path: root/ipl/progs/parsex.icn
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Diffstat (limited to 'ipl/progs/parsex.icn')
1 files changed, 167 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipl/progs/parsex.icn b/ipl/progs/parsex.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5efee9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/progs/parsex.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+# File: parsex.icn
+# Subject: Program to parse arithmetic expressions
+# Author: Cheyenne Wills
+# Date: June 10, 1988
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Adapted from C code written by Allen I. Holub published in the
+# Feb 1987 issue of Dr. Dobb's Journal.
+# General purpose expression analyzer. Can evaluate any expression
+# consisting of number and the following operators (listed according
+# to precedence level):
+# () - ! 'str'str'
+# * / &
+# + -
+# < <= > >= == !=
+# && ||
+# All operators associate left to right unless () are present.
+# The top - is a unary minus.
+# <expr> ::= <term> <expr1>
+# <expr1> ::= && <term> <expr1>
+# ::= || <term> <expr1>
+# ::= epsilon
+# <term> ::= <fact> <term1>
+# <term1> ::= < <fact> <term1>
+# ::= <= <fact> <term1>
+# ::= > <fact> <term1>
+# ::= >= <fact> <term1>
+# ::= == <fact> <term1>
+# ::= != <fact> <term1>
+# ::= epsilon
+# <fact> ::= <part> <fact1>
+# <fact1> ::= + <part> <fact1>
+# ::= - <part> <fact1>
+# ::= - <part> <fact1>
+# ::= epsilon
+# <part> ::= <const> <part1>
+# <part1> ::= * <const> <part1>
+# ::= / <const> <part1>
+# ::= % <const> <part1>
+# ::= epsilon
+# <const> ::= ( <expr> )
+# ::= - ( <expr> )
+# ::= - <const>
+# ::= ! <const>
+# ::= 's1's2' # compares s1 with s2 0 if ~= else 1
+# ::= NUMBER # number is a lose term any('0123456789.Ee')
+procedure main()
+ local line
+ writes("->")
+ while line := read() do {
+ write(parse(line))
+ writes("->")
+ }
+procedure parse(exp)
+ return exp ? expr()
+procedure expr(exp)
+ local lvalue
+ lvalue := term()
+ repeat {
+ tab(many(' \t'))
+ if ="&&" then lvalue := iand(term(),lvalue)
+ else if ="||" then lvalue := ior(term(),lvalue)
+ else break
+ }
+ return lvalue
+procedure term()
+ local lvalue
+ lvalue := fact()
+ repeat {
+ tab(many(' \t'))
+ if ="<=" then lvalue := if lvalue <= fact() then 1 else 0
+ else if ="<" then lvalue := if lvalue < fact() then 1 else 0
+ else if =">=" then lvalue := if lvalue >= fact() then 1 else 0
+ else if =">" then lvalue := if lvalue > fact() then 1 else 0
+ else if ="==" then lvalue := if lvalue = fact() then 1 else 0
+ else if ="!=" then lvalue := if lvalue ~= fact() then 1 else 0
+ else break
+ }
+ return lvalue
+procedure fact()
+ local lvalue
+ lvalue := part()
+ repeat {
+ tab(many(' \t'))
+ if ="+" then lvalue +:= part()
+ else if ="-" then lvalue -:= part()
+ else break
+ }
+ return lvalue
+procedure part()
+ local lvalue
+ lvalue := const()
+ repeat {
+ tab(many(' \t'))
+ if ="*" then lvalue *:= part()
+ else if ="%" then lvalue %:= part()
+ else if ="/" then lvalue /:= part()
+ else break
+ }
+ return lvalue
+procedure const()
+ local sign, logical, rval, s1, s2
+ tab(many(' \t'))
+ if ="-" then sign := -1 else sign := 1
+ if ="!" then logical := 1 else logical := &null
+ if ="(" then {
+ rval := expr()
+ if not match(")") then {
+ write(&subject)
+ write(right("",&pos-1,"_"),"^ Mis-matched parenthesis")
+ }
+ else move(1)
+ }
+ else if ="'" then {
+ s1 := tab(upto('\''))
+ move(1)
+ s2 := tab(upto('\''))
+ move(1)
+ rval := if s1 === s2 then 1 else 0
+ }
+ else {
+ rval := tab(many('0123456789.eE'))
+ }
+ if \logical then { return if rval = 0 then 1 else 0 }
+ else return rval * sign