path: root/ipl/procs/vrml2lib.icn
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ipl/procs/vrml2lib.icn')
1 files changed, 508 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipl/procs/vrml2lib.icn b/ipl/procs/vrml2lib.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1943af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/procs/vrml2lib.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,508 @@
+# File: vrml2lib.icn
+# Subject: Procedures to support construction of VRML 2.0 files
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: November 19, 1997
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This file contains record declarations for VRML 2.0 nodes.
+# Note: Although VRML 2.0 allows node fields to be given in any order,
+# they must be specified in the order given in the record declarations
+# that follow.
+# Group nodes require list arguments for lists of nodes.
+record Anchor(
+ children,
+ bboxCenter,
+ bboxSize,
+ url,
+ parameter,
+ decsription,
+ addChildren,
+ removeChildren
+ )
+record Appearance(
+ material,
+ texture,
+ textureTransform
+ )
+record AudioClip(
+ url,
+ duration,
+ starttime,
+ stopTime,
+ pitch,
+ loop,
+ isActive,
+ duration_changed
+ )
+record Background(
+ skyColor,
+ skyAngle,
+ groundCOlor,
+ groundAngle,
+ backUrl,
+ bottomUrl,
+ frontUrl,
+ leftUrl,
+ rightUrl,
+ topUrl,
+ set_bind,
+ bind_changed
+ )
+record Billboard(
+ children,
+ axixOfRotation,
+ bboxCenter,
+ bboxSize,
+ addChildren,
+ removeChildren
+ )
+record Box(
+ size
+ )
+record Collision(
+ children,
+ collide,
+ bboxCenter,
+ bboxSize,
+ proxy,
+ collideTime,
+ addChildren,
+ removeChildren
+ )
+record Color(
+ color
+ )
+record ColorInterpolator(
+ key,
+ keyValue,
+ set_fraction,
+ value_changed
+ )
+record Comment(
+ text
+ )
+record Cone(
+ height,
+ bottomRadius,
+ side,
+ bottom
+ )
+record Coordinate(
+ point
+ )
+record CoordinateInterpolator(
+ key,
+ keyValue,
+ set_fraction,
+ value_changed
+ )
+record Cylinder(
+ radius,
+ height,
+ side,
+ top,
+ bottom
+ )
+record CylinderSensor(
+ enabled,
+ diskAngle,
+ autoOffset,
+ maxAngle,
+ minAngle,
+ isActive,
+ rotation_changed,
+ trackPoint_changed
+ )
+record DirectionalLight(
+ on,
+ intensity,
+ ambientIntensity,
+ color,
+ direction
+ )
+record ElevationGrid(
+ xDimension,
+ xSpacing,
+ zDimension,
+ zSpacing,
+ height,
+ color,
+ colorPerVertex,
+ normal,
+ normalPerVertex,
+ texCoord,
+ ccw,
+ solid,
+ creaseAngle,
+ set_height
+ )
+record Extrusion(
+ crossSection,
+ spine,
+ scale,
+ orientation,
+ beginCap,
+ endCap,
+ ccw,
+ solid,
+ convex,
+ creaseAngle,
+ set_spine,
+ set_crossSection,
+ set_scale,
+ set_orientation
+ )
+record Fog(
+ color,
+ visibilityRange,
+ fogType,
+ set_bind,
+ bind_changed
+ )
+record FontStyle(
+ family,
+ style,
+ size,
+ spacing,
+ justify,
+ horizontal,
+ leftToRight,
+ topToBottom,
+ language
+ )
+record Group(
+ children,
+ bboxCenter,
+ bboxSize,
+ addChildren,
+ removeChildren
+ )
+record ImageTexture(
+ url,
+ repeatS,
+ repeatT
+ )
+record Include(
+ name
+ )
+record IndexedFaceSet(
+ coord,
+ coordIndex,
+ texCoord,
+ texCoordIndex,
+ color,
+ colorIndex,
+ colorPerVertex,
+ normal,
+ normalIndex,
+ normalPerVertex,
+ ccw,
+ convex,
+ solid,
+ creaseAngle,
+ set_coordIndex,
+ set_texCoordIndex,
+ set_colorIndex,
+ set_normalIndex
+ )
+record IndexedLineSet(
+ coord,
+ coordIndex,
+ color,
+ colorIndex,
+ colorPerVertex,
+ set_coordIndex,
+ set_colorIndex
+ )
+record Inline(
+ url,
+ bboxCenter,
+ bboxSize
+ )
+record LOD(
+ center,
+ level,
+ range
+ )
+record Material(
+ diffuseColor,
+ ambientIntensity,
+ emissiveColor,
+ shininess,
+ specularColor,
+ transparency
+ )
+record MovieTexture(
+ url,
+ loop,
+ speed,
+ startTime,
+ stopTime,
+ repeatS,
+ repeatT,
+ isActive,
+ duration_changed
+ )
+record NavigationInfo(
+ type,
+ speed,
+ avatarSize,
+ headlight,
+ visibilityLimit,
+ set_bind,
+ isBound
+ )
+record Normal(
+ vector
+ )
+record NormalInterpolator(
+ key,
+ keyValue,
+ set_fraction,
+ value_changed
+ )
+record OrientationInterpolator(
+ key,
+ keyValue,
+ set_fraction,
+ value_changed
+ )
+record PixelTexture(
+ image,
+ repeatS,
+ repeatT
+ )
+record PlaneSensor(
+ enabled,
+ autoOffset,
+ offset,
+ maxPosition,
+ minPosition,
+ isActive,
+ translation_changed,
+ trackPoint_changed
+ )
+record PointLight(
+ on,
+ location,
+ radius,
+ intensity,
+ ambientIntensity,
+ color,
+ attenuation
+ )
+record PointSet(
+ coord,
+ color
+ )
+record PositionInterpolator(
+ key,
+ keyValue,
+ set_fraction,
+ value_changed
+ )
+record ProximitySensor(
+ enabled,
+ center,
+ size,
+ isActive,
+ enterTime,
+ exitTIme,
+ position_changed,
+ orientation_cahnged
+ )
+record ScalarInterpolator(
+ key,
+ keyValue,
+ set_fraction,
+ value_changed
+ )
+record Script(
+ url,
+ mustEvaluate,
+ directOutput,
+ list
+ )
+record Shape(
+ appearance,
+ geometry
+ )
+record Sound(
+ source,
+ intensity,
+ location,
+ direction,
+ minFront,
+ minBack,
+ maxFront,
+ maxBack,
+ priority,
+ spatialize
+ )
+record Sphere(
+ radius
+ )
+record SphereSensor(
+ enabled,
+ autoOffset,
+ offset,
+ isActive,
+ rotation_changed,
+ trackPoint_changed
+ )
+record SpotLight(
+ on,
+ location,
+ direction,
+ radius,
+ intensity,
+ ambientIntensity,
+ color,
+ attenuation,
+ beamWidth,
+ cutOffAngle
+ )
+record Switch(
+ children,
+ choice,
+ whichChoice
+ )
+record Text(
+ string,
+ length,
+ maxExtent,
+ fontStyle
+ )
+record TextureCoordinate(
+ point
+ )
+record TextureTransform(
+ translation,
+ rotation,
+ scale,
+ center
+ )
+record TimeSensor(
+ enabled,
+ startTime,
+ stopTime,
+ cycleInterval,
+ loop,
+ isActive,
+ time,
+ cycleTime,
+ fraction_changed
+ )
+record TouchSensor(
+ enabled,
+ isActive,
+ isOver,
+ touchTime,
+ hitPoint_changed,
+ hitNOrmal_changed,
+ hitTexCoord_changed
+ )
+record Transform(
+ children,
+ translation,
+ rotation,
+ scale,
+ scaleOrientation,
+ bboxCenter,
+ bboxSize,
+ center,
+ addChildren,
+ removeChildren
+ )
+record Viewpoint(
+ position,
+ orientation,
+ fieldOfView,
+ description,
+ jump,
+ set_bind,
+ isBound,
+ bindTime
+ )
+record VisibilitySensor(
+ enabled,
+ center,
+ size,
+ isActive,
+ enterTime,
+ exitTIme
+ )
+record WorldInfo(
+ title,
+ info
+ )