path: root/ipl/progs/interpp.icn
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ipl/progs/interpp.icn')
1 files changed, 382 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipl/progs/interpp.icn b/ipl/progs/interpp.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1718cc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/progs/interpp.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+# File: interpp.icn
+# Subject: Program to interpret Icon programs
+# Author: Jerry Nowlin
+# Date: December 30, 1991
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program is kind of like an interactive version of BASIC in that Icon
+# expressions are entered with line numbers and you can resequence them list
+# them etc. and execute all the lines entered. There is no editor built
+# in. You have to retype a line to change it.
+# Documentation is lacking but there is a "?" help command that lists all
+# the other commands.
+# See also: interpe.icn
+global WHITE, # the white space cset
+ MFLAG, # the modified flag
+ PRTBL # the program table
+procedure main(arg)
+ local line, lno, pline
+# define the needed cset
+ WHITE := ' \t\n\f'
+# initialize the program table
+ PRTBL := table()
+# initialize the modified flag
+ MFLAG := 0
+# get all the input
+ writes("Icon> ")
+ while line := read() do {
+# scan the input line
+ line ? {
+# skip any initial white space
+ tab(many(WHITE))
+# check for program lines (they have line numbers)
+ if lno := tab(many(&digits)) & tab(many(WHITE)) then {
+# get the program line
+ pline := tab(0)
+# store the line in the program table
+ PRTBL[numeric(lno)] := pline
+# set the modified flag
+ MFLAG +:= 1
+ }
+# read command
+ else if (tab(upto(WHITE)) | tab(0)) ==
+ ("read" | "r") then {
+ readprog()
+# clear the modified flag
+ MFLAG := 0
+ }
+# write command
+ else if (tab(upto(WHITE)) | tab(0)) ==
+ ("write" | "w") then {
+ writeprog()
+# clear the modified flag
+ MFLAG := 0
+ }
+# delete command
+ else if (tab(upto(WHITE)) | tab(0)) ==
+ ("delete" | "d") then {
+ delprog()
+# set the modified flag
+ MFLAG +:= 1
+ }
+# sequence command
+ else if (tab(upto(WHITE)) | tab(0)) ==
+ ("sequence" | "s") then {
+ seqprog()
+ }
+# list command
+ else if (tab(upto(WHITE)) | tab(0)) ==
+ ("list" | "l") then {
+ listprog()
+ }
+# execute command
+ else if (tab(upto(WHITE)) | tab(0)) ==
+ ("execute" | "e") then {
+ execprog()
+ }
+# help command
+ else if (tab(upto(WHITE)) | tab(0)) ==
+ ("help" | "h" | "?") then {
+ helpprog()
+ }
+# quit command
+ else if (tab(upto(WHITE)) | tab(0)) ==
+ ("quit" | "q") then {
+ quitprog()
+ }
+# invalid syntax input
+ else {
+ write("Syntax Error: ",line)
+ helpprog()
+ }
+ }
+ writes("Icon> ")
+ }
+procedure execprog()
+ local runargs, out, prog, line, command
+ static tmpfile
+ initial tmpfile := "TMPFILE.icn"
+# get any runtime arguments
+ runargs := tab(0)
+# create the temporary Icon file
+ (out := open(tmpfile,"w")) |
+# or mention the problem and fail
+ (write("I can't open '",tmpfile,"' for writing") & fail)
+# sort the program table
+ prog := sort(PRTBL)
+# put the program in the file
+ every line := !prog do {
+ write(out,line[2])
+ }
+ close(out)
+# format the command to execute the program
+ command := "icont -s " || tmpfile || " -x " || runargs
+# add the command to remove the temporary file
+ command ||:= " ; rm -f " || tmpfile
+# execute the command
+ system(command)
+procedure seqprog()
+ local begno, incno, prog, lno, l
+# initialize the sequencing numbers
+ begno := incno := 10
+# skip any white space
+ tab(many(WHITE))
+# get an initial line number
+ begno := numeric(tab(many(&digits)))
+# skip any white space
+ tab(many(WHITE))
+# get a increment number
+ incno := numeric(tab(many(&digits)))
+# sort the program table
+ prog := sort(PRTBL)
+# reinitialize it
+ PRTBL := table()
+# sequence the program lines starting with begno by incno
+ lno := begno
+ every l := !prog do {
+ PRTBL[lno] := l[2]
+ lno +:= incno
+ }
+procedure readprog()
+ local readfile, response, in, lno, line
+# get a possible command line file name
+ tab(many(WHITE))
+ readfile := tab(upto(WHITE) | 0)
+# if there was no file with the command get one
+ if /readfile | *readfile = 0 then {
+ writes("Read file name: ")
+ readfile := read()
+ }
+# make sure a modified file has been written
+ if MFLAG > 0 then {
+ writes("Write before reading over current program? ")
+ response := read()
+ if any('yY',response) then
+ writeprog()
+ }
+# initialize the program table
+ PRTBL := table()
+# read the program from the read file
+ in := open(readfile,"r")
+ lno := 10
+ every line := !in do {
+ PRTBL[lno] := line
+ lno +:= 10
+ }
+ close(in)
+# tell them what you did
+ write("Read '",readfile,"'...",*PRTBL," lines")
+procedure writeprog()
+ local writefile, prog, out, l
+# get a possible command line file name
+ tab(many(WHITE))
+ writefile := tab(upto(WHITE) | 0)
+# if there was no file with the command get one
+ if /writefile | *writefile = 0 then {
+ writes("Write file name: ")
+ writefile := read()
+ }
+# sort the program table
+ prog := sort(PRTBL)
+# write the program to the write file
+ out := open(writefile,"w")
+ every l := !prog do {
+ write(out,l[2])
+ }
+ close(out)
+# tell them what you did
+ write("Write '",writefile,"'...",*PRTBL," lines")
+procedure delprog()
+ local begno, endno, prog, l, lno
+# initialize the line numbers
+ begno := 0
+ endno := 99999
+# skip any white space
+ tab(many(WHITE))
+# get an initial line number
+ begno := endno := numeric(tab(many(&digits)))
+# skip any white space
+ tab(many(WHITE))
+# get a final line number
+ endno := numeric(tab(many(&digits)))
+# sort the program table
+ prog := sort(PRTBL)
+# reinitialize it
+ PRTBL := table()
+# delete the program lines between the optional numbers
+ every l := !prog do {
+ lno := numeric(l[1])
+ if (lno < begno) | (lno > endno) then PRTBL[lno] := l[2]
+ }
+procedure listprog()
+ local begno, endno, prog, l, lno
+# initialize the line numbers
+ begno := 0
+ endno := 99999
+# skip any white space
+ tab(many(WHITE))
+# get an initial line number
+ begno := endno := numeric(tab(many(&digits)))
+# skip any white space
+ tab(many(WHITE))
+# get a final line number
+ endno := numeric(tab(many(&digits)))
+# sort the program table
+ prog := sort(PRTBL)
+# list the program lines between the optional numbers
+ every l := !prog do {
+ lno := numeric(l[1])
+ if (lno >= begno) & (lno <= endno) then
+ write(right(lno,5),": ",l[2])
+ if lno > endno then break
+ }
+procedure helpprog()
+ static helpmsg
+# define the help message
+ initial {
+ helpmsg := [
+ "<<< Icon Expression Syntax >>>",
+ "",
+ "lineno expression",
+ "",
+ "<<< Command Summary >>>",
+ " (1st character works)",
+ "",
+ "read [ file ]",
+ "write [ file ]",
+ "list [ begno [ endno ] ]",
+ "delete [ begno [ endno ] ]",
+ "sequence [ begno [ increment ] ]",
+ "execute [ args ]",
+ "quit",
+ "help"
+ ]
+ }
+# print it
+ every write(!helpmsg)
+procedure quitprog()
+ local response
+# make sure a modified file has been written
+ if MFLAG > 0 then {
+ writes("Write before quitting? ")
+ response := read()
+ if any('yY',response) then
+ writeprog()
+ }
+ stop("Goodbye.")