path: root/tests/bench/ipxref.dat
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/bench/ipxref.dat')
1 files changed, 239 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/bench/ipxref.dat b/tests/bench/ipxref.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f1a844
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/bench/ipxref.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+# Name: ipxref.icn
+# Title: Produce cross reference for Icon program
+# Author: Allan J. Anderson
+# Date: June 10, 1988
+# This program cross-references Icon programs. It lists the
+# occurrences of each variable by line number. Variables are listed
+# by procedure or separately as globals. The options specify the
+# formatting of the output and whether or not to cross-reference
+# quoted strings and non-alphanumerics. Variables that are followed
+# by a left parenthesis are listed with an asterisk following the
+# name. If a file is not specified, then standard input is cross-
+# referenced.
+# Options: The following options change the format defaults:
+# -c n The column width per line number. The default is 4
+# columns wide.
+# -l n The starting column (i.e. left margin) of the line
+# numbers. The default is column 40.
+# -w n The column width of the whole output line. The default
+# is 80 columns wide.
+# Normally only alphanumerics are cross-referenced. These
+# options expand what is considered:
+# -q Include quoted strings.
+# -x Include all non-alphanumerics.
+# Note: This program assumes the subject file is a valid Icon pro-
+# gram. For example, quotes are expected to be matched.
+# Bugs:
+# In some situations, the output is not properly formatted.
+# Links: options, post
+link options, post
+global resword, linenum, letters, alphas, var, buffer, qflag, infile, xflag
+global inmaxcol, inlmarg, inchunk, localvar, lin
+record procrec(pname,begline,lastline)
+procedure main(args)
+ local word, w2, p, prec, i, L, ln, switches, nfile
+ Init__("ipxref")
+ resword := ["break","by","case","default","do","dynamic","else","end",
+ "every","fail","global","if","initial","link", "local","next","not",
+ "of","procedure", "record","repeat","return","static","suspend","then",
+ "to","until","while"]
+ linenum := 0
+ var := table() # var[variable[proc]] is list of line numbers
+ prec := [] # list of procedure records
+ localvar := [] # list of local variables of current routine
+ buffer := [] # a put-back buffer for getword
+ proc := "global"
+ letters := &letters ++ '_'
+ alphas := letters ++ &digits
+ switches := options(args,"qxw+l+c+")
+ if \switches["q"] then qflag := 1
+ if \switches["x"] then xflag := 1
+ inmaxcol := \switches["w"]
+ inlmarg := \switches["l"]
+ inchunk := \switches["c"]
+ infile := open(args[1],"r") # could use some checking
+ while word := getword() do
+ if word == "link" then {
+ buffer := []
+ lin := ""
+ next
+ }
+ else if word == "procedure" then {
+ put(prec,procrec("",linenum,0))
+ proc := getword() | break
+ p := pull(prec)
+ p.pname := proc
+ put(prec,p)
+ }
+ else if word == ("global" | "link" | "record") then {
+ word := getword() | break
+ addword(word,"global",linenum)
+ while (w2 := getword()) == "," do {
+ if word == !resword then break
+ word := getword() | break
+ addword(word,"global",linenum)
+ }
+ put(buffer,w2)
+ }
+ else if word == ("local" | "dynamic" | "static") then {
+ word := getword() | break
+ put(localvar,word)
+ addword(word,proc,linenum)
+ while (w2 := getword()) == "," do {
+ if word == !resword then break
+ word := getword() | break
+ put(localvar,word)
+ addword(word,proc,linenum)
+ }
+ put(buffer,w2)
+ }
+ else if word == "end" then {
+ proc := "global"
+ localvar := []
+ p := pull(prec)
+ p.lastline := linenum
+ put(prec,p)
+ }
+ else if word == !resword then
+ next
+ else {
+ ln := linenum
+ if (w2 := getword()) == "(" then
+ word ||:= " *" # special mark for procedures
+ else
+ put(buffer,w2) # put back w2
+ addword(word,proc,ln)
+ }
+ every write(!format(var))
+ write("\n\nprocedures:\tlines:\n")
+ L := []
+ every p := !prec do
+ put(L,left(p.pname,16," ") || p.begline || "-" || p.lastline)
+ every write(!sort(L))
+ Term__()
+procedure addword(word,proc,lineno)
+ if any(letters,word) | \xflag then {
+ /var[word] := table()
+ if /var[word]["global"] | (word == !\localvar) then {
+ /(var[word])[proc] := [word,proc]
+ put((var[word])[proc],lineno)
+ }
+ else {
+ /var[word]["global"] := [word,"global"]
+ put((var[word])["global"],lineno)
+ }
+ }
+procedure getword()
+ local j, c
+ static i, nonwhite
+ initial nonwhite := ~' \t\n'
+ repeat {
+ if *buffer > 0 then return get(buffer)
+ if /lin | i = *lin + 1 then
+ if lin := read(infile) then {
+ i := 1
+ linenum +:= 1
+ }
+ else fail
+ if i := upto(nonwhite,lin,i) then { # skip white space
+ j := i
+ if lin[i] == ("'" | "\"") then { # don't xref quoted words
+ if /qflag then {
+ c := lin[i]
+ i +:= 1
+ repeat
+ if i := upto(c ++ '\\',lin,i) + 1 then
+ if lin[i - 1] == c then break
+ else i +:= 1
+ else {
+ i := 1
+ linenum +:= 1
+ lin := read(infile) | fail
+ }
+ }
+ else i +:= 1
+ }
+ else if lin[i] == "#" then { # don't xref comments; get next line
+ i := *lin + 1
+ }
+ else if i := many(alphas,lin,i) then
+ return lin[j:i]
+ else {
+ i +:= 1
+ return lin[i - 1]
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ i := *lin + 1
+ } # repeat
+procedure format(T)
+ local V, block, n, L, lin, maxcol, lmargin, chunk, col
+ initial {
+ maxcol := \inmaxcol | 80
+ lmargin := \inlmarg | 40
+ chunk := \inchunk | 4
+ }
+ L := []
+ col := lmargin
+ every V := !T do
+ every block := !V do {
+ lin := left(block[1],16," ") || left(block[2],lmargin - 16," ")
+ every lin ||:= center(block[3 to *block],chunk," ") do {
+ col +:= chunk
+ if col >= maxcol - chunk then {
+ lin ||:= "\n\t\t\t\t\t"
+ col := lmargin
+ }
+ }
+ if col = lmargin then lin := lin[1:-6] # came out exactly even
+ put(L,lin)
+ col := lmargin
+ }
+ L := sort(L)
+ push(L,"variable\tprocedure\t\tline numbers\n")
+ return L