path: root/ipl/procs/rational.icn
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+# File: rational.icn
+# Subject: Procedures for arithmetic on rational numbers
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: June 10, 2001
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Contributor: Gregg M. Townsend
+# These procedures perform arithmetic on rational numbers (fractions):
+# addrat(r1,r2) Add rational numbers r1 and r2.
+# divrat(r1,r2) Divide rational numbers r1 and r2.
+# medrat(r1,r2) Form mediant of r1 and r2.
+# mpyrat(r1,r2) Multiply rational numbers r1 and r2.
+# negrat(r) Produce negative of rational number r.
+# rat2real(r) Produce floating-point approximation of r
+# rat2str(r) Convert the rational number r to its string
+# representation.
+# real2rat(v,p) Convert real to rational with precision p.
+# The default precision is 1e-10.
+# (Too much precision gives huge, ugly factions.)
+# reciprat(r) Produce the reciprocal of rational number r.
+# str2rat(s) Convert the string representation of a rational number
+# (such as "3/2") to a rational number.
+# subrat(r1,r2) Subtract rational numbers r1 and r2.
+# Links: numbers
+link numbers
+record rational(numer, denom, sign)
+procedure addrat(r1, r2) #: sum of rationals
+ local denom, numer, div
+ r1 := ratred(r1)
+ r2 := ratred(r2)
+ denom := r1.denom * r2.denom
+ numer := r1.sign * r1.numer * r2.denom +
+ r2.sign * r2.numer * r1.denom
+ if numer = 0 then return rational (0, 1, 1)
+ div := gcd(numer, denom)
+ return rational(abs(numer / div), abs(denom / div), numer / abs(numer))
+procedure divrat(r1, r2) #: divide rationals.
+ r1 := ratred(r1)
+ r2 := ratred(r2)
+ return mpyrat(r1, reciprat(r2))
+procedure medrat(r1, r2) #: form rational mediant
+ local numer, denom, div
+ r1 := ratred(r1)
+ r2 := ratred(r2)
+ numer := r1.numer + r2.numer
+ denom := r1.denom + r2.denom
+ div := gcd(numer, denom)
+ return rational(numer / div, denom / div, r1.sign * r2.sign)
+procedure mpyrat(r1, r2) #: multiply rationals
+ local numer, denom, div
+ r1 := ratred(r1)
+ r2 := ratred(r2)
+ numer := r1.numer * r2.numer
+ denom := r1.denom * r2.denom
+ div := gcd(numer, denom)
+ return rational(numer / div, denom / div, r1.sign * r2.sign)
+procedure negrat(r) #: negative of rational
+ r := ratred(r)
+ return rational(r.numer, r.denom, -r.sign)
+procedure rat2real(r) #: floating-point approximation of rational
+ r := ratred(r)
+ return (real(r.numer) * r.sign) / r.denom
+procedure rat2str(r) #: convert rational to string
+ r := ratred(r)
+ return "(" || (r.numer * r.sign) || "/" || r.denom || ")"
+procedure ratred(r) #: reduce rational to lowest terms
+ local div
+ if r.denom = 0 then runerr(501)
+ if abs(r.sign) ~= 1 then runerr(501)
+ if r.numer = 0 then return rational(0, 1, 1)
+ if r.numer < 0 then r.sign *:= -1
+ if r.denom < 0 then r.sign *:= -1
+ r.numer := abs(r.numer)
+ r.denom := abs(r.denom)
+ div := gcd(r.numer, r.denom)
+ return rational(r.numer / div, r.denom / div, r.sign)
+# real2rat(v, p) -- convert real to rational with precision p
+# Originally based on a calculator algorithm posted to usenet on August 19,
+# 1987, by Joseph D. Rudmin, Duke University Physics Dept. (duke!dukempd!jdr)
+$define MAXITER 40 # maximum number of iterations
+$define PRECISION 1e-10 # default conversion precision
+procedure real2rat(r, p) #: convert to rational with precision p
+ local t, d, i, j
+ static x, y
+ initial { x := list(MAXITER); y := list(MAXITER + 2) }
+ t := abs(r)
+ every i := 1 to MAXITER do {
+ x[i] := integer(t)
+ y[i + 1] := 1
+ y[i + 2] := 0
+ every j := i to 1 by -1 do
+ y[j] := x[j] * y[j + 1] + y[j + 2]
+ if abs(y[1] / real(y[2]) - r) < p then break
+ d := t - integer(t)
+ if d < p then break
+ t := 1.0 / d
+ }
+ return rational(y[1], y[2], if r >= 0 then 1 else -1)
+procedure reciprat(r) #: reciprocal of rational
+ r := ratred(r)
+ return rational(r.denom, r.numer, r.sign)
+procedure str2rat(s) # convert string to rational
+ local div, numer, denom, sign
+ s ? {
+ ="(" &
+ numer := integer(tab(upto('/'))) &
+ move(1) &
+ denom := integer(tab(upto(')'))) &
+ pos(-1)
+ } | fail
+ return ratred(rational(numer, denom, 1))
+procedure subrat(r1, r2) #: difference of rationals
+ r1 := ratred(r1)
+ r2 := ratred(r2)
+ return addrat(r1, negrat(r2))