path: root/ipl/procs/findre.icn
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1 files changed, 737 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipl/procs/findre.icn b/ipl/procs/findre.icn
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index 0000000..85abc30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/procs/findre.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,737 @@
+# File: findre.icn
+# Subject: Procedure to find regular expression
+# Author: Richard L. Goerwitz
+# Date: March 3, 1996
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Version: 1.17
+# DESCRIPTION: findre() is like the Icon builtin function find(),
+# except that it takes, as its first argument, a regular expression
+# pretty much like the ones the Unix egrep command uses (the few
+# minor differences are listed below). Its syntax is the same as
+# find's (i.e. findre(s1,s2,i,j)), with the exception that a no-
+# argument invocation wipes out all static structures utilized by
+# findre, and then forces a garbage collection.
+# (For those not familiar with regular expressions and the Unix egrep
+# command: findre() offers a simple and compact wildcard-based search
+# system. If you do a lot of searches through text files, or write
+# programs which do searches based on user input, then findre is a
+# utility you might want to look over.)
+# IMPORTANT DIFFERENCES between find and findre: As noted above,
+# findre() is just a find() function that takes a regular expression
+# as its first argument. One major problem with this setup is that
+# it leaves the user with no easy way to tab past a matched
+# substring, as with
+# s ? write(tab(find("hello")+5))
+# In order to remedy this intrinsic deficiency, findre() sets the
+# global variable __endpoint to the first position after any given
+# match occurs. Use this variable with great care, preferably
+# assigning its value to some other variable immediately after the
+# match (for example, findre("hello [.?!]*",s) & tmp := __endpoint).
+# Otherwise, you will certainly run into trouble. (See the example
+# below for an illustration of how __endpoint is used).
+# IMPORTANT DIFFERENCES between egrep and findre: findre utilizes
+# the same basic language as egrep. The only big difference is that
+# findre uses intrinsic Icon data structures and escaping conven-
+# tions rather than those of any particular Unix variant. Be care-
+# ful! If you put findre("\(hello\)",s) into your source file,
+# findre will treat it just like findre("(hello)",s). If, however,
+# you enter '\(hello\)' at run-time (via, say, findre(!&input,s)),
+# what Icon receives will depend on your operating system (most
+# likely, a trace will show "\\(hello\\)").
+# BUGS: Space has essentially been conserved at the expense of time
+# in the automata produced by findre(). The algorithm, in other
+# words, will produce the equivalent of a pushdown automaton under
+# certain circumstances, rather than strive (at the expense of space)
+# for full determinism. I tried to make up a nfa -> dfa converter
+# that would only create that portion of the dfa it needed to accept
+# or reject a string, but the resulting automaton was actually quite
+# slow (if anyone can think of a way to do this in Icon, and keep it
+# small and fast, please let us all know about it). Note that under
+# version 8 of Icon, findre takes up negligible storage space, due to
+# the much improved hashing algorithm. I have not tested it under
+# version 7, but I would expect it to use up quite a bit more space
+# in that environment.
+# IMPORTANT NOTE: Findre takes a shortest-possible-match approach
+# to regular expressions. In other words, if you look for "a*",
+# findre will not even bother looking for an "a." It will just match
+# the empty string. Without this feature, findre would perform a bit
+# more slowly. The problem with such an approach is that often the
+# user will want to tab past the longest possible string of matched
+# characters (say tab((findre("a*|b*"), __endpoint)). In circumstan-
+# ces like this, please just use something like:
+# s ? {
+# tab(find("a")) & # or use Arb() from the IPL (patterns.icn)
+# tab(many('a'))
+# tab(many('b'))
+# }
+# or else use some combination of findre and the above.
+# REGULAR EXPRESSION SYNTAX: Regular expression syntax is complex,
+# and yet simple. It is simple in the sense that most of its power
+# is concentrated in about a dozen easy-to-learn symbols. It is
+# complex in the sense that, by combining these symbols with
+# characters, you can represent very intricate patterns.
+# I make no pretense here of offering a full explanation of regular
+# expressions, their usage, and the deeper nuances of their syntax.
+# As noted above, this should be gleaned from a Unix manual. For
+# quick reference, however, I have included a brief summary of all
+# the special symbols used, accompanied by an explanation of what
+# they mean, and, in some cases, of how they are used (most of this
+# is taken from the comments prepended to Jerry Nowlin's Icon-grep
+# command, as posted a couple of years ago):
+# ^ - matches if the following pattern is at the beginning
+# of a line (i.e. ^# matches lines beginning with "#")
+# $ - matches if the preceding pattern is at the end of a line
+# . - matches any single character
+# + - matches from 1 to any number of occurrences of the
+# previous expression (i.e. a character, or set of paren-
+# thesized/bracketed characters)
+# * - matches from 0 to any number of occurrences of the previous
+# expression
+# \ - removes the special meaning of any special characters
+# recognized by this program (i.e if you want to match lines
+# beginning with a "[", write ^\[, and not ^[)
+# | - matches either the pattern before it, or the one after
+# it (i.e. abc|cde matches either abc or cde)
+# [] - matches any member of the enclosed character set, or,
+# if ^ is the first character, any nonmember of the
+# enclosed character set (i.e. [^ab] matches any character
+# _except_ a and b).
+# () - used for grouping (e.g. ^(abc|cde)$ matches lines consist-
+# ing of either "abc" or "cde," while ^abc|cde$ matches
+# lines either beginning with "abc" or ending in "cde")
+# EXAMPLE program:
+# procedure main(a)
+# while line := !&input do {
+# token_list := tokenize_line(line,a[1])
+# every write(!token_list)
+# }
+# end
+# procedure tokenize_line(s,sep)
+# tmp_lst := []
+# s ? {
+# while field := tab(findre(sep)|0) &
+# mark := __endpoint
+# do {
+# put(tmp_lst,"" ~== field)
+# if pos(0) then break
+# else tab(mark)
+# }
+# }
+# return tmp_lst
+# end
+# The above program would be compiled with findre (e.g. "icont
+# test_prg.icn findre.icn") to produce a single executable which
+# tokenizes each line of input based on a user-specified delimiter.
+# Note how __endpoint is set soon after findre() succeeds. Note
+# also how empty fields are excluded with "" ~==, etc. Finally, note
+# that the temporary list, tmp_lst, is not needed. It is included
+# here merely to illustrate one way in which tokens might be stored.
+# Tokenizing is, of course, only one of many uses one might put
+# findre to. It is very helpful in allowing the user to construct
+# automata at run-time. If, say, you want to write a program that
+# searches text files for patterns given by the user, findre would be
+# a perfect utility to use. Findre in general permits more compact
+# expression of patterns than one can obtain using intrinsic Icon
+# scanning facilities. Its near complete compatibility with the Unix
+# regexp library, moreover, makes for greater ease of porting,
+# especially in cases where Icon is being used to prototype C code.
+global state_table, parends_present, slash_present
+global biggest_nonmeta_str, __endpoint
+record o_a_s(op,arg,state)
+procedure findre(re, s, i, j)
+ local p, default_val, x, nonmeta_len, tokenized_re, tmp
+ static FSTN_table, STRING_table
+ initial {
+ FSTN_table := table()
+ STRING_table := table()
+ }
+ if /re then {
+ FSTN_table := table()
+ STRING_table := table()
+ collect() # do it *now*
+ return
+ }
+ if /s := &subject
+ then default_val := &pos
+ else default_val := 1
+ if \i then {
+ if i < 1 then
+ i := *s + (i+1)
+ }
+ else i := default_val
+ if \j then {
+ if j < 1 then
+ j := *s + (j+1)
+ }
+ else j := *s+1
+ if /FSTN_table[re] then {
+ # If we haven't seen this re before, then...
+ if \STRING_table[re] then {
+ # ...if it's in the STRING_table, use plain find()
+ every p := find(STRING_table[re],s,i,j)
+ do { __endpoint := p + *STRING_table[re]; suspend p }
+ fail
+ }
+ else {
+ # However, if it's not in the string table, we have to
+ # tokenize it and check for metacharacters. If it has
+ # metas, we create an FSTN, and put that into FSTN_table;
+ # otherwise, we just put it into the STRING_table.
+ tokenized_re := tokenize(re)
+ if 0 > !tokenized_re then {
+ # if at least one element is < 0, re has metas
+ MakeFSTN(tokenized_re) | err_out(re,2)
+ # both biggest_nonmeta_str and state_table are global
+ /FSTN_table[re] := [.biggest_nonmeta_str, copy(state_table)]
+ }
+ else {
+ # re has no metas; put the input string into STRING_table
+ # for future reference, and execute find() at once
+ tmp := ""; every tmp ||:= char(!tokenized_re)
+ insert(STRING_table,re,tmp)
+ every p := find(STRING_table[re],s,i,j)
+ do { __endpoint := p + *STRING_table[re]; suspend p }
+ fail
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if nonmeta_len := (1 < *FSTN_table[re][1]) then {
+ # If the biggest non-meta string in the original re
+ # was more than 1, then put in a check for it...
+ s[1:j] ? {
+ tab(x := i to j - nonmeta_len) &
+ (find(FSTN_table[re][1]) | fail) \ 1 &
+ (__endpoint := apply_FSTN(&null,FSTN_table[re][2])) &
+ (suspend x)
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ #...otherwise it's not worth worrying about the biggest nonmeta str
+ s[1:j] ? {
+ tab(x := i to j) &
+ (__endpoint := apply_FSTN(&null,FSTN_table[re][2])) &
+ (suspend x)
+ }
+ }
+procedure apply_FSTN(ini,tbl)
+ local biggest_pos, POS, tmp, fin
+ static s_tbl
+ /ini := 1 & s_tbl := tbl & biggest_pos := 1
+ if ini = 0 then {
+ return &pos
+ }
+ POS := &pos
+ fin := 0
+ repeat {
+ if tmp := !s_tbl[ini] &
+ tab(tmp.op(tmp.arg))
+ then {
+ if tmp.state = fin
+ then return &pos
+ else ini := tmp.state
+ }
+ else (&pos := POS, fail)
+ }
+procedure tokenize(s)
+ local token_list, chr, tmp, b_loc, next_one, fixed_length_token_list, i
+ token_list := list()
+ s ? {
+ tab(many('*+?|'))
+ while chr := move(1) do {
+ if chr == "\\"
+ # it can't be a metacharacter; remove the \ and "put"
+ # the integer value of the next chr into token_list
+ then put(token_list,ord(move(1))) | err_out(s,2,chr)
+ else if any('*+()|?.$^',chr)
+ then {
+ # Yuck! Egrep compatibility stuff.
+ case chr of {
+ "*" : {
+ tab(many('*+?'))
+ put(token_list,-ord("*"))
+ }
+ "+" : {
+ tmp := tab(many('*?+')) | &null
+ if upto('*?',\tmp)
+ then put(token_list,-ord("*"))
+ else put(token_list,-ord("+"))
+ }
+ "?" : {
+ tmp := tab(many('*?+')) | &null
+ if upto('*+',\tmp)
+ then put(token_list,-ord("*"))
+ else put(token_list,-ord("?"))
+ }
+ "(" : {
+ tab(many('*+?'))
+ put(token_list,-ord("("))
+ }
+ default: {
+ put(token_list,-ord(chr))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ case chr of {
+ # More egrep compatibility stuff.
+ "[" : {
+ b_loc := find("[") | *&subject+1
+ every next_one := find("]",,,b_loc)
+ \next_one ~= &pos | err_out(s,2,chr)
+ put(token_list,-ord(chr))
+ }
+ "]" : {
+ if &pos = (\next_one+1)
+ then put(token_list,-ord(chr)) &
+ next_one := &null
+ else put(token_list,ord(chr))
+ }
+ default: put(token_list,ord(chr))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ token_list := UnMetaBrackets(token_list)
+ fixed_length_token_list := list(*token_list)
+ every i := 1 to *token_list
+ do fixed_length_token_list[i] := token_list[i]
+ return fixed_length_token_list
+procedure UnMetaBrackets(l)
+ # Since brackets delineate a cset, it doesn't make
+ # any sense to have metacharacters inside of them.
+ # UnMetaBrackets makes sure there are no metacharac-
+ # ters inside of the braces.
+ local tmplst, i, Lb, Rb
+ tmplst := list(); i := 0
+ Lb := -ord("[")
+ Rb := -ord("]")
+ while (i +:= 1) <= *l do {
+ if l[i] = Lb then {
+ put(tmplst,l[i])
+ until l[i +:= 1] = Rb
+ do put(tmplst,abs(l[i]))
+ put(tmplst,l[i])
+ }
+ else put(tmplst,l[i])
+ }
+ return tmplst
+procedure MakeFSTN(l,INI,FIN)
+ # MakeFSTN recursively descends through the tree structure
+ # implied by the tokenized string, l, recording in (global)
+ # fstn_table a list of operations to be performed, and the
+ # initial and final states which apply to them.
+ local i, inter, inter2, tmp, Op, Arg
+ static Lp, Rp, Sl, Lb, Rb, Caret_inside, Dot, Dollar, Caret_outside
+ # global biggest_nonmeta_str, slash_present, parends_present
+ initial {
+ Lp := -ord("("); Rp := -ord(")")
+ Sl := -ord("|")
+ Lb := -ord("["); Rb := -ord("]"); Caret_inside := ord("^")
+ Dot := -ord("."); Dollar := -ord("$"); Caret_outside := -ord("^")
+ }
+ /INI := 1 & state_table := table() &
+ NextState("new") & biggest_nonmeta_str := ""
+ /FIN := 0
+ # I haven't bothered to test for empty lists everywhere.
+ if *l = 0 then {
+ /state_table[INI] := []
+ put(state_table[INI],o_a_s(zSucceed,&null,FIN))
+ return
+ }
+ every i := 1 to *l do {
+ if l[i] = Sl & tab_bal(l,Lp,Rp) = i then {
+ if i = 1 then err_out(l,2,char(abs(l[i]))) else {
+ /slash_present := "yes"
+ inter := NextState()
+ inter2:= NextState()
+ MakeFSTN(l[1:i],inter2,FIN)
+ MakeFSTN(l[i+1:0],inter,FIN)
+ /state_table[INI] := []
+ put(state_table[INI],o_a_s(apply_FSTN,inter2,0))
+ put(state_table[INI],o_a_s(apply_FSTN,inter,0))
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if l[1] = Lp then {
+ i := tab_bal(l,Lp,Rp) | err_out(l,2,"(")
+ inter := NextState()
+ if any('*+?',char(abs(0 > l[i+1]))) then {
+ case l[i+1] of {
+ -ord("*") : {
+ /state_table[INI] := []
+ put(state_table[INI],o_a_s(apply_FSTN,inter,0))
+ MakeFSTN(l[2:i],INI,INI)
+ MakeFSTN(l[i+2:0],inter,FIN)
+ return
+ }
+ -ord("+") : {
+ inter2 := NextState()
+ /state_table[inter2] := []
+ MakeFSTN(l[2:i],INI,inter2)
+ put(state_table[inter2],o_a_s(apply_FSTN,inter,0))
+ MakeFSTN(l[2:i],inter2,inter2)
+ MakeFSTN(l[i+2:0],inter,FIN)
+ return
+ }
+ -ord("?") : {
+ /state_table[INI] := []
+ put(state_table[INI],o_a_s(apply_FSTN,inter,0))
+ MakeFSTN(l[2:i],INI,inter)
+ MakeFSTN(l[i+2:0],inter,FIN)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ MakeFSTN(l[2:i],INI,inter)
+ MakeFSTN(l[i+1:0],inter,FIN)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ else { # I.E. l[1] NOT = Lp (left parenthesis as -ord("("))
+ every i := 1 to *l do {
+ case l[i] of {
+ Lp : {
+ inter := NextState()
+ MakeFSTN(l[1:i],INI,inter)
+ /parends_present := "yes"
+ MakeFSTN(l[i:0],inter,FIN)
+ return
+ }
+ Rp : err_out(l,2,")")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if l[1] = Lb then {
+ i := tab_bal(l,Lb,Rb) | err_out(l,2,"[")
+ inter := NextState()
+ tmp := ""; every tmp ||:= char(l[2 to i-1])
+ if Caret_inside = l[2]
+ then tmp := ~cset(Expand(tmp[2:0]))
+ else tmp := cset(Expand(tmp))
+ if any('*+?',char(abs(0 > l[i+1]))) then {
+ case l[i+1] of {
+ -ord("*") : {
+ /state_table[INI] := []
+ put(state_table[INI],o_a_s(apply_FSTN,inter,0))
+ put(state_table[INI],o_a_s(any,tmp,INI))
+ MakeFSTN(l[i+2:0],inter,FIN)
+ return
+ }
+ -ord("+") : {
+ inter2 := NextState()
+ /state_table[INI] := []
+ put(state_table[INI],o_a_s(any,tmp,inter2))
+ /state_table[inter2] := []
+ put(state_table[inter2],o_a_s(apply_FSTN,inter,0))
+ put(state_table[inter2],o_a_s(any,tmp,inter2))
+ MakeFSTN(l[i+2:0],inter,FIN)
+ return
+ }
+ -ord("?") : {
+ /state_table[INI] := []
+ put(state_table[INI],o_a_s(apply_FSTN,inter,0))
+ put(state_table[INI],o_a_s(any,tmp,inter))
+ MakeFSTN(l[i+2:0],inter,FIN)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ /state_table[INI] := []
+ put(state_table[INI],o_a_s(any,tmp,inter))
+ MakeFSTN(l[i+1:0],inter,FIN)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ else { # I.E. l[1] not = Lb
+ every i := 1 to *l do {
+ case l[i] of {
+ Lb : {
+ inter := NextState()
+ MakeFSTN(l[1:i],INI,inter)
+ MakeFSTN(l[i:0],inter,FIN)
+ return
+ }
+ Rb : err_out(l,2,"]")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if i := match_positive_ints(l) then {
+ inter := NextState()
+ tmp := Ints2String(l[1:i])
+ # if a slash has been encountered already, forget optimizing
+ # in this way; if parends are present, too, then forget it,
+ # unless we are at the beginning or end of the input string
+ if INI = 1 | FIN = 2 | /parends_present &
+ /slash_present & *tmp > *biggest_nonmeta_str
+ then biggest_nonmeta_str := tmp
+ /state_table[INI] := []
+ put(state_table[INI],o_a_s(match,tmp,inter))
+ MakeFSTN(l[i:0],inter,FIN)
+ return
+ }
+ i := 0
+ while (i +:= 1) <= *l do {
+ case l[i] of {
+ Dot : { Op := any; Arg := &cset }
+ Dollar : { Op := pos; Arg := 0 }
+ Caret_outside: { Op := pos; Arg := 1 }
+ default : { Op := match; Arg := char(0 < l[i]) }
+ } | err_out(l,2,char(abs(l[i])))
+ inter := NextState()
+ if any('*+?',char(abs(0 > l[i+1]))) then {
+ case l[i+1] of {
+ -ord("*") : {
+ /state_table[INI] := []
+ put(state_table[INI],o_a_s(apply_FSTN,inter,0))
+ put(state_table[INI],o_a_s(Op,Arg,INI))
+ MakeFSTN(l[i+2:0],inter,FIN)
+ return
+ }
+ -ord("+") : {
+ inter2 := NextState()
+ /state_table[INI] := []
+ put(state_table[INI],o_a_s(Op,Arg,inter2))
+ /state_table[inter2] := []
+ put(state_table[inter2],o_a_s(apply_FSTN,inter,0))
+ put(state_table[inter2],o_a_s(Op,Arg,inter2))
+ MakeFSTN(l[i+2:0],inter,FIN)
+ return
+ }
+ -ord("?") : {
+ /state_table[INI] := []
+ put(state_table[INI],o_a_s(apply_FSTN,inter,0))
+ put(state_table[INI],o_a_s(Op,Arg,inter))
+ MakeFSTN(l[i+2:0],inter,FIN)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ /state_table[INI] := []
+ put(state_table[INI],o_a_s(Op,Arg,inter))
+ MakeFSTN(l[i+1:0],inter,FIN)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ err_out(l,4)
+procedure NextState(new)
+ static nextstate
+ if \new then nextstate := 1
+ else nextstate +:= 1
+ return nextstate
+procedure err_out(x,i,elem)
+ writes(&errout,"Error number ",i," parsing ",image(x)," at ")
+ if \elem
+ then write(&errout,image(elem),".")
+ else write(&errout,"(?).")
+ exit(i)
+procedure zSucceed()
+ return .&pos
+procedure Expand(s)
+ local s2, c1, c2
+ s2 := ""
+ s ? {
+ s2 ||:= ="^"
+ s2 ||:= ="-"
+ while s2 ||:= tab(find("-")-1) do {
+ if (c1 := move(1), ="-",
+ c2 := move(1),
+ c1 << c2)
+ then every s2 ||:= char(ord(c1) to ord(c2))
+ else s2 ||:= 1(move(2), not(pos(0))) | err_out(s,2,"-")
+ }
+ s2 ||:= tab(0)
+ }
+ return s2
+procedure tab_bal(l,i1,i2)
+ local i, i1_count, i2_count
+ i := 0
+ i1_count := 0; i2_count := 0
+ while (i +:= 1) <= *l do {
+ case l[i] of {
+ i1 : i1_count +:= 1
+ i2 : i2_count +:= 1
+ }
+ if i1_count = i2_count
+ then suspend i
+ }
+procedure match_positive_ints(l)
+ # Matches the longest sequence of positive integers in l,
+ # beginning at l[1], which neither contains, nor is fol-
+ # lowed by a negative integer. Returns the first position
+ # after the match. Hence, given [55, 55, 55, -42, 55],
+ # match_positive_ints will return 3. [55, -42] will cause
+ # it to fail rather than return 1 (NOTE WELL!).
+ local i
+ every i := 1 to *l do {
+ if l[i] < 0
+ then return (3 < i) - 1 | fail
+ }
+ return *l + 1
+procedure Ints2String(l)
+ local tmp
+ tmp := ""
+ every tmp ||:= char(!l)
+ return tmp
+procedure StripChar(s,s2)
+ local tmp
+ if find(s2,s) then {
+ tmp := ""
+ s ? {
+ while tmp ||:= tab(find("s2"))
+ do tab(many(cset(s2)))
+ tmp ||:= tab(0)
+ }
+ }
+ return \tmp | s