path: root/ipl/progs/lisp.icn
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Diffstat (limited to 'ipl/progs/lisp.icn')
1 files changed, 419 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipl/progs/lisp.icn b/ipl/progs/lisp.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..861044f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/progs/lisp.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+# File: lisp.icn
+# Subject: Program to interpret LISP programs
+# Author: Stephen B. Wampler, modified by Phillip Lee Thomas
+# Date: February 4, 1991
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program is a simple interpreter for pure Lisp. It takes the
+# name of the Lisp program as a command-line argument.
+# The syntax and semantics are based on EV-LISP, as described in
+# Laurent Siklossy's "Let's Talk LISP" (Prentice-Hall, 1976, ISBN
+# 0-13-532762-8). Functions that have been predefined match those
+# described in Chapters 1-4 of the book.
+# No attempt at improving efficiency has been made, this is
+# rather an example of how a simple LISP interpreter might be
+# implemented in Icon.
+# The language implemented is case-insensitive.
+# It only reads enough input lines at one time to produce at least
+# one LISP-expression, but continues to read input until a valid
+# LISP-expression is found.
+# Errors:
+# Fails on EOF; fails with error message if current
+# input cannot be made into a valid LISP-expression (i.e. more
+# right than left parens).
+# Syntax:
+# (quote (a b c)) ==> (A B C)
+# (setq a (quote (A B C))) ==> (A B C)
+# (car a) ==> (A)
+# (cdr a) ==> (B C)
+# (cons (quote d) a) ==> (D A B C)
+# (eq (car a) (car a)) ==> T
+# (atom (quote ())) ==> T
+# (atom a) ==> NIL
+# (null (car (car a))) ==> T
+# (eval (quote a)) ==> (A B C)
+# (print a) ==> (A B C)
+# (A B C)
+# (define (quote (
+# (cadr (quote (lambda (l) (car (cdr l)))))
+# (cddr (quote (lambda (l) (cdr (cdr l)))))
+# ))) ==> (CADR CDDR)
+# (trace (quote (cadr))) ==> NIL
+# (untrace (quote (cadr))) ==> NIL
+# (itraceon) ==> T [turns on icon tracing]
+# (itraceoff) ==> NIL [turns off icon tracing]
+# (exit) ==> [exit gracefully from icon]
+global words, # table of variable atoms
+ T, NIL, # universal constants
+ infile # command line library files
+global trace_set # set of currently traced functions
+record prop(v,f) # abbreviated propery list
+### main interpretive loop
+procedure main(f)
+local sexpr, source
+ initialize()
+ while infile := open(source := (pop(f) | "CON")) do {
+ write("Reading: ", source)
+ every sexpr := bstol(getbs()) do {
+ PRINT([EVAL([sexpr])])
+ writes("> ")
+ }
+ }
+## (EVAL e) - the actual LISP interpreter
+procedure EVAL(l)
+local fn, arglist, arg
+ l := l[1]
+ if T === ATOM([l]) then { # it's an atom
+ if T === l then return .T
+ if EQ([NIL,l]) === T then return .NIL
+ return .((\words[l]).v | NIL)
+ }
+ if glist(l) then { # it's a list
+ if T === ATOM([l[1]]) then
+ case l[1] of {
+ "QUOTE" : return .(l[2] | NIL)
+ "COND" : return COND(l[2:0])
+ "SETQ" : return SET([l[2]]|||evlis(l[3:0]))
+ "ITRACEON" : return (&trace := -1,T)
+ "ITRACEOFF" : return (&trace := 0,NIL)
+ "EXIT" : exit(0)
+ default : return apply([l[1]]|||evlis(l[2:0])) | NIL
+ }
+ return apply([EVAL([l[1]])]|||evlis(l[2:0])) | NIL
+ }
+ return .NIL
+## apply(fn,args) - evaluate the function
+procedure apply(l)
+local fn, arglist, arg, value, fcn
+ fn := l[1]
+ if member(trace_set, string(fn)) then {
+ write("Arguments of ",fn)
+ PRINT(l[2:0])
+ }
+ if value := case string(fn) of {
+ "CAR" : CAR([l[2]]) | NIL
+ "CDR" : CDR([l[2]]) | NIL
+ "CONS" : CONS(l[2:0]) | NIL
+ "ATOM" : ATOM([l[2]]) | NIL
+ "NULL" : NULL([l[2]]) | NIL
+ "EQ" : EQ([l[2],l[3]]) | NIL
+ "PRINT" : PRINT([l[2]]) | NIL
+ "EVAL" : EVAL([l[2]]) | NIL
+ "DEFINE" : DEFINE(l[2]) | NIL
+ "TRACE" : TRACE(l[2]) | NIL
+ } then {
+ if member(trace_set, string(fn)) then {
+ write("value of ",fn)
+ PRINT(value)
+ }
+ return value
+ }
+ fcn := (\words[fn]).f | return NIL
+ if type(fcn) == "list" then
+ if fcn[1] == "LAMBDA" then {
+ value := lambda(l[2:0],fcn[2],fcn[3])
+ if member(trace_set, string(fn)) then {
+ write("value of ",fn)
+ PRINT(value)
+ }
+ return value
+ }
+ else
+ return EVAL([fn])
+ return NIL
+## evlis(l) - evaluate everything in a list
+procedure evlis(l)
+local arglist, arg
+ arglist := []
+ every arg := !l do
+ put(arglist,EVAL([arg])) | fail
+ return arglist
+### Initializations
+## initialize() - set up global values
+procedure initialize()
+ words := table()
+ trace_set := set()
+ T := "T"
+ NIL := []
+### Primitive Functions
+## (CAR l)
+procedure CAR(l)
+ return glist(l[1])[1] | NIL
+## (CDR l)
+procedure CDR(l)
+ return glist(l[1])[2:0] | NIL
+## (CONS l)
+procedure CONS(l)
+ return ([l[1]]|||glist(l[2])) | NIL
+## (SET a l)
+procedure SET(l)
+ (T === ATOM([l[1]])& l[2]) | return NIL
+ /words[l[1]] := prop()
+ if type(l[2]) == "prop" then
+ return .(words[l[1]].v := l[2].v)
+ else
+ return .(words[l[1]].v := l[2])
+## (ATOM a)
+procedure ATOM(l)
+ if type(l[1]) == "list" then
+ return (*l[1] = 0 & T) | NIL
+ return T
+## (NULL l)
+procedure NULL(l)
+ return EQ([NIL,l[1]])
+## (EQ a1 a2)
+procedure EQ(l)
+ if type(l[1]) == type(l[2]) == "list" then
+ return (0 = *l[1] = *l[2] & T) | NIL
+ return (l[1] === l[2] & T) | NIL
+## (PRINT l)
+procedure PRINT(l)
+ if type(l[1]) == "prop" then
+ return PRINT([l[1].v])
+ return write(strip(ltos(l)))
+## COND(l) - support routine to eval
+# (for COND)
+procedure COND(l)
+local pair
+ every pair := !l do {
+ if type(pair) ~== "list" |
+ *pair ~= 2 then {
+ write(&errout,"COND: ill-formed pair list")
+ return NIL
+ }
+ if T === EVAL([pair[1]]) then
+ return EVAL([pair[2]])
+ }
+ return NIL
+## (TRACE l)
+procedure TRACE(l)
+ local fn
+ every fn := !l do {
+ insert(trace_set, fn)
+ }
+ return NIL
+## (UNTRACE l)
+procedure UNTRACE(l)
+ local fn
+ every fn := !l do {
+ delete(trace_set, fn)
+ }
+ return NIL
+## glist(l) - verify that l is a list
+procedure glist(l)
+ if type(l) == "list" then return l
+## (DEFINE fname definition)
+# This has been considerable rewritten (and made more difficult to use!)
+# in order to match EV-LISP syntax.
+procedure DEFINE(l)
+ local fn_def, fn_list
+ fn_list := []
+ every fn_def := !l do {
+ put(fn_list, define_fn(fn_def))
+ }
+ return fn_list
+## Define a single function (called by 'DEFINE')
+procedure define_fn(fn_def)
+ /words[fn_def[1]] := prop(NIL)
+ words[fn_def[1]].f := fn_def[2]
+ return fn_def[1]
+## lambda(actuals,formals,def)
+procedure lambda(actuals, formals, def)
+local save, act, form, pair, result, arg, i
+ save := table()
+ every arg := !formals do
+ save[arg] := \words[arg] | prop(NIL)
+ i := 0
+ every words[!formals] := (prop(actuals[i+:=1]|NIL)\1)
+ result := EVAL([def])
+ every pair := !sort(save) do
+ words[pair[1]] := pair[2]
+ return result
+# Date: June 10, 1988
+procedure getbs()
+static tmp
+ initial tmp := ("" ~== |Map(read(infile))) || " "
+ repeat {
+ while not checkbal(tmp) do {
+ if more(')','(',tmp) then break
+ tmp ||:= (("" ~== |Map(read(infile))) || " ") | break
+ }
+ suspend balstr(tmp)
+ tmp := (("" ~== |Map(read(infile))) || " ") | fail
+ }
+## checkbal(s) - quick check to see if s is
+# balanced w.r.t. parentheses
+procedure checkbal(s)
+ return (s ? 1(tab(bal()),pos(-1)))
+## more(c1,c2,s) - succeeds if any prefix of
+# s has more characters in c1 than
+# characters in c2, fails otherwise
+procedure more(c1,c2,s)
+local cnt
+ cnt := 0
+ s ? while (cnt <= 0) & not pos(0) do {
+ (any(c1) & cnt +:= 1) |
+ (any(c2) & cnt -:= 1)
+ move(1)
+ }
+ return cnt >= 0
+## balstr(s) - generate the balanced disjoint substrings
+# in s, with blanks or tabs separating words
+# errors:
+# fails when next substring cannot be balanced
+procedure balstr(s)
+static blanks
+ initial blanks := ' \t'
+ (s||" ") ? repeat {
+ tab(many(blanks))
+ if pos(0) then break
+ suspend (tab(bal(blanks))\1 |
+ {write(&errout,"ill-formed expression")
+ fail}
+ ) \ 1
+ }
+## bstol(s) - convert a balanced string into equivalent
+# list representation.
+procedure bstol(s)
+static blanks
+local l
+ initial blanks := ' \t'
+ (s||" ") ? {tab(many(blanks))
+ l := if not ="(" then s else []
+ }
+ if not string(l) then
+ every put(l,bstol(balstr(strip(s))))
+ return l
+## ltos(l) - convert a list back into a string
+procedure ltos(l)
+ local tmp
+ if type(l) ~== "list" then return l
+ if *l = 0 then return "NIL"
+ tmp := "("
+ every tmp ||:= ltos(!l) || " "
+ tmp[-1] := ")"
+ return tmp
+procedure strip(s)
+ s ?:= 2(="(", tab(bal()), =")", pos(0))
+ return s
+procedure Map(s)
+ return map(s, &lcase, &ucase)