * c
+ am := 306.0253 + 385.816918 * c + 0.010730 * t2
+ jd := 2415020 + 28 * n + 7 * nph
+ extra := 0.75933 + 1.53058868 * c + ((1.178e-4) - (1.55e-7) * t) * t2
+ if nph = (0 | 2) then
+ extra +:= (0.1734 - 3.93e-4 * t) * sin(radians * as) - 0.4068 *
+ sin(radians * am)
+ else if nph = (1 | 3) then
+ extra +:= (0.1721 - 4.0e-4 * t) * sin(radians * as) - 0.6280 *
+ sin(radians * am)
+ else fail
+ if extra >= 0 then i := integer(extra)
+ else i := integer(extra - 1.0)
+ jd +:= i
+ fraction := extra - i
+ return jdate(integer(jd), fraction)
+procedure saytime(time) #: time in natural English
+ local hour,min,mod,near,numbers,out,sec
+ #
+ # Extract the hours, minutes, and seconds from the time.
+ #
+ /time := &clock
+ time ? {
+ hour := integer(tab(find(":") | 0)) | fail
+ move(1)
+ min := tab(find(":") | 0)
+ move(1)
+ sec := tab(0)
+ }
+ min := integer(min) | 0
+ sec := integer(sec) | 0
+ #
+ # Now start the processing in earnest.
+ #
+ near := ["just gone","just after","nearly","almost"]
+ if sec > 29 then min +:= 1 # round up minutes
+ mod := min % 5 # where we are in 5 minute bracket
+ out := near[mod] || " " | "" # start building the result
+ if min > 32 then hour +:= 1 # we are TO the hour
+ min +:= 2 # shift minutes to straddle the 5-minute point
+ #
+ # Now special-case the result for Noon and Midnight hours.
+ #
+ if hour % 12 = 0 & min % 60 <= 4 then {
+ return if hour = 12 then out || "noon"
+ else out || "midnight"
+ }
+ min -:= min % 5 # find the nearest 5 mins
+ if hour > 12 then hour -:= 12 # get rid of 25-hour clock
+ else if hour = 0 then hour := 12 # .. and allow for midnight
+ #
+ # Determine the phrase to use for each 5-minute segment.
+ #
+ case min of {
+ 0: {} # add "o'clock" later
+ 60: min=0 # ditto
+ 5: out ||:= "five past"
+ 10: out ||:= "ten past"
+ 15: out ||:= "a quarter past"
+ 20: out ||:= "twenty past"
+ 25: out ||:= "twenty-five past"
+ 30: out ||:= "half past"
+ 35: out ||:= "twenty five to"
+ 40: out ||:= "twenty to"
+ 45: out ||:= "a quarter to"
+ 50: out ||:= "ten to"
+ 55: out ||:= "five to"
+ }
+ numbers := ["one","two","three","four","five","six",
+ "seven","eight","nine","ten","eleven","twelve"]
+ out ||:= (if *out = 0 then "" else " ") || numbers[hour]
+ # add the hour number
+ if min = 0 then out ||:= " o'clock" # .. and o'clock if exact
+ return out # return the final result
+procedure walltime() #: time since midnight
+ local seconds
+ &clock ? {
+ seconds := tab(upto(':')) * 3600 # seconds in a hour
+ move(1)
+ seconds +:= tab(upto(':')) * 60 # seconds in a minute
+ move(1)
+ return seconds + tab(0)
+ }