path: root/src/runtime/init.r
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/runtime/init.r')
1 files changed, 1118 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/runtime/init.r b/src/runtime/init.r
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..248bda8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/runtime/init.r
@@ -0,0 +1,1118 @@
+ * File: init.r
+ * Initialization, termination, and such.
+ * Contents: readhdr, init/icon_init, envset, env_err, env_int,
+ * fpe_trap, inttrag, segvtrap, error, syserr, c_exit, err,
+ * fatalerr, pstrnmcmp, datainit, [loadicode, savepstate, loadpstate]
+ */
+static void env_err (char *msg, char *name, char *val);
+FILE *pathOpen (char *fname, char *mode);
+ #include "../h/header.h"
+ static FILE *readhdr(char *name, struct header *hdr);
+ #passthru #define OpDef(p,n,s,u) int Cat(O,p) (dptr cargp);
+ #passthru #include "../h/odefs.h"
+ #passthru #undef OpDef
+ /*
+ * External declarations for operator blocks.
+ */
+ #passthru #define OpDef(f,nargs,sname,underef)\
+ {\
+ T_Proc,\
+ Vsizeof(struct b_proc),\
+ Cat(O,f),\
+ nargs,\
+ -1,\
+ underef,\
+ 0,\
+ {{sizeof(sname)-1,sname}}},
+ #passthru static B_IProc(2) init_op_tbl[] = {
+ #passthru #include "../h/odefs.h"
+ #passthru };
+ #undef OpDef
+#endif /* !COMPILER */
+#ifdef WinGraphics
+ static void MSStartup(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance);
+#endif /* WinGraphics */
+ * A number of important variables follow.
+ */
+char *prog_name; /* name of icode file */
+int line_info; /* flag: line information is available */
+char *file_name = NULL; /* source file for current execution point */
+int line_num = 0; /* line number for current execution point */
+struct b_proc *op_tbl; /* operators available for string invocation */
+extern struct errtab errtab[]; /* error numbers and messages */
+word mstksize = MStackSize; /* initial size of main stack */
+word stksize = StackSize; /* co-expression stack size */
+int k_level = 0; /* &level */
+#ifndef MultiThread
+ struct descrip k_main; /* &main */
+#endif /* MultiThread */
+int ixinited = 0; /* set-up switch */
+char *currend = NULL; /* current end of memory region */
+word qualsize = QualLstSize; /* size of quallist for fixed regions */
+word memcushion = RegionCushion; /* memory region cushion factor */
+word memgrowth = RegionGrowth; /* memory region growth factor */
+uword stattotal = 0; /* cumulative total static allocation */
+#ifndef MultiThread
+ uword strtotal = 0; /* cumulative total string allocation */
+ uword blktotal = 0; /* cumulative total block allocation */
+#endif /* MultiThread */
+int dodump; /* if nonzero, core dump on error */
+int noerrbuf; /* if nonzero, do not buffer stderr */
+struct descrip maps2; /* second cached argument of map */
+struct descrip maps3; /* third cached argument of map */
+#ifndef MultiThread
+ struct descrip k_current; /* current expression stack pointer */
+ int k_errornumber = 0; /* &errornumber */
+ char *k_errortext = ""; /* &errortext */
+ struct descrip k_errorvalue; /* &errorvalue */
+ int have_errval = 0; /* &errorvalue has legal value */
+ int t_errornumber = 0; /* tentative k_errornumber value */
+ int t_have_val = 0; /* tentative have_errval flag */
+ struct descrip t_errorvalue; /* tentative k_errorvalue value */
+#endif /* MultiThread */
+struct b_coexpr *stklist; /* base of co-expression block list */
+struct tend_desc *tend = NULL; /* chain of tended descriptors */
+struct region rootstring, rootblock;
+#ifndef MultiThread
+ dptr glbl_argp = NULL; /* argument pointer */
+ dptr globals, eglobals; /* pointer to global variables */
+ dptr gnames, egnames; /* pointer to global variable names */
+ dptr estatics; /* pointer to end of static variables */
+ struct region *curstring, *curblock;
+ int n_globals = 0; /* number of globals */
+ int n_statics = 0; /* number of statics */
+ #endif /* !COMPILER */
+#endif /* MultiThread */
+ struct p_frame *pfp = NULL; /* procedure frame pointer */
+ int debug_info; /* flag: is debugging information available */
+ int err_conv; /* flag: is error conversion supported */
+ int largeints; /* flag: large integers are supported */
+ struct b_coexpr *mainhead; /* &main */
+#else /* COMPILER */
+ int debug_info=1; /* flag: debugging information IS available */
+ int err_conv=1; /* flag: error conversion IS supported */
+ int op_tbl_sz = (sizeof(init_op_tbl) / sizeof(struct b_proc));
+ struct pf_marker *pfp = NULL; /* Procedure frame pointer */
+ #ifdef MultiThread
+ struct progstate *curpstate; /* lastop accessed in program state */
+ struct progstate rootpstate;
+ #else /* MultiThread */
+ struct b_coexpr *mainhead; /* &main */
+ char *code; /* interpreter code buffer */
+ char *ecode; /* end of interpreter code buffer */
+ word *records; /* pointer to record procedure blocks */
+ int *ftabp; /* pointer to record/field table */
+ #ifdef FieldTableCompression
+ word ftabwidth; /* field table entry width */
+ word foffwidth; /* field offset entry width */
+ unsigned char *ftabcp, *focp; /* pointers to record/field table */
+ short *ftabsp, *fosp; /* pointers to record/field table */
+ int *fo; /* field offset (row in field table) */
+ char *bm; /* bitmap array of valid field bits */
+ #endif /* FieldTableCompression */
+ dptr fnames, efnames; /* pointer to field names */
+ dptr statics; /* pointer to static variables */
+ char *strcons; /* pointer to string constant table */
+ struct ipc_fname *filenms, *efilenms; /* pointer to ipc/file name table */
+ struct ipc_line *ilines, *elines; /* pointer to ipc/line number table */
+ #endif /* MultiThread */
+ #ifdef TallyOpt
+ word tallybin[16]; /* counters for tallying */
+ int tallyopt = 0; /* want tally results output? */
+ #endif /* TallyOpt */
+ word *stack; /* Interpreter stack */
+ word *stackend; /* End of interpreter stack */
+#endif /* COMPILER */
+ * Open the icode file and read the header.
+ * Used by icon_init() as well as MultiThread's loadicode()
+ */
+static FILE *readhdr(name,hdr)
+char *name;
+struct header *hdr;
+ {
+ FILE *fname = NULL;
+ int n;
+ struct fileparts fp;
+ if (!name)
+ error(name, "No interpreter file supplied");
+ /*
+ * Try adding the suffix if the file name doesn't end in it.
+ */
+ n = strlen(name);
+ fp = *fparse(name);
+ if ( IcodeSuffix[0] != '\0' && strcmp(fp.ext,IcodeSuffix) != 0
+ && ( IcodeASuffix[0] == '\0' || strcmp(fp.ext,IcodeASuffix) != 0 ) ) {
+ char tname[100], ext[50];
+ if (n + strlen(IcodeSuffix) + 1 > 100)
+ error(name, "icode file name too long");
+ strcpy(ext,fp.ext);
+ strcat(ext,IcodeSuffix);
+ makename(tname,NULL,name,ext);
+ #if MSWIN
+ fname = pathOpen(tname,"rb"); /* try to find path */
+ #else /* MSWIN */
+ fname = fopen(tname, "rb");
+ #endif /* MSWIN */
+ }
+ if (fname == NULL) /* try the name as given */
+ #if MSWIN
+ fname = pathOpen(name, "rb");
+ #else /* MSWIN */
+ fname = fopen(name, "rb");
+ #endif /* MSWIN */
+ if (fname == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ {
+ static char errmsg[] = "can't read interpreter file header";
+#ifdef BinaryHeader
+ if (fseek(fname, (long)MaxHdr, 0) == -1)
+ error(name, errmsg);
+#else /* BinaryHeader */
+ char buf[200];
+ for (;;) {
+ if (fgets(buf, sizeof buf-1, fname) == NULL)
+ error(name, errmsg);
+ if (strncmp(buf, "[executable Icon binary follows]", 32) == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ while ((n = getc(fname)) != EOF && n != '\f') /* read thru \f\n\0 */
+ ;
+ getc(fname);
+ getc(fname);
+#endif /* BinaryHeader */
+ if (fread((char *)hdr, sizeof(char), sizeof(*hdr), fname) != sizeof(*hdr))
+ error(name, errmsg);
+ }
+ return fname;
+ }
+#endif /* !COMPILER */
+ * init/icon_init - initialize memory and prepare for Icon execution.
+ */
+ struct header hdr;
+#endif /* !COMPILER */
+ void init(name, argcp, argv, trc_init)
+ char *name;
+ int *argcp;
+ char *argv[];
+ int trc_init;
+#else /* COMPILER */
+ void icon_init(name, argcp, argv)
+ char *name;
+ int *argcp;
+ char *argv[];
+#endif /* COMPILER */
+ {
+ int delete_icode = 0;
+ FILE *fname = NULL;
+ word cbread, longread();
+#endif /* COMPILER */
+ prog_name = name; /* Set icode file name */
+#ifdef WinGraphics
+ {
+ /*
+ * Initialize windows stuff.
+ */
+ GetStartupInfo(&si);
+ ncmdShow = si.wShowWindow;
+ if ( ncmdShow == SW_HIDE )
+ /* Started from command line, show normal windows in this case. */
+ ncmdShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL;
+ mswinInstance = GetModuleHandle( NULL );
+ MSStartup( mswinInstance, NULL );
+ }
+#endif /* WinGraphics */
+ /*
+ * Look for environment variable ICODE_TEMP=xxxxx:yyyyy as a message
+ * from icont to delete icode file xxxxx and to use yyyyy for &progname.
+ * (This is used with Unix "#!" script files written in Icon.)
+ */
+ {
+ char *itval = getenv("ICODE_TEMP");
+ int nlen = strlen(name);
+ if (itval != NULL && itval[nlen] == ':' && strncmp(name,itval,nlen)==0) {
+ delete_icode = 1;
+ prog_name = itval + nlen + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ curstring = &rootstring;
+ curblock = &rootblock;
+ rootstring.size = MaxStrSpace;
+ rootblock.size = MaxAbrSize;
+#else /* COMPILER */
+#ifdef MultiThread
+ /*
+ * initialize root pstate
+ */
+ curpstate = &rootpstate;
+ rootpstate.parentdesc = nulldesc;
+ rootpstate.eventmask= nulldesc;
+ rootpstate.opcodemask = nulldesc;
+ rootpstate.eventcode= nulldesc;
+ rootpstate.eventval = nulldesc;
+ rootpstate.eventsource = nulldesc;
+ rootpstate.Glbl_argp = NULL;
+ MakeInt(0, &(rootpstate.Kywd_err));
+ MakeInt(1, &(rootpstate.Kywd_pos));
+ StrLen(rootpstate.ksub) = 0;
+ StrLoc(rootpstate.ksub) = "";
+ MakeInt(hdr.trace, &(rootpstate.Kywd_trc));
+ StrLen(rootpstate.Kywd_prog) = strlen(prog_name);
+ StrLoc(rootpstate.Kywd_prog) = prog_name;
+ MakeInt(0, &(rootpstate.Kywd_ran));
+ rootpstate.K_errornumber = 0;
+ rootpstate.T_errornumber = 0;
+ rootpstate.Have_errval = 0;
+ rootpstate.T_have_val = 0;
+ rootpstate.K_errortext = "";
+ rootpstate.K_errorvalue = nulldesc;
+ rootpstate.T_errorvalue = nulldesc;
+#ifdef Graphics
+ MakeInt(0,&(rootpstate.AmperX));
+ MakeInt(0,&(rootpstate.AmperY));
+ MakeInt(0,&(rootpstate.AmperRow));
+ MakeInt(0,&(rootpstate.AmperCol));
+ MakeInt(0,&(rootpstate.AmperInterval));
+ rootpstate.LastEventWin = nulldesc;
+ rootpstate.Kywd_xwin[XKey_Window] = nulldesc;
+#endif /* Graphics */
+ rootpstate.Coexp_ser = 2;
+ rootpstate.List_ser = 1;
+ rootpstate.Set_ser = 1;
+ rootpstate.Table_ser = 1;
+ rootpstate.stringregion = &rootstring;
+ rootpstate.blockregion = &rootblock;
+#else /* MultiThread */
+ curstring = &rootstring;
+ curblock = &rootblock;
+#endif /* MultiThread */
+ rootstring.size = MaxStrSpace;
+ rootblock.size = MaxAbrSize;
+#endif /* COMPILER */
+ op_tbl = (struct b_proc*)init_op_tbl;
+#endif /* !COMPILER */
+#ifdef Double
+ if (sizeof(struct size_dbl) != sizeof(double))
+ syserr("Icon configuration does not handle double alignment");
+#endif /* Double */
+ /*
+ * Catch floating-point traps and memory faults.
+ */
+ signal(SIGFPE, fpetrap);
+ signal(SIGSEGV, segvtrap);
+ /*
+ * Initialize data that can't be initialized statically.
+ */
+ datainit();
+ IntVal(kywd_trc) = trc_init;
+ #else /* COMPILER */
+ fname = readhdr(name,&hdr);
+ if (fname == NULL)
+ error(name, "cannot open interpreter file");
+ k_trace = hdr.trace;
+ #endif /* COMPILER */
+ /*
+ * Examine the environment and make appropriate settings. [[I?]]
+ */
+ envset();
+ /*
+ * Convert stack sizes from words to bytes.
+ */
+ stksize *= WordSize;
+ mstksize *= WordSize;
+ /*
+ * Allocate memory for various regions.
+ */
+ initalloc();
+#else /* COMPILER */
+#ifdef MultiThread
+ initalloc(hdr.hsize,&rootpstate);
+#else /* MultiThread */
+ initalloc(hdr.hsize);
+#endif /* MultiThread */
+#endif /* COMPILER */
+ /*
+ * Establish pointers to icode data regions. [[I?]]
+ */
+ ecode = code + hdr.Records;
+ records = (word *)ecode;
+ ftabp = (int *)(code + hdr.Ftab);
+#ifdef FieldTableCompression
+ fo = (int *)(code + hdr.Fo);
+ focp = (unsigned char *)(fo);
+ fosp = (short *)(fo);
+ if (hdr.FoffWidth == 1) {
+ bm = (char *)(focp + hdr.Nfields);
+ }
+ else if (hdr.FoffWidth == 2) {
+ bm = (char *)(fosp + hdr.Nfields);
+ }
+ else
+ bm = (char *)(fo + hdr.Nfields);
+ ftabwidth = hdr.FtabWidth;
+ foffwidth = hdr.FoffWidth;
+ ftabcp = (unsigned char *)(code + hdr.Ftab);
+ ftabsp = (short *)(code + hdr.Ftab);
+#endif /* FieldTableCompression */
+ fnames = (dptr)(code + hdr.Fnames);
+ globals = efnames = (dptr)(code + hdr.Globals);
+ gnames = eglobals = (dptr)(code + hdr.Gnames);
+ statics = egnames = (dptr)(code + hdr.Statics);
+ estatics = (dptr)(code + hdr.Filenms);
+ filenms = (struct ipc_fname *)estatics;
+ efilenms = (struct ipc_fname *)(code + hdr.linenums);
+ ilines = (struct ipc_line *)efilenms;
+ elines = (struct ipc_line *)(code + hdr.Strcons);
+ strcons = (char *)elines;
+ n_globals = eglobals - globals;
+ n_statics = estatics - statics;
+#endif /* COMPILER */
+ /*
+ * Allocate stack and initialize &main.
+ */
+ mainhead = (struct b_coexpr *)malloc(sizeof(struct b_coexpr));
+#else /* COMPILER */
+ stack = (word *)malloc(mstksize);
+ mainhead = (struct b_coexpr *)stack;
+#endif /* COMPILER */
+ if (mainhead == NULL)
+ err_msg(305, NULL);
+#else /* COMPILER */
+ fatalerr(303, NULL);
+#endif /* COMPILER */
+ mainhead->title = T_Coexpr;
+ mainhead->id = 1;
+ mainhead->size = 1; /* pretend main() does an activation */
+ mainhead->nextstk = NULL;
+ mainhead->es_tend = NULL;
+ mainhead->freshblk = nulldesc; /* &main has no refresh block. */
+ /* This really is a bug. */
+#ifdef MultiThread
+ mainhead->program = &rootpstate;
+#endif /* MultiThread */
+ mainhead->file_name = "";
+ mainhead->line_num = 0;
+#endif /* COMPILER */
+#ifdef Coexpr
+ Protect(mainhead->es_actstk = alcactiv(), fatalerr(0,NULL));
+ pushact(mainhead, mainhead);
+#endif /* Coexpr */
+ /*
+ * Point &main at the co-expression block for the main procedure and set
+ * k_current, the pointer to the current co-expression, to &main.
+ */
+ k_main.dword = D_Coexpr;
+ BlkLoc(k_main) = (union block *) mainhead;
+ k_current = k_main;
+ /*
+ * Read the interpretable code and data into memory.
+ */
+ if ((cbread = longread(code, sizeof(char), (long)hdr.hsize, fname)) !=
+ hdr.hsize) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Tried to read %ld bytes of code, got %ld\n",
+ (long)hdr.hsize,(long)cbread);
+ error(name, "bad icode file");
+ }
+ fclose(fname);
+ if (delete_icode) /* delete icode file if flag set earlier */
+ remove(name);
+ * Make sure the version number of the icode matches the interpreter version.
+ */
+ if (strcmp((char *)hdr.config,IVersion)) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"icode version mismatch in %s\n", name);
+ fprintf(stderr,"\ticode version: %s\n",(char *)hdr.config);
+ fprintf(stderr,"\texpected version: %s\n",IVersion);
+ error(name, "cannot run");
+ }
+#endif /* !COMPILER */
+ /*
+ * Initialize the event monitoring system, if configured.
+ */
+#ifdef EventMon
+ EVInit();
+#endif /* EventMon */
+ /*
+ * Resolve references from icode to run-time system.
+ */
+#ifdef MultiThread
+ resolve(NULL);
+#else /* MultiThread */
+ resolve();
+#endif /* MultiThread */
+#endif /* COMPILER */
+ /*
+ * Allocate and assign a buffer to stderr if possible.
+ */
+ if (noerrbuf)
+ setbuf(stderr, NULL);
+ else {
+ void *buf = malloc(BUFSIZ);
+ if (buf == NULL)
+ fatalerr(305, NULL);
+ setbuf(stderr, buf);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Start timing execution.
+ */
+ millisec();
+ }
+ * Service routines related to getting things started.
+ */
+ * Check for environment variables that Icon uses and set system
+ * values as is appropriate.
+ */
+void envset()
+ {
+ register char *p;
+ if ((p = getenv("NOERRBUF")) != NULL)
+ noerrbuf++;
+ env_int("TRACE", &k_trace, 0, (uword)0);
+ env_int("COEXPSIZE", &stksize, 1, (uword)MaxUnsigned);
+ env_int("STRSIZE", &ssize, 1, (uword)MaxBlock);
+ env_int("BLKSIZE", &abrsize, 1, (uword)MaxBlock);
+ env_int("MSTKSIZE", &mstksize, 1, (uword)MaxUnsigned);
+ env_int("QLSIZE", &qualsize, 1, (uword)MaxBlock);
+ env_int("IXCUSHION", &memcushion, 1, (uword)100); /* max 100 % */
+ env_int("IXGROWTH", &memgrowth, 1, (uword)10000); /* max 100x growth */
+ if ((p = getenv("ICONCORE")) != NULL && *p != '\0') {
+ /*
+ * ICONCORE is set. Reset traps to allow dump after abnormal termination.
+ */
+ dodump++;
+ signal(SIGFPE, SIG_DFL);
+ signal(SIGSEGV, SIG_DFL);
+ }
+ }
+ * env_err - print an error mesage about the value of an environment
+ * variable.
+ */
+static void env_err(msg, name, val)
+char *msg;
+char *name;
+char *val;
+ char msg_buf[100];
+ strncpy(msg_buf, msg, 99);
+ strncat(msg_buf, ": ", 99 - (int)strlen(msg_buf));
+ strncat(msg_buf, name, 99 - (int)strlen(msg_buf));
+ strncat(msg_buf, "=", 99 - (int)strlen(msg_buf));
+ strncat(msg_buf, val, 99 - (int)strlen(msg_buf));
+ error("", msg_buf);
+ * env_int - get the value of an integer-valued environment variable.
+ */
+void env_int(name, variable, non_neg, limit)
+char *name;
+word *variable;
+int non_neg;
+uword limit;
+ char *value;
+ char *s;
+ register uword n = 0;
+ register uword d;
+ int sign = 1;
+ if ((value = getenv(name)) == NULL || *value == '\0')
+ return;
+ s = value;
+ if (*s == '-') {
+ if (non_neg)
+ env_err("environment variable out of range", name, value);
+ sign = -1;
+ ++s;
+ }
+ else if (*s == '+')
+ ++s;
+ while (isdigit(*s)) {
+ d = *s++ - '0';
+ /*
+ * See if 10 * n + d > limit, but do it so there can be no overflow.
+ */
+ if ((d > (uword)(limit / 10 - n) * 10 + limit % 10) && (limit > 0))
+ env_err("environment variable out of range", name, value);
+ n = n * 10 + d;
+ }
+ if (*s != '\0')
+ env_err("environment variable not numeric", name, value);
+ *variable = sign * n;
+ * Termination routines.
+ */
+ * Produce run-time error 204 on floating-point traps.
+ */
+void fpetrap(int sig)
+ {
+ fatalerr(204, NULL);
+ }
+ * Produce run-time error 302 on segmentation faults.
+ */
+void segvtrap(int sig)
+ {
+ static int n = 0;
+ if (n != 0) { /* only try traceback once */
+ fprintf(stderr, "[Traceback failed]\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ n++;
+ fatalerr(302, NULL);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ * error - print error message from s1 and s2; used only in startup code.
+ */
+void error(s1, s2)
+char *s1, *s2;
+ {
+ if (!s1)
+ fprintf(stderr, "error in startup code\n%s\n", s2);
+ else
+ fprintf(stderr, "error in startup code\n%s: %s\n", s1, s2);
+ fflush(stderr);
+ if (dodump)
+ abort();
+ c_exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+ }
+ * syserr - print s as a system error.
+ */
+void syserr(s)
+char *s;
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "System error");
+ if (pfp == NULL)
+ fprintf(stderr, " in startup code");
+ else {
+ if (line_info)
+ fprintf(stderr, " at line %d in %s", line_num, file_name);
+#else /* COMPILER */
+ fprintf(stderr, " at line %ld in %s", (long)findline(ipc.opnd),
+ findfile(ipc.opnd));
+#endif /* COMPILER */
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n%s\n", s);
+ fflush(stderr);
+ if (dodump)
+ abort();
+ c_exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+ }
+ * c_exit(i) - flush all buffers and exit with status i.
+ */
+void c_exit(i)
+int i;
+#ifdef EventMon
+ if (curpstate != NULL) {
+ EVVal((word)i, E_Exit);
+ }
+#endif /* EventMon */
+#ifdef MultiThread
+ if (curpstate != NULL && curpstate->parent != NULL) {
+ /* might want to get to the lterm somehow, instead */
+ while (1) {
+ struct descrip dummy;
+ co_chng(curpstate->parent->Mainhead, NULL, &dummy, A_Cofail, 1);
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* MultiThread */
+#ifdef TallyOpt
+ {
+ int j;
+ if (tallyopt) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"tallies: ");
+ for (j=0; j<16; j++)
+ fprintf(stderr," %ld", (long)tallybin[j]);
+ fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* TallyOpt */
+ if (k_dump && ixinited) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"\nTermination dump:\n\n");
+ fflush(stderr);
+ fprintf(stderr,"co-expression #%ld(%ld)\n",
+ (long)BlkLoc(k_current)->,
+ (long)BlkLoc(k_current)->coexpr.size);
+ fflush(stderr);
+ xdisp(pfp,glbl_argp,k_level,stderr);
+ }
+ exit(i);
+ * err() is called if an erroneous situation occurs in the virtual
+ * machine code. It is typed as int to avoid declaration problems
+ * elsewhere.
+ */
+int err()
+ syserr("call to 'err'\n");
+ return 1; /* unreachable; make compilers happy */
+ * fatalerr - disable error conversion and call run-time error routine.
+ */
+void fatalerr(n, v)
+int n;
+dptr v;
+ {
+ IntVal(kywd_err) = 0;
+ err_msg(n, v);
+ }
+ * pstrnmcmp - compare names in two pstrnm structs; used for qsort.
+ */
+int pstrnmcmp(a,b)
+struct pstrnm *a, *b;
+ return strcmp(a->pstrep, b->pstrep);
+ * datainit - initialize some global variables.
+ */
+void datainit()
+ {
+ /*
+ * Initializations that cannot be performed statically (at least for
+ * some compilers). [[I?]]
+ */
+#ifdef MultiThread
+ k_errout.title = T_File;
+ k_input.title = T_File;
+ k_output.title = T_File;
+#endif /* MultiThread */
+ k_errout.fd = stderr;
+ StrLen(k_errout.fname) = 7;
+ StrLoc(k_errout.fname) = "&errout";
+ k_errout.status = Fs_Write;
+ if (k_input.fd == NULL)
+ k_input.fd = stdin;
+ StrLen(k_input.fname) = 6;
+ StrLoc(k_input.fname) = "&input";
+ k_input.status = Fs_Read;
+ if (k_output.fd == NULL)
+ k_output.fd = stdout;
+ StrLen(k_output.fname) = 7;
+ StrLoc(k_output.fname) = "&output";
+ k_output.status = Fs_Write;
+ IntVal(kywd_pos) = 1;
+ IntVal(kywd_ran) = 0;
+ StrLen(kywd_prog) = strlen(prog_name);
+ StrLoc(kywd_prog) = prog_name;
+ StrLen(k_subject) = 0;
+ StrLoc(k_subject) = "";
+#ifdef MSwindows
+ if (i != EXIT_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ char exit_msg[40];
+ sprintf(exit_msg, "Terminated with exit code %d", i);
+ MessageBox(NULL, exit_msg, prog_name, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);
+ }
+#endif /* defined(MSwindows) */
+ StrLen(blank) = 1;
+ StrLoc(blank) = " ";
+ StrLen(emptystr) = 0;
+ StrLoc(emptystr) = "";
+ BlkLoc(nullptr) = (union block *)NULL;
+ StrLen(lcase) = 26;
+ StrLoc(lcase) = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
+ StrLen(letr) = 1;
+ StrLoc(letr) = "r";
+ IntVal(nulldesc) = 0;
+ k_errorvalue = nulldesc;
+ IntVal(onedesc) = 1;
+ StrLen(ucase) = 26;
+ IntVal(zerodesc) = 0;
+#ifdef EventMon
+ * Initialization needed for event monitoring
+ */
+ BlkLoc(csetdesc) = (union block *)&fullcs;
+ BlkLoc(rzerodesc) = (union block *)&realzero;
+#endif /* EventMon */
+ maps2 = nulldesc;
+ maps3 = nulldesc;
+ qsort((char *)pntab,pnsize,sizeof(struct pstrnm), (int(*)())pstrnmcmp);
+ #endif /* COMPILER */
+ }
+#ifdef MultiThread
+ * loadicode - initialize memory particular to a given icode file
+ */
+struct b_coexpr * loadicode(name, theInput, theOutput, theError, bs, ss, stk)
+char *name;
+struct b_file *theInput, *theOutput, *theError;
+C_integer bs, ss, stk;
+ {
+ struct b_coexpr *coexp;
+ struct progstate *pstate;
+ struct header hdr;
+ FILE *fname = NULL;
+ word cbread, longread();
+ /*
+ * open the icode file and read the header
+ */
+ fname = readhdr(name,&hdr);
+ if (fname == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ /*
+ * Allocate memory for icode and the struct that describes it
+ */
+ Protect(coexp = alccoexp(hdr.hsize, stk),
+ { fprintf(stderr,"can't malloc new icode region\n");c_exit(EXIT_FAILURE);});
+ pstate = coexp->program;
+ /*
+ * Initialize values.
+ */
+ pstate->hsize = hdr.hsize;
+ pstate->parent= NULL;
+ pstate->parentdesc= nulldesc;
+ pstate->opcodemask= nulldesc;
+ pstate->eventmask= nulldesc;
+ pstate->eventcode= nulldesc;
+ pstate->eventval = nulldesc;
+ pstate->eventsource = nulldesc;
+ pstate->K_current.dword = D_Coexpr;
+ MakeInt(0, &(pstate->Kywd_err));
+ MakeInt(1, &(pstate->Kywd_pos));
+ MakeInt(0, &(pstate->Kywd_ran));
+ StrLen(pstate->Kywd_prog) = strlen(prog_name);
+ StrLoc(pstate->Kywd_prog) = prog_name;
+ StrLen(pstate->ksub) = 0;
+ StrLoc(pstate->ksub) = "";
+ MakeInt(hdr.trace, &(pstate->Kywd_trc));
+#ifdef EventMon
+ pstate->Linenum = pstate->Column = pstate->Lastline = pstate->Lastcol = 0;
+#endif /* EventMon */
+ pstate->Lastop = 0;
+ /*
+ * might want to override from TRACE environment variable here.
+ */
+ /*
+ * Establish pointers to icode data regions. [[I?]]
+ */
+ pstate->Mainhead= ((struct b_coexpr *)pstate)-1;
+ pstate->K_main.dword = D_Coexpr;
+ BlkLoc(pstate->K_main) = (union block *) pstate->Mainhead;
+ pstate->Code = (char *)(pstate + 1);
+ pstate->Ecode = (char *)(pstate->Code + hdr.Records);
+ pstate->Records = (word *)(pstate->Code + hdr.Records);
+ pstate->Ftabp = (int *)(pstate->Code + hdr.Ftab);
+#ifdef FieldTableCompression
+ pstate->Fo = (int *)(pstate->Code + hdr.Fo);
+ pstate->Focp = (unsigned char *)(pstate->Fo);
+ pstate->Fosp = (short *)(pstate->Fo);
+ pstate->Foffwidth = hdr.FoffWidth;
+ if (hdr.FoffWidth == 1) {
+ pstate->Bm = (char *)(pstate->Focp + hdr.Nfields);
+ }
+ else if (hdr.FoffWidth == 2) {
+ pstate->Bm = (char *)(pstate->Fosp + hdr.Nfields);
+ }
+ else
+ pstate->Bm = (char *)(pstate->Fo + hdr.Nfields);
+ pstate->Ftabwidth= hdr.FtabWidth;
+ pstate->Foffwidth = hdr.FoffWidth;
+ pstate->Ftabcp = (unsigned char *)(pstate->Code + hdr.Ftab);
+ pstate->Ftabsp = (short *)(pstate->Code + hdr.Ftab);
+#endif /* FieldTableCompression */
+ pstate->Fnames = (dptr)(pstate->Code + hdr.Fnames);
+ pstate->Globals = pstate->Efnames = (dptr)(pstate->Code + hdr.Globals);
+ pstate->Gnames = pstate->Eglobals = (dptr)(pstate->Code + hdr.Gnames);
+ pstate->NGlobals = pstate->Eglobals - pstate->Globals;
+ pstate->Statics = pstate->Egnames = (dptr)(pstate->Code + hdr.Statics);
+ pstate->Estatics = (dptr)(pstate->Code + hdr.Filenms);
+ pstate->NStatics = pstate->Estatics - pstate->Statics;
+ pstate->Filenms = (struct ipc_fname *)(pstate->Estatics);
+ pstate->Efilenms = (struct ipc_fname *)(pstate->Code + hdr.linenums);
+ pstate->Ilines = (struct ipc_line *)(pstate->Efilenms);
+ pstate->Elines = (struct ipc_line *)(pstate->Code + hdr.Strcons);
+ pstate->Strcons = (char *)(pstate->Elines);
+ pstate->K_errornumber = 0;
+ pstate->T_errornumber = 0;
+ pstate->Have_errval = 0;
+ pstate->T_have_val = 0;
+ pstate->K_errortext = "";
+ pstate->K_errorvalue = nulldesc;
+ pstate->T_errorvalue = nulldesc;
+#ifdef Graphics
+ MakeInt(0, &(pstate->AmperX));
+ MakeInt(0, &(pstate->AmperY));
+ MakeInt(0, &(pstate->AmperRow));
+ MakeInt(0, &(pstate->AmperCol));
+ MakeInt(0, &(pstate->AmperInterval));
+ pstate->LastEventWin = nulldesc;
+ pstate->Kywd_xwin[XKey_Window] = nulldesc;
+#endif /* Graphics */
+ pstate->Coexp_ser = 2;
+ pstate->List_ser = 1;
+ pstate->Set_ser = 1;
+ pstate->Table_ser = 1;
+ pstate->stringtotal = pstate->blocktotal =
+ pstate->colltot = pstate->collstat =
+ pstate->collstr = pstate->collblk = 0;
+ pstate->stringregion = (struct region *)malloc(sizeof(struct region));
+ pstate->blockregion = (struct region *)malloc(sizeof(struct region));
+ pstate->stringregion->size = ss;
+ pstate->blockregion->size = bs;
+ /*
+ * the local program region list starts out with this region only
+ */
+ pstate->stringregion->prev = NULL;
+ pstate->blockregion->prev = NULL;
+ pstate->stringregion->next = NULL;
+ pstate->blockregion->next = NULL;
+ /*
+ * the global region list links this region with curpstate's
+ */
+ pstate->stringregion->Gprev = curpstate->stringregion;
+ pstate->blockregion->Gprev = curpstate->blockregion;
+ pstate->stringregion->Gnext = curpstate->stringregion->Gnext;
+ pstate->blockregion->Gnext = curpstate->blockregion->Gnext;
+ if (curpstate->stringregion->Gnext)
+ curpstate->stringregion->Gnext->Gprev = pstate->stringregion;
+ curpstate->stringregion->Gnext = pstate->stringregion;
+ if (curpstate->blockregion->Gnext)
+ curpstate->blockregion->Gnext->Gprev = pstate->blockregion;
+ curpstate->blockregion->Gnext = pstate->blockregion;
+ initalloc(0, pstate);
+ pstate->K_errout = *theError;
+ pstate->K_input = *theInput;
+ pstate->K_output = *theOutput;
+ /*
+ * Read the interpretable code and data into memory.
+ */
+ if ((cbread = longread(pstate->Code, sizeof(char), (long)hdr.hsize, fname))
+ != hdr.hsize) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Tried to read %ld bytes of code, got %ld\n",
+ (long)hdr.hsize,(long)cbread);
+ error(name, "can't read interpreter code");
+ }
+ fclose(fname);
+ /*
+ * Make sure the version number of the icode matches the interpreter version
+ */
+ if (strcmp((char *)hdr.config,IVersion)) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"icode version mismatch in %s\n", name);
+ fprintf(stderr,"\ticode version: %s\n",(char *)hdr.config);
+ fprintf(stderr,"\texpected version: %s\n",IVersion);
+ error(name, "cannot run");
+ }
+ /*
+ * Resolve references from icode to run-time system.
+ * The first program has this done in icon_init after
+ * initializing the event monitoring system.
+ */
+ resolve(pstate);
+ return coexp;
+ }
+#endif /* MultiThread */
+#ifdef WinGraphics
+static void MSStartup(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance)
+ {
+ if (!hPrevInstance) {
+ wc.lpfnWndProc = WndProc;
+ wc.cbClsExtra = 0;
+ wc.cbWndExtra = 0;
+ wc.hInstance = hInstance;
+ wc.hIcon = NULL;
+ wc.hCursor = NULL;
+ wc.hbrBackground = GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH);
+ wc.lpszMenuName = NULL;
+ wc.lpszClassName = "iconx";
+ RegisterClass(&wc);
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* WinGraphics */