path: root/ipl/procs/html.icn
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1 files changed, 334 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipl/procs/html.icn b/ipl/procs/html.icn
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/procs/html.icn
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+# File: html.icn
+# Subject: Procedures for parsing HTML
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: April 26, 2005
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# These procedures parse HTML files:
+# htchunks(f) generates the basic chunks -- tags and text --
+# that compose an HTML file.
+# htrefs(f) generates the tagname/keyword/value combinations
+# that reference other files.
+# These procedures process strings from HTML files:
+# httag(s) extracts the name of a tag.
+# htvals(s) generates the keyword/value pairs from a tag.
+# urlmerge(base,new) interprets a new URL in the context of a base.
+# canpath(s) puts a path in canonical form
+# htchunks(f) generates the HTML chunks from file f.
+# It returns strings beginning with
+# <!-- for unclosed comments (legal comments are deleted)
+# < for tags (will end with ">" unless unclosed at EOF)
+# anything else for text
+# At this level entities such as &amp are left unprocessed and all
+# whitespace is preserved, including newlines.
+# htrefs(f) extracts file/url references from within an HTML file
+# and generates a string of the form
+# tagname keyword value
+# for each reference.
+# A single space character separates the three fields, but if no
+# value is supplied for the keyword, no space follows the keyword.
+# Tag and keyword names are always returned in upper case.
+# Quotation marks are stripped from the value, but note that the
+# value can contain spaces or other special characters (although
+# by strict HTML rules it probably shouldn't).
+# A table in the code determines which fields are references to
+# other files. For example, with <IMG>, SRC= is a reference but
+# WIDTH= is not. The table is based on the HTML 4.0 standard:
+# httag(s) extracts and returns the tag name from within an HTML
+# tag string of the form "<tagname...>". The tag name is returned
+# in upper case.
+# htvals(s) generates the tag values contained within an HTML tag
+# string of the form "<tagname kw=val kw=val ...>". For each
+# keyword=value pair beyond the tagname, a string of the form
+# keyword value
+# is generated. One space follows the keyword, which is returned
+# in upper case, and quotation marks are stripped from the value.
+# The value itself can be an empty string.
+# For each keyword given without a value, the keyword is generated
+# in upper case with no following space.
+# Parsing is somewhat tolerant of errors.
+# urlmerge(base,new) interprets a full or partial new URL in the
+# context of a base URL, returning the combined URL.
+# Here are some examples of applying urlmerge() with a base value
+# of "" and a new value as given:
+# new result
+# ------------- -------------------
+# #tuesday
+# bulletin.html
+# ./results.html
+# images/rs.gif
+# ../
+# /greet.html
+# file:a.html file:a.html
+# canpath(s) returns the canonical form of a file path by squeezing
+# out components such as "./" and "dir/../".
+# htchunks(f) -- generate HTML chunks from file f
+procedure htchunks(f) #: generate chunks of HTML file
+ local prev, line, s
+ "" ? repeat {
+ if pos(0) then
+ &subject := (read(f) || "\n") | fail
+ if ="<!--" then
+ suspend htc_comment(f) # fails if comment is legal
+ else if ="<" then
+ suspend htc_tag(f) # generate tag
+ else
+ suspend htc_text(f) # generate text chunk
+ }
+procedure htc_tag(f)
+ local s
+ s := "<"
+ repeat {
+ if s ||:= tab(upto('>') + 1) then
+ return s # completed tag
+ s ||:= tab(0)
+ &subject := (read(f) || "\n") | break
+ }
+ return s # unclosed tag
+procedure htc_comment(f)
+ local s
+ s := ""
+ repeat {
+ if s ||:= tab(find("-->") + 3) then
+ fail # normal case: discard comment
+ s ||:= tab(0)
+ &subject := (read(f) || "\n") | break
+ }
+ &subject := s # rescan unclosed comment
+ return "<!--" # return error indicator
+procedure htc_text(f)
+ local s
+ s := ""
+ repeat {
+ if s ||:= tab(upto('<')) then
+ return s
+ s ||:= tab(0)
+ &subject := (read(f) || "\n") | return s
+ }
+## htrefs(f) -- generate references from HTML file f
+procedure htrefs(f) #: generate references from HTML file
+ local tag, tagname, kwset, s
+ static ttable
+ initial {
+ ttable := table()
+ ttable["A"] := set(["HREF"])
+ ttable["APPLET"] := set(["CODEBASE"])
+ ttable["AREA"] := set(["HREF"])
+ ttable["BASE"] := set(["HREF"])
+ ttable["BLOCKQUOTE"] := set(["CITE"])
+ ttable["BODY"] := set(["BACKGROUND"])
+ ttable["DEL"] := set(["CITE"])
+ ttable["FORM"] := set(["ACTION"])
+ ttable["FRAME"] := set(["SRC", "LONGDESC"])
+ ttable["HEAD"] := set(["PROFILE"])
+ ttable["IFRAME"] := set(["SRC", "LONGDESC"])
+ ttable["IMG"] := set(["SRC", "LONGDESC", "USEMAP"])
+ ttable["INPUT"] := set(["SRC", "USEMAP"])
+ ttable["INS"] := set(["CITE"])
+ ttable["LINK"] := set(["HREF"])
+ ttable["Q"] := set(["CITE"])
+ ttable["SCRIPT"] := set(["SRC", "FOR"])
+ }
+ every tag := htchunks(f) do {
+ tagname := httag(tag) | next
+ kwset := \ttable[tagname] | next
+ every s := htvals(tag) do
+ if member(kwset, s ? tab(upto(' '))) then
+ suspend tagname || " " || s
+ }
+## httag(s) -- return the name of the HTML tag s
+procedure httag(s) #: extract name of HTML tag
+ static idset, wset, lcase, ucase
+ initial {
+ idset := &letters ++ &digits ++ '.-/'
+ wset := ' \t\r\n\v\f'
+ lcase := string(&lcase)
+ ucase := string(&ucase)
+ }
+ s ? {
+ ="<" | fail
+ tab(many(wset))
+ return map(tab(many(idset)), lcase, ucase)
+ }
+## htvals(s) -- generate tag values of HTML tag s
+procedure htvals(s) #: generate values in HTML tag
+ local kw
+ static idset, wset, qset, lcase, ucase
+ initial {
+ idset := &letters ++ &digits ++ '.-/'
+ wset := ' \t\r\n\v\f'
+ qset := wset ++ '>'
+ lcase := string(&lcase)
+ ucase := string(&ucase)
+ }
+ s ? {
+ ="<" | fail
+ tab(many(wset))
+ tab(many(idset)) | fail # no name
+ repeat {
+ tab(upto(idset)) | fail
+ kw := map(tab(many(idset)), lcase, ucase)
+ tab(many(wset))
+ if ="=" then {
+ tab(many(wset))
+ kw ||:= " "
+ if ="\"" then {
+ kw ||:= tab(upto('"') | 0)
+ tab(any('"'))
+ }
+ else if ="'" then {
+ kw ||:= tab(upto('\'') | 0)
+ tab(any('\''))
+ }
+ else
+ kw ||:= tab(upto(qset) | 0)
+ }
+ suspend kw
+ }
+ }
+# urlmerge(base,new) -- merge URLs
+procedure urlmerge(base, new) #: merge URLs
+ local protocol, host, path
+ static notslash
+ initial notslash := ~'/'
+ if new ? (tab(many(&letters)) & =":") then
+ return new # new is fully specified
+ base ? {
+ protocol := (tab(many(&letters)) || =":") | ""
+ host := (="//" || tab(upto('/') | 0)) | ""
+ path := tab(upto('#') | 0)
+ }
+ new ? {
+ if ="#" then
+ return protocol || host || path || new
+ if ="/" then
+ return protocol || host || new
+ }
+ path := trim(path, notslash) || new
+ return protocol || host || canpath(path)
+# canpath(path) -- return canonical version of path
+# This is similar to step 6 of section 4 of RFC 1808.
+procedure canpath(path) #: put path in canonical form
+ static notslash
+ initial notslash := ~'/'
+ # change "/./" to "/"
+ while path ?:= 1(tab(find("/./")), move(2)) || tab(0)
+ # change "//" to "/"
+ while path ?:= tab(find("//") + 1) || (tab(many('/')) & tab(0))
+ # remove "dir/../"
+ while path ?:=
+ (tab(1 | (upto('/') + 1))) ||
+ ((tab(many(notslash)) ~== "..") & ="/../" & tab(0))
+ # remove leading "./"
+ while path ?:= (="./" & tab(0))
+ # remove trailing "."
+ path ?:= if tab(-2) & ="/." then path[1:-1]
+ path ?:= if ="." & pos(0) then ""
+ return path