path: root/ipl/progs/polydemo.icn
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1 files changed, 272 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipl/progs/polydemo.icn b/ipl/progs/polydemo.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d90d8f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/progs/polydemo.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+# File: polydemo.icn
+# Subject: Program to demonstrate polynomial library
+# Author: Erik Eid
+# Date: May 23, 1994
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program is an example for the use of the polystuf library. The
+# user is given a number of options that allow the creation, output,
+# deletion, or operations on up to 26 polynomials, indexed by letter.
+# Available commands:
+# (R)ead - allows input of a polynomial by giving pairs of
+# coefficients and exponents. For example, entering
+# 5, 6, 2, and 3 will create 5x^6 + 2x^3. This polynomial
+# will be stored by an index which is a lower-case letter.
+# (W)rite - outputs to the screen a chosen polynomial.
+# (A)dd - adds two polynomials and defines the sum as a third
+# (S)ubtract - subtracts two polynomials and defines the difference as
+# a third.
+# (M)ultiply - multiplies two polynomials and defines the product as a
+# third.
+# (E)valuate - gives the result of setting x in a polynomial to a value
+# (C)lear - deletes one polynomial
+# (H)elp - lists all commands
+# (Q)uit - end the demonstration
+# Links: polystuf
+link polystuf
+global filled, undefined, poly_table
+procedure main()
+local option
+ poly_table := table() # Set up a table that will hold
+ # all of the polynomials (which
+ # are tables themselves).
+ filled := "That slot is already filled!"
+ undefined := "That has not been defined!"
+ SetUpDisplay()
+ repeat {
+ ShowInUse()
+ writes ("RWASMECHQ> ")
+ option := choice(read()) # Get first letter of entry in
+ # lower-case format.
+ case option of {
+ "r": PRead()
+ "w": PWrite()
+ "a": PCalc ("+")
+ "s": PCalc ("-")
+ "m": PCalc ("*")
+ "e": PEval()
+ "c": PClear()
+ "h": ShowHelp()
+ "q": break
+ default: write ("Invalid command!")
+ }
+ write()
+ }
+procedure SetUpDisplay()
+ write (center ("Icon v8.10 Polynomial Demo", 80))
+ write()
+ ShowHelp()
+ write (repl("-", 80))
+ return
+procedure ShowHelp()
+ write (repl(" ", 10), "(R)ead (W)rite (A)dd (S)ubtract")
+ write (repl(" ", 10), "(M)ultiply (E)valuate (C)lear _
+ (H)elp (Q)uit")
+ return
+procedure ShowInUse()
+local keylist
+ keylist := list()
+ writes ("In Use:")
+ every push (keylist, key(poly_table)) # Construct a list of the keys in
+ # poly_table, corresponding to
+ # which slots are being used.
+ keylist := sort (keylist)
+ every writes (" ", !keylist)
+ write()
+ return
+procedure is_lower(c)
+ if /c then fail
+ if c == "" then fail
+ return (c >>= "a") & (c <<= "z") # Succeeds only if c is a lower-
+end # case letter.
+procedure choice(s)
+ return map(s[1], &ucase, &lcase) # Returns the first character of
+ # the given string converted to
+ # lower-case.
+procedure PRead()
+local slot, terms, c, e
+ repeat {
+ writes ("Which slot to read into? ")
+ slot := choice(read())
+ if is_lower(slot) then break
+ }
+ if member (poly_table, slot) then { # Disallow reading into an
+ write (filled) # already occupied slot.
+ fail
+ }
+ write ("Input terms as coefficient-exponent pairs. Enter 0 for")
+ write ("coefficient to stop. Entries must be numerics.")
+ terms := list()
+ repeat {
+ write()
+ repeat {
+ writes ("Coefficient> ")
+ c := read()
+ if numeric(c) then break
+ }
+ if c = 0 then break
+ repeat {
+ writes (" Exponent> ")
+ e := read()
+ if numeric(e) then break
+ }
+ put (terms, c) # This makes a list compatible
+ put (terms, e) # with the format needed by
+ # procedure poly of polystuf.
+ }
+ if *terms = 0 then terms := [0, 0] # No terms = zero polynomial.
+ poly_table[slot] := poly ! terms # Send the elements of terms as
+ # parameters to poly and store
+ # the resulting polynomial in the
+ # proper slot.
+ return
+procedure PWrite ()
+local slot
+ repeat {
+ writes ("Which polynomial to display? ")
+ slot := choice(read())
+ if is_lower(slot) then break
+ }
+ if member (poly_table, slot) then { # Make sure there is a polynomial
+ write (poly_string(poly_table[slot])) # to write!
+ return
+ }
+ else {
+ write (undefined)
+ fail
+ }
+procedure PCalc (op)
+local slot1, slot2, slot_ans, res
+ writes ("Which two polynomials to ")
+ case op of {
+ "+": write ("add? ") # Note that this procedure is
+ "-": write ("subtract? ") # used for all three operations
+ "*": write ("multiply? ") # since similar tasks, such as
+ } # checking on the status of slots,
+ # are needed for all of them.
+ repeat {
+ writes ("First: ")
+ slot1 := choice(read())
+ if is_lower(slot1) then break
+ }
+ if member (poly_table, slot1) then {
+ repeat {
+ writes ("Second: ")
+ slot2 := choice(read())
+ if is_lower(slot2) then break
+ }
+ if member (poly_table, slot2) then {
+ repeat {
+ writes ("Slot for answer: ")
+ slot_ans := choice(read())
+ if is_lower(slot_ans) then break
+ }
+ if member (poly_table, slot_ans) then {
+ write (filled)
+ fail
+ }
+ else {
+ case op of {
+ "+": {
+ res := poly_add(poly_table[slot1], poly_table[slot2])
+ writes ("Sum ")
+ }
+ "-": {
+ res := poly_sub(poly_table[slot1], poly_table[slot2])
+ writes ("Difference ")
+ }
+ "*": {
+ res := poly_mul(poly_table[slot1], poly_table[slot2])
+ writes ("Product ")
+ }
+ }
+ write ("has been defined as polynomial \"", slot_ans, "\"")
+ poly_table[slot_ans] := res
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ write (undefined)
+ fail
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ write (undefined)
+ fail
+ }
+ return
+procedure PEval ()
+local slot, x, answer
+ repeat {
+ writes ("Which polynomial to evaluate? ")
+ slot := choice(read())
+ if is_lower(slot) then break
+ }
+ if member (poly_table, slot) then {
+ repeat {
+ writes ("What positive x to evaluate at? ")
+ x := read()
+ if numeric(x) then if x > 0 then break
+ }
+ answer := poly_eval (poly_table[slot], x)
+ write ("The result is ", answer)
+ return
+ }
+ else {
+ write (undefined)
+ fail
+ }
+procedure PClear ()
+local slot
+ repeat {
+ writes ("Which polynomial to clear? ")
+ slot := choice(read())
+ if is_lower(slot) then break
+ }
+ if member (poly_table, slot) then {
+ delete (poly_table, slot)
+ return
+ }
+ else {
+ write (undefined)
+ fail
+ }