path: root/ipl/progs/press.icn
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ipl/progs/press.icn')
1 files changed, 896 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipl/progs/press.icn b/ipl/progs/press.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e703c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/progs/press.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,896 @@
+# File: press.icn
+# Subject: Program to archive files
+# Author: Robert J. Alexander
+# Date: November 14, 1991
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Besides being a useful file archiving utility, this program can be
+# used to experiment with the LZW compression process, as it contains
+# extensive tracing facilities that illustrate the process in detail.
+# Compression can be turned off if faster archiving is desired.
+# The LZW compression procedures in this program are general purpose
+# and suitable for reuse in other programs.
+# Instructions for use are summarized in "help" procedures that follow.
+# Links: options, colmize, wildcard
+link options, colmize, wildcard
+procedure Usage(s)
+ /s := ""
+ stop("\nUsage:_
+\n Compress: press -c <archive file> [<options>] [<file to compress>...]_
+\n Archive: press -a <archive file> [<options>] [<file to archive>...]_
+\n Extract: press -x <archive file> [<options>] [<file to extract>...]_
+\n Print: press -p <archive file> [<options>] [<file to print>...]_
+\n List: press -l <archive file> [<options>] [<file to list>...]_
+\n Delete: press -d <archive file> [<options>] <file to delete>..._
+\n Help: press (prints this message)_
+\n More help:press -h (prints more details)_
+\n -c perform compression into <archive file>_
+\n -a add file(s) to <archive file> in uncompressed format_
+\n -x extract (& decompress) file(s) from <archive file>_
+\n -p extract (& decompress) from <archive file> to standard output_
+\n -l list file names in <archive file>_
+\n -d delete file(s) from <archive file>_
+\n (produces new file -- old file saved with \".bak\" suffix)_
+\n Options:_
+\n -q work quietly_
+\n -t text file(s) (retrieves with correct line end format)_
+\n -n process all files in archive *except* specified files_
+\n LZW Experimentor Options:_
+\n -T produce detailed compression trace info (to standard error file)_
+\n -S maximum compression string table size_
+\n (for -c only -- default = 1024)_
+ ,s)
+procedure MoreHelp()
+ return "\n _
+ The archive (-a) option means to add the file without compression._
+\n If no files are specified to extract, print, or list, then all files_
+\n in the archive are used._
+\n UNIX-style filename wildcard conventions can be used to express_
+\n the archived file names for extract, print, list, and delete_
+\n operations. Be sure to quote names containing wildcard characters_
+\n so that they aren't expanded by the shell (if applicable)._
+\n If a <file to compress> or <file to archive> is \"-\", or if no files_
+\n are specified, standard input is archived._
+\n If <archive file> for extract, print, or list is \"-\", standard input_
+\n is the archive file._
+\n If <archive file> for compress or archive is \"-\", archive is written_
+\n to standard output._
+\n New files archived to an existing archive file are always appended,_
+\n deleting any previously archived version of the same file name._
+\n Archive files can be simply concatenated to create their union._
+\n However, if the same file exists in both archives, only the first_
+\n in the resulting file will be able to be accessed._
+\n If a \"compressed\" file turns out to be longer than the uncompressed_
+\n file (rare but possible, usually for very short files), the file will_
+\n automatically be archived in uncompressed format._
+\n A default file name suffix of \".prx\" is assumed for <archive file>_
+\n names that are specified without a suffix._
+\n LZW \"internals\" option:_
+\n If the specified maximum table size is positive, the string table is_
+\n discarded when the maximum size is reached and rebuilt (usually the_
+\n better choice). If negative, the original table is not discarded,_
+\n which might produce better results in some circumstances. This_
+\n option was provided primarily for experimentors._
+# Global variables.
+# Note: additional globals that contain option values are defined near
+# Options(), below.
+global inchars,outchars,tinchars,toutchars,lzw_recycles,
+ lzw_stringTable,rf,wf,magic,rline,wline
+# Main procedure.
+procedure main(arg)
+ local arcfile
+ #
+ # Initialize.
+ #
+ Options(arg)
+ inchars := outchars := tinchars := toutchars := lzw_recycles := 0
+ magic := "\^p\^r\^e\^s\^s\^i\^c\^n"
+ #
+ # Do requested operation.
+ #
+ arcfile :=
+ DefaultSuffix(\(compr | archive | extract | print | lister | deleter),
+ "prx") | Usage()
+ if \(compr | archive) then Archive(arcfile,arg)
+ else if \(extract | print) then Extract(arcfile,arg)
+ else if \lister then List(arcfile,arg)
+ else if \deleter then Delete(arcfile,arg)
+ return
+# Option global variables.
+global lzw_trace,maxTableSpecified,maxTableSize,print,quiet,tmode,WildMatch
+global extract,compr,archive,lister,deleter
+# Options() -- Handle command line options.
+procedure Options(arg)
+ local opt,n,x
+ opt := options(arg,"hc:a:x:p:l:d:qtTS+n")
+ if \opt["h"] then Usage(MoreHelp())
+ extract := opt["x"]
+ print := opt["p"]
+ compr := opt["c"]
+ archive := opt["a"]
+ lister := opt["l"]
+ deleter := opt["d"]
+ quiet := opt["q"]
+ tmode := if \opt["t"] then "t" else "u"
+ WildMatch := if \opt["n"] then not_wild_match else whole_wild_match
+ lzw_trace := opt["T"]
+ maxTableSpecified := opt["S"]
+ maxTableSize := \maxTableSpecified | 1024 # 10 bits default
+ n := 0
+ every x := compr | archive | extract | print | lister | deleter do
+ if \x then n +:= 1
+ if n ~= 1 then Usage()
+ return
+# Archive() -- Do archiving.
+procedure Archive(arcfile,arg)
+ local fn,addr,realLen,maxT,length,addr2,deleteFiles,new_data_start
+ #
+ # Confirm options and open the archive file.
+ #
+ if *arg = 0 | WildMatch === not_wild_match then Usage()
+ if ("" | "-") ~== arcfile then {
+ if wf := open(arcfile,"ru") then {
+ if not (reads(wf,*magic) == magic) then {
+ stop("Invalid archive file ",arcfile)
+ }
+ close(wf)
+ }
+ wf := open(arcfile,"bu" | "wu") | stop("Can't open archive file ",arcfile)
+ if tmode == "t" then rline := "\n"
+ seek(wf,0)
+ if where(wf) = 1 then writes(wf,magic)
+ }
+ else {
+ wf := &output
+ arcfile := "stdout"
+ }
+ new_data_start := where(wf)
+ ## if /quiet then
+ ## write(&errout,"New data starting at byte ",new_data_start," of ",arcfile)
+ #
+ # Loop to process files on command line.
+ #
+ if *arg = 0 then arg := ["-"]
+ deleteFiles := []
+ every fn := !arg do {
+ if fn === arcfile then next
+ if /quiet then
+ writes(&errout,"File \"",fn,"\" -- ")
+ rf := if fn ~== "-" then open(fn,tmode) | &null else &input
+ if /rf then {
+ if /quiet then
+ write(&errout,"Can't open input file \"",fn,"\" -- skipped")
+ next
+ }
+ put(deleteFiles,fn)
+ WriteString(wf,Tail(fn))
+ addr := where(rf)
+ seek(rf,0)
+ realLen := where(rf) - 1
+ WriteInteger(wf,realLen)
+ seek(rf,addr)
+ if /quiet then
+ writes(&errout,"Length: ",realLen)
+ addr := where(wf)
+ WriteInteger(wf,0)
+ writes(wf,"\1") # write a compression version string
+ if \compr then {
+ WriteInteger(wf,maxTableSize)
+ maxT := Compress(R,W,maxTableSize)
+ length := outchars + 4
+ if /quiet then
+ writes(&errout," Compressed: ",length," ",
+ Percent(realLen - outchars,realLen))
+ }
+ #
+ # If compressed file is larger than original, just copy the original.
+ #
+ if \archive | length > realLen then {
+ if /quiet then
+ writes(&errout," -- Archived uncompressed")
+ seek(wf,addr + 4)
+ writes(wf,"\0") # write a zero version string for uncompressed
+ seek(rf,1)
+ CopyFile(rf,wf)
+ inchars := outchars := length := realLen
+ maxT := 0
+ lzw_stringTable := ""
+ }
+ if /quiet then
+ write(&errout)
+ close(rf)
+ addr2 := where(wf)
+ seek(wf,addr)
+ WriteInteger(wf,length)
+ seek(wf,addr2)
+ if /quiet then
+ Stats(maxT)
+ }
+ close(wf)
+ if /quiet then
+ if *arg > 1 then FinalStats()
+ Delete(arcfile,deleteFiles,new_data_start)
+ return
+# Extract() -- Extract a file from the archive.
+procedure Extract(arcfile,arg)
+ local fileSet,wfn,realLen,cmprLen,maxT,version,theArg
+ if \maxTableSpecified then Usage()
+ rf := OpenReadArchive(arcfile)
+ arcfile := rf[2]
+ rf := rf[1]
+ if *arg > 0 then fileSet := set(arg)
+ #
+ # Process input file.
+ #
+ while wfn := ReadString(rf) do {
+ (realLen := ReadInteger(rf) &
+ cmprLen := ReadInteger(rf) &
+ version := ord(reads(rf))) |
+ stop("Bad format in compressed file")
+ if /quiet then
+ writes(&errout,"File \"",wfn,"\" -- length: ",realLen,
+ " compressed: ",cmprLen," bytes -- ")
+ if /fileSet | WildMatch(theArg := !arg,wfn) then {
+ delete(\fileSet,theArg)
+ if not version = (0 | 1) then {
+ if /quiet then
+ write(&errout,"can't handle this compression type (",version,
+ ") -- skipped")
+ seek(rf,where(rf) + cmprLen)
+ }
+ else {
+ if /quiet then
+ write(&errout,"extracted")
+ if /print then {
+ wf := open(wfn,"w" || tmode) | &null
+ if /wf then {
+ if /quiet then
+ write(&errout,"Can't open output file \"",wfn,
+ "\" -- quitting")
+ exit(1)
+ }
+ }
+ else wf := &output
+ if version = 1 then {
+ maxT := ReadInteger(rf) |
+ stop("Error in archive file format: ","table size missing")
+ Decompress(R,W,maxT)
+ }
+ else {
+ maxT := 0
+ CopyFile(rf,wf,cmprLen)
+ outchars := inchars := realLen
+ }
+ close(&output ~=== wf)
+ if /quiet then
+ Stats(maxT)
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if /quiet then
+ write(&errout,"skipped")
+ seek(rf,where(rf) + cmprLen)
+ }
+ }
+ close(rf)
+ FilesNotFound(fileSet)
+ return
+# List() -- Skip through the archive, extracting info about files,
+# then list in columns.
+procedure List(arcfile,arg)
+ local fileSet,flist,wfn,realLen,cmprLen,version,theArg
+ if \maxTableSpecified then Usage()
+ rf := OpenReadArchive(arcfile)
+ arcfile := rf[2]
+ rf := rf[1]
+ write(&errout,"Archive file ",arcfile,":")
+ if *arg > 0 then fileSet := set(arg)
+ #
+ # Process input file.
+ #
+ flist := []
+ while wfn := ReadString(rf) do {
+ (realLen := ReadInteger(rf) &
+ cmprLen := ReadInteger(rf) &
+ version := ord(reads(rf))) |
+ stop("Bad format in compressed file")
+ if /fileSet | WildMatch(theArg := !arg,wfn) then {
+ delete(\fileSet,theArg)
+ put(flist,"\"" || wfn || "\" " || realLen || "->" || cmprLen)
+ tinchars +:= realLen
+ toutchars +:= cmprLen
+ }
+ seek(rf,where(rf) + cmprLen)
+ }
+ close(rf)
+ every write(&errout,colmize(sort(flist)))
+ FilesNotFound(fileSet)
+ FinalStats()
+ return
+# Delete() -- Delete a file from the archive.
+procedure Delete(arcfile,arg,new_data_start)
+ local workfn,workf,fileSet,wfn,realLen,cmprLen,bakfn,deletedFiles,
+ head,version,hdrLen,theArg
+ if *arg = 0 | (\deleter & \maxTableSpecified) then Usage()
+ rf := OpenReadArchive(arcfile)
+ arcfile := rf[2]
+ rf := rf[1]
+ workfn := Root(arcfile) || ".wrk"
+ workf := open(workfn,"wu") | stop("Can't open work file ",workfn)
+ writes(workf,magic)
+ fileSet := set(arg)
+ #
+ # Process input file.
+ #
+ deletedFiles := 0
+ head := if \deleter then "File" else "Replaced file"
+ while not (\new_data_start <= where(rf)) & wfn := ReadString(rf) do {
+ (realLen := ReadInteger(rf) &
+ cmprLen := ReadInteger(rf) &
+ version := ord(reads(rf))) |
+ stop("Bad format in compressed file")
+ if /quiet then
+ writes(&errout,head," \"",wfn,"\" -- length: ",realLen,
+ " compressed: ",cmprLen," bytes -- ")
+ if WildMatch(theArg := !arg,wfn) then {
+ deletedFiles +:= 1
+ delete(fileSet,theArg)
+ if /quiet then
+ write(&errout,"deleted")
+ seek(rf,where(rf) + cmprLen)
+ }
+ else {
+ if /quiet then
+ write(&errout,"kept")
+ hdrLen := *wfn + 10
+ seek(rf,where(rf) - hdrLen)
+ CopyFile(rf,workf,cmprLen + hdrLen)
+ }
+ }
+ if deletedFiles > 0 then {
+ CopyFile(rf,workf)
+ every close(workf | rf)
+ if (rf ~=== &input) then {
+ bakfn := Root(arcfile) || ".bak"
+ remove(bakfn)
+ rename(arcfile,bakfn) | stop("Couldn't rename ",arcfile," to ",bakfn)
+ }
+ rename(workfn,arcfile) | stop("Couldn't rename ",workfn," to ",arcfile)
+ }
+ else {
+ every close(workf | rf)
+ remove(workfn)
+ }
+ if \deleter then FilesNotFound(fileSet)
+ return
+# OpenReadArchive() -- Open an archive for reading.
+procedure OpenReadArchive(arcfile)
+ local rf
+ rf := if ("" | "-") ~== arcfile then
+ open(arcfile,"ru") | stop("Can't open archive file ",arcfile)
+ else {
+ arcfile := "stdin"
+ &input
+ }
+ if reads(rf,*magic) ~== magic then stop("Invalid archive file ",arcfile)
+ if tmode == "t" then wline := "\x0a"
+ return [rf,arcfile]
+# FilesNotFound() -- List the files remaining in "fileSet".
+procedure FilesNotFound(fileSet)
+ return if *\fileSet > 0 then {
+ write(&errout,"\nFiles not found:")
+ every write(&errout," ",colmize(sort(fileSet),78))
+ &null
+ }
+# Stats() -- Print stats after a file.
+procedure Stats(maxTableSize)
+ #
+ # Write statistics
+ #
+ if \lzw_trace then write(&errout,
+ " table size = ",*lzw_stringTable,"/",maxTableSize,
+ " (recycles: ",lzw_recycles,")")
+ tinchars +:= inchars
+ toutchars +:= outchars
+ inchars := outchars := lzw_recycles := 0
+ return
+# FinalStats() -- Print final stats.
+procedure FinalStats()
+ #
+ # Write final statistics
+ #
+ write(&errout,"\nTotals: ",
+ "\n input: ",tinchars,
+ "\n output: ",toutchars,
+ "\n compression: ",Percent(tinchars - toutchars,tinchars) | "",
+ "\n")
+ return
+# WriteInteger() -- Write a 4-byte binary integer to "f".
+procedure WriteInteger(f,i)
+ local s
+ s := ""
+ every 1 to 4 do {
+ s := char(i % 256) || s
+ i /:= 256
+ }
+ return writes(f,s)
+# ReadInteger() -- Read a 4-byte binary integer from "f".
+procedure ReadInteger(f)
+ local s,v
+ s := reads(f,4) | fail
+ if *s < 4 then
+ stop("Error in archive file format: ","bad integer")
+ v := 0
+ s ? while v := v * 256 + ord(move(1))
+ return v
+# WriteString() -- Write a string preceded by a length byte to "f".
+procedure WriteString(f,s)
+ return writes(f,char(*s),s)
+# ReadString() -- Read a string preceded by a length byte from "f".
+procedure ReadString(f)
+ local len,s
+ len := ord(reads(f)) | fail
+ s := reads(f,len)
+ if *s < len then
+ stop("Error in archive file format: ","bad string")
+ return s
+# CopyFile() -- Copy a file.
+procedure CopyFile(rf,wf,len)
+ local s
+ if /len then {
+ while writes(wf,s := reads(rf,1000))
+ }
+ else {
+ while len > 1000 & writes(wf,s := reads(rf,1000)) do len -:= *s
+ writes(wf,s := reads(rf,len)) & len -:= *s
+ }
+ return len
+# Percent() -- Format a rational number "n"/"d" as a percentage.
+procedure Percent(n,d)
+ local sign,whole,fraction
+ n / (0.0 ~= d) ? {
+ sign := ="-" | ""
+ whole := tab(find("."))
+ move(1)
+ fraction := tab(0)
+ }
+ return (\sign || ("0" ~== whole | "") ||
+ (if whole == "0" then integer else 1)(left(fraction,2,"0")) | "--") ||
+ "%"
+# R() -- Read-a-character procedure.
+procedure R()
+ local c
+ c := reads(rf) | fail
+ inchars +:= 1
+ if c === rline then c := "\x0a"
+ return c
+# W() -- Write-characters procedure.
+procedure W(s)
+ local i
+ every i := find(\wline,s) do s[i] := "\n"
+ outchars +:= *s
+ return writes(wf,s)
+# Tail() -- Return the file name portion (minus the path) of a
+# qualified file name.
+procedure Tail(fn)
+ local i
+ i := 0
+ every i := upto('/\\:',fn)
+ return .fn[i + 1:0]
+# Root() -- Return the root portion (minus the suffix) of a file name.
+procedure Root(fn)
+ local i
+ i := 0
+ every i := find(".",fn)
+ return .fn[1:i]
+procedure DefaultSuffix(fn,suf)
+ local i
+ return fn || "." || suf
+# Compress() -- LZW compression
+# Arguments:
+# inproc a procedure that returns a single character from
+# the input stream.
+# outproc a procedure that writes a single character (its
+# argument) to the output stream.
+# maxTableSize the maximum size to which the string table
+# is allowed to grow before something is done about it.
+# If the size is positive, the table is discarded and
+# a new one started. If negative, it is retained, but
+# no new entries are added.
+procedure Compress(inproc,outproc,maxTableSize)
+ local EOF,c,charTable,junk1,junk2,outcode,s,t,tossTable,x
+ #
+ # Initialize.
+ #
+ /maxTableSize := 1024 # default 10 "bits"
+ tossTable := maxTableSize
+ /lzw_recycles := 0
+ if maxTableSize < 0 then maxTableSize := -maxTableSize
+ charTable := table()
+ every c := !&cset do charTable[c] := ord(c)
+ EOF := charTable[*charTable] := *charTable # reserve code=256 for EOF
+ lzw_stringTable := copy(charTable)
+ #
+ # Compress the input stream.
+ #
+ s := inproc() | return maxTableSize
+ if \lzw_trace then {
+ write(&errout,"\nInput string\tOutput code\tNew table entry")
+ writes(&errout,"\"",image(s)[2:-1])
+ }
+ while c := inproc() do {
+ if \lzw_trace then
+ writes(&errout,image(c)[2:-1])
+ if \lzw_stringTable[t := s || c] then s := t
+ else {
+ Compress_output(outproc,junk2 := lzw_stringTable[s],
+ junk1 := *lzw_stringTable)
+ if *lzw_stringTable < maxTableSize then
+ lzw_stringTable[t] := *lzw_stringTable
+ else if tossTable >= 0 then {
+ lzw_stringTable := copy(charTable)
+ lzw_recycles +:= 1
+ }
+ if \lzw_trace then
+ writes(&errout,"\"\t\t",
+ image(char(*&cset > junk2) | junk2),
+ "(",junk1,")\t\t",lzw_stringTable[t]," = ",image(t),"\n\"")
+ s := c
+ }
+ }
+ Compress_output(outproc,junk2 := lzw_stringTable[s],
+ junk1 := *lzw_stringTable)
+ if *lzw_stringTable < maxTableSize then
+ {}
+ else if tossTable >= 0 then {
+ lzw_stringTable := copy(charTable)
+ lzw_recycles +:= 1
+ }
+ if \lzw_trace then
+ writes(&errout,"\"\t\t",
+ image(char(*&cset > junk2) | junk2),"(",junk1,")\n")
+ Compress_output(outproc,EOF,*lzw_stringTable)
+ if \lzw_trace then write(&errout,"\"\t\t",EOF)
+ Compress_output(outproc)
+ return maxTableSize
+procedure Compress_output(outproc,code,stringTableSize)
+ local outcode
+ static max,bits,buffer,bufferbits,lastSize
+ #
+ # Initialize.
+ #
+ initial {
+ lastSize := 1000000
+ buffer := bufferbits := 0
+ }
+ #
+ # If this is "close" call, flush buffer and reinitialize.
+ #
+ if /code then {
+ outcode := &null
+ if bufferbits > 0 then
+ outproc(char(outcode := ishift(buffer,8 - bufferbits)))
+ lastSize := 1000000
+ buffer := bufferbits := 0
+ return outcode
+ }
+ #
+ # Expand output code size if necessary.
+ #
+ if stringTableSize < lastSize then {
+ max := 1
+ bits := 0
+ }
+ while stringTableSize > max do {
+ max *:= 2
+ bits +:= 1
+ }
+ lastSize := stringTableSize
+ #
+ # Merge new code into buffer.
+ #
+ buffer := ior(ishift(buffer,bits),code)
+ bufferbits +:= bits
+ #
+ # Output bits.
+ #
+ while bufferbits >= 8 do {
+ outproc(char(outcode := ishift(buffer,8 - bufferbits)))
+ buffer := ixor(buffer,ishift(outcode,bufferbits - 8))
+ bufferbits -:= 8
+ }
+ return outcode
+# Decompress() -- LZW decompression of compressed stream created
+# by Compress()
+# Arguments:
+# inproc a procedure that returns a single character from
+# the input stream.
+# outproc a procedure that writes a single character (its
+# argument) to the output stream.
+procedure Decompress(inproc,outproc,maxTableSize)
+ local EOF,c,charSize,code,i,new_code,old_strg,
+ strg,tossTable
+ #
+ # Initialize.
+ #
+ /maxTableSize := 1024 # default 10 "bits"
+ tossTable := maxTableSize
+ /lzw_recycles := 0
+ if maxTableSize < 0 then maxTableSize := -maxTableSize
+ maxTableSize -:= 1
+ lzw_stringTable := list(*&cset)
+ every i := 1 to *lzw_stringTable do lzw_stringTable[i] := char(i - 1)
+ put(lzw_stringTable,EOF := *lzw_stringTable) # reserve code=256 for EOF
+ charSize := *lzw_stringTable
+ if \lzw_trace then
+ write(&errout,"\nInput code\tOutput string\tNew table entry")
+ #
+ # Decompress the input stream.
+ #
+ while old_strg :=
+ lzw_stringTable[Decompress_read_code(inproc,
+ *lzw_stringTable,EOF) + 1] do {
+ if \lzw_trace then
+ write(&errout,image(old_strg),"(",*lzw_stringTable,")",
+ "\t",image(old_strg))
+ outproc(old_strg)
+ c := old_strg[1]
+ (while new_code := Decompress_read_code(inproc,
+ *lzw_stringTable + 1,EOF) do {
+ strg := lzw_stringTable[new_code + 1] | old_strg || c
+ outproc(strg)
+ c := strg[1]
+ if \lzw_trace then
+ write(&errout,image(char(*&cset > new_code) \ 1 | new_code),
+ "(",*lzw_stringTable + 1,")","\t",
+ image(strg),"\t\t",
+ *lzw_stringTable," = ",image(old_strg || c))
+ if *lzw_stringTable < maxTableSize then
+ put(lzw_stringTable,old_strg || c)
+ else if tossTable >= 0 then {
+ lzw_stringTable := lzw_stringTable[1:charSize + 1]
+ lzw_recycles +:= 1
+ break
+ }
+ old_strg := strg
+ }) | break # exit outer loop if this loop completed
+ }
+ Decompress_read_code()
+ return maxTableSize
+procedure Decompress_read_code(inproc,stringTableSize,EOF)
+ local code
+ static max,bits,buffer,bufferbits,lastSize
+ #
+ # Initialize.
+ #
+ initial {
+ lastSize := 1000000
+ buffer := bufferbits := 0
+ }
+ #
+ # Reinitialize if called with no arguments.
+ #
+ if /inproc then {
+ lastSize := 1000000
+ buffer := bufferbits := 0
+ return
+ }
+ #
+ # Expand code size if necessary.
+ #
+ if stringTableSize < lastSize then {
+ max := 1
+ bits := 0
+ }
+ while stringTableSize > max do {
+ max *:= 2
+ bits +:= 1
+ }
+ #
+ # Read in more data if necessary.
+ #
+ while bufferbits < bits do {
+ buffer := ior(ishift(buffer,8),ord(inproc())) |
+ stop("Premature end of file")
+ bufferbits +:= 8
+ }
+ #
+ # Extract code from buffer and return.
+ #
+ code := ishift(buffer,bits - bufferbits)
+ buffer := ixor(buffer,ishift(code,bufferbits - bits))
+ bufferbits -:= bits
+ return EOF ~= code
+procedure whole_wild_match(p,s)
+ return wild_match(p,s) > *s
+procedure not_wild_match(p,s)
+ return not (wild_match(p,s) > *s)